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Colegio Gimnasio

Campestre San Sebastián

NAME: _______________________________________________ NINTH GRADE [9th]
DATE: ___________________________________________________________________
TEACHER: David D’ Avila Arce

1. Math the information with the correct label.

a. Predation >interaction between individuals or populations
that is mutually detrimental

b. Commensalism >interaction between two or more species, where

species derive a mutual benefit

c. Mutualism >benefits one organism and the other organism is

neither benefited nor harmed

d. Competition >Interaction where an organism feeds on its prey

e. Domestication >Interaction between Animals and humans

2. Draw.

a. Domestic b. Predation

3. Answer. What do you think about the large predator of the nature that kill other

4. Write a paragraph about how human interact with the animals.


5. Look and describe the image (a bird and a rhino)


6. Choose the best option for each sentence.

a. If you take care a cat in your home is:
-competition -domestication -predation -collaboration

b. When a drag eats leftovers of food of a shark it is:

-commensalism -mutualism -competition -game

c. When a tiger hunts and eats a zebra is:

-predation -competition -domestication -fury

d. When a bird eats the vermin in the spin of the cows is:
-mutualism -competition -predation -friendship

7. Write true (t) or false (f).

a. Human can’t have animals like pets. ______
b. All animals can live in a same place. ______
c. Predators hunt plants to survive. _______
d. When two species of animals help each other is mutualism. ______
e. If a group of lions banish a group of cheetahs, it is competition. ______

8. What do you think is the biggest difference between animals and humans?

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