Bio Sol Review 15 - Genetics Evolution

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BIO Review 15 - Genetics & Evolution (28)

(2!!"-##) $l%ino in&ivi&uals lac' all (i)mentation so t*at t*ei+ *ai+ an& s'in a+e w*ite ,*is -amil. t+ee s*ows t*at al%inism / a is ca++ie& onl. %. -emales in t*is -amil. % is a +ecessive )enetic t+ait c is a se0-lin'e& )ene & +e1ui+es %ot* (a+ents to %e al%inos

(2!!"-") ,wo (lants a+e c+osse&7 an& t*e t+aits o*ei)*t an& colo+ a+e assesse& in t*e o--s(+in) ,*e -ollowin) c+oss was con&ucte&< ,,== 0 tt(( 2*ic* o- t*e -ollowin) c*oices co++ectl. &esc+i%es t*e o--s(+in)3 a ,*+ee-1ua+te+s o- t*e (lants a+e tall an& (u+(le % $ll a+e tall an& (u+(le c ,*+ee-1ua+te+s o- t*e (lants a+e s*o+t an& w*ite & $ll a+e s*o+t an& w*ite (2!!"-#) $-te+ a cultu+e o- cells is allowe& to multi(l. an& is viewe& t*+ou)* a mic+osco(e7 t*e cells a+e 0-+a.e& wit* *i)*-ene+). +a&iation -o+ less t*an 1>1!!t* o- a secon& $-te+ t*e +a&iation7 man. newl. +e(+o&uce& cells a((ea+ &i--e+ent 2*at *as (+o%a%l. occu++e&3 a ?ontamination % @utation c Bacte+ial in-ection & 4(eciation

(2!!"-11) 2*ic* statement is %est su((o+te& %. t*e (*.lo)enetic t+ee s*own3 a 4(ecies 2 is still &evelo(in) -+om a (+io+ s(ecies % 4(ecies 2 -i+st came into e0istence 1! million .ea+s a)o c 4(ecies 5 is still alive to&a. an& is t*e ol&est s(ecies & 4(ecies 67 87 an& 9 %ecame e0tinct 2! million .ea+s a)o (2!!"-1!) In s1uas* (lants7 .ellow -+uit (8) is &ominant to w*ite -+uit (.) I- two (lants *ete+o;.)ous -o+ .ellow -+uit a+e c+osse&7 w*at a+e t*e (ossi%le )enot.(es o- t*e o--s(+in)3 a 887 8.7 .. onl. % 887 .. onl. c 8. onl. & 8.7 .. onl. " (2!!1-:2) In (ea (lants7 tall (lants a+e &ominant to s*o+t (lants I- two *ete+o;.)ous tall (lants a+e c+osse&7 w*at (e+cent o- t*e o--s(+in) will (+o%a%l. %e s*o+t3 a A5B % 5!B c 25B & !B

(2!!1-2!) 2*ic* o- t*e -ollowin) is an e0am(le oa )eneticall. en)inee+e& o+)anism3 (1 (oint) a 4ee&less -+uits +esultin) -+om )+a-tin) oone (lant onto anot*e+ % $ (lant t*at +eceive& e0te+nal DN$ to (+o&uce natu+al insectici&es c $ (lant t*at natu+all. (ossesses me&icinal (+o(e+ties & $ new (lant va+iet. c+eate& %. c+oss(ollination

11 (2!!2-28) In cows7 lon) *ai+ is &ominant to s*o+t *ai+ In a cow t*at is *ete+o;.)ous -o+ lon) *ai+7 w*at (e+centa)e o- t*e cells un&e+)oin) meiosis will ca++. t*e &ominant allele3 a 25B % 5!B c A5B & 1!!B

(2!!1-15) In 1C1!7 ,*omas @o+)an &iscove+e& t+aits lin'e& to se0 c*+omosomes in t*e -+uit -l. ,*e =unnett s1ua+e a%ove s*ows t*e c+oss %etween +e&-e.e& -emales an& w*ite-e.e& males D+uit -lies usuall. *ave +e& I- a -emale an& male o--s(+in) -+om t*e c+oss s*own a%ove a+e allowe& to mate7 w*at woul& t*e o--s(+in) (+o%a%l. loo' li'e3 a 2 w*ite-e.e& -emalesE 1 w*ite-e.e& male an& 1 +e&-e.e& male % 2 +e&-e.e& -emalesE 1 +e&-e.e& male7 1 w*ite-e.e& male c 2 +e&-e.e& -emalesE 2 w*ite-e.e& males & 1 +e&-e.e& -emale an& 1 w*ite-e.e& -emaleE 2 +e&-e.e& males (2!!1-12) 2il& cats suc* as c*eeta*s7 lions7 an& ti)e+s e0(e+ience &ec+ease& )enetic &ive+sit. as t*ei+ (o(ulations &ecline an& %ecome -+a)mente& &ue to *a%itat &est+uction Dec+ease& )enetic &ive+sit. lea&s to (o(ulations wit* / a inc+ease& %i+t*+ates % &is(+o(o+tionate )en&e+ +atios c inc+ease& immi)+ation +ates & &ec+ease& &isease +esistance

