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C:\Sweta\ebooks\hardy boyz1\Hardy Boyz1\HB 008 Mystery of cabin island.pdb !B "a#e: Mystery of cabin island Creator $!: REAd !B %ype: E!t &ersion: " 'ni()e $! Seed: " Creation !ate: #/$%/$&'( Modification !ate: #/$%/$&'( *ast Back)p !ate:: $/$/$&'" Modification ")#ber: " he )ardy Boys he Mystery *f Cabin +sland By ,ran-lin . /ixon Copyri0ht $&'( C*1 E1 2 $ 5 ( 7 9 % ' # & $" $$ $5 $( $7 $9 $% $' $# $& 5" C)AP ER )REA *1 CAB+1 +24A1/ A1 A13R6 CA44ER M+22+13 3RA1/2*1 A C)R+2 MA2 8+2+ *R .* 2:2PEC 2 R*:B4E2*ME R+* CR6 ,*R )E4P )E M62 ER+*:2 ME22E13ER .AR1+13 B6 C*/E P:;;4+13 )E, A CR6P +C 1* A +*1 A1 +CE<6AC) C4:E )E ,4EE+13 3)*2 C)+M1E6< *P /+2C*8ER6 )E 2)A)=2 PR+;E )E +1 R:/ER=2 RE8E13E )E /A13ER*:2 C4+MB )E CRA2) A ,R+3) E1E/ )+E, )E )A;AR/*:2 2EARC) PA3E $' 57 (5 7" 7% 9( %" '" '% #7 &( $"" $"& $$9 $55 $5# $(# $77 $95

< $ < hreat on Cabin +sland

>.)A a reward?> @oe )ardy exclaimed. >6oA mean we can stay at Cabin +sland over the winter vacationB>

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>Ri0ht. 2tartin0 the day after ChristmasC> said ,ran-. > he whole place is oArsC and Mr @efferson says he=ll throw another mystery oAr way.> >AboAt whatB> >.oAldn=t say. )e=ll tell As at his home tomorrow when we 0et the -ey.> he )ardy boys were elated over their recently had bro-en a car theft rin0C of his aAtomobileC Elroy @effersonC a made the offer of his private retreat 0ood lAc-. he yoAn0 detectives and in 0ratitAde for the retArn wealthy resident of BayportC had near the entrance to Barmet Bay.

+mpAlsiveC blond<haired @oe snapped his fin0ers. >4et=s call Chet and Biff and ta-e oAr ice<yacht over to the island. +=d li-e to 0ive it a DAic- preview.> >*-ay. .e can meet =em at oAr doc-.> /ar-<haired ,ran-C ei0hteen and a year older than @oeC was EAst as ea0er to set foot on Cabin +sland and also to s-im over the iceC now 0lossy smooth after a lon0 cold spell. @oe dashed to the hall telephone and dialled the nAmber of the Morton farmhoAse. +n a moment he was spea-in0 to Chet MortonC a beefy team< mate on the Bayport )i0h football eleven. >.hat=s ApB> the stoAt yoAth as-ed. >3et yoAr lon0 Eohns onC> @oe told him. >.e=re 0oin0 to whip oAt to Cabin +sland on the 2ea0All. hat wind on the bay=ll really start yoAr blood circAlatin0?> ,ran- and @oe had desi0ned and bAilt the ice<yacht dArin0 the previoAs sAmmer. hey had saved their money to bAy materials and had wor-ed slowly and carefAlly on the proEect. he craft was made so that it coAld be ta-en apart and compactly stored in the boathoAse where the brothers= motorboatC the 2leAthC also was hoAsed. >2oAnds 0reatC bAt + don=t -now.> Chet hesitated wistfAlly. >Mom=s EAst mixin0 a batch of maple fAd0e.> >2ave it till we 0et bac- < thin- of the appetite yoA=ll wor- Ap?> @oe added with a chAc-leC > hin- of yoAr waistlineC too. .e=ll meet yoA at the boathoAse in twenty minAtes.> >.ell < o-ay < as lon0 as yoA don=t 0o po-in0 into any more mysteries.> >1o promisesC pal?> 3rinnin0C @oe slammed down the receiver before Chet coAld obEect. Moon<faced Chet MortonC who was mAch fonder of he was of dan0eroAs adventAresC was constantly habit of becomin0 involved in crime cases. BAt loyal pal and coAld always be depended on in a eatin0 and relaxin0 than bemoanin0 the )ardys= the stoc-y yoAth was a ti0ht spot.

