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Scope This procedure describes the requirement for Radiographic Examination of butt Welds using Iridium 192 gamma ray.


Code ! "#E "E$ % Radiographic examination. &! "'T(T$(1 )'*T Recommended practice! $! "#E "E$ I+ *! W" *1.1 "tructural code E! ,I -./0-.1 for tan2 3obs 4! "#E &11.1 5 11.1 etc.


References The abo6e 7 any 3ob specific requirement by the client.


Definitions & Abreviations Radiographer : Defect : person 8ho performs radiographic operation. n imperfection beyond the acceptable range 8hich is imaged on the 9graphed film )4urther definition can be seen in the attached radiation safety plan! I D IC I! I!D IC "# $SI &C %." IC C $& & I& : : : : : : : : : : : : In adequate penetration due to high lo8 In adequate cross penetration. Incomplete fusion. In complete fusion due to cold lap. Internal conca6ity. &urn through. Elongated slag inclusion. Indi6idual or scattered porosity 5 clustered porosity. :ollo8 bead. Internal conca6ity. $rac2s. ;ndercutting ad3acent to the co6er pass < undercutting at the root pass.


ccumulation of imperfections.

'.0 '.1 '*T '.2

ersonne( )*a(ification The qualifications of personnel shall be as stipulated in current edition of merican society for recommended practice "'T(T$(I . s a minimum all personnel conducting Radiography Examination shall be certified to =e6el II> assisted by a le6el(I> supporting hand.

'.3 +.0

Interpretation of Radiographs shall be carried out by =e6el II or =e6el III. S*rface reparation ny surface irregularity that may interfere 8ith the interpretation of the Radiographs shall be remo6ed> so that> these irregularities cannot mas2 or be confused 8ith the image of the discontinuities.


$-*ip.ent Radiographs shall be carried out using ?amma radiations as agreed by the client> unless specially as2ed for x(ray. The Radiation technique shall achie6e the density and I@I image requirements of this procedure.


!i(.s for Radiograph/ Industrial x(ray films shall be used for radiography. To obtain required radiographic quality and sensiti6ity> nnexure ( I may be used for selection for film depending on application. The ability to achie6e required density and to obtain the sensiti6ity is the prime criteria for selection of film and generally it is achie6able as per nnexure I. ll films to be used for radiography shall be 6isibly in good condition and 8ithin the 6alidity period. ;nexposed films shall be stored in a manner> that they are protected from the effects of =ight> ,ressure> :eat> excessi6e :umidity> 4umes or penetrating radiation.


Intensif/ing Screens To a6oid greater radiation> only lead intensifying screens shall be used.


!i(ters0 co((i.ators0 .as1ing $ollimators shall be used 8here e6er possible> so that scatter 5 bac2 radiation can be controlled to the minimum.


!i(. vie2ing faci(it/.

%ie8ing facility shall pro6ide subdued bac2ground lighting of an intensity that 8ill not cause reflections> shado8s or glare on the Radiograph that interfere 8ith the interpretation process. The 6ie8er used shall pro6ide a 6ariable intensity light source> 8hich 8ill emit sufficient illumination to enable the interpreter to distinguish all the pertinent details of radiography ,.'

Densito.eter3 Step 2edge fi(. recently calibrated *ensitometer or a certified comparison film step(Wedge shall be used for measuring density of radiographs.

,.+ ,.+.1

I.age )*a(it/ Indicators4I)Is5: 6 The Image @uality Indicators used shall be either *I' 8ire type. "T# "E(1/2. :ole type or "T# "E(<A< or

,.+.2 ,.+.3 ,.+.4 ,.+.'

The :ole type I@Is may be used 8ith shims 8hen required. :ole type I@Is are a6ailable in siBes as gi6en in nnexure C I+. 4or Wire type I@I> 8ire diameter and 8ire identity are as gi6en in nnexure C +. Wire type I@I designed and manufactured in accordance 8ith other national or international standards may be used pro6ided the alternati6e 8ire I@I essential diameter is equal or less than the required "T# E(<A< standard I@I essential 8ire.

