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Unwinding RNA’s secrets: advances in the biology, physics, and

modeling of complex RNAs
Vincent B Chu2 and Daniel Herschlag1

The rapid development of our understanding of the diverse Study of catalytic RNAs, which allows detection of correct
biological roles fulfilled by non-coding RNA has motivated folding via activity measurements, has established basic
interest in the basic macromolecular behavior, structure, and thermodynamic and kinetic properties of RNA folding.
function of RNA. We focus on two areas in the behavior of Large catalytic RNAs such as the group I intron from
complex RNAs. First, we present advances in the Tetrahymena thermophila and the RNase P RNA from
understanding of how RNA folding is accomplished in vivo by Bacillus subtilis fold at vastly different rates under differ-
presenting a mechanism for the action of DEAD-box proteins. ent conditions upon addition of Mg2+ and have been
Members of this family are intimately associated with almost all shown to fold via multiple parallel pathways, in which
cellular processes involving RNA, mediating RNA structural different molecules follow different routes with different
rearrangements and chaperoning their folding. Next, we focus rates and intermediates, to a common final folded struc-
on advances in understanding, and characterizing the basic ture [4,5]. These observations support the common view
biophysical forces that govern the folding of complex RNAs. that RNAs traverse rugged energy landscapes as they fold
Ultimately we expect that a confluence and synergy between [6,7]. However, little is known about the true shape of
these approaches will lead to profound understanding of RNA these landscapes, and our understanding of the under-
and its biology. lying physical behavior of RNA is severely limited.
Department of Biochemistry, Stanford University, B400, Beckman The rugged folding landscape predisposes RNA to form-
Center, Stanford, CA 94305, United States ing long-lived misfolded states. Indeed, essentially all
Department of Applied Physics, Stanford University, GLAM, functional RNAs studied in vitro have been found to form
McCullough 318, 476 Lomita Mall, Stanford, CA 94305,
United States
such alternative states, from alternative tRNA folds dis-
covered in the 1960s [8–10] to a recently suggested
Corresponding author: Chu, Vincent B ( and topological isomer of a group I intron that takes hours
Herschlag, Daniel ( or days to refold [7,11].

RNA’s propensity to misfold has been attributed to its

Current Opinion in Structural Biology 2008, 18:305–314
intrinsic ‘character flaws’: the low information content of
This review comes from a themed issue on its four side chains (relative to the 20 for proteins), the
Nucleic acids sequestration of these side chains in helices (relative to
Edited by Jennifer Doudna and Joseph Puglisi
the outward-facing side chains in peptide beta sheets and
alpha helices), the promiscuous ability of any base to form
multiple hydrogen bonds with any other base, and the
0959-440X/$ – see front matter high stability of stacking interactions of rigidly oriented
# 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
groups upon the cyclic base (relative to the more flexible
DOI 10.1016/ protein side chains) [12,13].

It has been suggested that the problems encountered by

RNA provided an inroad for peptides and proteins in the
The explosion in our knowledge about non-coding RNA presumed early RNA world [13–15]. RNA chaperones,
(ncRNA) – RNA that is not translated into protein – has proteins that can reorient RNA structures, presumably
expanded interest in RNA beyond the traditional RNA evolved to address this misfolding, and considerable
community. Diverse ncRNAs include the recently dis- evidence for the existence and roles of RNA chaperones
covered riboswitches, whose novel gene-regulation func- has accumulated over the past decade [16–19].
tion is induced by the binding of small metabolites [1];
most of the so-called ‘Human Accelerated Regions’ In this review, we first focus on recent advances in the
(HAR) of the human genome, whose recent evolution field of chaperone-assisted RNA folding—one of the
may be linked to the emergence of the human brain [2]; more complex processes in RNA biology. We then turn
and many ncRNAs of unknown function [3]. These to recent conceptual and experimental advances in un-
discoveries underscore the need to understand the funda- derstanding the basic physical forces that underlie com-
mental macromolecular behavior of RNA, its structure plex RNAs and RNA/protein complexes. We end with a
and dynamics, and how these RNAs are handled and brief discussion of recent technical advances that will be
exploited in biology. crucial for developing a deep energetic, dynamic, and Current Opinion in Structural Biology 2008, 18:305–314