After callin0 Biff )ooperC who a0reed to the trip enthAsiasticallyC @oe dressed warmly and hArried oAtside. ,ran- was already bac-in0 their

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convertible oAt of the 0ara0e. he )ardys drove to the boathoAse on Barmet Bay. Chet and Biff were waitin0 for them. BiffC a mAscAlar yoAth whose hobby was amateAr boxin0C was dancin0 aboAtC attemptin0 to persAade plAmp Chet to spar with him. Chet held Ap his hands to fend off the blows. )e 0rinned as ,ran- and @oe wal-ed towards them. >3lad yoA=re here?> he exclaimed. > his 0Ay is tryin0 to Ase me for a pAnchin0 ba0?> >/o yoA 0oodC> Biff reEoined. >3et yoA in shape?> ,ran- laA0hed. >+f yoA -eep this ApC Cabin +sland won=t be bi0 enoA0h for both of yoA < and As.> )e 0ave them hearty slaps on the bac-. >4et=s 0et 0oin0?> @oe opened the doors of the boathoAse and led the way inside. he 2ea0All was choc-ed on boards which lay over the ice between the cat< wal-s. 2Aspended above it in a steel cradle was theC 2leAth. ,rom a 0ear shelf the boys too- iron<pointed stAds and attached them to their bootsC then donned crash helmets and 0o00les. As they too- the ice<yacht oAtside the wind whipped hard at their bac-s. @oe tilted the bra-e on the oAtside of the hAllC so that the point dA0 firmly into the ice. en minAtes later the foAr had fastened the lon0 rAnner plan- crossways Ander the bowC raised the mastC and set sail. FAic-ly they climbed into the stern=s coc-pit. >2trap yoArselves in ti0htC> ,ran- warned as he too- the tiller. > hat wind=s stron0 and the 3All=s rarin= to 0o. )e released the bra-e and the slee- white craft 0lided swiftly oAt into the bayC now solidly froGen except for the channelC which was -ept open by the shippin0 lines and the Coast 3Aard. Cold clear air stAn0 the boys= faces and they were showered with ice chips from the bow rAnner. hey waved to friends who were s-atin0 near the shore. >.here is Cabin +slandC anywayB> Biff called to the )ardys. >+n a cove off the bayC> ,ran- shoAtedC as he 0Aided the 2ea0All in a swoopin0 half circle aroAnd a hole that had been cAt in the ice by a fisherman. >Ever been there beforeB> Chet as-edC strainin0 to 0et his words oAt a0ainst the cold air that whipped across his face. @oe shoo- his head. >.e=ve never tried to ta-e oAr motorboat into that cove. +t=s shallow and yoA=d rip the hAll Anless yoA -new for sAre where every roc- is. BAt we shoAldn=t have any troAble now.> Presently the ice<yacht raced Ap the inlet. >.e=ll 0o aroAnd for a loo-<seeC> said ,ran-.

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2-ilfAlly he circled the heavily wooded island. he shoreline facin0 the bay dropped off in an icy cliffC bAt the side opposite the mainland road to Bayport sloped 0radAally. At the ed0e of the shore ,ranspotted a tall pine. >4et=s land thereC> he said. )e pAt the speedin0 craft into a wide semicircle opposite the tree. he sails slac-enedC the ice<yacht slowed downC then drifted strai0ht to the pineC where ,ran- pAt on the bra-e and @oe lashed the craft to the tree. >Ri0ht on the noseC> Bid said admirin0ly as they clambered ashore. he foAr started Ap the hill. 2oon they 0limpsed the cabinC perched in a clearin0 on the hi0hest point of the island. @oe stopped abrAptly and pointed to a set of lar0e bootprints in the li0ht snow. >)ow can anyone else be hereB> he as-ed. > here=s no other ice<yacht hereC and it=d be a lon0C slippery wal- from the mainland.> ,ran- shrA00ed. >+ doAbt that the person is still here. +t hasn=t snowed for a wee-C so those prints coAld have been made several days a0o.> >BAt they only lead ApwardC> @oe observed. > here are none 0oin0 bacdown the hill.> >Maybe whoever he was went down another wayC> ,ran- sA00ested. he boys resAmed their ascent. As they approached the cabinC a broad< shoAldered fi0Are in a plaid mac-inaw coat appeared from behind a clAmp of brAsh and strode towards them. )e was a sArly<loo-in0 man in his early thirtiesC who wal-ed with his nec- thrAst forward. )is off<balanceC lAmberin0 0ait amAsed @oeC bAt the man=s words were not fAnny. >3et off this island?> he shoAted. bAt only for seconds. >.ho saysB> @oe retorted. >+ say soC and +=ll show yoA?> came the reply as the man thrAst his ri0ht hand into the mac-inaw=s deep poc-et. )e strode closerC 0larin0 at the foArsome. >/on=t threaten As?> Biff said an0rilyC coc-in0 his ri0ht fist. >+f it=s a fi0ht yoA wantC> ,ran- said coollyC >the odds are one to foAr. 2o don=t be foolish. BesidesC we have permission to be on this island.> he hostile man hesitatedC loo-in0 from face to face. >.hat ma-es yoA thin- + don=t have permissionC tooB> he as-ed. hen the stran0er made the mista-e of advancin0 a step farther. Biff feinted with a DAic- left he )ardys were ta-en by sArpriseC

