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CSC 520 - Tutorial 4

1. Give ONE (1) advantage and ONE (1) disadvantage of having polling in the computer system? (2 marks) Advantage CPU able to monitor when input/output devices are ready (data available or device is ready). Disadvantage polling instructions are part of an OS overhead. Polling is competing for CPU too.

2. What is the different between device controller and device driver? How do they interact with each other? (3 marks) Different device controller is hardware-hardware interface, device driver is a software component. Interaction by using various registers that represent meaning and both of them understand the meaning in order to coordinate their behaviour.

3. What is the main objective of a trap function? Explain how a trap instruction is executed? (3 marks) Objective to allow communication between aplication program and OS. By a software request that changes execution from user to supervisor mode.

4. Explain why a bootstrapping is needed? (2 marks) OS cannot be stored is memory forever due to its volatility, thus it is hardwired into the machine. In order for a computer to function, OS must be loaded into memory and gain supervisor mode in order to execute other instructions.

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