The Regulation of Brothels in Later Medieval England

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The Regulation of Brothels in Later Medieval England Author(s): Ruth Mazo Karras Source: Signs, Vol. 14, No.

2, Working Together in the Middle Ages: Perspectives on Women's Communities (Winter, 1989), pp. 399-433 Published by: The University of Chicago Press Stable URL: . Accessed: 23/09/2013 15:38
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Medieval society recognized prostitution as a necessary evil. Sinful men, theologians held, would corrupt respectable women-even their own wives-or turnto sodomy if they did not have the prostitute as a sexual outlet: "Remove prostitutesfromhuman affairs and you will destroy everythingwith lust."' Though they argued
Versions of this paper were presented to the Western European History Workshop at the Universityof Pennsylvania, the seventh Berkshire Conference on the Historyof Women, the Fordham UniversityCenter forMedieval Studies Conference on Gender and the Moral Order in Medieval Society,and the Universityof Oregon I thankthe audiences there and the readers forSigns fortheir departmentof history. comments on earlier versions; Caroline Barron, Martha Carlin, and Maryanne Kowaleski for help, advice, and access to unpublished work; and J. B. Post for permission to use his edition of the Southwarkcustomary.Travel funds forresearch in Britain were provided by a grant fromthe University of Pennsylvania Research Foundation. 1 Augustine, De Ordine 2.4, Patrologiae Cursus Completus Series Latina (hereaftercited as PL), ed. J. P. Migne (Paris, 1845), 32:1000, quoted by Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica,, in Opera Omnia (Rome: Sacred Congregation for Propagation of the Faith, 1895), 8:93. Augustine held that it was better fora man to have nonprocreative sex with a prostitutethan with his own wife because then he at least would not be corrupting an innocent woman (Augustine, De Bono Conjugali 11, PL, 40:382).
[Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 1989, vol. 14. no. 2] ? 1989 by The Universityof Chicago. All rightsreserved. 0097-9740/89/1402-0222$01.00


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that prostitution was necessary because of men's natural,if sinful, sex drive, this did not lead to respect forthe prostitute herself.The church considered her one of the worstof sinners: lust was considered the woman's sin par excellence and the prostituteepitomized among a celibate male elite, preachers in England as elsewhere spread the notion to the general public as well.3 Though medieval thinkersattributedthe prostitute'schoice of profession to her sinfulness, for many prostitutesthe choice was dictated by the available alternatives. Many women were not able to marry-because of lack ofdowries, because of sex ratios,because too few men were in a position to marry-and had to supportthemselves.4 Opportunities for women in the labor marketvaried, but in late medieval Europe as population rose again aftera period of labor shortage following the Black Death of 1348, their access to guild membership or other skilled work tended to be limited.5Not
it.2 While the notion of woman as temptress might be expected

2 On women as more lustfulthan men, see, e.g., Charles T. Wood, "The Doctors' Dilemma: Sin, Salvation and the Menstrual Cycle," Speculum 56 (1981): 711-13. In the iconography of the sins, lust (luxuria) is often represented by a woman and depicted with avarice represented by a man (see, e.g., Adolf Katzenellenbogen, Allegories of the Virtues and Vices in Medieval Art [London: WarburgInstitute, 1939], 58-59, 76). The woman whom Luke 7:37 identifiesonly as "a sinner" was identified in medieval hagiographyas Mary Magdalen whose sin, it was assumed without scriptural basis, was lust. See Marjorie M. Malvern, Venus in Sackcloth: The Magdelene's Origins and Metamorphoses (Carbondale: Southern Illinois UniversityPress, 1975); and Helen Meredith Garth,Saint Mary Magdalen in Medieval Literature, Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science, ser. 67, no. 3 (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UniversityPress, 1950), forreferences to medieval literaryrepresentationsof Mary Magdalen. 3 Women's sexual immorality, love of ornament,and shrewishness were common themes ofmedieval sermons (see, e.g., G. R. Owst, Literature and Pulpit in Medieval England [Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress, 1933], 375-404). 4 The "Western European marriagepattern"identifiedforearly modern Europe, involving relatively late ages of marriagecompared to other preindustrialsocieties and a high proportionof the population who never marriedat all, may have applied in the Middle Ages as well (Richard M. Smith,"Some Reflectionson the Evidence forthe Origins of the 'European Marriage Pattern'in England," in The Sociology of the Family: New Directions for Britain, ed. Chris Harris, Sociological Review Monograph no. 28 [Keele, England: Universityof Keele, 1979], 74-112). 5 See P. J. P. Goldberg, "Marriage, Migration, Servanthood and Life-Cycle in Yorkshire Towns of the Later Middle Ages: Some York Cause Paper Evidence," Continuityand Change 1 (1986): 141-69, and "Female Labour, Service and Marriage in the Late Medieval Urban North,"Northern History 22 (1986): 18-38, for the towns thatmay have led women to turn demographic situation in fifteenth-century a decline in work opto prostitution:a low sex ratio due to female in-migration, portunities,and a decline in nuptiality.


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Winter1989 / SIGNS

all, of course, turned to prostitution,but it was one of a limited range of options.6 The brothel,to medieval society,was the locus of this necessary valve. This articlefocuses on the regulations evil, this societal safety of brothels in medieval England. It deals mainly with regulations forthe bathhouses of Southwark,a suburb of London, which date fromthe fifteenth century(see App.), but draws on other material fromapproximately 1350-1550. The regulation of brothels in England must be seen against the background of the tolerated and institutionalizedbrothels found elsewhere in Europe. Prostitution was not restrictedto towns, but like any other service industryit was concentrated where people were concentrated. Municipal authoritiesall over Europe recognized the social value of prostitution but triedto keep it as unobtrusiveas possible, placing it under strict controlwithoutabolishing it totally.In many parts of medieval and early modern Europe this meant establishing licensed, or even municipally owned, brothels or officialred-lightdistricts.7
6 Personal as well as structural factorsplayed a role. Jacques Rossiaud, "Prostitution, Youth and Society in the Towns of Southeastern France in the Fifteenth Century,"trans. Elborg Forster,in Deviants and the Abandoned in French Society, ed. Robert Forster and Orest Ranum (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UniversityPress, 1978), 19, mentions rape victims turningto prostitution. 7 The most complete list of towns with legal brothels, though not an analytical study, is found in Iwan Bloch, Die Prostitution,2 vols., Handbuch der gesamten Sexualwissenschaft in Einzeldarstellungen,vol. 1 (Berlin: Louis Marcus, 1912), 1:74047. See also Bronislaw Geremek, The Margins of Society in Medieval Paris, trans. Jean Birrell (Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress, 1987), 211-41; Franz Irsigler and Arnold Lassotta, Bettler und Gaukler, Dirnen und Henker: Randgruppen und Aussenseiter in Koln 1300-1600 (Kbln: Greven Verlag, 1984), 179-227; G. L. Kriegk, Deutsches Biirgerthumim Mittelalter nach urkundlichen Forschungen (1871; ream Main: Sauer & Auvermann, 1969), 2:292-329; Leah Lydia Otis, print,Frankfurt Prostitutionin Medieval Society: The History of an Urban Institution in Languedoc (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985), hereaftercited as Prostitution,and Otis, "Prostitutionand Repentance in Late Medieval Perpignan," in Women of the Medieval World,ed. Julius Kirshnerand Suzanne Wemple (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1985), 137-60; Elisabeth Pavan, "Police des moeurs, societe et politique a Venise a la findu moyen age," Revue historique, no. 264 (1980), 241-88; Mary Elizabeth Perry,"Deviant Insiders: Legalized Prostitutesand a Consciousness of Women in Early Modern Seville," Comparative Studies in Society and History 27 (1985): 138Fem58, and " 'Lost Women' in Early Modern Seville: The Politics of Prostitution," inist Studies 4 (1978): 195-214; von Posern-Klett,"Frauenhauser und freie Frauen in Sachsen," Archiv fir Siichsische Geschichte 12 (1874): 63-89; Lyndal Roper, and the Reformation in Augsburg,"His"Discipline and Respectability: Prostitution Youth and Society," 1toryWorkshop,no. 19 (1985), 3-28; Rossiaud, "Prostitution, 46; Jacques Rossiaud, "Prostitution,Sex and Society in French Towns in the Fifteenth Century," in Western Sexuality: Practice and Precept in Past and Present Times, ed. Philippe Aries and Andr6 Bejin (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1985), 76-94;


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The philosophy behind the official establishmentand regulation of brothels in France, Germany,Spain, and Italy followed church doctrinein treating as degraded and defiled but tolerated prostitutes their activitybecause of male demand.8 The medieval European towns that licensed or sponsored brothels did so not forthe protection of the prostitutesbut forthe maintenance of social order. Recent scholarship on municipal or municipally regulated brothels in Florence, Seville, Dijon, Augsburg,and the towns of Languedoc in the medieval and early modern periods agrees that regulated brothels were seen as a foundationof the social order,preventing homosexuality,rape, and seduction.9They also could be important sources of income for the town itself or, in the case of licensed brothels, forwealthy individuals or institutionswithin the town.10

florentineau XVe siecle: Patronages et clienRichard C. Trexler, "La prostitution teles," Annales economies societes civilisations 36 (1981): 983-1015; MerryE. Wiesner, Working Women in Renaissance Germany (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers "Frauenhauser und freieFrauen UniversityPress, 1986), 97-105; Gustav Wustmann, Archivfur Kulturgeschichte5 (1907): 469-82. Often the in Leipzig im Mittelalter," toleration and officialestablishment of brothels followed unsuccessful earlier atwithin the town. tempts to ban prostitution 8 A similar philosophy grounded nineteenth-centurylicensing and policing movements. See JudithWalkowitz,Prostitutionand Victorian Society (Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress, 1980); JillHarsin, Policing Prostitutionin NineteenthCentury Paris (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1985); Mary Gibson, Prostitutionand the State in Italy, 1860-1915 (New Brunswick,N.J.: Rutgers UniversityPress, 1986); and Barbara Meil Hobson, Uneasy Virtue: The Politics of Prostitution and the American Reform Tradition (New York: Basic, 1987). See also Abraham Flexner, Prostitutionin Europe (1914; reprint,Montclair,N.J.: Patterson in Europe by a contemporary. Smith, 1969), fora discussion of regulated prostitution 9 Trexler, 983, suggests that in Florence the purpose of institutionalization was to shore up a declining birthrateby turning men away from homosexuality. By would awaken the prostitutes initiatingmen intothejoys ofheterosexual intercourse, in them a desire to marry.Perry,"'Lost Women,'" 196 and 204-6, argues that prostitutionwas not only acceptable but a buttress of the moral order because of the necessary outlet it provided. Rossiaud, "Prostitution,Youth and Society," 13, suggests thatthe town of Dijon deliberately provided young men with opportunities forfornicationwith prostitutesas a remedy foran epidemic of rape that he sees as having been violence directed against the governingelite. Otis, Prostitution,103rid the streetsof 5, argues thatthe authoritiesthoughtinstitutionalizedprostitution that set a bad example and encouraged respectable women free-lance prostitution to lasciviousness. Roper, 4, discusses how brothels in German towns fitinto a male understanding of the "good of the community."Even where the brothel was supposed to benefitrespectable women by makingthe streetssafe forthem,the women were defined in termsof their relationships to men. Roper, 5, and Rossiaud, "Prostitution,Youth and Society," 21-25, discuss apprentices or other young unmarried men as the main clientele. 10For examples, see Perry,"'Lost Women,'" 209-10; Rossiaud, "Prostitution, Youth and Society," 3-4; Otis, Prostitution,53-55.