306 Nucleic acids

structural understanding of RNA and, ultimately, for cing of group I and II introns in vivo; these deleterious
drawing profound connections between these physical effects could be largely rescued by the expression of a
properties and behaviors and the biology of RNAs and related DEAD-box protein, CYT-19 from Neurospora
RNA/protein complexes. crassa [38]. Further, Mss116p and CYT-19 were shown
to promote group I and group II intron splicing in vitro, as
By necessity, more has been omitted than included in this was the cytosolic DEAD-box protein, Ded1p [37,38,39].
short review. Fortunately, there are insightful reviews in Each of these proteins was also shown to unwind RNA
these omitted areas (e.g. [20–28]). It is a remarkable helices non-specifically in an ATP-dependent manner
testament to those in the rather small world of RNA [36,37,39–41].
folding and function that so much progress has been
made in the relatively short time of modern studies of The ability of these DEAD-box proteins to promote
RNA folding and dynamics. proper folding of structurally diverse RNAs and their
common structural features suggest that mechanistic
How ATP-dependent RNA chaperones assist details obtained for one particular DEAD-box protein
folding and RNA substrate may yield general insights for a wide
The predisposition of RNA for misfolding or slow folding variety of DEAD-box proteins. Recently, the mechanism
under physiological conditions poses serious challenges of CYT-19 has been probed in the folding and function of
for RNA in vivo [7,13]. Paradoxically, some RNA struc- a ribozyme derived from the Tetrahymena group I intron.
tural elements seem to exacerbate misfolding; studies of CYT-19 was shown to act non-specifically, disrupting
the group I intron from Tetrahymena have shown that its both misfolded and native forms of the ribozyme. How-
P5abc domain stabilizes misfolded intermediates and ever, the efficiency of unfolding activity was dependent
dramatically slows refolding of these intermediates into on the stability of the RNA species, with CYT-19 unfold-
the native state [11,29,30]. P5abc’s detrimental effect on ing the misfolded RNA at least 50-fold faster than the
folding kinetics is balanced by its ability to confer thermo- native ribozyme [42,43].
dynamic stability to the native state and enhance its
catalytic activity [31,32]. RNA chaperones that rescue Unexpectedly, CYT-19 was also able to unwind the base
misfolded structures allow an escape from these opposing paired P1 duplex, formed between the ribozyme and its
demands for catalytic and folding efficiency by relieving oligonucleotide substrate, much more efficiently than the
selective pressure against slow folding or misfolding same duplex free in solution, demonstrating that local
RNAs. unwinding activity was enhanced by the presence of the
larger intron structure. Further, unwinding activity was
Members of the DExD/H-box protein family, principally abolished if tertiary contacts were formed between P1
from the major subfamily DEAD-box (the eponymous and the intron. This curious result immediately suggested
DEAD motif is one-letter code for the amino acid a physical model for the chaperone activity of CYT-19
sequence Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp), are involved in virtually and other DEAD-box proteins. Chaperones function by
every cellular process involving RNA, ranging from spli- first binding non-specifically to structured RNA, then
cing, transport, localization, translation, and decay [23,33]. rearranging RNA structure by unwinding double-
Although DEAD-box proteins have been casually stranded regions and perhaps other accessible structures
referred to as ‘RNA helicases’ on the basis of their [36]. This general model was also supported by a clever
structural similarity to DNA helicases, they are unlikely experiment in which the unwinding activity of Ded1p
to processively unwind helices, as RNA rarely contains was shown to be enhanced by an ssRNA tethered through
the long helical stretches found in genomic DNA. a streptavidin linker to a model RNA duplex [44].
Furthermore, functional RNAs often require confor-
mational transitions other than simple helical rearrange- These and related results lead to a general model for RNA
ments. Since DEAD-box proteins may function chaperone function (Figure 1) [40,45]. The proteins do
differently from canonical DNA helicases, they have not recognize any specific structural features of their
been less judgmentally referred to as RNA-dependent target RNAs; unfolding efficiency is dependent on the
ATPases or RNA ‘unwindases’ [34,35,36]. accessibility of the target. If a structural element is loosely
associated with the rest of the RNA, it is easy to ‘grab’ and
The discovery of DEAD-box proteins that promote spli- unwind. This model elegantly explains the enhanced
cing in the well-characterized group I and II introns activity of CYT-19 on misfolded relative to native
opened the door for recent mechanistic breakthroughs RNA, as properly folded structure is more compact and
[18,37,38,39]. Interestingly, these DEAD-box proteins will have fewer conformational excursions of its structural
were shown to be interchangeable to a substantial extent, elements.
demonstrating that they function rather promiscuously.
Deletion of Mss116p, a mitochondrial DEAD-box protein A consequence of non-specific unfolding activity is that
from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, adversely affected the spli- DExD/H-box proteins can drive folding away from