12 (2!!2-11) In +a%%its7 s*o+t -u+ (D) is &ominant to lon) -u+ (-) $cco+&in) to t*e =unnett s1ua+e7 w*at is t*e c*ance o- two *ete+o;.)ous s*o+t-*ai+e& +a%%its *avin) o--s(+in) wit* s*o+t -u+3 a One in -ou+ % ,*+ee in -ou+ c ,wo in -ou+ & Dou+ in -ou+ 1: (2!!2-A) 2*ic* o- t*e -ollowin) statements &esc+i%es t*e (+ocess o- natu+al selection3 a In&ivi&uals su+vive t*at *ave in*e+ite& t+aits a&a(te& to t*ei+ envi+onment % Da+me+s select animals wit* &esi+a%le va+iations -o+ %+ee&in) c =o(ulations s*a+in) t*e same )ene (ool inte+%+ee& an& c+eate new s(ecies & New s(ecies a+e -o+me& via )enetic en)inee+in) 1# (2!!2-:) DN$ t*at is &e+ive& -+om t*e DN$ o- two o+ mo+e &i--e+ent s(ecies is calle& / a +ecom%inant DN$ % mitoc*on&+ial DN$ c (lasmi& & c*lo+o(last DN$ 15 (2!!:-:1) Fama+c' was an ea+l. scientist w*o stu&ie& t*e &evelo(ment o- c*a+acte+istics in o+)anisms ove+ time 2*ic* o- t*e -ollowin) c*oices %est &esc+i%es *is views on *ow o+)anisms c*an)e ove+ time3 a ,*eo+. o- ac1ui+e& c*a+acte+istics % Faw o- in&e(en&ent asso+tment c ,*eo+. o- +elative -ossil-&atin) & ,*eo+. o- a+ti-icial selection

1! (2!!2-##) =eo(le w*o *ave %een e0(ose& to e0cessive +a&iation o-ten e0(e+ience mutations It*ese mutations onl. occu+ in somatic (%o&.) cells7 t*ese (eo(le ma. / a e0(e+ience an inc+ease& +is' o- cance+ % e0(e+ience &i--iculties +e(licatin) RN$ c &evelo( enti+el. new DN$ se1uences in all cells & (ass on t*ese mutations to t*ei+ o--s(+in)

1C (2!!#-:C) $ )enetic (e&i)+ee s*owin) t*at onl. males a+e a--ecte& %. a ce+tain &iso+&e+ is evi&ence o- w*at t.(e o- in*e+itance3 a Dominant % 4e0-lin'e& c Recessive & =assive 2! (2!!#-#2) One wa. to inc+ease t*e num%e+ oo+)anisms in an en&an)e+e& s(ecies is to let t*e -ew +emainin) in&ivi&uals o- t*at s(ecies %+ee& Goweve+7 t*is %+ee&in) ma. also lea& to s(ecies e0tinction %ecause in%+ee&in) ove+ a s*o+t (e+io& o- time ma. / a inc+ease %ene-icial mutations % (+o&uce a &i--e+ent s(ecies c +e&uce )enetic &ive+sit. & inc+ease -e+tilit.

1" (2!!:-#8) ,*e a%ove c*a+t s*ows ve+te%+ate em%+.o &evelo(ment 2*ic* o- t*ese woul& %e least +elate& to t*e ot*e+s3 a 1 % 2 c : & # 1A (2!!:-#2) ,*e Guman Genome =+oHect was %e)un in 1C88 %. scientists -+om 1: nations as a wo+l&wi&e e--o+t to un&e+stan& t*e se1uencin) oall o- t*e DN$ in t*e *uman %o&. 2*at is one (otential scienti-ic %ene-it o- t*is +esea+c*3 a It will c+eate communication %etween +esea+c* cente+s % It will *el( to e0(lain *uman cultu+al &i--e+ences c It *el(s to classi-. man most accu+atel. in t*e animal 'in)&om & It will *el( -in& t*e )enes +es(onsi%le -o+ man. &iseases