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hand and sent his ri0ht fist into the man=s midriff. .ith an >oof> the man sat heavily in the snowC then scrambled to his feetC mAtterin0 threats. >AwC -noc- it offC> said Chet. >.e won=t 0et anywhere ar0Ain0 with himC> ,ran- said DAietly. >Come on?> he boys tArned and retraced their steps to the 2ea0All. ,ran- and @oe -ept 0lancin0 bac-C bAt the hostile stran0er did not follow. Bac- in the ice<yachtC @oe saidC >+ wonder if Mr @efferson -nows that man and 0ave him permission to come to Cabin +sland.> >+ doAbt itC> said ,ran-. >2ayC maybe this has somethin0 to do with the mystery.> >2ome welcomin0 committee?> Chet 0rAmbled. @oe scowled. >)e sAre was ea0er to chase As away. + have a hAnch he=s Ap to no 0ood.> 2oon ,ran- 0Aided the 2ea0All oAt of the cove and sent her s-immin0 alon0 Barmet Bay. 2Addenly Chet 0asped. >4oo- at that ice<yacht? MAst be a craGy man steerin0 it?> )eadin0 towards them was a lar0e craft which weaved across the ice in a diGGyin0 path. 2Addenly it dipped over and one rAnner plan- lifted off the ice into the air. >.ow? hat=s a sharp tArn?> exclaimed ,ran-.

>)e=ll capsiGe?> Biff cried oAt. @Ast then the pilot dropped the sheet and the rAnner came down hardC spatterin0 ice. @oe 0roaned. >Anybody who 0ives a boat that slamban0 treatment doesn=t deserve to own one.> An instant later the other craft strea-ed strai0ht for the 2ea0All. ,ran- loo-ed 0rim. >.e=re in troAbleC> he said. > hat=s the )aw-?> he )aw- was owned by two belli0erent yoAthsC ad Carson and +-e 1ashC who had been in the )ardys= classes at school Antil they had dropped oAt early in the term. he two often retArned to loiter aboAt the school 0roAndsC bAllyin0 yoAn0er boys. hey were -nown to be fastC rec-less car drivers. >+-e is steerin0C> @oe observed. >)e=s even more dan0eroAs on the ice than he is on the road.> >+f he doesn=t chan0e his coArseC he=ll hit As?> Chet said. ,ran- set his Eaw. >+f +-e won=t tArnC + will.> )e bore down on the tiller and swAn0 oAt of the )aw-=s path.

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A second later the bi00er craft also chan0ed coArse. +t was hArtlin0 towards the 2ea0AllC 0ainin0 momentAm every second? > hey mean to rAn As down?> Biff shoAted. >*r else they EAst want to scare AsC> @oe saidC clenchin0 his fists. ,ran- swerved once more. A0ain the other steersman mimic-ed himC and the )aw- still came at them. By now it was less than fifty yards away. he boys coAld see moc-in0 0rins on +-e=s and ad=s faces. +n another few seconds the )aw- woAld crash into the 2ea0All. 2Addenly +-e=s 0rin chan0ed to a loo- of terror. +n a flash ,ranrealiGed what had happened. he rec-less yoAth had tried to swerve off the collision coArse. BAt the manoeAvre had caAsed the )aw-=s tiller to Eam. +-e held Ap his hands to show that he had lost control of his craft. +n a moment the boats woAld collide?

< 5 < An An0ry Caller

,RA1H leaned hard on the tillerC while @oe trimmed sail. he 2ea0All veered sharply. he other boys held on so ti0htly to the 0Anhales that their -nAc-les were white. he boat careenedC and the ice seemed to leap towards them. he his and and )aw- Goomed past in sAch a violent rAsh of wind that ,ran- thoA0ht craft woAld sArely tArn over. BAt he -ept a firm hold on the tiller @oe eased the sheet. 2lowly the craft pAlled oAt of the sharp tArn ,ran- was able to slow to a stop.

