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Note-Total amount should be calculated on bond at R.s.2,13,600 per teu per container
(R.s.3,65,000 = 40Unit ) per container.
Maritime Services Pvt. Ltd.
301 /303,Emca House,
289.Shahid Bhagat Singh Road,
Sub: M.V._________________________________ Voy:__________________
Item No:___________of I.G.M. No._____________Dt:______________
B/L NO:____________________of M.V.__________________Voy.________
Container No/s __________________________________
Removal of Container/s From M.O.D.No.2 / HAJI BUNDER /CFS JNPT To
We agree to indemnify M/s.RCL Feeder Pte. respect of any loss suffered by them on
account of their furnishing a duty bond R.s.______________ to the collector of customs,
Mumbai / JNPT. thereby permitting us to take__________X 20/___________X40 unstuffing
and returning the same to them. Such loss will include any customs duty or penalty the event of
our not returning the said containers within the free period we also agree:
1.That consequent of the movement of containers to our warehouse we will indemnify the carrier
or their assignees against any or all loss, damage, liability, cost or expenses suffered or incurred by
the movement of containers under our
jurisdiction arising out of or connected with injuries or death to other persons or loss or damage to
property of other persons arising out of the use. operation, maintenance or possession of your
containers by us or our authorized representatives.
2.That we will return containers to you within the stipulated period of 60 days and in case of our
failure to do so we will be liable for all consequences.
3.That we will be liable for demurrage after the first 5 free working days.If the containers are not
received by you within the free period allowed, we shall be liable to pay demurrage as per mansa /
karmahom conference schedule /effective tariff governing bill of lading.
By Its Constituted Attorney
Place: Mumbai / JNPT
CHA NO.& Address Stamp

Importers Sign
(Bank Verify)


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