7.0 7.1

8enera( re-*ire.ents Direction of Radiation. Radiation source shall al8ays be directed right to8ards the 3obs 8ell protected as far as possible.


Area of interest. rea of interest shall be defined prior to positioning the source> and the source shall be placed at the exact centre of the interested area to the shot.


!i(. (oad 4ilm loading table shall be fixed at a con6enient place right under the safe light 8ith in the dar2 room> and the area shall be al8ays clean from any dust or 8aste materials.


I)I Se(ection. nnexure(+I. thinner or thic2er :ole type I@I may be

7.4.1 The I@I shall be selected as specified in

substituted for any section thic2ness as gi6en in nnexure(+ pro6ided an equi6alent I@I "ensi6ity is maintained. 4or equi6alent hole type I@I "ensi6ity> refer nnexure(+II. 7.4.2 9e(ds 2ith reinforce.ents: The thic2ness on 8hich the I@I is based is the nominal "ingle(Wall thic2ness plus the estimated 8eld reinforcement not to exceed the maximum permitted by the referencing $ode "ection. &ac2ing rings or strips shall not be considered as part of the thic2ness

in I@I selection. The actual measurement of the Weld reinforcement is not required. 7.4.3 9e(ds 2itho*t Reinforce.ents: The thic2ness on 8hich the I@I is based is the nominal "ingle( Wall thic2ness. &ac2ing rings or strips shall not be considered as part of the Weld thic2ness in I@I thic2ness. 7.4.4 9e(ds :oining Dissi.i(ar ;ateria(s or 9e(ds 2ith Dissi.i(ar !i((er ;eta(: When the Weld metal is of an alloy group or grade that has a radiation attenuation that differs from the base material> the I@I material selection shall be based on the 8eld metal and be in accordance 8ith 1..1. When the density limits of <.1 cannot be met 8ith one I@I and the exceptional density area)s! is at the interface of the 8eld metal and the base metal> the material selection for the additional I@Is shall be based on the base material and be in accordance 8ith 1..1. 7.' I)I ;ateria( 7.'.1 The material of the I@I shall be of similar Radiographic density to that material under examination i.e. "teel for "teel> luminium for luminium. 7.'.2 When special alloy materials are required to be radiographed reference shall be made to "ec %> rticle 22> and "E <A< DR "E 1/2. for selection of appropriate I@I material type. 7.+ 7.+.1 (ace.ent of I)I 4I.age )*a(it/ Indicator5 The Wire type I@I shall be placed on the source side> across the 8eld so that the 8ires are at 9/ o to the seam. The plaque type I@I shall be placed ad3acent to the Weld approx. 10EF )1 mm! a8ay from 8eld edge. 7.+.2 Where inaccessibility pre6ents placement of the I@I on the "ource "ide> a film side I@I may be used and letter 4 shall be placed ad3acent to or on the I@I. 7., 7.,.1 <*.ber of I)I I@I shall be placed so that at least one I@I is 6isible on each radiograph. If the density of the radiograph through the length of the area of interest 6aries by more than minus 1.G or plus 1/G then additional I@Is shall be placed in the areas 8here the densities are beyond the limitations and the radiographs shall be reta2en. 7.,.2 4or 6essels 8here the source is placed at the axis of the ob3ect and more films are used for single exposure of a section of the circumference> atleast three I@I shall be used. Dne I@I shall be in the approximately centre of the section exposed and others at equal inter6al. When the section of the circumference exposed exceeds 2A/ o the rules 1-.2 apply. In each case> additional film location may be required to establish proper I@I spacing> other8ise atleast one I@I images shall appear on each radiograph. 7.,.3 Where the spherical 6essel 8ith circumferential and long seams are simultaneously radiographed 8ith one or more films by 2eeping the source at the centre of the 6essel atleast three I@I at "#E

approximately 12/o apart shall be placed on the circumferential seam and on all the other 8elds radiographed simultaneously on the same 6essel> one additional I@I shall be used. 7.,.4 4or segments of spherical 6essel 8here the source is located at the centre of the 6essel and four or more film holders are used for a single exposure> the I@I shall be placed as detailed in 1E.1. 7.,.' Where one or more components are radiographed simultaneously by a panoramic technique> each film should ha6e image of I@I. 7.,.+ When ,anoramic Technique is used the no. of exposures0 films represented by the film containing I@I> shall be documented in the technique sheet to enable correct identification of radiographs that 8ould require re(shoots due to improper sensiti6ity exhibited on the reference radiograph.