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Winter1989 / SIGNS

While the regulation of prostitutionand brothels varied across continental Europe, a number of characteristicswere common. In most places, prostitution was forbiddenexcept in particular streets or (especially in smaller towns) in one particularbrothel.Prostitutes were either required to wear some sort of distinguishing clothing or else forbiddento wear certain types of garmentsor jewelry.l In many places they were forbidden to attend church with or speak to respectable women.12 These provisions apparentlyaimed to protect nonprostitutesfrombeing taken forprostitutes, although there is no evidence thatthis problem concerned the women themselves. Rather,men wanted to protect bourgeois wives by labeling prostitutesand restricting them to brothels. The regulations generally gave the brothel keepers a great deal of controlover the prostitutes.The brothelkeeper in German towns was usually a man, sometimes a woman. In France some municipal brothels were farmedby women only,and even when a man held the farm a woman (known as abbesse) might administer it.'3 In Languedoc the prostitutespaid the brothel keeper for room and board, not according to the number of customers they had, while in Germanythe paymentsfrom the prostitutesmightvaryaccording to their income.'4 The chances of a prostitute'sowing money to the brothel keeper were great: she mighthave ended up in the brothel in the first place because of her own or her family's debts, or the keeper could have lent her money. Some of the continental regulations specifically authorized the brothel keeper to imprison a woman fordebts she owed him; thiswas no doubt a factor in keeping a prostitutein the brothel on a permanent basis.15 When she had no customers,the prostitutemightalso have to performother work
1 Otis, Prostitution,79-80; Wustmann,474-75; von Posern-Klett,83-84; Geremek, 246; Bloch, 814-15; J.Brucker,StrassburgerZunft-und Polizeiverordnungen des 14. und 15 Jahrhunderts(Strasbourg: Karl J. Triibner,1889), 459. 12 Roper, 10; Otis, Prostitution,81, 104; Wiesner, 102. 13 brothels in Germany,see Otis, Prostitution,60-61. On women runningofficial Wustmann,472; and Kriegk, 299; according to Wiesner, 97-100, they were mostly men. 14 Otis, Prostitution,82; Wustmann, 470 (in Leipzig, apparently a weekly charge only); Joseph Baader, ed., NurnbergerPolizeiordnungen aus dem XIII bis XVJarhrvol. 63 (Stuttgart:Lithundert, Bibliothek des LitterarischenVereins in Stuttgart, terarische Verein, 1861), 119 (in Nuremberg, seven pfennigs a week plus one per customerand three forevery man who spent the night); von Posern-Klett,67; Bloch, 768; Roper, 6; Wiesner, 98. 15 Italian regulations are cited in Otis, Prostitution,83 (Venice was an exception). See Wiesner,99; and Kriegk,312, on German regulationsforbiddingkeeping women in the brothels for debt; see also, for Strasbourg, Brucker,469. In some towns it seems thatwomen were put into the trade in the first place in order to repay capital " 'Lost Women,' " 201). lent to them or to a relative (see Roper, 7; Kriegk,319; Perry,

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forthe profitof the brothel keeper.16In most cases the prostitutes were required to live in the brotheland, usually,had to board there too.17One exception was Paris, which had an officialred-lightdishad to leave trictratherthan a municipal brothel.There prostitutes to not allowed the brothels before curfew and were practice the towns the regIn some after curfew.18 profession fromtheir homes but in from ulations protectedthe prostitutes others, physical abuse, particularlyin Italy,the brothel keepers were allowed to strikethe On the whole, the prostitutesas long as they did not maim them.19 a of controlover deal of brothel exercised a great keeper municipal the lives of the prostitutesemployed there, a control that was not even ostensibly forthe protectionof the prostitutes. was a necessary feaDespite their recognitionthat prostitution tureofsociety,the municipalities ofcontinentalEurope stillpaid lip muservice to the Church's ideals ofsexual purity. Regulations from nicipal brothels in Languedoc and in Germany provide that the houses should not be open for business on holy days or that the women should all leave the brothelduringHoly Week. During Lent and especially Holy Week the prostituteswere to listen to sermons intended to sway them fromtheir life of sin.20Such rules can only be considered half-heartedgiven the officialestablishment of the brothels,but the appearance of religious orders forrepentantprostitutesand movements to provide dowries so thatpoor women, inforat least did provide an alternative could marry cluding prostitutes,
a few.21 Some towns' restrictions on who could visit the brothels-

no clerics, no married men, no Jews-although not well enforced, also indicate some concern forstandardsof sexual morality.22
16In Ulm, the brothel keeper could require the prostitutesto spin yarn forhim during the day or else reimburse him forlost earnings (Roper, 6). 17 Sometimes they could have theirdwelling elsewhere on payment of a special sum, although they still had to conduct theirtrade in the brothel. Otis, Prostitution (n. 7 above), 83, cites regulations fromboth France and Italy. An ordinance from Nuremberg,where women do seem to have lived in the brothels,provides thatthe prostitutescannot be forced to board there (Baader, ed., 119). See Kriegk,315, on varyingGerman regulations on women boarding with the brothel keeper. 18 Geremek (n. 7 above), 217. These rules were constantlyinfringedupon. See Youth and Society" (n. 6 above), 3. also Rossiaud, "Prostitution, 19Ordinances of Perugia and Foligno, cited in Otis, Prostitution,82-83; forGermany,see Kriegk,314. 20Otis, Prostitution,85-87; Wustmann(n. 7 above), 473; von Posern-Klett(n. 7 above), 72; Wiesner (n. 7 above), 102. 21 Otis, Prostitution,72-76; Wiesner, 101; Irsiglerand Lassotta (n. 7 above), 180; Youthand Society,"21; Andre Simon, L'ordre des penitentes Rossiaud, "Prostitution, de Ste. Marie Madeleine en Allemagne au XIIIme siecle (Fribourg: Imprimerie et Librairie de l'oeuvre de Saint-Paul, 1918). 22Roper (n. 7 above), 5; Irsigler and Lassota, 190; Otis, Prostitution,84; Kriegk, 316; Rossiaud, "Prostitution,Youth and Society,"23. 404

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Winter1989 / SIGNS

bring prostitutestogether.28

The municipal brothels were establishedto servethe necessary function ofrestraining male sexuality, but theyalso controlled the ofthe prostitute or at least denied heranycontrol overit sexuality herself. She was notallowed in some places to support a procurer or even to have a favorite In some places, she was not customer.23 allowed to rejectanycustomer, indeed could notbe rapedbecause she was consideredto belong to all men and thushad no right to withhold consent.24 As a municipalservice,prostitution was made availableto all who qualified, and thewomenwho providedit had no say in determining how theirbodies were to be used.25 The officially or municipally in many owned brothels regulated Continental towns took away the prostitutes' and their mobility to set theirown working restricted theirright to ability conditions, leave theprofession whenever and them.26 wished, they stigmatized witha roofovertheirheads and Yet,theyprovidedthe prostitutes reducedthe need for themto seek outtheirown customers. There are severalexamplesfrom Franceofprostitutes from official brothels taking collectiveactionto protest the replacement ofa female brothel not keeperby a manorto stampoutclandestine prostitutes connectedwiththe brothel.27 The prostitutes themselvesdid not have anyformal collectiveorganization, butthe official brothel did

were not the rule in England,alOfficially regulatedbrothels instanceof legal brothels thoughthe one well-documented there, in Southwark, has a good deal in common withgeneralpatterns in continental from the official brothelsin Europe. The regulations Southwark are exceptionalforEngland,but from themone may infer muchabout the manner in whichothertownsdealt withthe

23Otis, Prostitution,84-85; Wiesner, 98-99. 24Examples are given by Roper,6, who also suggests thatthe sharingofprostitutes as common propertystrengthenedmale bonding. See also Wiesner, 99; Otis, Prostitution,68-69. 25 The Nuremberg regulation makes this particularlyclear: the common women "should be common according to their name" (nach irem namen gemin sein sollen) (Baader, ed. [n. 14 above], 121). None of the regulations that I have read or seen reference to mention particularsexual acts even to prohibitthem. 26 Irsigler and Lassotta, 186-88, discuss how the stigmawas worse forthe women in the officialhouse than forothers. 27 Otis, Prostitution (n. 7 above), 61; Rossiaud, "Prostitution, Youth and Society" (n. 6 above), 25. 28The oftenrepeated statementthatprostitutesformedan officialguild in many towns has not been borne out by recent research (Otis, Prostitution,69; Frantisek Graus, "Randgruppen der stadtischen Gesellschaft im Spatmittelalter,'Zeitschrift fur historischeForschung8 [1981]: 429). Bloch (n. 7 above), 670, speaks ofprostitutes as an officially recognized corporate body but apparently only because the brothels were official;there is no evidence thattheyhad any organizationamong themselves.

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was prohibited,illicitbrothelsflourished. issue. Where prostitution was willing to tolerate them in practice if not in English society were permittedby law, the survivingregWhere brothels theory. ulations indicate that prostitutionwas to be tolerated only under the firmest control,controlthatwould keep sexually active women fromthreateningthe social order.The controlwas more pragmatic and less moralistic than elsewhere in Europe, but it involved a similar response to the threatof independent female sexuality. and brothel In medieval England the regulation of prostitution in the hands was of most other like order, public aspects keeping, of local authorities. Boroughs (legally chartered towns) or manors lord had jurisdiction) had theirown courts (over which a territorial and their own systems of fines foroffenses. Sexual offensesof all sortscame under the purview ofthe ecclesiastical courts,but secular courtsalso dealt with any sexual offensesthataffectedpublic order: Often rape, and sometimeseven adulteryor fornication. prostitution, the same people were finedin both secular and ecclesiastical courts.29 The ecclesiastical courts served a punitive ratherthan a regulatory function; their records provide some evidence for how brothels operated but not forthe reasons behind the control of brothels. and brothels are The only survivingrecords about prostitution court the textsof municipal regulations and records,and it is often are difficultto tell precisely when they referringto established thatindividuals were show records court The houses ofprostitution. or much more oftenaccused ofbeing prostitutes procurers(in Latin usually pronuba, leno, or lena, in English usually bawd) than of keeping brothels. The procurerswere probably pimps forindividual women, or go-betweens for couples, rather than keepers of brothels.Those prosecuted forharboringprostituteswere probably merelyrentingpremises to independently operatingwomen. When the records state that a certain person "is a procurer for divers women living in her house," this is probably a brothel, but even the termsbordellum, lenocinium, and lupanar could referto places where adulterous couples could meet, not just where prostitutes The termprostibulum,rare but occasionally used in Enworked.30
29 See, e.g., Richard Wunderli,London Church Courts and Society on the Eve of the Reformation,Speculum AnniversaryMonographs, no. 7 (Cambridge, Mass.: Medieval Academy of America, 1981), 99. The factthat someone had been charged with an offense in the secular court could be used as evidence against her or him in ecclesiastical court (see, e.g., Guildhall Library,London, Department of Manuscripts,London Commissary Court Act Books, 9064/1,fol. 6r,27v). 30In Nottingham,e.g., the standard accusation was that someone "tenet bordellum et enormitatem[or 'tenet lenocinium'] infradomum suam" ("keeps a brothel and immoralityin her [or his] house"). In some cases, however, the accusation mentions specific parties ("tenet bordellum interx et y"), implyingthatthe accused


