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Show four coins on table. (Duplicate of third coin on lap) Pick up coins and throw, one by one into the left hand. On throwing third coin, execute click pass; Right hand containing one coin rests for a moment on table and leaves the coin on table. When sliding hand forward to pick up glass (arm hides coin) the action of sliding the arm back automatically laps the coin. Put glass under table and pass first coin through table. Open left hand to show three coins. Close left hand and by so doing, push one coin to heel of hand. Right hand comes from under table and drops first coin from the glass, on the table, to the left. As this is done the coin from the left hand is lapped. With right hand pick up the visible coin and drop back into the glass. Put glass under table and pass the second coin. Show two coins in left hand and leave them on the table. Show two coins in glass and drop them, from the glass, on table, then, pick up the two coins and drop them back in the glass. Pick up the other two coins one by one and drop them in the left hand (Second coin goes to the heel of the hand). Right hand puts glass under table. When left hand moves forward to middle of table leave one coin on table under arm; Right hand picks up duplicate of this coin from lap and drops in glass. Open left hand to show one coin. In sliding the arm back the tabled coin is lapped and, at the same time, the glass is brought forward to show three coins. Tip the coins out then drop them back in the glass. Wrap fourth coin in paper (Coin Fold ). Put glass under table with right hand. Underneath the table the right hand picks one coin out of glass and drops it back in the glass to give illusion of fourth coin dropping into the glass. Bring glass from underneath the table and by executing the Han Ping Chien move from coin-fold, show four coins on table. Open coin-fold and tear up.

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