21 (2!!#-:") 2*at conclusion can %e &+awn -+om t*e )enetic in-o+mation a%ove3 a ,*e w*ite (a+ent ca++ie& a &ominant allele % $ll t*e %lac' +a%%its in t*e D2 )ene+ation a+e *omo;.)ous c $ll t*e w*ite +a%%its a+e *ete+o;.)ous & $ll t*e D1 +a%%its ca++ie& a +ecessive allele 22 (2!!5-#8) ,*e c*ances o- &evelo(in) cance+7 &ia%etes7 o+ sic'le-cell anemia a+e *i)*e+ i- a -amil. mem%e+ also *as t*e &iso+&e+ %ecause t*e. a+e / a (asse& t*+ou)* %loo& contact % +elate& to &iet c *i)*l. in-ectious & )eneticall. %ase& 2: (2!!5-2) E0te+nal sou+ces7 suc* as +a&iation o+ c*emicals7 can cause mutations in )enes o+ enti+e c*+omosomes Do+ a mutation to (ass on to o--s(+in)7 it must occu+ in a a se0 cell % muscle cell c %one cell & %+ain cell

18 (2!!:-1:) In co+n (lants7 )+een (G) is &ominant to al%ino ()) $cco+&in) to t*e =unnett s1ua+e7 w*at is t*e c*ance o- t*is *ete+o;.)ous c+oss (+o&ucin) al%ino co+n (lants3 a ,wo in -ou+ % ,*+ee in -ou+ c Dou+ in -ou+ & One in -ou+

2# (2!!5-:1) ,*e &i--e+ences in t*e a%ove c*a+acte+istics o- -lowe+ s(ecies most li'el. +esulte& -+om a (a+asitism7 w*ic* &i& not *a+m t*e *ost s(ecies % a&a(tations in +es(onse to &i--e+ent selection (+essu+es c &e-ensive mutations allowin) concealment o- s(ecies & mutualism %etween &i--e+ent (lant s(ecies 25 (2!!5-:!) ?*an)e in s(ecies is &esc+i%e& as a (+ocess t*at usuall. occu+s ove+ lon) (e+io&s otime 8et7 even t*ou)* anti%iotics *ave onl. %een wi&el. use& -o+ -i-t. .ea+s7 scientists +eco)ni;e t*at ove+use o- anti%iotics *as le& to anti%iotic-+esistant st+ains o- %acte+ia ,*e +eason t*is can occu+ in a +elativel. s*o+t s(an o- time is t*at / a t*e+e a+e man. &i--e+ent t.(es o- %acte+ia % %acte+ia +e(+o&uce +a(i&l. c t+avele+s ca++. %acte+ia a+oun& t*e wo+l& & %acte+ia a+e ve+. small 2" (2!!5-1A) Ove+ man. )ene+ations7 un+elate& o+ &istantl. +elate& s(ecies ma. come to +esem%le eac* ot*e+ &ue to / a simila+ envi+onmental -acto+s % com(etition wit* eac* ot*e+ c *omolo)ous st+uctu+al a&a(tations & simila+ )enetic mutations 2A (2!!5-1") $ stu&ent *.(ot*esi;es t*at t*ic' le) muscles a+e an in*e+ite& t+ait in &o)s ,*e stu&ent collects &ata on seve+al &o)s7 an& t*e &ata s*ow t*at &o)s t*at live out&oo+s *ave t*ic'e+ le) muscles t*an &o)s t*at live in&oo+s 2*at s*oul& t*e stu&ent conclu&e3 a In*e+itance alone ma. not account -o+ t*ic' le) muscles in &o)s % Do)s t*at in*e+it t*ic' le) muscles ma. not su+vive in&oo+s c Do)s wit* t*ic' le) muscles ma. +e1ui+e mo+e e0e+cise t*an &o)s wit* t*in le) muscles & In*e+itance o- t*ic' le) muscles ma. %e associate& wit* coat t*ic'ness in &o)s

28 (2!!5-") In sna(&+a)ons7 t*e com%ine& e0(+ession o- %ot* alleles -o+ -lowe+ colo+ (+o&uces a new (*enot.(e t*at is (in' ,*is illust+ates incom(lete &ominance ,*e =unnett s1ua+e a%ove s*ows t*at %ot* t*e w*ite an& +e& sna(&+a)ons a+e *omo;.)ous 2*ic* o- t*e -ollowin) woul& %e t*e co++ect (+o&uct -+om a c+oss %etween two *ete+o;.)ous (in' sna(&+a)ons3 a 2 +e&7 2 w*ite % 2 +e&7 1 (in'7 1 w*ite c 1 +e&7 2 (in'7 1 w*ite & 1 +e&7 1 (in'7 2 w*ite

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