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Winter1989 / SIGNS

gland, is a clearer indication of a brothel,as is domus meretricum.3 The courtsoccasionally connected prostitution with tavernsor gaming houses that may also have operated as brothels.32 Most English towns explicitly prohibited prostitution, whether connected with brothels or not. This does not necessarily mean that In many places repeated they seriously attemptedto eradicate it.33 of the same for brothels indicates not simply fining people keeping of but offenders also a punishment continuing system of de facto such fines in the same rolls as fines for court licensing fees; appear commercial activitythatamounted to licensing fees.34 This de facto
was not a brothel keeper but rather a go-between or facilitator(Nottinghamshire Record Office,Borough Quarter Sessions, CA/1 ff.). 31 For example, in the records of Great Yarmouth(NorfolkRecord Office,Y/C4/ 161, membrane 16d, Y/C4/162,membrane 15; and passim), and Ipswich (Suffolk Record Office, C8/1/20,membrane 1, C7/1/27,membrane 1: "William Porter is a procurer[leno] and JohannaPorterwife ofthe said William is a procuress [pronuba] and they keep a brothel and house of prostitutes[prostibulum & domum meretricis] and prostitution in Ipswich ... and foment,promote and aid adultery,fornication, between men and prostitutesand continue to keep the house of prostitutes and brothel as a procurerand procuress"). 32 For example, Corporation of London Records Office(hereafter CLRO), LetterBook D, fol. 131r-132r (Letter-BookD in Calendar ofLetter-BooksPreserved among theArchives of the City of London at the Guildhall, ed. Reginald R. Sharpe [London: Corporationofthe City ofLondon, 1902], 263-64)-books in thisseries will hereafter be referredto as Cal. L-B and their letter designation (e.g., Cal. L-B D); Public membrane 2. Taverns and gamblingdens Record Office(hereafter PRO), SC2/191/55, in 1542 (CLRO, Journalsofthe Court ofCommon are stillconnected withprostitution Council, vol. 14, fol. 357r; Repertories of the Court of Aldermen [hereafterRep.], vol. 10, fol. 300r). For innkeepers accused of procuring,see, e.g., Guildhall Library, 9064/1,fol. 153v, and 9064a, fol. 188v; Martha Carlin, "The Urban Development of Southwark c. 1200 to 1550" (Ph.D. diss., Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Toronto, 1983), 506-7. 33Legislation in many towns ordered brothels outside the city walls: e.g., Coventry in 1445 (Mary Dormer Harris, ed., The Coventry Leet Book, Early English Text Society,no. 134 [London: Early English Text Society, 1907], 1:219-20); Leicester in 1467 (Mary Bateson, ed., Records of the Borough of Leicester [London: C. J. to prostitutesin general Clay, 1901], 2:291). Bristol had similar ordinances referring and not brothels (Francis B. Bickley, ed., The Little Red Book of Bristol [Bristol: W. CroftonHemmons, 1900], 1:33-34). 34See Maryanne Kowaleski, "Women's Work in a Market Town: Exeter in the Late FourteenthCentury,"in Women and Workin Preindustrial Europe, ed. Barbara A. Hanawalt (Bloomington: Indiana UniversityPress, 1986), 146, on finesas licensing fees fortradespeople. See also Derek Keene, Survey of Medieval Winchester,Winchester Studies, no. 2 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1985), 1:391, on the question of whetherthe finesforbrothelkeeping amounted to a licensing fee. In some instances (e.g., Alice Dymmok of Great Yarmouth[NorfolkRecord Office,Y/C4/194 membrane 21, Y/C4/196membrane 12, Y/C4/198membrane 12, Y/C4/199membrane 13, Y/C4/ 200 membrane 10, Y/C4/201 membrane 9]), repeat offenders were finedmore heavily with each offense.

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toleration,even if it was a result of failed attemptsat eradication, shows a practical stance on the part of local secular authorities. Some element ofpunishmentor stigmawas involved, but fineswere clearly not high enough to deter. London, with fourtimes as greata population at the next largest town, is where one mightexpect to findthe highest concentration of, and the most highly organized, brothels in England.35 Despite customs ofthe citythatdeclared thatno prostitute mightstaywithin a in and the walls on pain of forty royal command in days prison, 1310 that all brothels in the city be shut down, city authoritiesby 1393 tolerated brothels in one part of the city,in Cock's Lane.36 to make prostitutesstay This was the only exception to the effort in "the stews [bathhouses] on the other side of the Thames"-that is, in the libertyof the bishop of Winchester in Southwark,outside the city's jurisdiction.37In 1417 stews were forbidden in London and the suburbs under its control on the grounds of "many grievances, abominations, damages, disturbances, murders,homicides, larcenies, and other common nuisances" that occurred "by reason and cause of the common resort, harbouring,and sojourning,which lewd men and women, of bad and evil life, have in the stews."38 Some bathhouses were later permittedin London if their keepers

35On population of medieval towns in Britain, see Josiah Cox Russell, British Medieval Population (Albuquerque: Universityof New Mexico Press, 1948), 282302. 36H. T. Riley, ed., Liber Albus, vol. 1 of Munimenta Gildhallae Londoniensis: Liber Albus, Liber Custumarum, et Liber Horn, Rolls Series vol. 12, pt. 1 (London: Longman, 1859), 283; CLRO, Letter-BookA, fol. 130r (Cal. L-B A, 218: Assizes of the City of London, 1276-78); CLRO, Letter-Book D, fol. 116r (Cal. L-B D, 246); CLRO, Letter-Book H, fol. 287r, (Cal. L-B H, 402; trans. in H. T. Riley, Memorials of London and London Life in the Thirteenth,Fourteenth and FifteenthCenturies [London: Longman, 1868], 535); see also Riley, ed., 459. The law was not entirely effective; an ordinance probably dating from 1483 again banned prostitutesfrom the city (CLRO, Letter-BookL, fol. 189v; Cal. L-B L, 206). 37 CLRO, Letter-Book H, fol. 287r (Cal. L-B H, 402; trans. in Riley, 535). Southwark, across the Thames fromLondon, came under the city's jurisdiction in 1327, held by the Bishop of Winchester remained separate, as did the but the territory liberties of other high churchmen (see David J. Johnson,Southwark and the City [London: Corporation of London, 1969], 43-60, on the evolution of the city's legal authoritythere). 38Individuals were still allowed to have bathhouses forthe cleanliness of their own households (CLRO, Letter-Book I, fol. 193v [Cal. L-B I, 178; trans. in Riley, 647]). See also CLRO, journal 1, fols. 18v-19r,journal 2, fol. 41r-v, journal 8, fol. 120r. In 1428 the ordinance was changed so that those free of the city could keep stews but not foreigners(which included English people not citizens of London) (CLRO, journal 2, fol. 106v).

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could assure the authorities thattheykept an "honest stew" and did not permitwomen in a men's bathhouse.Fines forkeeping unlicensedstewsmayreflect theuse ofthese stewhousesas brothels.39 did notsucceed in banishing brothels Clearlythe authorities to Cock's Lane and Southwark, but from the scantyevidence that in the cityitself does notseem to have been survives, prostitution orconnected withpermanent houses.40 Therewere highly organized at a higherlevel of the tradethan the manyprocurers operating to a clienteleof typicalbrothelkeeper,who likelycateredlargely unmarried lower clergy.41 and apprentices, servants, journeymen, These procurers servedtheindividual customer thankeeping rather
a house open to all comers.42

39 CLRO, Letter-Book K, fols. 54r, 64r (Cal. L-B K, 75-76, 95); Letter-Book L, fol. 114r (Cal. L-B L, 136); CLRO, Plea and Memoranda Roll A66, membrane 8 (Calendar of Plea and Memoranda Rolls Preserved among the Archives of the Corporation of the City of London at the Guildhall, ed. A. H. Thomas [Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1926], 5:17)-hereafter Cal. PMR; CLRO, journal 2, fols.32v-33r, 34r,35r,55v,68v, 108v,113r-v.In 1446, Nicholas Croke, "stewmonger," was accused ofbeing "a common procurer," although this involved arrangingliaisons elsewhere than in his stew (CLRO, journal 4, fol. 134v). Some stewhouses were not organized brothels but meeting places, like the one in Grub Street indicted in 1422 "which is a common house of prostitution [putre] and bawdry,and in which thieves and also priests and their concubines are received" (CLRO, Plea and Memoranda Roll A51, Cal. PMR 4:154). The word "stew" comes fromthe same root as "stove," and originallymeant a hot room,by extension a place where people took hot baths. 40Not many London court records survive. For only one ward (Portsoken, between 1465 and 1481 with some years missing) does a fairlyfull series of presentmentsexist,and those indictmentsname "common strumpets"and "common bawds" but not specifically brothel keepers. Scattered indictmentsforkeeping brothels in other wards are extant, with the same people often indicted for receiving nightwalkers or stolen goods (e.g., CLRO, Letter-BookB, fol. 3r [Cal. L-B B, 6-7]; CLRO, Plea and Memoranda Roll A3, membrane 4b, membrane 14 [Cal. PMR 1:109, 1246]; CLRO Plea and Memoranda Roll A5, membrane 2, membrane 11 [Cal. PMR 1:167, 188]; CLRO, journal 2, fol. 107v). 41 There is little direct evidence forthe involvement of apprentices, though servants appear in ecclesiastical court records as frequentersof prostitutes(Guildhall Library [n. 32 above], 9064/1-11). 42 Several instances from the London cityadministrationand ecclesiastical court records indicate how procurersoperated. In 1385 Elizabeth Moryngwas accused of recruitingwomen as apprentice embroidresses but then hiring them out as prostitutes to friarsand chaplains. She sent the women out to the men's lodgings rather than having the men come to her house (CLRO, Letter-Book H, fol. 194v [Cal. L-B H, 271; Riley,484-86]). In 1423 Alison Boston took apprentices whom "she hired out to various persons forvarious sums of money to execute and exercise with them the horrible vice of lechery" (CLRO, Letter-BookK, fol. llv [Cal. L-B K, 17]; see also CLRO, journal 2, fol. 19r). Other examples with details are found, e.g., in CLRO, Plea and Memoranda Roll A66, membrane 5 (Cal. PMR, 5:14); Guildhall Library,9064/1,fol. 24b.


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Where prostitutesin London congregated in houses, they did not necessarily live under the supervision of a brothelkeeper. Several cases fromthe London Eyre of 1276 deal with violent crimes that happened to have taken place at houses of prostitutes,who seem to have operated independently as a group. For example, Henry Peticors and Roger le Stedeman were killed in a quarrel with some foreignmerchantsat the house of six prostitutes.The woman fromwhom the six rented the house had to appear in courtbut was acquitted, probably indicating that the prostituteswere independent operators.43 The London urban area included more thanjust the cityof London itself,and brothels in the suburbs no doubt served a London clientele. Many suburbs were under the jurisdiction of manorial lords, oftenmonasteries,which administeredtheirown justice. The include accusations of recourt rolls forthe manor of Westminster Most of the presentbrothels.44 and keeping ceiving prostitutes ments in the extant East Smithfieldmanorial court rolls are either in one's house or forgambling,both offenses forkeeping prostitutes the citybut also thatmighthave drawn undesirable customersfrom The fines from activitiesa manorial lord mightprofit throughfines.45 for these offenses had a fiscal as well as a punitive functionand probably did not represent an attemptto wipe out the trade. The suburb of London most connected with houses of prostitutionwas Southwark.There the bathhouses were so notoriousthat centurya whole neighborhood in by the middle of the fourteenth the liberty of the bishop of Winchester came to be called "Les Stuwes."46This is one of two jurisdictions in England where there were legal, officiallysponsored brothels and the only one about
43 Martin Weinbaum, ed., The London Eyre of 1276 (London: London Record Society, 1976), 34, see also 37-38. This is a court held before a special royal commission. For other examples of brothels, see A. H. Thomas, ed., Calendar of Early Mayor's Court Rolls Preserved among the Archives of the Corporation of the City Press, of London at the Guildhall a.d. 1298-1307 (Cambridge: Cambridge University 1924), 110, 211. 44 Westminster Abbey Muniments Room 50699-50773 (1364 to 1508). The manor 1200-1540 of Westminsteris fullydiscussed in A. G. Rosser, Medieval Westminster (Oxford: Oxford UniversityPress, in press). 45 PRO, SC2/191/56-59 (scattered years from1418 to 1534). I thankDerek Keene and Martha Carlin forsuggesting this manor. 46 Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III (London: His/Her Majesty's Stationery Office,1904), 7:551 (1345); Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward III (London: His/Her Office,1903), 9:184 (1351), 12:24 (1361). London customs,which Majesty's Stationery century, prohibited any boat keeper fromtakingany may go back to the thirteenth man or woman to "les Estouves" at night (Riley, ed. [n. 36 above], 242; CLRO, Letter-Book H, fol. 264v [Cal. L-B H, 372]).


