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DATE : BY : REV : DOC NO.: Salt Balance (Single Stage Desalter)

04-Jan-10 S. Rahimi A

Salinity Calculation Chloride Conc. In feed Chloride in washing water Mixing Efficiency Outlet Oil Salt Content Minimum Desalter Feed water Feed Salinity Washing Water Salinity Feed Salinity Washing Water Salinity

mg/lit mg/lit % PTB % mg/lit mg/lit lb/BBL lb/BBL

136170 244 100 18 4 224393 402 78.49 0.14

Salt Balance Calculation Parameter Oil Flow Rate Water Percent Total water Flow Rate Mixed Water Flow Rate Salt Content Salt Content Salt Content Unit BOPD Vol% BWPD BWPD lb/day lb/BBL PTB

1 FEED Stream 222821 2 4547 4547 356935 78.49 1601.89

7 Fresh Water 222821 0.67 1500 1500 211 0.14 0.95

4 Stream to Desalter 222821 2.71 6047 6047 357146 59.06 1602.84

6 9 desalter 2nd stage water out Int. Recirc. 222821 2.61 5824 5824 343973 59.06 1543.72 222821 0.00 0 0 0 59.06 0.00 0

11 Desalter Reject 222821 2.61 5824 5824 343973 59.06 1543.72 0.00

5 Out of desalter 222821 0.1 223 223 13173 59.06 59.12

Calculation C l l ti Summary S Oil Flow Rate Fresh Water Consumption Internal Recirculation Package Reject Reject Concentration

m3/hr m3/hr m3/hr m3/hr mg/m3

1476.2 9.9 0.0 38.6 168834



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