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PAR IS H P AS TORA L PL AN – J UN E TO M AY: 20 09 -1 0

MONTH Date PARISH ACTIVITIES SCC Activities Association / Cells Diocese

JUNE 21 Sacred Heart Feast Training / Steering Training of PPC
28 Training of Catechism Youth Get - together
Training of Lectors
JULY 25 Parents day Youth training Prog
09 Altar Servers Training

AUG 15 Assumption Feast

09 Teens Training

SEPT 30 Novena Nativity

08 Feast of Nativity
13 Altar Servers Training
20 Training of Lectors
OCT Winter Camp
11 Training of Catechism
18 Youth Formation
25 3 Salesian Parishes Teens Training
Youth day
Youth training Prog
NOV 08 Community Games
15 Training / Steering
22 Altar Servers Training
22 Feast of Christ the
King – Adoration
DEC 06 Prayer Vigil
20 AD Jingles
19 Children Xmas Tree
19 Christmas Bash
JAN 10 Altar Servers Training
22 Novena Don Bosco
31 Feast Don Bosco
24 Open Rink Football
31 Tournament
FEB 07 Seniors Day
14 Youth training Prog
14 Training of Lectors
21 Altar Servers Rally
28 Teens Training
MAR Lenten Renewal
21 Evaluation of
Catechism teachers
21 Catechetical Day
28 SCC Annual
Evaluation Day
APRIL Easter Holy thur
adoration , fri & sat
Parish Fete
Divine Mercy
Parish Feast
MAY Summer Club
Novena MHOC
Feast of MHOC

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