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Join Moll af (oucuses Ilt[ Precincl 4ft & onFebruory (onvention |heDtL on Morch 23rd!

we will make Saint Paul stronger

Paymar's good work and pass ContinueRep. gun laws. sensible Makethe minimumwagea livable wageto expandeconomic opportunity. gapin our schools Narrow achievement so everychildhasthe opportunityto succeed. Collaborate with state,county and city leaders to revitalize the Ford Plantsite.

we will make Saint Paul stronger
Progressive Values Matt is a lifelongDFLer. He hasworked as a for progressive in Saint tirelessadvocate causes Pauland throughoutthe state. Consensus Builder leaderwho will usehis Matt is a collaborative builderto get thingsdone skillsas a consensus at the StateCapitol. Saint Paul Leader Matt led Chris Coleman's re-election campaign and is the director of outreachfor SaintPaul. He livesin Highland Parkand knowsthe issues vital to our future. Passion for Public Service Matt hasvaluable experience in both stateand localgovernment. His passion for publicservice will help move SaintPaulforward.


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