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1. 1st black to get a doctorate from Harvard: 2. He believed African Americans should learn vocational skills: 3.

Believed in African Americans getting a liberal arts education:

Matching Questions 1. Grandfather Clause 2. Plessy v. Ferguson 3. Booker T. Washingon 4. Segregation _____ _____ _____ _____

A. Supreme Court case that ruled that separating the races is legal. B. acial Separation

C. !ounded "uskegee #ndustrial #nstitute$ believed in %ocational training and economic freedom D. Clause that allo&ed poor educated &hites to vote if their father'grandfather &as (ualified to vote Multi le Choice Questions

1. la&s passed in the south that kept blacks and &hites separated in private and public places
a. )oll ta* b. +im Cro& la&s c. ,e facto segregation d. -randfather clause

2. .one/ one had to pa/ in order to vote: a. )oll "a* b. ,ebt peonagec. )enance d. 0iterac/ test

3. 1ho &rote Huckleberr/ !inn2 a. .ark "&ain b. 3rville 1right c. 1.4.B. ,uBois d. 0ouis Armstrong

5. 6.S. )ostal s/stem that brought packages directl/ to homes a. 7iagara .ovement S!"#T $%SW&# 1hat are the opposing vie&s held b/ ,uBois and 1ashington in terms of African American education2 b. ural !ree ,eliver/ c. 1right Brothers ,eliver/ d. "uskegee #nstitute

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