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fiepal Bank Limited SetriorAssistaDt (Level- 5) ( S l l l a b u \o f W r i l r e n E x a m i n a t i o n f o r O o c nC o m o e t i t i o n )

Subiect Duration First

Full Marl<s

Pass marks T l m e

Economy, Banking andAccounring



l:00 hours Ii00 bours

Course Outline: questions Eighl Subjective in cachpaperwilt be askcdand five queslions shouldbe answered. At leastonequcstion shouldbe answered in Englishl-anguage. First paper:Economy. BankinpandAccountine 1. Macrocconomic Indicators: CDP, per capita income,investment, consumplron, saving inflation,debtscrvicing, populatjon, exportandimport. 2. Challenges ofEconoJDic Development in Nepal 3. lndushialandCommercial PolicyofNepal 4. Banking in Nepal: Evolution and PrescntScenario.Role and Functions of Commercial BanksandCenlralBank (NepalRastraBank) 5. BankandFinancial lnstitutions Act,2063;Company Act, ofNepal. 6. Managcment of Commercial Banks:Deposit management, LendingMarragemcnl, CostManagcment, Risk Managcment, ?. Financial Aralysis: Income, Funds Flow, Liquidity Ratios, Lcvcragcllatios, TumoverRatios,Probability Ratios, Cost-volumc-profi t analysis. 8. Book Keeping and Accorinting:Objoctive, Scopo,Function, Entry Systcm, Difference betwcen Book Keeping andAccounting 9. Cheque, Draft and Bill Collection: Dcfinition,T)?es,Handiing andReconciliation 10.Balance Sheet: Nalure,Purpose andits preparation SccoDd PaDer: Management l. Management concept, principles, functions andemerging challenges. 2. Human Resource Management: perfonnanc Concept,Maning and Functions, appmisal andrewardsystem. 3- Industrial Relations: Concept, Trade unionism, Causes and Setlernent of Industrics Disputes, collcctivcbargaining. 4. l,cadership and Communicalion in Organization: Approaches andModemViews 5. Supervision, MonitoringandContsol: and Techniques Syslcms 6. Business Statistics: Describing datausingstatistics, graphic mthods ofdisplaying ' data, measure of capilal tendency, the dispersion, methodsof sampling, indcx numbersimpleconelationandregrssion analysis. 7. Office and Records Managenrent: Modem views, functions, purposesand essentials. Life-cycleof records. 8 Lcler andMemoWriLing 9. Customer Relations Servicc: Lnportance, Toojs andTcchniqucs 10.Computer Intoduction:Windows, Word processing Syslem, Excel.

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