Current Opinion in Structural Biology 2008, 18:305–314

Advances in RNA structure and function Herschlag and Chu 307

Figure 1

Model for general ATP-driven chaperone activity by CYT-19 and other DEAD-box proteins. CYT-19 first binds to structured RNAs using a binding site
(RBD). Binding of CYT-19 then allows for structural rearrangement through local, non-processive unwinding of helical elements such as the P1 duplex
(green and red strands). In general, the accessibility of the targeted structural element determines CYT-19’s unwinding efficiency. Reprinted from
[36]. Copyright 1993–2008 by The National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, all rights reserved.

thermodynamic equilibrium, and such effects have unraveling the physical roles played by DExD/H-box
recently been demonstrated for Ded1p and CYT-19 proteins. The recently attained ability to follow pre-
[42,43,46]. These results suggest that, subsequent to mRNA splicing by FRET at the single molecule level
each ATP-driven unfolding event, the RNA repartitions represents a technical breakthrough toward this import-
between folding forms based on the kinetics of this ant goal [50].
partitioning rather than the stability of the ultimate
folded states. If the stability and accessibility differences Simple forces underlying the complex
between the alternative folded states of the RNA are not behavior of RNA
too large, the chaperone can unfold both species and allow As noted in the Introduction, one of the primary lessons
accumulation of a less stable but kinetically preferred from prior work is that RNA folding is highly complex.
state. However, work from several groups, aimed at understand-
ing the underlying physical properties of RNA and the
The ability of DExD/H-box proteins to perturb RNAs behavior of RNA components, suggests the feasibility and
away from thermodynamic equilibrium may also have potential of a ‘bottom up’ approach to RNA folding.
profound biological implications beyond its implications
for the chaperone mechanism. Structured RNAs are Figure 2 presents a simple hierarchy of forces and features
involved in complex, multi-step processes, such as pre- that underlie the folding of all RNAs. Understanding the
mRNA splicing and translation. Although the details of underlying behavior of each component, from theory or
these processes remain elusive, it is plausible that DExD/ empirical observation, would provide the foundation for
H-box proteins capture the energy of ATP hydrolysis to describing and understanding of the behavior of complex
drive the transient formation of thermodynamically RNAs. In this section, we explain this hierarchy and
unstable states that are part of the normal reaction cycle. emphasize some recent foundational advances in our
Although non-specific DEAD-box chaperones could be understanding.
important for these processes, presumably most of the
required structural changes are mediated by dedicated The formation of secondary structure, encoded in RNA
DExD/H-box proteins, which use specific RNA or sequence, is typically an early step in folding. The
protein interactions to position themselves within com- stability of RNA secondary structure and the fact that
plexes for rearrangement of the desired structural formation of secondary and tertiary structure is often
element [47–49]. temporally separated simplifies the consideration of the
folding process [51] (see also [28]). However, RNA sec-
A future challenge in this area is dissecting the individual ondary structure topology is more complex than the
reaction steps in complex RNA-mediated processes and topology of proteins, and understanding this complexity Current Opinion in Structural Biology 2008, 18:305–314

308 Nucleic acids

Figure 2 ated with a nucleic acid under a variety of ionic

conditions. This technique allows RNA systems to be
characterized stoichiometrically in terms of the number of
each cation and anion species present in the ion atmos-
phere [58].

The next challenge is the calculation of electrostatic

energies, as these energies determine the energetic pen-
alty of assembling helices in densely packed arrange-
ments. Most simply, helices at low ionic concentrations
repel; at higher ionic concentration, this repulsion is
reduced owing to the enhanced screening, allowing
helices to approach one another (Figure 2a). However,
some have proposed the existence of attractive forces in
polyelectrolyte systems under certain ionic conditions
that may be responsible for the coalescence of helices
in the folded state [59,60].

