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9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy

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·-.,..~~~nt; "Telephonic interview ofBIC-E·SAl .. __ ~lassigned to San Diego, California.

, , ,

Dat~. of.Interview: June 30, 2004 '

, .
... ...... .., '..

Speci~I"~c'c~~S Issues':"'N~ne
"prepared b·Y;,.Mar~o A. Cordero.

" \"""~te,amNumberrTA
, '


. 'ra.rti~ipants - Commissionr-Marco A. Cord~ro.,.

'\,P'~.rt~ci~,ants - Non-Co~~ssio~:'I .. __

" 00. June 30, 2004 co~'mission staffer Cordero contact~'

...... of BICE at
telephone numbers 0 ascertain
whether "~e 6,f any.:ofhis co-workers"Qad ever interviewed Joann Valencia, now Joann
AtoigU,e, SSN:~ ; l Rebecca Joe Carlson, ss~1 'Yajaira Ruiz, SSN
\' ". ", ", la~d/or Andrea Robinson, now Andrea Louch, sSN,1 'regarding

\ i their" Nawaf Al-Hazmi, Mohdar Abdullah and/or'Omar Bakarbashat or any
'/ other·.indtvj'~f(i~l employed at La Mesa Texa~o·jn''La Mesa.California .
(" \" \~ ,/ \.. \.. .. .'.... '. " " """

: " r::Ld~.isedJhat his co-workers wlr{~h were.not memorialized by Cordero had

"jntervie)V~({'Joartn V'alenciai Atoi e Andrea Ro .iii'soniLouch and Rebecca Carlson.

vi/Cordero ilskedQhethilFthe·cornrnission could obt~incopies the reports .

memorializing Valencia's, Robinson's and Carlson's interviews. H~ advised that he did
n~t\pave a problem, sharing !,lle.sereports but that he had to obtain approval from his :/
,SUp~rvisors. ,":'/ ," '. -. :/

.'.. '\ Later thatdlJ,y'Oontacted Cordero to advise that his immediate supervisor had
approved therelease of the documents but that he (supervisor) would have to obtain
furthettppr~YaJs. Cordero provide4::]with the commission's unclassified ,f'ax\1umber
so tha~ , ould fax. the documents when he received all the necessary apprOvals.·D
advisedthat he would fax them as soon as possible. '

9/11 Closed by

9/11 Personal Privacy

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