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which much informationsurvives. That the brothels were legal within thatjurisdiction-a libertywhere the bishop in his capacity as territorial lord took the place of a municipal government47-does not mean thatchurch courts accepted them as legal: men were still prosecuted in ecclesiastical court forvisiting them.48 Repeated petitions and complaints fromSouthwark residents to king and Parliament indicate thatthere were brothels elsewhere in the suburb, too; people accepted the stews of the Winchester liberty but did not want them to spread.49The stews were eventually closed not by the bishop but by the central government: the eighteen legal stews were closed for a short time in 1506 and only twelve reopened, and in 1546 Henry VIII ordered all the bathhouses in Southwark,officially recognized or not, closed.50 The only otherEnglish town withan official or municipal brothel seems to have been Sandwich, a port town in Kent. In 1475 the mayor and commons of the town entered into an exchange of land in order"to make a common house ofstews to be called the Galye."51 This was not just a municipal bathhouse: in 1494 the council decreed "that a house shall be ordained forcommon women as has been the custom" and set the amounts the brothelkeepers (lenones) could charge the prostitutes(ancillae) forroom,board, and ale. Two brothel keepers, a husband and wife, were named along with four The fifteenth-century set of regulations surviving from the Southwarkstews (see App.) provides the best information as to how brothels operated. The regulations cannot be taken as representative of brothels in those English towns where prostitutionwas il47 By the fifteenth centurythe bishop had sold or granted ownership of all but two of the stewhouses to others but retained jurisdiction over them all (Carlin [n. 32 above], 60-69). 48 At least, married men (e.g., Guildhall Library,9064/6,fol. 70r). 49Rotuli Parliamentorum,6 vols. (London: Record Commission, 1767-77), 2:282 those partsof Southwarkunder (1390), 4:447 (1433), 4:511 (1436). Court records from the jurisdiction of the city of London in 1539 indicate thatbrothels were being kept there (CLRO, 39C/SCM1, fol. 2r). See also Carlin, 506. 50 On the 1506 closing and subsequent reopening oflegal stews, see A. H. Thomas and I. D. Thornley,eds., The Great Chronicle of London (London: George W. Jones, 1938), 331. For more on the finalclosing in 1546, see Society ofAntiquaries, London, Proclamations 11/194:"A Proclamation to avoyde the abhominable place called the Stewes" (also in Paul L. Hughes and James F. Larkin, eds., Tudor Royal Proclamations, vol. 1, The Early Tudors [1485-1553] [New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1964], 365-66). 51 Kent Archives Office, Sandwich Year Book 1 (Old Black Book), Sa/ACl, fol. 217v. 52 Kent Archives Office,Sandwich Year Book 2 (White Book), Sa/AC2, fols. 33v, 35r-35v.



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ofwhat is knownfrom elsewhere, legal, but considered in the context they do reveal something of English attitudes to prostitutionand brothel keeping. The regulationsplaced strict controlson the prostitutesbut did not allow the brothel keepers a free hand over them and at least made it possible forthe prostitutesto operate without harassment fromthe London authorities. The Southwark regulations required that the stewholders be men; they could be accompanied by theirwives, but no unmarried woman could keep a stewhouse.53Nonetheless, fines assessed on stewholders in the Bishop of Winchester's libertyin 1505-6 show that women did run stewhouses. A list from 1519 of suspicious persons arrested at the stewhouses also lists the keeper of each house, and several are women.54The proportionsof women to men who kept illicit brothels varied fromtown to town within England. Table 1 indicates the numbers ofwomen, men, and marriedcouples accused in several jurisdictions. Accusations against women alone range from34 percent to 59 percent of total accusations.55That so many were women indicates that this was an importantarea for female entrepreneurship.It is possible, ofcourse, thatwomen were simply more likely than men to be accused, but it is more likely thatthe court rolls underestimatethe proportionof brothelkeepers who were women than the reverse. If a couple ran the operation, only the man mightbe accused and fined,or a man mightbe fined for activities carried out by his wife alone.56 It is unlikely that a woman alone would be fined foractivities carried out by her husband alone, or even by both partners,even when the offensewas one oftenconnected with women; the husband would probably be
53 Number B22 of the ordinances (see the App.). Numerical referencesto these ordinances will hereafterbe cited parentheticallyin the text. 54Hampshire Record Office,Eccles. I 85/1; PRO (n. 32 above), SP1/18/365/5/iii, stewholders presented forvarious offensesin the Southfol. 232. Of the twenty-two wark court sessions in 1505-6, nine were women. I owe the referenceto this court this manor,to Carlin, 491. In 1366 an apprentice roll,the only one thatsurvives from his a mistress, Joan Hunt, who kept stews in Southwark, against complaint brought forabusing him, but it is not certain whether this stewhouse was in the Bishop of Winchester's liberty(CLRO, Plea and Memoranda Roll All, membrane 2 [Cal. PMR

2:54]). 5 Winchester is not included in the table. According to Keene (n. 34 above), 1:391, brothels there were run either by men, by prostitutesthemselves, or by husband/wifepartnerships. 56Kowaleski finds men being accused and fined for their wives' activities in Exeter, not just for brothel keeping but for other economic activities (Kowaleski [n. 34 above], 156; Maryanne Kowaleski, personal communication, London, July 1987).


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TABLE I BREAKDOWN BY SEX OF ACCUSATIONS MEDIEVAL ENGLISH COURT RECORDS Women Record Series and Dates London, Plea and Memoranda Rolls, 1338-40* Diocese of London, Commissary Court Act Books, 1470-1516t East Smithfield Views of Frankpledge, 1422-1534t Westminster Views of Frankpledge, 1364-1508? Nottingham Borough Sessions, 1453-1550"' Exeter Mayor's Tourns, 13271445# Great Yarmouth Courts Leet and Sessions of the Peace, 13671548** Ipswich Courts Leet and Sessions of the Peace, 1415-1544t73 32 59 34 17 86 76 98 53 46 57 53 121 53 12 57 No. %




M. Couples No. % Total

9 50 8 86 54 80

43 22 24 46 40 44

... 57 7 16 4 6

... 25 22 8 3 3

21 228 32 188 134 184

46 57

37 60

5 6

4 6

124 95

NOTE.-The percentages to the smallsize of some of the givenhere shouldbe takenonlyas roughguides.In addition are notcomplete; mostoftheserieshavebiggaps, andtheextant rolls are damaged samples, andillegible they inplaces.Because thetypes of records are so different andsomeare much morecomplete than others andbecausethetimeperiods coveredvary, the figures cannotbe usedto compareabsolute numbers of accusedbrothel towns. keepersindifferent of London Records Plea and Memoranda RollA3, membrane Office, *Corporation 4b, membrane 14,RollAS, membrane 2, I I (Calendar membrane ofPlea andMemoranda RollsPreserved of The Corporation of theCityofLondon amongTheArchives at theGuildhall, ed. A. H. Thomas[Cambridge: Press, 1:109, These 124-26, rolls Cambridge 167, contain University 1926], 188). from several wards andwhathassurvived isobviously a small presentments fraction ofallsuchaccusations only, from medieval only London. Thiscountincludes forkeeping a brothel notthoseaccusedof receiving onlythoselisted (bordellum), prostitutes. 9064/1-11and 9064a These are ecclesiastical courtrecords tGuildhall Library, with moral offenses, either dealing mostly sexualoffenses or defamation. refer to pronubae accused ofprocuring forspecific Many (procurers) people,andI havenotcounted them as brothel Richard Wunderli Church Courts andSociety on theEveofReformation, keepers. (London Speculum Anniversary no. 7 [Cambridge, Mass.:Medieval of America, Monographs, "Scribes used thewordpronuba Academy 1981]),92-93, explains, to refer to a maleor female buton occasion indiscriminately lenocinii pimp; theyalso usedthe wordsfautor (or one who fovet forthe same purpose. Courtscribes neverclearly indicate thedifference lenocinium) betweena pronuba anda fautor lenocinii, butit appears thata pronuba for a woman and a fautor lenocinii acceptedmoney providing a place (forpayment?) for provided the illegal act.' "Procurer" is a bettertranslation than"pimp"forpronuba because"pimp"in modern is one parlance usually who livesoff a prostitute's thanbeing to provide a prostitute). I haveincluded earnings (rather thosewho fovent paidbya client and thoseaccusedof beingpronubae lenocinium, forseveralwomenliving in their house,as brothel The recordsdo keepers. notgivethedisposition ofmostofthecases.See Wunderli forfull discussion oftheserecords. Forpublished from these excerpts see William Hale Hale,ed.,A Seriesof Precedents records, and Proceedings in Criminal Cases, Extending from the Year 1475 to 1640.Extracted from theAct Books of Ecclesiastical Courtsin the Diocese of London, Illustrative of the Discipline of the Church of England & John (London:Francis Rivington, 1847). court.The numbers include tThiswas a manorial in their people listedas keeping houses,notthoseonlylisted prostitutes as procurers SC2/191/55-59. (PublicRecordOffice), ?Westminster Room(hereafter AbbeyMuniments above include receivers ofprostitutes. WAM),50699-50773.Those listed ofthoseaccusedof receiving were also accusedof receiving Many thieves. Some ofthoselisted prostitutes as receivers not may be brothel de Bone and Margery keepersbut keepersof cheaplodgings; were bothlistedas receivers e.g.,Johanna of Nayler the same prostitute thatpeople receiveprostitutes (WAM50711). In some cases it is specified in their tenements rather than their to homes, them rather than brothels probably renting keeping (WAM,50716). Onlya fewentries statethatthe specifically offense is brothel thatis,unknown menand prostitutes keeping: e.g.,"theykeepa brothel, intheir houses"(WAM,50739),or andkeep a common brothel" "theyare common procurers (WAM,50753). Of these,sevenare menandthirteen are women. RecordOffice, CA/I-45b (the seriescontinues, "Nottinghamshire but onlythose up until1550 were consulted forthis Sessions ofthePeace wereheldbefore ofthePeace,royally article). Justices local officials. Thesefigures do notinclude appointed those presented in the sixteenth for"kepyng of bawdry," whichmight mean eitherbrothelkeeping century or committing themselves. immorality # Devon RecordOffice, EC9, 1337-1445;Mayor's CourtRolls, TournRolls, Mayor's K7, 1327-67.Thesecourtrollscontain formunicipal I thank offenses. presentments Kowaleski forsharing herexpertise withthe Exetercourtrolls. Maryanne RecordOffice, Y/C4/81-249 but onlythose up to 1550 were examined (the seriescontinues **Norfolk forthisarticle). CourtsLeet dealtwithmany ofthesamesortsofcasesas Sessions ofthePeace inaddition to commercial offenses. Entries about are morecommon than thoseforkeeping receiving prostitutes thistableincludes brothels; the latter. only RecordOffice, C5/12-13; C8/1/5-34. C7/1/3-27; This includes lt Suffolk those presented for brothelkeeping or for and receiving various "supporting, abetting andadultery" persons intheirhouses.One prescommitting prostitution [scortum] entment refers to a brothel as "comunelupanarium et apertu stue" (common brothel andopen stew) (C7/11/5 membrane Id).


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in a betterposition to pay the fines.57 In the case ofthe records from the London ecclesiastical courts, which also appear in the table, systematicerrorprobably worksin the opposite direction: these are accusations of moral offenses,less likely to be aimed only at those deemed fiscallyresponsible, and women's moraltransgressions may have been presented more commonly (especially by their neighbors) than men's.58 When women did manage brothels,it may still have been men who owned them and profitedfromthem. Records fromGreat Yarmouth indicate thatwomen there oftenmanaged brothelsthatwere the propertyof men. The male propertyowners were fined higher amounts, perhaps because they were accorded more blame or,perto haps, simply because the court thoughtthey could betterafford muthe that indicates at all fined were that fact the but they pay, nicipalityconsidered them to be responsible parties,notjust absent landlords.59Just as women were likely to enter occupations that required littlecapital, theywere more likely to be involved in those business thatused someone else's investment.60 aspects ofthebrothel In Southwark, where brothels were legal and officiallyestablished, brothel keeping was more likely to be a permanent occupation than elsewhere in England. In othertowns,those presented as brothel keepers had other occupations as well. The Nottingham records, forexample, name a wide range of occupations, including
57 In medieval English law a husband could be held responsible forhis wife's activities and not vice versa, though this does not mean that those women whose names appear were unmarried.On laws regardingwomen as entrepreneursin London, see Kay E. Lacey, "Women and Work in Fourteenth and Fifteenth Century London," in Women and Workin Pre-Industrial England, ed. Lindsey Charles and Lorna Duffin(London: Croom Helm, 1985), 24-82, esp. 42-45. See also Kowaleski, 146-47. 58See Wunderli (n. 29 above), 81-102, on the prosecution of sexual crimes by London ecclesiastical courts. 59For example, NorfolkRecord Office,Y/C4/199, membrane 15. From the same town, however, there are also instances of men who "let out theirhouses to farmto themselves ratherthan to brothelkeepthatis, rented to the prostitutes prostitutes," ers, and were sometimes finedless than were brothel keepers (e.g., NorfolkRecord Office,Y/C4/186,membrane 16d). This rentingto prostitutesalso shows up in sixmemSessions of the Peace (e.g., NorfolkRecord Office,Y/C4/222, teenth-century brane 14d). 60This patternholds true formost occupations in which women worked in the Middle Ages; denied entrance to many of the skilled trades and guilds, theyworked at a wide varietyof tasks (especially brewing and spinning),none of which required major capital investmentor permanent,year-roundactivity(see Barbara Hanawalt's was a naturaloutlet to Hanawalt, ed. [n. 34 above], xii-xiii). Prostitution introduction for casual unskilled labor, and brothel keeping also may have allowed women to take advantage of available opportunitiesand the supply of prostitutes.


