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Product/service description 1. Academic articles, and research papers relevant for the development of the Caribbean will be produced.

This will be accomplished by having lectures, students and alumni work together to design and conduct the research, and businesses will pay in order to for there to be research information relevant to their industry and therefore remain competitive. 2. Students will be matched to jobs that are related to their field of study and interest. Businesses will therefore have reduced costs associated with finding employees. 3. More knowledgeable individuals in an area of study will mentor less knowledgeable individuals. 4. Students will receive stress management help, and tips on how to prepare for exams, and stay motivated. 5. Students will be able to create a business portfolio, while they are studying so that they will have job experience, when their institutionalized education is over. 6. Students will receive discounts on educational materials such as e-books, because this company will make strategic alliances and partnerships with other businesses. 7. Opportunities to work or study overseas will be compiled by the site, helping students to broaden their perspectives 8. This company will provide partial scholarships to outstanding students whether they be talented academically, athletically or artistically. 9. This company will help marketing opportunities (online ad space) to other businesses, to help us generate revenue.

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