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Objective: To Shine as Venus In the Galaxy of concern and to make The Organization reach to acme. Achievements: Represented our Seminar Competition in istrict le!el and "in first prize in ssc. Representing our class leader #Class Representati!e$ in our % years iploma. &ni'uely identified as the (est one in deli!ering seminars in )hole department. Assets: * *ffecti!e Communication skill and leadership 'ualities. * +ighly moti!ated to "ork as a team. * Good presentation skills in ,Seminars-. Technical Skills: Operating System . )indo"s /ackages . 0.S Office 1 2uto C2 345561 7asics in /ro8e 9 Cat32 s s s s



Email: #e"manent A$$"ess: S8o S.V.Su(ramanyes"ara rao1 7angaru!ari Cheru!ugattu1 palakollu ; Village1 palakollu ; /ost1 palakollu ; 0andal1 )est Goda!ari ; istrict. #e"s%nal &ata: ate of 7irth . <6 =uly <>?6 Sex . 0ale @ationality . Indian 0arital Status .&n married Lan'!a'es n%(n: Telugu 9 *nglish. C%ntact M%bile:>5A>%<B%?> ?>66B%B5BB

Aca$emic $etails:


7.Tech in 0echanical *ngineering iploma in 0echanical *ngineering SSC E-.e"ience:

Chaitanya *ngineering College 7hima!aram Col. .S. RaFu /olytechnic /oduru Ideal School =innure


4556 455B

=a"aharlal @ehru Technological &ni!ersity Cakinada1 Cakinada State 7oard of Technical *ducation 9Training State 7oard of Secondary *ducation

D%E A? E D4E a


T(% /ea"s experience #0ay3455? to =uly345<5$ in fa(rication dra"ings of S.%n'e I"%n #lant in #%.!"i En''0C%ns!ltanc/ at +ydera(ad. e/ Skills: Good and effecti!e interpersonal communicational skills. edication to"ards realizing the organizational goals. a

+ard"orking nature1 eager to learn ne" things in the "ork en!ironment. Stick to punctuality and commitment. 2l"ays ready to take responsi(ility "ith in the scope of my "ork.

&ecla"ati%n: I am confident of my a(ility to my "ork in a team.I here (y declare that all the details furnished a(o!e are true to the (est of my kno"ledge

/lace. ate . 1S.GA+ES) UMAR2


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