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forthe men accused; ofthe women,thirty-eight are listed laborer, as housewife(oras "wifeofso-and-so"), nineteenas widow,seven as spinster(perhaps simplymeaningunmarried woman),two as and one as tipler(tavern In Exeter,of the sevlaborer, keeper).61 enteen womenlisted as brothelkeepersduringthe period 1373-

long-termstaff.6 Foreigners,particularlyfromthe Low Countries, were oftenaccused of keeping brothels,perhaps in part because foreignerswere generally distrusted,perhaps because foreignwomen had few other opportunitiesavailable to them,perhaps because there would have been a large foreign clientele for brothels as many foreign merchants in port towns would not have their families with them. "Dutch" brothel keepers seem to have been particularlycommon, forexample, in Great Yarmouth, where a sizable Dutch community was settled.64 The East Smithfieldcourtrolls show several "Dutch" women as brothel keepers.5 A Southwark stewhouse attacked during the Peasants' Rebellion in 1381 was runby "frowsde Flaundres"; the Tudor chronicler John Stow explained that "English people disdayned to be baudes. Froes of Flaunders were women forthat

Brothelkeepingwas a sideline and not a profession in itself, althoughthe degree to which one could make a livingat it alone would depend on the size ofthe townand the demandforprostitutes.Even the Southwark brothels probablydid not have a very

93, all are also listed in the courtrolls as having otheroccupations.62

61 NottinghamshireRecord Office,CA/1-45b. 62Kowaleski (n. 34 above), 154, n. 53, and 143 forher table 1. Kowaleski's study of Exeter forthis twenty-year period is based on a much wider range of documents than is my tabulation of brothel-keeping statisticsfor a longer period. See Keene (n. 34 above), 1:392, on prostitutionas a secondary occupation; in the Winchester records he has found prostituteswho worked as spinsters, and a wool-comber, a dressmaker,a laundress, and a netmaker. 63Records of stewholders finedin 1506 show thatsix of twelve brothelshad more than one keeper during the year (Hampshire Record Office,Eccles. I 85/1). 64For example, for 1381: "William Taylour,Dutchman, is a common receiver of and other malefactors,and is a common regraterof beer" (Northieves, prostitutes, folk Record Office,Y/C4/92,membrane 14d). "Dutch" people often appear in the Yarmouthrecords forotheroffensesas well, and theirappearance as brothel keepers may simply reflecttheir importance in the population. The term "Dutch" can also include Germans or Flemings (see Sylvia Thrupp, "Aliens in and around London in the FifteenthCentury,"in Studies in London History,ed. A. E. J. Hollaender and William Kellaway [London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1969], 251-72, esp. 259). The majorityof those so labeled were in fact Hollanders or Brabanters. 65PRO, SC2/191/55,membrane 2, membrane 3 (these are cases where "Duchewoman" is given as a surname or appellative; some of the other names could also be Dutch or Flemish).


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in London to purpose."66The 1393 ordinance banishing prostitutes Cock's Lane and to the stews specificallyblamed "Flemish women, who profess and follow such shameful and dolorous life," forthe disturbances causes by prostitution,a clear indication that there elsewhere than had been Flemish women involved in prostitution the Winchester liberty.67 The brothel keepers of the Southwarkstews had a great deal of control over the workingconditions of the prostitutesbut not over all aspects of their lives. The ordinances forbade the prostitutesto live in the stewhouses (B1). The brothels had to close at certain times: the prostituteshad to leave not only the house but the entire lordship on holy days from6:00 to 11:00 A.M. and 1:00 to 6:00 P.M. (the forbiddenhours are shorterin the winter),and at nightduring the sitting of Parliament (Bll, A3, B15, B16).68 Not only did the not live in the brothels,stewholderscould notforcethem prostitutes or even allow them to board there (A2, B10). London ecclesiastical the Southwark courtrecords referto people harboringwomen from fact live elsein did the that evidence further prostitutes stews, where.69Banning prostitutesfromthe libertyon religious holidays may have been a concession by the bishop of Winchester to the Church's disapproval of prostitution;during Parliament or a meeting of the king's council the bishop himselfwas likely to be at his Southwark residence next to the stews and may have wanted the
66 V. H. Galbraith,ed., The Anonimalle Chronicle, 1333-1381, University of Manchester Historical Series, no. 45 (Manchester: Manchester UniversityPress, 1927), 140; John Stow, A Survey of London, ed. Charles L. Kingsford(Oxford: Oxford UniversityPress, 1908), 310. This quotation is a marginal rubric,which may have been inserted by the publisher of Stow's 1603 edition ratherthan by Stow himself. Trexler (n. 7 above), 986, has studied the geographical origins of women in Florentine brothels, as well as male employees of the brothels (not male prostitutes), and finds that the largest group is fromFlanders. While this may be coincidental, or that it may also be that Flemish women had a general reputationforprostitution Flanders. were called Flemish in slang even iftheywere notactuallyfrom prostitutes 67 CLRO, Letter-BookH, fol. 287r (Cal. L-B H, 402; Riley [n. 36 above], 535). 8 The presentmentsof stewholders (Hampshire Record Office,Eccles. I, 85/1) show that closing on holy days was one of the regulations they were oftenaccused of infringing. 69 Harboring a prostitute meant allowing her to lodge, not necessarily sheltering her from justice. Juliana Colson, a widow, was accused of being a procuress forher daughter,"and allowing her to have access at nightto the Stewsside and come back the next day" (Guildhall Library,9064/3,fol. 215r); a woman of St. Michael ofWood Street parish was accused of being a prostitutein the Stews side (Guildhall Library, 9064/8, fol. 147v). Other Londoners accused of harboring unspecified prostitutes may also have been rentingrooms to women fromthe stews (see, e.g., CLRO, Plea and Memoranda Roll A3, membrane 14 [Cal. PMR 1:124-25]).


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area cleared up temporarily. The effectof forcingthe prostitutesto have their actual dwellings elsewhere did minimize the women's ties to the brothel, perhaps giving them less group solidarity but also giving them more freedomof movement than ifthey had lived there. The illicit brothels elsewhere in England may have operated similarly,with prostitutes working there and living elsewhere.70 This may explain why, in so many court rolls, those who received or harbored prostitutesin their houses are mentioned separately fromkeepers of brothels. The brothel keeper did not directlyemploy the prostitutesand they did not live in her or his house; she or he merely rented to them their working premises. Even in the case of the legal brothels,the prostitutesmay have picked up their customers elsewhere: there are references to men taking women to the stews, and these may be prostituteswho normally worked there.71 The stewholders could also have rented rooms by the night to couples even if the women did not usually work there, but the regulations referonly to prostitutespaying a weekly rent. In the Southwark brothels each woman was to pay 14d. a week for her room-her place of business and not her residence (B2). This was much higher than usual rents at the time.72The amount charged by brothel keepers in Sandwich was similar, 16d. a week forboard and lodging.73 The regulations give no indication thatthe stewholders received any money from the customers; the latter probably paid the prostitutes,who paid a high rent ratherthan a brothpercentage oftheirfees. Procurersnot connected with official els might make more favorable deals: for example, William Redwode and his wife Isabella were "procurers fordivers women and received fromdivers men sums forthese women, fromsome 20d.,
70 For example, the London ecclesiastical court accused a woman of "being in a brothel all Monday night"; her residence is also given, implyingthat it was not the brothel (Guildhall Library,9064/1,fol. 86r; see also fol. 169v). A Westminster court book entryfromthe reign of Henry VIII accuses Anne Warrenof "keeping whores daily in her house," implyingthatthey did not live there (Westminster Abbey Muniments Room, 50782, fol. lv); in the same book others are accused of "keeping bawdry both day and night" (fol. 2r-2v). 71 For example, Guildhall Library,9064/6, fol. 69r. 72 Carlin (n. 32 above), 487, n. 18, compares the 60s. 8d. paid annually by each prostitutefor her room to the 20s. per annum for tenements owned by Sir John Fastolf in Southwark.The amount may also be compared to fifteenth-century wages of 1.5-2d. per day plus board forwomen agriculturalworkers,or 14-18s. per year plus board for laundresses in Oxford (James E. Thorold Rogers, Six Centuries of Workand Wages [New York: Putnam's, n.d.], 329, and A History of Agriculture and Prices in England [1866-1902; reprint,Vaduz: Kraus Reprint, 1963], 3:660-63). 73 Kent Archives Office,Sa/AC2, fol. 35r.


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fromsome 30d., fromsome 40d. and fromsome fourshillings at the The regulationsfrom both Southwarkand Sandwich show a great The Sandconcern thatthe prostitutesnot be exploited financially. wich regulations limited the price the brothel keeper could charge the women forale; the Southwarkregulations prohibited all prostitutes fromboarding at the brothel,thereby preventingthe stewholder from overcharging them. The Southwark rule against the stewholder lending money to the women-if he did so, he could not bring suit for its recovery (A6)-seems intended to keep the women fromfalling into his debt and thereforeinto dependence on him. This regulation was breached in practice, as in at least one case a stewholder did succeed in having a woman imprisoned because she would not work for him to pay offa debt. Sometime between 1473 and 1475 Ellen Butler petitioned the chancellor for a writof habeas corpus to release her fromthe bishop of Winchester's prison. She had been looking fora position as a servant and had met a man in London named Thomas Bowde who had asked if she wanted a good job. He took her to his house on the Stews side of the riverand "would have compelled her to do such service as his other servants do there." When she refused, he broughtan action against her in the courtofthe bishop ofWinchesterin Southwark to get a judgment fora sum she would never be able to pay, so that she would have to remain in prison unless she agreed to work forhim as a prostitute.75 The Southwark stew regulations also aimed at protectingthe prostitutesfromother formsof exploitation. Prostitutescould not spin or card with the stewholder (B13). Spinning was the most common occupation forwomen in the later Middle Ages, particularly forsingle women.76This regulation,though it could be seen
74 Guildhall Library,9064/1, fol. 57r. Alexander Elwold kept two prostitutesin a certainpriest" (Guildhis house, "forwhom he received weekly two shillings from hall Library, 9064/3,fol.217r). A penny seems a more typicalpaymentfora prostitute herself (Guildhall Library,9064/1,fol. 80r). One woman received froma priest 4d. worthof single beer" forthe second cake and a farthing forone nightand "a farthing (Guildhall Library,9064/6,fol.21v). Eden Johnsonwas accused ofbeing a procurer: she demanded paymentfrom JohnParnesse and his lover,saying "I have been bawd between you two a dozen times and thou owest me 16s.," to which he responded, "I paid thee at the stews side, thou whore" (Guildhall Library,9064/8,fol. 79v). 75 PRO, C/48/191.Her petition alleged not that he breached the regulations by suing her but rather that the action of trespass was false. The exact date of the petition is unknown, as is the result. The stewholder's surname is clearly Bowde ratherthan Bawde. 76The term"spinster" began to be applied to single women in general because it was so common an occupation. When the term "spinster inhabiting the stews"