S%I;S Where6er due to reinforcement for any reason a shim is to be used> this 8ill be based on the additional Reinforcement 8hich is applicable in that particular case


Sing(e 2a(( e>pos*re. 6 Sing(e 9a(( Sing(e I.age 4S9SI5: single 8all exposure technique shall be used for radiography 8here6er practical. In "ingle Wall Technique> the radiation passes through only one 8all of the Weld or ob3ect> 8hich is 6ie8ed for acceptance. nnexure ( III and Technique. Techniques of radiographed shall be illustrated in the annexure %II and %III. nnexure ( I% illustrates different exposure arrangement for "ingle Wall

=.1 ?ocation .ar1er@6 =ocation mar2ers shall appear as Radiographic images. They shall be placed on the part and not on the exposure holder cassette. Their locations shall be permanently mar2ed on the surface of the part being radiographed or on a map in a manner permitting the area of interest on a radiograph to be accurately located on the part> so as to pro6ide guidance on the radiograph that the required co6erage of the region being examined has been obtained. =ead location mar2ers 8ill be placed on the part at clearly mar2ed inter6als. =.1.1 So*rce Side@6 =ocation mar2ers 8ill be placed according to that illustrated in nnexure ( II. #ar2ers for *ouble

Wall technique> *ouble Wall 6ie8ing shall be placed on the "ource side of the component )on the opposite side of the Weld to the radiation source for elliptical technique!. =.1.2 !i(. side@6

ll location mar2ers for *ouble Wall technique> *ouble Wall 6ie8ing shall be positioned prior to commencing radiography and shall remain in position throughout radiography of that 8eld> to enable the interpreter to be fully a8are of the direction and orientation of successi6e exposures =.1.3 10.0 $ither side Do*b(e 2a(( e>pos*re Where it is not practical to use a single(8all technique a double(8all technique shall be used .
In this Technique the Radiation passes through t8o 8alls and only the Weld on the 4ilm "ide Wall is 6ie8ed for acceptance on the radiograph.

Coverage: When complete co6erage is required for $ircumferential Welds> a minimum of three exposures at 12/o to each other shall be made. nnexure C % and %I illustrates different exposure arrangement for *ouble 8all Technique and "ingle Wall %ie8ing. Do*b(e 9a(( #echni-*e0 Do*b(e 2a(( vie2ing: 4or Welds in component 1 HF )E9mm! or less in nominal outside diameter> this technique 8ill be used in 8hich the radiation passes through t8o 8alls and the 8eld in both 8alls is 6ie8ed for acceptance in the same radiograph. 4or *ouble Wall Technique> *ouble 8all 6ie8ingI only a "ource "ide I@I shall be used. If the ;g requirement cannot be met> "ingle Wall %ie8ing shall be used. The radiation beam may be offset from the plane of the Weld 8ill be at an angle sufficient to separate the images of the "ource "ide and 4ilm "ide portions of the Weld and is called an elliptical exposure. s an alternati6e the Welds may be radiographed in such a 8ay> so that the images of both 8alls are superimposed. When complete co6erage is required a minimum of t8o exposures per 3oints shall be made at 9/ / to each other for elliptical exposures and a minimum of three exposures at either -/ o or 12/o to each other shall be made for superimposed exposures. When "ingle Wall %ie8ing is recommended to meet the un(sharpness requirements a minimum of four exposures shall be made for each circumferential 3oint. 10.1 10.1 10.2 Processing

