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Non Contact CMM

Non Contact CMM General: Human Vision to Machine Vision Electro optical Sensor, Translates optical Data in to Electronic Data Image Data is Processed and nal!"ed #ight le$els, %il spra!, Dust etc&'( Stage: Measuring Parts re larger than )ield o* Vie+ Stage motion and Image nal!sis are com,ined' Quality of Optics: Image is Measured, Not the Component' %ptics o* High -ualit!, )ocus setting and )ree *rom distortion is re.uired' Types of Cameras Tu,e t!pe, Solid state t!pe Image Data -uantit! / 012 3 012 3 4 3 56 7 app' 8 million 9sec Processing : :inar!, Gra! Scale Edge Enhancement, Detection ; / a3is Measurement Programming : <e*erences 7 Position, ngular =ser *riendl!, interacti$e So*t+are / other so*t+are )urther <e.uirements: Stereometr!, 5 D, Color Processing #arger rra! Cameras -ualit! o* %ptics, Si"e, >eight Speed, Cost'

Basic Elements of a Machine vision System

Digiti ation

!hat is "rey Scale#

$inear Photo Dio%e &rray

System Components

Digital 'mage ( &n E)ample

Same image *ith +arying ,aster Si es

"ray Scale Processing ( Simplifie%

E%ge Enhancement ( principle

- ( &)is &uto focus Simplifie%

Position <e*erence : To de*ine the origin ? 6,6,6@ o* the a3es ngle <e*erence : To de*ine the angle o* the a3es Posn', ngle re*erence instructions :To Ano+ B remem,er B to use during Programming and Measurement

De*ining <e*erences

Position <e*erences ngle re*erences

#o+ Magni*ication Path Dual Magni*ication S!stem #a!out

High Magni*ication Path

Sur*ace Illuminator Path

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