While simulation experiments and the aggregation of

DNA and RNA in ethanol during standard precipitation
A schematic of the hierarchy of forces that determine RNA folding. procedures and other conditions demonstrate the exist-
Electrostatic repulsion between helices (depicted as cylinders) dictates
ence of such attractive forces under some conditions, their
the energetic cost of forming a compact structure. Electrostatic
screening from an associated ion atmosphere (blue dots) mitigates this exact magnitude and significance for folding in vitro was
cost (a). Junctions that join helical regions bias the relative positions of unknown [61,62]. The magnitude of these attractive
the helices that they join, bringing different regions of secondary forces was tested with a simple model: two DNA helices
structure in close proximity (b). Recurring tertiary motifs bind secondary tethered together by a neutral polyethylene glycol tether.
structure elements together and stabilize the final folded state. Some
motifs, such as the tetraloop/tetraloop receptor (whose secondary
Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) revealed no signifi-
structure is pictured) are highly conserved and ubiquitous throughout cant attractive forces under standard in vitro folding
RNA structure (c). conditions [63]. Thus, the observed ‘electrostatic col-
lapse’ of large RNAs upon addition of ions appears to
arise from a screening of repulsive force rather than the
and the folding constraints introduced by secondary action of an attractive one (e.g. [64–66]).
structure topology will require advanced modeling and
experimental approaches [52,53]. There have also been recent advances in understanding
and quantitating electrostatic forces. The predominant
In the absence of other forces, the predominant force on electrostatic theory used by biochemists has been Pois-
secondary structure helices (depicted in Figure 2 as son-Boltzmann (PB) theory, a computationally con-
cylinders) is the enormous inter-helical electrostatic venient method for calculation of approximate
repulsion due to the polyelectrolyte nature of the electrostatic forces [67]. PB theory neglects potentially
RNA. Draper has written extensively on the importance important excluded volume effects from ion-size and
of the ‘ion atmosphere’ that surrounds any polyelectrolyte positional correlation effects from ion–ion electrostatic
and has noted that the ions in this atmosphere are likely to interactions. In particular, correlation effects are pre-
provide the dominant electrostatic contribution to the dicted to be more important for multivalent ions.
folding energetics, far greater than any ions bound to
specific sites within the RNA [54,55]. Simulation has suggested that PB theory is inadequate for
describing electrostatic energies for nucleic acids in the
Nevertheless, the ion atmosphere has been a difficult presence of divalent ions such as Mg2+, a conclusion
concept for experimentalists to grasp, both because of supported by experiments assessing the effects of ions
limited familiarity with the underlying theory and on DNA duplex stability ([68,69] and references therein).
because of our inability to directly visualize this dynamic However, the opposite conclusion has been drawn from
sheath of ions via X-ray crystallography or other direct fitting RNA folding transitions to PB predictions [70–74].
approaches. Thus, the recent ability to decipher the shape Ion-counting and SAXS experiments have provided a
of this atmosphere by anomalous small angle X-ray scat- simple test for these effects and have revealed effects
tering provided an unusually direct experimental window of ion size and valence that are not accounted for by PB
into properties of the atmosphere [56,57]. Further, the theory, with deviations up to an order of magnitude in the
contents of the atmosphere have recently been quanti- systems investigated [58,75]. Advances in theory and
tatively dissected, by essentially counting the ions associ- simulation are required to account for these discrepancies

