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LSM1104 Monitor your own learning 1

Before lecture True/False 1. The phenomena of life occur at the level of organelles. 2. Energy is required to maintain biological structures. 3. Energy can be used up by biological systems. 4. The second law of thermodynamics states that a system will go towards a state of greater disorderness, and biological systems defy this law. 5. Gravitational potential energy is related to height, and so chemical potential is related to concentration. 6. The human body functions as multiple transducers. 7. The muscle transforms heat energy into mechanical work. 8. The ear transforms sound energy into electrical energy. 9. Energy which is captured but not transformed will be stored mainly as fats. 10. You produce heat because the transformation of energy in your body is not 100% efficient. # of correct answers # of correct answers

How much do you know about: Energy and Life?

After lecture True/False

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