,rocessing 8ill be manual or automatic depending upon the type of 3ob. *e6elopment of film is to be done by follo8ing the Time 0 Temperature correction chart as recommended by 4ilm0chemical #anufactures. 4ilms shall be agitated for first 1/ sec. of each

minute during de6elopment. This 8ill help film de6elop e6enly. 10.3 4ollo8ing de6elopment> the acti6ity of de6eloper in emulsion shall be neutralised by an acetic acid stop bath for H to 1 minute 8ith agitation for first 1/ sec. 10.4 4ilms 8ill be fixed for at least t8ice the clearing time 8ith agitation for the first 1/ sec. and again at the end of the first minute. 10.' 10.+ 10., 10.7 Washing 8ill be for at least 1/ minutes in running 8ater bath or by $ascade method. 4ilms shall be dipped in 8etting agent for at least 2 minutes or 8iped using a film 8iper. 4ilms shall be then hung and dried. If automatic processing units used> the processing shall be done as recommended by the processor manufacturer. 11.0 )*a(it/ of Radiographs ll radiographs shall be free from mechanical> chemical or other artifacts to the extent that they cannot mas2 or be confused 8ith the image of any discontinuity in the area of interest of the ob3ect being radiographed. "uch images include but are not limited toJ ( )a! 4ogging. )b! ,rocessing defects such as 8ater or chemical mar2s. )c! "cratches> 4inger mar2s> $rimps> "tatic> "mudges or Tears. )d! =oss of details due to poor screen to film contact. False indication due to defective screen 11.1 "(e.ishes &lemishes shall not be allo8ed on the films. 11.2 Densit/ Range *ensity range for gamma(ray should be 2./ to A./ and x(ray should be 1.E to A./> :o8e6er clientKs requirement should be adhered to o6er and abo6e this said range. 11.2.1 Dnly single film 6ie8ing techniques shall be employed. 11.2.2 The transmitted film density in the area of interest shall be bet8een 1.E to A./ for +(ray and 2./ to A./ for ?amma Ray. :o8e6er the clientKs density requirement is to be follo8ed. 11.3 Densit/ variations fro. I)I The density of the Radiograph any8here through the area of interest shall not 6ary more that C1.G or 7 1/G from the density through the body of the hole type I@I or ad3acent to the designated 8ire of a 8ire I@I. If it exceeds the abo6e limits> an additional I@I shall be used for those areas and the Radiographs shall be reta2en


%o(e t/pe I)IAs 2ith Shi.s When shim under hole type I@I is used the 71/G density restrictions of <.1 may be exceeded , and the minimum density requirements of <.2 do not apply for the I@I> pro6ided the required I@I sensiti6ity is displayed.


;ore than one I)I

A5 4or cylindrical 6essels 8here one or more film are used and complete circumference is radiographed by panoramic shot> at least three I@Is shall be used each located at approximately 12/o apart. Where sections of longitudinal 8eld ad3oining the circumferential shall be radiographed simultaneously 8ith the circumferential 8eld> an additional I@I shall be placed on each such longitudinal 8eld at the end of the each section most remote from the 3unction 8ith the circumferential 8eld being radiographed. "5 In order to maintain continuity of records in6ol6ing the exposures> all the radiographs exhibiting I@I that 6erify the techniques permitted in accordance 8ith 1E.1 must be retained.


I)I Sensivit/ thinner or thic2er hole type I@I may

11.4.1 I@I shall be selected as specified in nnexure ( +I. sensiti6ity is maintained.

be substituted for any section thic2ness as gi6en in nnexure( + pro6ided an equi6alent I@I

11.4.2 4or equi6alent hole type I@I sensiti6ity refer nnexure ( +II. 11.' "ac1 Scatter Radiation s a chec2 on &ac2 "cattered Radiation> a lead letter 9&K 8ith minimum dimension of H in. )11mm! in height and 101-in. )! in thic2ness shall be attached to the bac2 of each film holder. "hould a light image of the letter 9&K be clearly appear on the Radiograph> correcti6e measures shall be ta2en and the area shall be Re(radiographed till satisfactory results are obtained. dar2 image of the L&F on a lighter bac2ground is not a cause for re3ection.