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as an attempt to limitthe workoptionsof prostitutes, did reduce to spin and card thebrothel theprostitutes to force keeper'sability forhis profit. In both Southwark (B40) and Sandwichthe brothel to beat the prostitutes.77 keeperwas forbidden The Southwark regulations place greatstresson the freemovementoftheprostitutes. theproblem the tothepreamble, According freedomof set out to solve was thatthe prostitutes' regulations movement had been takenfrom them.The preamblepresentsthe reissuanceof the regulations as a way to preventthe prostitutes from sin" thannecessary, beingexposedtomore"horrible bystressthat in not be the stews,or in a lifeofprostiing theymight kept wishes.Yettheregulations did notproposethat tution, againsttheir the women should convertand give up prostitution; rather they tooka practical that also who could not benefited women approach or did not wantto leave the profession. The regulations required thebishop'sofficials tosearch for regularly womenbeingkeptagainst theirwill and stipulated thata pendinglegal actioncould notpreventa prostitute from leavingthe stewsand the lifeofprostitution whenevershe wished (A5). The abuses these regulations to preventwere very attempted real and continuedafter the issuance ofthe regulations. Margaret in 1439 arranged with"a certaingentleman" to have a Hathewyk stews for younggirlnamed Isabella Lane kept in the Southwark four acts."NicholasCroketookChristiana days"tobe used in lustful stews and forcedher to remainthere Swynoweto the Southwark

was used in a 1543 ordinance (CLRO, 39C/SCM1, fol. 32r), it undoubtedly referred to single women, prostitutesin particular,and not specifically women who spun. This is not to say thatall single women were equated with prostitutes, just thatthose fromthe Southwark stews were. The term "spinster" was used as the legal designation ofan unmarriedwoman from the seventeenthcentury, according to the Oxford English Dictionary,s.v. "spinster,"but appears to have meant the same in popular parlance even earlier. 77In Sandwich the regulationsspecifiedthatany disputes between brothelkeeper and prostitutes were instead to be broughtbeforethe mayorand jurats (Kent Archives Office,Sa/AC2, fol. 35r). The Southwark regulations as they survive do not contain a prohibition on beating the prostitutes,but the question about beating the prostitutes (B40) is the only one in the list of thirty-three questions thatdoes not parallel the regulations themselves; a provision punishing the beating of women was probomittedat some point in the manuscripttransably once included but inadvertently mission. Beating the prostituteswas clearly forbiddenby the early sixteenthcentury as it was one of the offensesforwhich the stewholders were being fined (Hampshire Record Office,Eccles. I 85/1). The others were keeping their houses open on holidays, buying and selling women, and having women "to board," which all appear in the regulations.

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nine days.78 In 1490, Henry Whiteherewas accused in ecclesiastical courtof solicitingwomen to fornicatewith othermen; he also "took a certain Margaretto the Stews side, and there sold her to a certain In 1517 JohnBarton was accused of takinga young girl procurer."79 on her first visit to London to the stews and making "covenant with a bawd to set the said maiden with the said bawd."80 Coercion, including the sale ofyoung girls(iuvenculae) not only to brothel keepers but also to individual customers,oftenrich merand chants fromoverseas, indicates both the demand forprostitutes the problems facing unskilled young women, oftennew in the city and without connections, who saw no alternativeto a life of prostitution. being forced Though regulationsmightprotectwomen from that women from could not into prostitution, choosing protect they life out of economic necessity. In 1495 Thomas Togood, a "bawd of the Stews," was put on the pillory in London forhaving enticed two women "to become his servants and to have been common within his house at the Stews."'8 These women may have gone to be prostitutesin Togood's house voluntarilyratherthan by forceor subterfuge,but they may have had little real choice. The Southwark regulations had neither the sole intention nor the sole functionof protectingthe prostitutes.They also aimed to protectthe customerfrombeing harassed in the street(B13), being pulled into the brothelby his clothing(B7, B8), or havinghis person or belongings detained in the house because of debts (B3, B6). The stewholder could not sell food or other goods in his house (B29) or keep a boat (B21), probably in order to protectthe customer from at inflatedprices as being forcedto purchase food or transportation from the The banishment partof his transactionwith the prostitute. sickness" stews of any women with "burning (B25) protected the disease.82 customer from

78 CLRO, Plea and Memoranda Roll A66, membrane 5 (Cal. PMR, 5:13-14); CLRO, journal 3, fol. 15v,journal 4, fol. 134v. 79Guildhall Library,9064/4,fol. 176v. Similarly,Anna Chester sold a young girl, her servant,to someone who took her to the Stews (Guildhall Library,9064/9,fol. 108r). 80CLRO, Rep. 3, fol. 157v-158r; Letter-Book N, fol. 47v. The girl managed to escape, aided by the wife of the watermanwith whom Bartonlefther while he went to negotiate with the brothel keeper. Barton was convicted and sentenced to the

pillory. 81 Thomas and Thornley,eds. (n. 50 above), 258. 82 It is not clear whetherthe "burning sickness" is syphilisor some othervenereal England (New Epidemic Disease in Fifteenth-Century ailment; see RobertGottfried, Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers UniversityPress, 1978), 62, on the identityof the "French Pox" of the late fifteenth century.As Otis, Prostitution(n. 7 above), 41, points out,

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Though London itself, and several other English towns, had legislation about certain types of clothing (e.g., striped hoods) that had to wear, and prohibited them from prostitutes wearing the dress of "good and noble ladies," the Southwark brothels had no restrictions on the dress of the prostitutesother than that they not wear aprons (B28).83 The city of London complained in 1538 about "the evil example of the gorgeous apparel of the common women of the stews to the great temptationof young maidens, wives and apprentices," but the regulations fromthe fifteenth centurywere not concerned with restricting the prostitutesto keep them fromtempting or contaminatingrespectable women.84As long as they were being controlled by theirrelation to the official brothelstheydid not need to be identifiedas a group. The Southwark brothel regulations levied harsh punishments against the prostitutewho had a paramour, especially if she supported him financially (B12, B50).85 For this she could get three weeks of prison, a fine,the cucking-stool,and banishment fromthe lordship. The regulations may have been directed against pimping in orderto protectthe prostitute'scontrolover her income, to which canon lawyersagreed she had a right, but a measure intended mainly

the Middle Ages had a long traditionof connecting prostituteswith disease, e.g., the closing of brothels in times of plague. There is no reason why this provision need even have referredspecifically to venereal disease. It could be an acknowledgment that intimate contact could spread many diseases. An English treatise of the fourteenthcentury gives the danger of "meseles" (probably leprosy) as one reason fornot visitingprostitutes(Robert of Brunne's "Handlying Synne," ed. Frederick J. Furnivall, Early English Text Society Original Series 123 [London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner & Co., 1901], 2:238). The penalty forviolating this regulation was higher in the later manuscript tradition. As J. B. Post, "A Fifteenth-Century Customary of the Southwark Stews," Journal of the Society of Archivists 5 (1977): 422, explains, this was probably due to a copyist's error, but it could possibly reflect higher penalties once the "French disease" had arrived. 83On restrictions concerning dress, see e.g., CLRO, Letter-BookA, fol. 130v (Cal L-B A, 220), Letter-Book F, fol. 208r (Cal. L-B F, 241, trans. in Riley [n. 36 above], 267), Letter-BookH, fol. 139r (Cal. L-B H, 176, Riley,458). For othertowns, see Bickley, ed. (n. 33 above), 2:229; Great YarmouthCourts Leet, NorfolkRecord membrane 12. An apron was a linen garmentworn over otherclothOffice,Y/C4/90, ing but could also be a garmentworn by a bishop; it could be that women were mocking the bishop of Winchester by wearing this type of garment(Middle English Dictionary, ed. Sherman M. Kuhn [Ann Arbor: Universityof Michigan Press, 1975], s.v. "napron"). 84The complaint by the city of London can be found in CLRO, Rep. 10 (n. 32 above), fol. 27r. 85The question based on this regulation (B50) indicates thatthe concern is with her maintaining the lover financially.

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to protectthe prostitute would hardlypunish her so severely.86 Some of the prostitutesof the stews did have people who drummed up business for them, but these were not necessarily their lovers.87 This regulation also controlled the prostitute'schoices about her own sexuality.To work in a public brothel she must not be attached to any one man. Similarly,wives or nuns, who belonged to a man or to God, were not to be received in the stewhouses (B4). Probably the most central concern of both the Southwark authoritiesand cityofficialsin othertowns in shaping the regulations and prohibitionsdirected at prostitutes, brothels,and brothelkeepers was the preservation of public order, which required control over female sexuality.The concern with public order appears, for example, in the preamble to London's antiprostitution legislation.88 Prostitution was connected withothercrimes: as a royalcommission of 1460 put it, "owing to the number of prostitutesin Southwark and other places adjacent many homicides, plunderings and imNot only legislation but also courtrolls proprietieshave occurred."89 class receivers of prostitutes with receivers of thieves or,more generally,suspicious persons.90Disturbing the neighbors is oftenpart of the formulaforaccusations of brothel keeping.91A provision in the Southwark stew regulations requiring a prostituteto spend the whole nightwitha customeris probablymeantto discourage people from wandering around the area at night(B20).92The cityofLondon
86 For a discussion of medieval canon law as it see James pertainsto prostitution, A. Brundage, "Prostitutionin the Medieval Canon Law," Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 1, no. 4 (Summer 1976): 825-45, esp. 837-38. 87 Edward Newton and his wife Margaretwere listed as procurersforprostitutes of the Stews, procuringboth priests and laymen (Guildhall Library9064/9,fol.42v). 88CLRO, Letter-BrookH, fol. 287r (Cal. L-B H, 402; Riley,535), LetterBook I, fol. 193v (Cal. L-B 1, 178; trans. in Riley, 647). 89 Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry VI (London: His/Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1910), 6:610. 90For example, King's Lynn Inquisitions before the Constables, 1309, in Dorothy M. Owen, ed., The Making of King's Lynn: A Documentary Survey,Records ofSocial and Economic History,n.s. 9 (London: British Academy, 1984), 419; King's Lynn Borough Archives, King's Lynn Leet Roll KL/C17/21,membrane 2d; Nottinghamshire Record Office, Nottingham Mickletourn JuryRoll, CA 3011, 1408 (also in Records of the Borough of Nottingham, ed. W. H. Stevenson [London: Bernard Quaritch, 1883] 2:62); NorfolkRecord Office,Y/C4/92,membrane 14d. A receiver (receptator) would be one who knowinglyharbors the wrongdoer. 91An example fromGreat Yarmouthfrom1436: "Isabell Merssh keeps a brothel and supportsbrawlersand vagabonds in her house, to the nuisance ofher neighbors" membrane 12). This typeofaccusation is formulaic (NorfolkRecord Office,Y/C4/143, but there is significance in the formulaadopted. 92 It can hardly have been the case that a prostitutehad to spend a whole night with each customer since the stews were open during the day and the women must


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"lest misdoers be assisted in their coming and going."93London was a common offense, was subject to a curfew and night-walking or frequentingbrothels.94 oftenconnected with prostitution Brothels might violate the public order because they fomented violentcrime,but the simple presence of independent women might are veryoftenaccused of being scolds also violate order: prostitutes as well, or accused prostitutesare listed in court rolls along with accused scolds.95Any woman making public scenes and quarrels, or misbehaving sexually,was a threatto order.The regulations thus attempted not to stamp out prostitutionas immoral but rather to control it as disorderly. The Southwarkregulations show remarkablylittle concern with sexual moralityin general, not even paying lip service to the goal of making the prostitutesleave their sin. The church condemned and brothel keeping, as is apparent fromthe numerous prostitution accusations in ecclesiastical courts,but this did not deter the bishop of Winchester fromsanctioning and regulating brothels, although not in his capacity as bishop.96Fines fromthe stews contributedto the bishop's income and probably formed a major motivation for

forbadeboat ownersto take people to or from the stews at night

have had more than one customer per day. From the list of questions later in the manuscript(B54), it appears thatthe problem would arise only ifshe accepted money to spend the whole night and then did not do so. 93 CLRO, Letter-BookH, fol. 264v (Cal. L-B H, 372). The regulation in Riley, ed. (n. 36 above), 277, does not give any rationale. 94 For example, CLRO, Letter-BookB, fol. 3r (Cal. L-B B, 6), Letter-Book D, fol. 131r (Cal. L-B D, 63). 95 In the London ecclesiastical court records, e.g., it is often the same women accused of scolding or defaming and of prostitution(Guildhall Library,9064/1-11). The combination or juxtaposition is also found oftenin other court rolls, e.g., PRO, Sc2/191/55membrane 1 (East Smithfield); WestminsterAbbey Muniments Room, 50707, 50709, etc. (Westminster). 96Concerning accusations in ecclesiastical courts, see Wunderli (n. 29 above), 81-102. Brian Woodcock, Medieval Ecclesiastical Courts in the Diocese of Canterbury (London: Oxford UniversityPress, 1952), 79-82, discusses sexual offenses as a proportion of ex officiocases treated by these courts but does not separate out prostitution.The Bishop of Winchester was not entirely unique in his sanctioning of brothels; the Bishop of Mainz, e.g., owned brothels. See Bloch (n. 7 above), 760, and Wiesner (n. 7 above), 97, on Germany; see also Keene (n. 34 above), 1:392, on ecclesiastics as landlords ofbrothels in the town ofWinchester,although these were not officially condoned. Although the bishop himself would have been fullyaware of what was going on in Southwark (many of the bishops of Winchester served as royal chancellors and spent a good deal of time at their London palace, adjacent to the stews), he was not personally concerned about it. His bailiffsand other officials enforced the regulations.

