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Grenlibs Newsletter Motto: Education = Productivity

December 29th 2013 vol. 1

Grenlib wishes Grenada-the diaspora and the international community all the very best for the holiday season, and a prosperous and progressive 2 !"#


EDDIE BULLEN Juno award winnin !iani"t# "on writer# arran er and !roducer Eddie Bullen i"# in ever$ wa$# a "tandout amon "t the late"t eneration o% multi&talented arti"t". Eddie'" len th$ career ha" $ielded an abundance o% award" and reco nition %or hi" out"tandin talent". (rom hi" %ir"t album# 'Nocturnal )%%air' to hi" mo"t recent 'De"ert *ain'# Eddie ive" hi" audience a ta"te o% contem!orar$ +a,,# %lavoured with -aribbean and Latin rh$thm". .Eddie Bullen /ee!" audience" in -anada and throu hout the -aribbean on their %eet and be in %or more with hi" di"tinctive "t$le. 0i" com!o"ition" are audaciou" and "e1$# titillatin the "en"e".... . New 2or/ Dail$ New" Eddie tour" North )merica and the -aribbean a" a member o% hi" own Eddie Bullen Band and a" a !iani"t in the renowned en"emble NE3) which include" Eddie with Nichola" Branc/er# 3il"on Laurencin and )rturo 4a!!in. Eddie i" al"o a member o% the im!rovi"ational Ja,,5Electronica collective called 6U70 lead b$ Etric L$on". Eddie ha" been nominated %or -anadian 7mooth Ja,, )ward" and a National Ja,, )ward. 0e ha" been 8u"ical Director o% man$ +a,, and mu"ic (e"tival" in -anada and the -aribbean. Eddie i" in demand a" a !roducer# havin wor/ed with "uch arti"t" a" Libert$ 7ilver# Demo -ate"# Deborah -o1# (e%e Dob"on# 6in "le$ Ettienne# 8ari"a Lind"a$# 9len Lewi"# to name a %ew. 0e al"o com!o"e" and arran e" %or -it$ 4:# 24:# -B-# and 48N; the 8ovie Networ/. (or more in%ormation contact< or call< >?@&?3A&3>>3 or toll %ree at 1&B@@&99?& 990@


Grenlib prepares for the official launch on Saturday 1st February 2014. 7pm 11pm. Support Grenlibs fundraisin! effort to re open Grenadas "ublic #ibrary. (eaturin CliveD in concert 9renadian born !iani"t Eddie Bullen and "on Euinc$ Bullen in a %ather F "on duelin !iano at the -olle e Gar/# Ulrich *ecital 0all. )dmi""ion i" (*EE and 9enerou" Donation" are )!!reciated. -ome celebrate 9renadaH" ?0th Inde!endence .


E1clu"ive boo/ launch o% 4he 9overnorH" 7tor$ 40E )U40I*I7ED BII9*)G02 I( D)8E 0ILD) B2NIE b$ 8erle -ollin" )n hi"toric celebration o% the -ommonwealthH" %ir"t woman 9overnor 7aturda$ (ebruar$ 1"t 201? @!m &B!m in the Ulrich *ecital 0all Univer"it$ o% 8ar$land#-olle e Gar/# 8ar$land 4hi" i" a richl$ conte1tuali"ed and re%lective bio ra!h$ o% an im!ortant -aribbean woman. Dr 0ilda B$noe wa" a!!ointed a" 9overnor o% 9renada in 19>B# a" one o% the ver$ %ir"t local 9overnor" in the -aribbean and the %ir"t woman# and blac/ woman# to be a!!ointed a overnor an$where in the -ommonwealth. )ll !reviou" 9overnor" had been white# male and Briti"h. 8erle -ollin" i" uniJuel$ eJui!!ed to write thi" bio ra!h$. )" a blac/ woman in%ormed about the !olitical event" in 19@0" 9renada# a noveli"t and academic# "he i" able to brin an e%%ective blend o% local /nowled e# em!athetic identi%ication# narrative "/ill" and anal$tical Jue"tionin to her ta"/. )ntonia 8acDonald write"< C4he 9overnorH" 7tor$ ha" a di"tinctive oral Jualit$K it i" ea"$ to read becau"e it evo/e" the "tor$teller charmin u" with tale" o% a 9renadian !a"t# and there i" alwa$" the "en"e o% the reader bein !art o% a conver"ation between -ollin" and B$noe. Dame 0ildaH" narrative o!erate" alon "ide -ollin"H commentar$ and "cholarl$ anal$"i" a" the"e two womenH" voice" blend to ether to tell an im!ortant 9renadian "tor$. )t the "ame time# the realit$ o% intra&i"land mi ration ha" made 4he 9overnorH" 7tor$ al"o the "tor$ o% interconnectedne"" between 9renada and nei hbourin -aribbean i"land"# e"!eciall$ 4rinidad. (ederation i" !re"ented a" a lived e1!erience# a "ocial realit$ that e1i"t" out"ide o% national a%%iliation" and !olitical machination". 9lobali"ation i" !re"ented a" an on oin realit$ born out o% the cri""cro""in movement o% -aribbean !eo!le in "earch o% em!lo$ment and education. Dr" 8erle -ollin" and 0ilda B$noe remind u" that# re ardle"" o% the -aribbean i"land o% our birth# we are indeed 3e"t Indian" a" 4. ). 8arr$"how "o !a""ionatel$ claimed almo"t a hundred $ear" a o.D

Grenlib*s +ewsletter
Motto: Education = Productivity

Grenlib invites you to visit Grenada and also bring as many friends as possible# ,ee you in the ,pice ##########

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