8eo.etrica( &n6sharpness Radiography shall be performed so that ?eometrical ;nhappiness of the radiograph does not exceed the follo8ing limits.

#aterial Thic2ness in )mm!

;g maximum in )mm!

&nder 2 4'05 2 through 1 )./(<.! D6er 1 to A )<.(1//! ?reater than A )1//!

/./2/ )/..1! /./1/ )/.<-! /./A/ )1./2! /./</ )1.<E!

<ote: ;ateria( thic1ness is the thic1ness on 2hich the I)I is based. #inimum "4*0 44* in order to achie6e this shall be calculated as follo8sJ( )*7T! M "4* M " x T 7 T ;g Where> "4* M "ource0 4ocal spot to film distance )"4*0 44*! " M the maximum pro3ected dimension of the radiation source in the ,lane perpendicular to the distance * from the 8eld or ob3ect being Radiographed or effecti6e focal spot in case of an +(ray machine. T M Thic2ness of ob3ect being Radiographed or distance from the "ource side of Weld or ob3ect to the film. ;g M ?eometrical ;nsharpness. * M *istance from the source of radiation to 8eld or ob3ect being radio graphed. * and T shall be determined to the approximate center of the area of Interest. 12.0 12.1 Acceptance Standards cceptance standards of radiographs shall be as per the reference code of manufacturer. Refer the follo8ing table for codes or standards.


S#A<DARDS #B "$ !B??B9$D "#E "ec %III. *i6. 1 5 2. $lients specifications0 *ra8ing. "#E0 '"I & 11.1. specifications0 *ra8ing. in ,I -./. *ra8ing. "#E "E$ I and0or as per $lients specifications0 *ra8ing. "#E "E$ I+. nd 0 or as per clients specifications0*ra8ing. nd 0or as per $lients specifications0 nd0 or as per

Radiographic examination of Welds in ,ressure 6essels0connected noBBles. Radiographic piping. Radiographic Examination of Welds cylindrical =iquid storage tan2s. Radiographic Examination of Welds in po8er boilers. Radiographic examination of Welder0 Welding ,rocedure qualifications. Examination of Welds in petroleum0refinery0petrochemical0fertiliBer

nd 0 or as per $lients


Doc*.entation. $ompleted Radiographs shall be submitted for interpretation and e6aluation along 8ith Radiographic report form as exhibited in the nnexure C +III. The report shall be made separate for each seam based on the different techniques used. If more number of 8elds are radiographed using the same technique the report form may contain all the 3oints 8hich are radiographed using same technique 6ariables.

13.1 13.1 other

Radiographs system of identification 8hich is acceptable to the client shall be used using lead mar2ers or type of mar2ers to produce a permanent and traceable record of indi6idual part or Welds as determined by the manufacturer 8hich includes> a! b! c! d! Wor2 Drder 'o. "eam 'o. or $omponent 'o. *ate of Test #anufacturers "ymbol or 'ame and any other I* suggested by the client.


Radiographs after repair shall be identified by the additional symbol R1 for first repair and be numbered R2> R1 for subsequent addition of repair thereafter.


Re(shooting due to poor quality of radiographs> due to confusing artifacts and for any other reasons shall be identified by the symbol R"1 for first re(shoot and be numbered R"2> R"1 for subsequent addition of re(shoot thereafter.


These identifications need not necessarily appear as radiographic images. The identification information shall be plainly and permanently indicated on all the radiographs. In any case this information shall not obscure the area of interest.


If lead mar2ers are used for identification and they formed as radiographic images> corrections can be made using other permanent mar2ers> in case of any mista2es> pro6ided these mista2es are corrected 8ith the prior appro6al from the clientKs representati6e. The signature of the personnel on the film near the corrected location shall be considered ha6ing recei6ed appro6al from the respecti6e indi6idual. In such cases the name and designation of the indi6idual signed shall be a6ailable on the film 8ith a remar2 of correction made in this film.