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notjust condoning but also actually encouraging the brothels: both prostitutesand stewholders paid fines forviolations of the regulations, and stewholders paid rents well above marketrate to those who owned the houses.97In addition,by regulatingthe stewholders' the bishop or his representativeasserted power over the prostitutes, his own power over the stewholders. Indeed, the bishop of Winchester's regulation of brothels may have been a way of asserting his jurisdiction over the liberty.By allowing brothels to exist there thatwere illegal elsewhere, the bishop was proclaimingthatin this corner of the London suburbs he was the lord of the manor: the brothel regulations also stipulate that all residents of the liberty must sue each other in the bishop's court ratherthan the king's (A7). The bishop's exclusive jurisdiction also permittedabuses of power by brothel keepers: because they were licensed and accepted, they could wield power in the bishop's courts.In a petition to the chancellor between 1475 and 1485, Henry Saunder complained that Thomas Dyconson, "a keeper of one of the unclean houses on the other side of the Thames," had had him arrested in the Bishop of Winchester's libertyon false charges and that Saunder's just defense had not prevailed because all the members ofthe jury were "occupiers and keepers of such unclean and infamous places as the said Thomas is."98 The bishop of Winchester was not the only powerful figureto frombrothels; he was unique only in that his jurisdiction in profit Southwarkmade the brothels legal. Elsewhere in England, ifleading citizens owned brothels,theycould not make the brothelslegal, but they could often ignore the law with impunity.William Walworth,Lord Mayor of London, owned the brothel attacked by the rebels in 1381.99Apparently Walworth was not the only leading or brothelkeepers; in 1417 the London citizen to rentto prostitutes substantial that "no council decreed Commoner,or other Alderman, as a tenant ... shall receive any man or woman person whatsoever, who has been indicted or charged as of,or known to be of,evil and vicious life."100 Indeed, the ownership of brothels by powerful cit(n. 32 above), 491-92, has collected evidence fromthe Winchesterpipe rolls of the early sixteenthcenturyabout amercementsofbrothelkeepers forvarious offenses.See also 487, n. 18, on high rentspaid by stewholders to the owners of the houses, mostly ecclesiastical institutions.The Fraternityof the Assumption of the Virgin in St. Margaret's Church in Southwark,who owned one of the stewhouses, seems to have had some qualms about owning brothels since they inserted a clause in the leases of other tenements in the area forbiddingtheir use as brothels (496). 98 PRO, C1/64/897. I owe this referenceto Carlin, 499, n. 38. 99Galbraith, ed. (n. 66 above), 140. 100 CLRO, Letter-Book I, fol. 194r (Cal. L-B 1, 178, trans in Riley [n. 36 above], 649).
97 Carlin


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izens could be one reasonwhytownsdid notestablishmunicipal brothels. The brothel keeperswho were finedwere usuallythose who actuallymanagedthe brothels, not those who owned them; but the example of Southwark shows thatthe landlord,charging high rents,could do verywell out of the business. Such people mightnot look kindlyon a municipaltakeoverof the trade and withineffective enforcement. preferred illegality The regulation ofbrothels in Southwark was in partan effort to female under the of control men. Female sexuality keep sexuality was to be kept withinbounds: to disappear on holy days, to be to stay indoorsand not walk the streets.If women unobtrusive, were notthe property ofa particular man,a husband,theirsexual behaviormustbe strictly regulatedby the male civil authorities. The regulations to the prostitutes as emphasize this by referring If nottheproperty ofone, theywere "common "single women."'?1 theproperty ofthecommunity, and could notchoose their women," lovers. Whatmade theprostitute less offensive tomedievalmorality thanan adulteressor foricatrixwas thatshe was available to all Forherto have a particular loverwould makeherthepropmen.'02 ertyof one man and would make her sexual license much more offensive. morally The prostitutes of the stewswere publiclyaccepted as prostitutesand thus as promiscuous. The same principleprobablyunofillicitbrothels elsewherein England.The derlaythe treatment brothels wererecognized as seedbedsofsinand disorder, thebrothel werefined and stigmatized keepersand prostitutes bybeinglabeled as such,but theycontinuedto operate.Because brothels were ilcould enforce thelaws strictly and close brothlegal theauthorities els when theyso chose because of particular but in complaints, theauthorities generalthebrothels to control provideda meansfor and ensurethat wouldbe available.The same social prostitutes they forces that their as theleastofa number ofevils legitimated activity seized control ofthatactivity to place thewomenat the disposalof on who could be customers anyman.The lackofrestrictions means thatthe brothels were a sexual outletfor morethanjust unmarried The clergy, who could notmarry and who were often apprentices. accused ofadultery withLondoners'wives,mayhave been among the intendedclientele.103 As some men were excluded from the
101 This does not mean thatany unmarriedwoman was assumed to be a prostitute. In B22, forexample, "single" clearly just means "unmarried." 102 The financial element was less importantto medieval theorists than that of promiscuity(see Brundage [n. 86 above], 825-29). 103 See, e.g., CLRO, Letter-Book I, fols. 286-90 (Cal. L-B I, 273-77).

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of the family, institution women not under the controlof the family had to be tolerated to prevent these men fromdisruptingthe families of others. But the women still had to remain under some sort of patriarchal control. The brothels fulfilledthis functionas intermediaries forthe bishop of Winchester or other local authorities. More thanelsewhere in Europe the regulationsofthe Southwark in practicalways. brothelsdo seem concerned to help the prostitutes The controlover theirsexual behavior was delegated to the brothel keeper but he (or she, in practice) did not controltheirlives in other and ways. They could leave the stews, both daily and permanently, could not be made to pay the stewholder more thantheirrent.Even as their sexuality remained under the control of male society in general, they were protected fromtoo strictcontrolby a particular man. Prostitutionforthese women was a trade, as the regulations acknowledge: a prostitutewas defined as a woman who lives by was her body (B2). Like othertrades in medieval towns prostitution with were not concerned But trade the of the regulated. regulations the practitioners'lives outside the trade: thatwas forotherauthorities. In effectthe Southwarkbrothel regulations made the prostitute's sexuality a commodityand controlled its sale. Though they were much more specificallyconcerned withthe trade as trade than were regulations fromelsewhere, theystill existed withinthe same general contextof seeing women's sexual activityas a threatto the social order and a defilementof the woman herself. little The Southwark brothel regulations provide frustratingly themselves and how the brothelsand on the prostitutes information brothel keepers shaped theirexperiences. There is no evidence as to whether the prostitutesof the stews felt any group identityin contrastwith illicit prostitutesor otherwomen. While we may surwas dictatedby economic mise thatthe choice ofworkas a prostitute choose to work we do not know what made a prostitute constraints, in the stews of Southwark ratherthan illicitly elsewhere: diminished harassmentby the law and a steady streamofcustomersprobably played a part,but some sortof group solidaritymay have been under which theyoperatedhave lefttraces, involved. The restrictions themselves have not,and one can only inferfrom but the prostitutes their circumstances the choices they may have made. Department of History Universityof Pennsylvania


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Appendix Text of ordinances'04

This act and ordinance was made, as hereinafterappears in this book, in the parliament held at Winchester in the eighth year of the reign of King Henry II [1162], by all the assent of the commons, and so confirmedby the king and all the lords of the said parliament,in the same year and time of parliament there so held, Theobaldus then being archbishop of Canterbury and Thomas Becket then being archdeacon of the same.105 We ordain and make to the said lord's [the Bishop ofWinchester's] avail divers ordinances and constitutionsto be kept forevermore withinthe said lordship and franchise,according to the old customs that have been used and accustomed there out of time of mind, which now of late were broken, to the great displeasure of God and great hurt unto the lord, and utter undoing of all his poor tenants there dwelling, and also to the great multiplication of horrible sin upon the single women, who ought to have their as it appears by the old customs freegoing and coming at theirown liberty, thereofmade before, time out of mind, forthe eschewing of these inconveniences and of all others thereofcoming. (Al) First, therefore,we ordain and make, according to the said old thatno stewholder nor his wife hinder customs contained in the customary, any single woman to go and come at all times when they wish. And as to the lord at every courtheld within to forfeit oftenas they do the contrary, the said lordship when they are presented by the constables there, three shillings fourpence. (A2) Also, we ordain and make that no great householder shall keep any women to board, but that they be expelled between now and Whitsuntide next coming afterthe date of this present writing,upon pain of losing to the said lord, at every default so made, a hundred shillings. (A3) Also, we ordain and make that no great householder keep open his doors upon any holy days according to the old customs and customary,

104What follows is a modernizationof the English textofthe ordinances. Portions originally appearing in Latin are italicized. Several manuscripts of the ordinances survive: Bodleian MS. E. Mus. 229, fromthe late fifteenth century (clearly based on earlier material) and three in the British Museum, of which one, Harleian (hereafterHarl.) MS. 1877 contains two articles not in the Bodleian text.This translation follows the Bodleian manuscriptexcept where Harl. 1877 has been used to supply missing material. The Bodleian MS. also contains ordinances made by the manorial have been Court Leet in the mid-fifteenth century;those thatdeal with prostitution included, the others omitted. The numeration is that used by Post in his edition of the Bodleian MS. (n. 82 above). For a discussion of the manuscript traditionand various textual problems, see Post. 105The date 1162 is clearly false (Parliament did not even exist then) (see Post, 420).


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nor keep any of their women within the houses against their will, upon pain of a hundred shillings. (A4) Also, we ordain and make thatthe bailiffof the said franchisefor the time being shall see all the single women expelled every holy day out of the aforesaid lordship,according to the old custom thereupon made, and that he begin to do the same before the feast of Whitsuntide now next to the said lord. And if coming, upon pain of ten pounds to be forfeited any stewholder or his wife hinder him, that then they and either of them be broughtinto the prison, and forfeit unto the said lord forty shillings. (A5) Item, we ordain and make that the bailiffand constables of same franchises four times in the year, that is to say once every quarter,shall make a due search in every greathouse, whethertherebe any single woman found and kept there against her will that would depart and leave her sin and never come there any more. It shall then be lawful to the said bailiff and constables and other honest men of the said lordship to expel the said from women out of the said lordship withoutany hindrance or interruption or other his for man's householder wife or cause, action, great any any matteragainst them,or any of them,to be taken or commenced in any way. (A6) Item, we ordain and make that no great householder shall lend nor trust to any single woman more than the sum of six shillings and thereof,that then eightpence, and if they or any of them do the contrary theiraction or actions,condemnationor condemnationsthereof shall utterly stand void and annulled, according to the old customthereofhad and made. (A7) Item, we ordain and make thatno man nor woman dwelling within the said lordship and franchise,of whatever degree he or they be, shall commence or take any action or process against another forno matteror cause in any court of the king, but only within the said lord's court,to be determined and ended there,withoutin any way removingout of the said court,except if it is foran obligation above the sum of forty shillings,upon the pain of forfeiting to the said lord at every time thattheyor any of them so do the contrary, ten pounds. (B1) There should be a wife, laundress and male ostler in the house, so many and no more. First, that no stewholder that holds or keeps any stewhouse have nor keep any woman dwelling with him but his wife and a laundress and a man forhis ostler,and no woman forostler. (B2) Fourteen pence are to be paid every week for the room of each woman. Item, that the women that are at common brothel be seen every day what they are, and a woman that lives by her body [be allowed] to come and go, as long as she pays her duty as old custom is, that is to say every week fourteenpence forher chamber, at all times [she] shall have free license and libertywithoutany interruption by the stewholders. (B3) Those who detain someone in theirhouses because of debts. Item, if any of them that holds any stewhouse keeps any man against his will within his house as prisoner forany debt that he owes to him or forany othercause, unless the stewholder brings such persons to the lord's prison as the law wishes, there to answer as the court will award to every party thatwill say anythingagainst him, he thatdoes otherwise shall pay twenty shillings at every time and as oftenas he breaks this ordinance.