Current Opinion in Structural Biology 2008, 18:305–314

Advances in RNA structure and function Herschlag and Chu 309

and obtain accurate electrostatic energies for use in dis- Instead of a special role for Mg2+, folding of P4–P6 and of
secting RNA folding and RNA/protein energetics [76,77]. RNAs in general can be accounted for by a simple balance
of forces and interactions outlined in Figure 2. Unfavor-
The junctions in secondary structure bias the confor- able electrostatic repulsion and loss of conformational
mations of the helices they join (Figure 2b). Ground- entropy in the folded state resist folding, whereas junc-
breaking work by Lilley on Holliday junctions – four-way tion preferences and tertiary motif formation favor it.
DNA junctions involved in recombination – and junctions Electrostatic forces are modulated by ion concentration
found in structured RNAs has shown that these junctions and valence; thus, even monovalent cations can mitigate
position their attached helices into preferred confor- electrostatic repulsion to allow folding to be favorable if
mations [78–80]. Such preferred geometries are integral present at sufficient concentrations. Fewer divalent ions
to the adoption of stable, active structure by functional are needed since they are much more effective at charge
RNAs. Ha and Lilley have used single molecule FRET to screening (localizing a single divalent ion around RNA is
probe the underlying kinetics and thermodynamics of entropically less costly than two monovalents). Specific
hairpin ribozyme folding, showing that the conformation- divalent ion binding sites – if present in the folded RNA –
al dynamics of its junction accelerate folding and promote contribute additional stability. The contributions from
formation of its active site [81]. An important challenge specifically bound divalent cations have been isolated by
for understanding and predicting RNA structure and saturating the ion atmosphere with monovalent cations
dynamics remains to interrogate the behaviors and struc- and following the binding of two specific divalent metal
tures of isolated RNA junctions to reveal their intrinsic ions to the core of the P4–P6 RNA [98,99] (see also [100]).
behaviors and then how these behaviors determine and
are modulated by the rest of the RNA molecule in which RNA: present and future
they are found. The development of a database of RNA We have highlighted some of the conceptual and exper-
junctions extracted from structured RNAs will undoubt- imental advances over the past few years and some of the
edly help advance this goal [82]. future challenges. In this section, we briefly note some
additional methodological advances in the context of
RNAs often utilize motifs for ‘gluing’ RNA secondary challenges that remain in unraveling the structure, ener-
structure together to fold to precise tertiary structures getics, and dynamics of RNA.
(Figure 2c). Long-range interactions in RNA are often
found by phylogenetic covariation, beginning with tRNA Single molecule force experiments have far exceeded
whose tertiary structure was first modeled in 1969 [83]. simple proof-of-principle experiments and have been
The tetraloop/tetraloop receptor motif is perhaps the used to elucidate the folding thermodynamics and
most famous RNA motif. It was first identified by phy- kinetics for several RNAs [101–104,105,106]. This
logeny in group I and II introns by Michel, Westhof, and approach has answered one of the most fundamental
colleagues and observed for the first time in the seminal questions in nucleic acid structure formation, providing
crystal structure of the P4–P6 domain of the Tetrahymena direct evidence for the long-held nucleation model for
group I intron, in which this motif reinforces the side-by- duplex involving formation of two to three base pairs
side packing architecture of RNA helices [84–86]. This before rapid formation of the remainder of the duplex
motif and others are ubiquitous in the ribosome and other [107]. Further, it has been shown that force unfolding data
structured RNAs [87–91]. We wish to emphasize that can be deconstructed into a complete energy landscape
information on motif partners and secondary structure – [108]. It will be fascinating to see if this approach can be
determined from phylogeny – provides a powerful tool in applied to increasingly complex RNAs.
modeling RNA structure. Westhof has developed and
exploited this tool to create impressive first generation There have been important advances in studying the
three-dimensional models for many structured RNAs kinetics of the folding of medium and large RNAs.
[92]. Time-resolved hydroxyl radical footprinting experiments
at millisecond resolution are now routinely conducted
Early studies emphasized special roles for Mg2+ in RNA using standard rapid-quench devices, without the need
folding and function. However, some RNAs have been for synchrotron radiation to generate radicals [109].
shown to fold without Mg2+ [93–95]. Some, such as the Thus, a large body of kinetic data on RNA folding at
hairpin and hammerhead ribozymes, can even function the residue level is readily obtainable. This large body of
in its absence [96,97]. A recent dissection of folding the data can be analyzed in minutes instead of hours, using
P4–P6 domain from the Tetrahymena group I intron has freely available semi-automated software (https://simtk.
helped clarify the roles of metal ions in RNA folding org/home/safa) [110]. Still higher throughput data acqui-
and, more generally, the underlying energetics of fold- sition is now possible using capillary electrophoresis and a
ing [94]. This RNA can adopt a compact shape with its software analysis package called CAFA [111]. Parallel
tetraloop motif formed in the presence of monovalent advances have been made with a new and powerful
ions alone. footprinting approach called ‘SHAPE’, which shows Current Opinion in Structural Biology 2008, 18:305–314

310 Nucleic acids

protection data for residues in secondary and tertiary will converge in the coming decade as biological systems
structures [112–114]. New kinetic modeling approaches are reconstituted and characterized and the tools for un-
have greatly simplified and systematized the develop- derstanding RNA are developed and perfected. While
ment of kinetic models from large sets of footprinting there is much work ahead, we eagerly anticipate that union.
data; such an approach has been recently applied to
characterize the folding pathways of wild type and mutant Conflicts of interest
Tetrahymena group I intron [115,116]. The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

Early single molecule FRET studies on RNA folding Acknowledgements

kinetics revealed a wealth of information inaccessible to The authors thank and apologize to the many investigators in the RNA
world whose work has contributed greatly to our overall understanding of
traditional pre-steady state kinetic methods, demonstrat- RNA but could not be cited owing to space limitations. It is truly a
ing the utility of these studies [117–119]. Since then, testament to this vigorous community that so much has been accomplished
there has been an explosion of single molecule fluor- of note in the recent years. We would like to thank Yu Bai, Max Greenfeld,
Jan Lipfert, Jungwon Park, Adelene Sim, and Sergey Solomatin for critical
escence studies on RNA [120]. One of the most puzzling discussion and insightful comments and all of our collaborators. Our work on
observations in these studies is of molecular ‘memory’— RNA folding is supported by NIH grant PO1 GM066275. VBC is supported
by a Pfizer Bio-X Graduate fellowship. We have adopted an agnostic view in
the fact that different molecules tend to display similar highlighting references to our own work to avoid the moral dilemma of
kinetic behavior over long time scales that differ from that assigning ‘significance stars’ to our own work.
of other molecules of the same sequence [81,121].
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quixotic behavior by single molecules. Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of
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Current Opinion in Structural Biology 2008, 18:305–314

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