13.+ Radiograph reader sheet pro3ect based radiography reader sheet shall be prepared> so that it 8ill be easier to identify the details> In case any 6erification is needed later.

RADIA#IB< SA!#$C ?A<: Radiation safety plan comprising of companyKs safety policy> fe8 definitions and abre6iations organisational le6els> duties and responsibilities> Indi6iduals permissible dossier rate> ,,E> equipment> 8or2 instructions> storage pits> emergency procedures etc.etc> can be seen in the attachment

Anne>*re 6 I

Reco..ended Ind*stria( Radiographic !i(.s for 8a..a ra/ Ir. 1=2. 9e(d thic1ness inc(*ding reinforce.ent Equal or =ess than - mm ;an*fact*rer "rand <a.e or <a.e Designation ND* N #+ 12. = "ER '*T A ?4 *A 4;OI I+2. bo6e - mm to 1/ mm ND* N T 2// = "ER '*T . ?4 *. 4;OI0'IE;E I+./ bo6e 1/ mm ND* N A// = "ER '*T < ?4 *< 4;OI0'IE;E I+1// $-*iva(ent t/pe fi(.s fro. other rep*ted .an*fact*rers .a/ a(so be *sed. Reco..ended Ind*stria( Radiographic !i(.s for D6ra/ enetration thic1ness inc(*ding reinforce.ent Equal or =ess than 1 mm ;an*fact*rer <a.e ND* N = "ER ?4 4;OI ND* N = "ER ?4 4;OI0'IE;E ND* N = "ER ?4 4;OI0'IE;E "rand <a.e or Designation #+ 12. '*T A *A I+2. T 2// '*T . *. I+./ A// '*T < *< I+1//

bo6e 1 mm to E mm

bo6e E mm

$-*iva(ent t/pe fi(.s fro. other rep*ted .an*fact*rers .a/ a(so be *sed.

A<<$D&R$ II


$>pos*re 4So*rce69e(d6!i(.5 Arrange.ent: A

Bptiona( So*rce ?ocation



$>pos*re #echni-*e: Sing(e 2a(( #echni-*e0 Sing(e 2a(( Eie2ing. ;ini.*. $>pos*res: At (east 3 e>pos*res 120 degree to each other. ipe siFe ?i.itations: An/ siFe. I)I p(ace.ent: So*rce side 2henever ossib(e. !i(. Side 2hen hand p(acing is not possib(e. ?ocation ;ar1er (ace.ent: !i(. Side.

A<<$D&R$ IE

$>pos*re 4So*rce69e(d6!i(.5 Arrange.ent: "

$>pos*re #echni-*e: Sing(e 9a(( #echni-*e0 Sing(e 2a(( Eie2ing. 4 anora.ic5 ;ini.*. $>pos*res: Bne $>pos*re b/ p(acing the so*rce at the a>is of 2e(d. ipe siFe ?i.itations: 10Gdia and above. I)I p(ace.ent: So*rce side. If hand p(acing not possib(e0 I)I can be p(aced on !i(. side. ?ocation ;ar1er (ace.ent: !i(. Side.

So*rce ?ocation



A<<$D&R$ E $>pos*re 4So*rce69e(d6!i(.5 Arrange.ent: C

$>pos*re #echni-*e: Sing(e 9a(( #echni-*e0 Sing(e 2a(( Eie2ing. 4So*rce B*t side ipe5 ;ini.*. $>pos*res: At (east ' e>pos*res at ,2 degree to each other. ipe siFe ?i.itations: 12 inch dia. and above. I)I p(ace.ent: So*rce side. !i(. ?ocation ;ar1er (ace.ent: So*rce Side.

So*rce ?ocation


A<<$D&R$ EI $>pos*re 4 So*rce69e(d6!i(.5 Arrange.ent: D

Bptiona( So*rce (ocations



$>pos*re #echni-*e: Do*b(e 9a(( #echni-*e0 Sing(e 2a(( Eie2ing.

