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AssoclaLe CllenL Lxecuuve aL 2345 !3667894:;38<, San lranclsco, CA !anuary 2013 - resenL
- SLarLed as an lnLern ln !anuary 2013 and was promoLed Lo assoclaLe cllenL execuuve ln May 2013
- Worklng wlLh cllenLs ln Lhe Lechnology lndusLry lncludlng P and alo AlLo neLworks
- Wrlung and edlung: press releases, medla alerLs, backgrounders, brleng books, promouonal maLerlal and collaLeral
- uralng, edlung and plLchlng sLory ldeas Lo key medla
- lannlng, promoung and execuung evenLs, medla brlengs and conference appearances
- Creaung and malnLalnlng a soclal medla edlLorlal calendar
- ubllshlng cllenL approved conLenL on soclal medla slLes lncludlng 1wluer, lacebook, Coogle+, Llnkedln and Wordress
- MonlLorlng for cllenL and compeuLor medla coverage and Lracklng soclal medla meLrlcs
- Creaung and malnLalnlng Lracklng documenLs for edlLorlal opporLunlues and award submlsslon opporLunlues
AccounL Lxecuuve aL =3>>? =:8<58 ,7@>94 /5>:;38<, SanLa 8osa, CA !une 2011 - november 2012
ubllc 8elauons lnLern aL AB:8:C: -9<DB3 E -3BB:4F:, San Luls Cblspo, CA !anuary 2011 - March 2011
Markeung lnLern for !:> ,3>? #58G< )3445B, San Luls Cblspo, CA AugusL 2010 - november 2010
ubllc 8elauons lnLern aL H I:J>:8 !3667894:;38<, SanLa 8osa, CA !une 2010 - AugusL 2010
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CounLer AgenL aL =5BDK /58DL:L!:B, San Luls Cblspo, CA !anuary 2009 - !anuary 2010
8arlsLa aL )D:B@74M< !3N55 !36J:8?, SanLa 8osa, CA uecember 2007 - AugusL 2008
AugusL 2006 - AugusL 2007
!:>9P3B89: ,3>?D54F894 )D:D5 $89Q5B<9D?, San Luls Cblspo, CA SepLember 2007 - !une 2011
8achelor of Sclence, !ournallsm ConcenLrauon: ubllc 8elauons
Amllauons: 8SSA member (2009-2011), 8SSA 1reasurer (2011), Week of Welcome CrlenLauon Leader (March 2009-
SepLember 2009)
Awards: uean's LlsL (Sprlng 2010, WlnLer 2011)
)5893B !:J<D385 ,B3R54DS WlnLer 2011
ubllc 8elauons ln Lhe Callfornla Wlne lndusLry: lmprovlng soclal medla use focuslng on lacebook and 1wluer
#38DT365B? =9TF )4F33>, SanLa 8osa, CA SepLember 2003 - !une 2007
Plgh School ulploma
Amllauons: !v & varslLy Cheerleader (2003-2007), ?earbook SLa (2003-2004, 2003-2006), !ournallsm SLa (2006-2007)
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- Mlcroso Cmce
- PooLsulLe
- Adobe lnueslgn, lllusLraLor, hoLoshop
- roclenL ln Mac and C
- Mallchlmp, ConsLanL ConLacL
- ClslonolnL, MyMedlalnfo
)(0,='%&0 #""/0 (707) 849-3149 sLephannmoore[

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