Walaa Muhammad Ahmad

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Walaa Muhammad Ahmad

5 Amen el gende st,Ain shams Cairo, Egypt Telephone: (02)229613 !o"il: 011#092622 $012%99##%5# E&mail: loaa'm2003(yahoo)*om
+,m see-ing a position that .ill allo. me to gain more pro/essional and 0ra*ti*al e1perien*e in the /ield o/ a**o2nting)

2009&2013 34*) in A**o2nting /rom the 5a*2lty o/ Commer*e, Ain 4hams 6ni7ersity) 8rade: 8ood ( 6) 9)

Language Skills: e!s"nal Skills: :ati7e lang2age Ara"i* 8ood *ommand o/ "oth .ritten and spo-en English)


;or-s e//i*iently in teams ;or-s hard and end2res di//i*2lt tas-s ;or-ing 2nder press2re and in hard *onditions <a7ing the possi"ility o/ .or-ing in any time and any pla*e, also 2nder E1treme *ir*2mstan*es)

A%Training courses: +n the 2ni7ersity, + too- English Co2rse in :e. <ori=ons Company (l)75>6)(2010) Co2rse at <)? in Ain 4hams 6ni7ersity (2011) 4eminar at @o" h2nting in Ain 4hams 6ni7ersity (2011) Training in !ar-eting !anagement in Ain 4hams 6ni7ersity (2011) :o., + ta-e English Co2rse at 3erlit= Company. B- Practical experiences: Training in Ele@e*t Company, in the a**o2nting department (/rom 1& to 31& &2010) ;or-ed at !anarat !odern 4*hool, in the admin se*tion (2013)

e!s"nal In&"!ma'i"n:

Aate o/ 3irth: !arital 4tat2s:

12B11B1991 4ingle



( Any questions , please contact on Mobil)


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