;ini.*. $>pos*res: At (east 3 e>pos*res 120 degree to each other. ipe siFe ?i.itations: An/ siFe. I)I p(ace.ent: !i(. Side. ?ocation ;ar1er (ace.ent: !i(. Side.

A<<$D&R$ EII $>pos*re 4So*rce69e(d6!i(.5 Arrange.ent: $

So*rce ?ocation

!i(. !i(.

"ource Dffset

$>pos*re #echni-*e: Do*b(e 9a(( #echni-*e0 Do*b(e 2a(( Eie2ing. 4So*rce Bffset to read both so*rce side and fi(. side i.ages of 2e(d. $((iptica( i.ages.5 ;ini.*. $>pos*res: At (east 2 e>pos*res at =0 degree to each other. ipe siFe ?i.itations: 3 HG 47=..5 and be(o2 BD pipes. I)I p(ace.ent: So*rce side. ?ocation ;ar1er (ace.ent: So*rce Side.

A<<$D&R$ EIII $>pos*re 4So*rce69e(d6!i(.5 Arrange.ent: !

So*rce ?ocation

!i(. !i(.

$>pos*re #echni-*e: Do*b(e 9a(( #echni-*e0 Do*b(e 2a(( Eie2ing. 4Read s*peri.posed so*rce side and fi(. side i.ages of 2e(d.5 ;ini.*. $>pos*res: At (east 3 e>pos*res at +0 or 120 degree to each other. ipe siFe ?i.itations: 3 HG 47=..5 and be(o2 BD pipes. I)I p(ace.ent: So*rce side. ?ocation ;ar1er (ace.ent: So*rce Side.

''E+;RE I+

:D=E (TP,E I@I *E"I?' TID'> T:I$N'E""> '* :D=E *I #ETER" R$!: AS;$ Section E Artic(e 2 #ab(e #6233.1 I)I Designation . < 1/ 12 1. 1< 2/ 2. 1/ 1. A/ A. I)I #hic1ness in. 4..5 /.//. )/.11! /.//<. )/.19! /./1/ )/.2.! /./12. )/.12! /./1. )/.1E! /./1<. )/.AA! /./2/ )/..1! /./2. )/.-A! /./1/ )/.<-! /./1. )/.E9! /./A/ )1./2! /./A. )1.1A! 1T %o(e Dia.eter in. 4..) /./1/ )/.2.! /./1/ )/.2.! /./1/ )/.2.! /./12. )/.12! /./1. )/.1E! /./1<. )/.AA! /./2/ )/..1! /./2. )/.-A! /./1/ )/.<-! /./1. )/.E9! /./A/ )1./2! /./A. )1.1A! 2T %o(e Dia.eter in. 4..5 /./2/ )/..1! /./2/ )/..1! /./2/ )/..1! /./2. )/.-A! /./1/ )/.<-! /./1. )/.E9! /./A/ )1./2! /././ )1.2<! /./-/ )1..2! /./</ )1.<E! /./E/ )2./1! /./9/ )2.29! 4# %o(e Dia.eter in. 4..5 /./A/ )1./2! /./A/ )1./2! /./A/ )1./2! /././ )1.2<! /./-/ )1..2! /./</ )1.<E! /./E/ )2./1! /.1// )2..A! /.12/ )1./.! /.1A/ )1..-! /.1-/ )A./-! /.1E/ )A..<!

./ -/ </ E/ 1// 12/ 1A/ 1-/ 2// 2A/ 2E/

/././ )1.2<! /./-/ )1..2! /./</ )1.<E! /./E/ )2./1! /.1// )2..A! /.12/ )1./.! /.1A/ )1..-! /.1-/ )A./-! /.2// )../E! /.2A/ )-.1/! /.2E/ )<.11!

/././ )1.2<! /./-/ )1..2! /./</ )1.<E! /./E/ )2./1! /.1// )2..A! /.12/ )1./.! /.1A/ )1..-! /.1-/ )A./-! /.2// )../E! /.2A/ )-.1/! /.2E/ )<.11!

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