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(B4) Religious women and wives are not to be received in the stewhouses. Item, that no stewholder receive any woman of religion, nor any man's wife, if it be known, but that they let the lord's officersknow that such default is found, under pain of twelve pence.106 (B5) Women who want to be kept secretly as though unknown. Item, if a woman comes into this lordship and would be kept secretly within, and it is not the stewholder's wife,107they shall let the officers know upon the pain of forty shillings, and the same woman shall be taken and fined twenty shillings and be set three times upon the cucking-stool and then forswearthe lordship. (B6) Those who have the goods of another in custody and do not want to give them back. Item, if any man comes into this lordship to any stewhouse and leave any belongings with the wife or with the ostler or any other woman therein, that he have deliverance of his belongings again at his going, or else the householder shall bring the ostler or the woman that has withheld it to prison and turnover the belongings to my lord and make satisfactionto the party.And ifthe ostler or the woman goes away with the belongings the householder shall answer forthemand make a fineoftwenty shillings. (B7) Women who draw men in by the clothing or otherwise. Item, if any woman of the brothel hinders any man, other than sit still at the door and let him go or come, choose which they will, or if she draws any man by his gown or by his hood or by any other thing,she shall make a fine to the lord of twentyshillings. (B8) Wives of stewholders who draw men in similarly. Item, if there be any stewholder's wife that draws any man into her house without his will, her husband and she shall be amerced to the lord in forty shillings. (B9) Those who hinder the officersin making their weekly searches. that is the constables, bailiffand surveyor, Item, that the lord's officers, every week when they like best shall search every house of the stews, and ifany man or woman hinder them he or she shall be amerced unto the lord in a hundred shillings. (B10) Those who have women at board contraryto the custom. Item, that no stewholder hold any woman that lives by her body to board, but that they go to board elsewhere they wish, upon pain of twentyshillings at every time that this ordinance is broken. (Bll) Those who do not keep theirhours of absence on holy days. Item, thatno woman be found withinthe lordship on holy days fromMichaelmas [September 29] to Candlemas [February 2] aftereight o'clock in the morning until eleven o'clock at noon, and that they be expelled at one o'clock afternoon until five o'clock at night, upon the pain contained in custom ofthe manor.And from Candlemas until Michaelmas thattheybe not found there on holy days fromsix o"clock in the morninguntil eleven o'clock at
106 Twelve pence seems exceedingly low; it maybe a mistakefortwelve shillings. Harl. MS. 1877 has a fine of forty shillings. 107 Reading "wif" for"wil."

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noon, and then be expelled by one o'clock afternoon and not come there until six o'clock at night upon the same pain.108 (B12) Women who have theirown lovers contraryto the custom. Item, if any woman that lives by her body holds any paramour against the use and custom of the manor she shall be three weeks in the prison and make a fineof six shillings eightpence and then be set once on the cucking-stool and forswearthe lordship. (B13) Women who spin contrary to the custom. Item, if any woman that lives by her body spins or cards with the stewholder,or else casts any stone or makes any face at any man going by the way, either by water or by land, she shall make a fine of three shillings fourpence. (B14) Women who scold contrary to the custom. Item, if any woman that lives by her body chides any man or makes a fray,she shall be in prisonthreedays and threenightsand make a fineofsix shillingseightpence. (B15) Those who keep theirhouses on holy days. Item,ifany stewholder opens his door on holy days fromthe time of matins until noon, or from two o'clock in the afternoonuntil between five and six at night,he shall be amerced in twentyshillings at every time thatthat default is found.109 (B16) Women who do not remove themselves at night in Parliament time. Item, ifany woman is found within the lordship afterthe sun is gone to rest,the king being at Westminster and holding there either Parliament or council, until the sun is up in the morning,afterthe custom ofthe manor, she shall make a fine at every time she does so of six shillings eightpence. as (B17) Officers who conceal any of the above. Item, if any officer, conceals any ofthe defaultsabove rehearsed, constable, treasureror bailiff, or do other than present them at every court, such officershall be put in custody and kept in prison until the time thathe makes a fineat the lord's will. (B18) Those who take ostlersfor more than a half year contraryto the custom. Item, if any stewholder takes any ostler in any way longer than fromhalf year to half year, with reasonable hire forhis service, he shall make a fine to the lord of twentyshillings. Item, the steward as councillor to the lord's bailiffthere shall have and take of every common woman forquarterage at each of the fourquarters of the year,threepence, and at the like days of every of them and of every ostler fourpence toward his dinner, and of the lord by the hands of the bailiffsix shillings eightpence forhis said dinner.110 Item, he [margin: bailiff] shall have and take of every woman that is common, or is taken within any common hostel fourtimes in the year,at every time threepence forher quarterage. (B19) Officials that allow anyone bail or mainprise. Item, thatno constable, treasureror bailiffallow any man or woman bail, mainprise or other
'09 The amount of the amercement,twentyshillings, is omitted in the Bodleian

108 an error. to Candelmas"here,clearly Michaelmas The MS. has "from

MS. and in those that copy directlyfromit but found in Harl. 1877. 110 This provision and the one thatfollows are found in Harl. 1877 but not in the Bodleian MS. or its direct copies.

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pledge, but bring him to the lord's place to prison as they ought to do, upon the pain of losing, as oftenas they so do, six shillings eightpence.11 (B20) Women who take money to lie with men and do not do it. Item, if any woman takes any money to lie with any man, unless she lies still with him until it be the morning and then arise, she shall make a fine of six shillings eightpence. (B21) Those who hold or occupy boats contrary to the custom. Item, if any stewholder holds or occupies any boat in any manner against the custom of the manor,he shall make a fine of six shillings eightpence. (B22) Women who keep stewhouses and do not have husbands. Item, if any single woman holds or keeps any stewhouse within the lordship against the custom of the manor, she shall at every court make a fine of twentyshillings until the time that it is reformed. (B23) Pregnant women found in stews. Item, that no stewholder nor any tenant within the lordship receive any woman that lives by her body if she be known to be with child, afterreasonable warning, upon the pain of paying to the lord twentyshillings, and the woman to pay six shillings eightpence. (B24) The bailiff allowing bail without the license of the court. Item, that the bailifflet no woman nor man make bail or mainprise without the leave of the court,upon the pain of paying a fine to the lord of a hundred shillings. (B25) Those who keep women who have a horrible disease. Item, that no stewholder keep any woman within his house who has any sickness of burning, but that she be put out, upon the pain of making a fine unto the lord of twentyshillings. (B26) Arrestsand pleas to be madefor certain pence. Item,thatno bailiff nor constable shall take more than fourpence at the most forarrest,and the clerk twopence forthe complaint, unless it be fora great sum or fora great trespass, upon pain of a fineto the lord. (B27) Those who keep bitches in heat within the lordship contrary to the custom. Item, if any man within the lordship holds any bitch that goes into heat within the same lordship he shall make a fine for it to the lord of three shillings fourpence. (B28) Women using clothes which are called aprons. Item, if any common woman wears any apron, she shall forfeit it and make a fine afterthe custom of the manor. (B29) Those who sell victuals out of the house to those who do not enter. Item, that any man keeping a stewhouse neither sell nor retail out of the same house bread, ale, flesh, fish,wood, coal, candle or any other victual, upon pain of a fine to be made to the lord at the discretion of the steward and the constables. Questions to be made of the stewholders and each of them: (B30) Does he have any woman forostler against the ordinance? (B31) Does he have more laundresses than one? 11 "Mainprise"is defined as surety.

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(B32) Does he have any more servants in his house of women? (B33) Does he take more for the women's chamber in a week than fourteenpence? (B34) Does he prevent the women fromcoming and going freely? (B35) Has he imprisoned any person in his house fordebt or trespass? (B36) Does he keep in his house any woman of religion or any man's wife? (B37) Does he keep any woman secretly within his house? (B38) Does he keep any man's belongings in distress forany debt or otherwise? in making his due search? (B39) Does he hinder any officer (B40) Does he beat any woman belonging to his house? (B41) Does he keep any of the women to board against the ordinance? (B42) Does he let his doors stand open on the holy days? (B43) Does he hold any boat or vessel against the ordinance? (B44) Does he keep any woman that is with child? (B45) Does he keep any woman that has the perilous infirmity? (B46) Does his wife draw any person into the stewhouse against his will? Questions to be made of the common women and each of them: (B47) Does she draw any man by his clothes against his will? frommaking his due search? (B48) Does she hinder any officer her hours on the holy days? she not Does (B49) keep (B50) Does she hold or keep any paramour,against the ordinance? (B51) Does she spin or card with any stewholder? (B52) Does she chide with any person, or cast stones? (B53) Is she absent in the parliament and council time? it? (B54) Does she take any money to lie with men, and not perform (B55) Is she single and keeps a stewhouse? (B56) Is she known to be with child?"2 (B57) Does she customarilywear any apron? Questions of the officersto be answered by the surveyorand twelve men: (B58) Does any constable bailiffor treasurermake any mainprise? (B59) Do any of them take any person to bail withoutthe court? take any more fees than are ordained by custom? (B60) Does any officer (B61) Does any person hold any bitch that is in heat? (B62) Does any stewholder retail any victual or other necessity? (B63) Item, of those who falsely multiply gold and silver. (B64) Item, prostitutes and their customers, with their procurers.
112 tobe askedaboutthewomen, thesewerequestions that indicates Thisquestion than thewoman no one wouldbe in a better for ofthem, notdirectly position clearly to be?" to answerthequestion"Is she withchild?"notjust "Is she known


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(B65) Item, of common scolds and causers of disputes among men, etc.113 (El) Also, at the leet held the twenty-fourth day of April the thirtieth year of the reign of the king aforesaid [Henry VI, 1452], it was ordained that no person keeping any common hostel or stewhouse have or occupy any person for his ostler that before this time has been a soldier in the of a hundred shillings unto the parts beyond the sea, under pain of forfeit lord of the franchiseas oftenas he does so. (F1) Also, at the leet day held the last day of September the thirty-third year of the reign of the king abovesaid [1454], it was ordained that any constable or treasurer of the said franchise shall not keep any common woman to board or table at meat and drink under pain of forfeiting forty shillings to the lord. (G1) Also, at the leet day held the seventh day of October, the twentyfourthyear of the reign of the king abovesaid [1445], it was ordained that no man keeping any common hostel or stewhouse shall disturbthe common women of the same hostel fromgoing to board and to have meat and drink where they wish, under the pain of six shillings eightpence to be paid to the lord as oftenas he so disturbs or hinders them or any of them, it being understood thatthey do not go to board withinthe common hostel wherein to the old ordinance above rehearsed. they are abiding, contrary (HI) Also, that no man's wife dwelling within the said lordship be brought into prison for scolding as the common women are, but that the constables yearly at the leets shall make their presentmentsof them, and theyare to be inquired of by twelve men sworn forthe king. This ordained at the leet day held the eleventh day of October in the thirty-sixth year of the king's reign above-said [1457] by twelve men sworn forthe king.

These last three itemsare givenonlyin Latin rubrics.


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