,or a moment no one spo-e. he boys stared at one anotherC nAmb with relief. hen @oe 0lanced over his shoAlder and exclaimedC > hey=ve piled Ap?> >2erves them ri0htC> Biff declared. > hey mi0ht have -illed As all.> >2tillC we=d better 0o over and see if they=re badly inEAredC> ,ransaid. he foAr 0ot oAt of the 2ea0All and made their way across the ice to the troAblema-ersC who were sArveyin0 the )aw-=s bro-en mast. +-e 1ash limped towards the 2ea0All=s crewC his eyes blaGin0. >6oA Eer-s are 0oin0 to pay for this dama0e?> he shoAted. >BesidesC +=ll have to see a doctor aboAt my an-le. +t=s probably bro-en. 6oA=ll 0et all the billsC that=s for sAre?>

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>+t was yoAr faAltC> @oe declared. >And if yoAr an-le were bro-enC +-eC yoA coAldn=t wal-.> >2ave that stAff?> ad snapped bac-. >+f we wanted to hear a lectAreC we=d have stayed in school?> Biff tArned away in dis0Ast. >.e can=t tell these idiots a thin0C> he mAttered. >4et=s 0o?> >.e may as wellC> @oe a0reed. >1obody=s serioAsly hArtC so they can ma-e their own way to shore.> he )ardys and their pals headed bac- for the 2ea0AllC i0norin0 the threats and an0ry remar-s the bAllies shoAted after them. >4et=s 0o homeC> Chet said. >+t=s almost sAppertimeC and manC +=m starved?> he foAr boarded the craft and sped on towards Bayport. ,ran-=s face wore a thoA0htfAl frown as they 0lided over the ice. >.hat=s the matterB> @oe shoAted above the wind. >1ot worried aboAt those two blowhards bac- thereC are yoAB> ,ran- shoo- his head. >1oC EAst thin-in0 aboAt that fellow in the mac-inaw. +=d sAre li-e to -now who he is and what he=s doin0 on Cabin +sland.> >2ame here.> @oe was aboAt to sA00est that the DAarrelsome stran0er mi0ht have somethin0 to do with the mystery promised by Elroy @efferson. BAtC smotherin0 a 0rinC @oe decided he had better not alarm Chet Annecessarily? he stoAt yoAth almost seemed to read @oe=s mind. >+ EAst hope that toA0h 0Ay isn=t aroAnd to ma-e troAble if we=re 0oin0 to be spendin0 Christmas vacation on the islandC> Chet mAttered 0loomily. >/on=t worry. +f he tries anythin0C we can handle himC> Biff said confidently. Reachin0 Bayport harborC they stowed the 2ea0All in the boathoAse. ,ran- loc-ed Ap and the boys climbed into the )ardys= convertible. *n the way to the farm where Chet lived on the oAts-irts of BayportC @oe sA00estedC >.hy not pac- oAr sApplies for the trip into the 2ea0All the ni0ht before we leaveB hen we=ll be able to 0et a DAic- start.> >BAt that=s Christmas /ay?> Biff obEected. >.e=ll want to be home.> > rAe. )ow aboAt tomorrowB> ,ran- as-ed. >.e coAld pac- in the afternoonC in plenty of time for Christmas Eve.> his sA00estion was a0reed Apon. >.hat shall we brin0B> Chet inDAired. >*hC sleepin0 ba0sC extra blan-etsC snowshoes < that sort of thin0C> @oe replied.

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>And flashli0hts?> ,ran- added. >Mr @efferson did tell me the cabin is primitive < no electricityC no rAnnin0 water. .e=ll be roA0hin0 it.> >+ was thin-in0 of the mealsC> Chet persisted. >.ho=s in char0e of foodB> ,ran- 0rinned. >6oA? BAt we=ll all brin0 some.> >2oAnds fine to meC> said BiffC and the others nodded assent. As they pAlled Ap in front of the Mortons= farmhoAseC Chet as-edC >.hat time do we meet tomorrow to pac- the 2ea0AllB> >AboAt foAr o=cloc-C> @oe sA00ested. >,ran- and + oA0ht to be bac- from oAr visit with Mr @efferson by then.> he )ardys next drove Biff to his hoAse. As they headed for their own homeC @oe saidC >+ can=t wait to -now the details of Mr @efferson=s mystery? )aven=t yoA any idea what it=s aboAtB> ,ran- shoo- his head. he brothers had become fascinated with detective wor- at an early a0eC becaAse their fatherC ,enton )ardyC was a private investi0ator whose s-ill had won him fame all over the coAntry. Mr )ardy freDAently praised ,ran- and @oe for their ability to reco0niGe si0nificant clAes and to ma-e intelli0ent dedActions. he boys went into the hoAse and foAnd Mr and Mrs )ardy in the livin0< room. After 0reetin0 their parentsC ,ran- saidC >+=m afraid @oe and + have a confession. .e=ve made some vacation plans withoAt consAltin0 yoA.> >+ 0Aess we 0ot excited and for0otC> @oe admitted. >BAt it all happened this afternoon.> allC mAscAlar ,enton )ardyC his eyes twin-lin0C win-ed at his slenderC attractive wife. >4aAraC do yoA have the same hAnch + doB> Mrs )ardy smiled rAefAlly. >Another mystery. Am + ri0htC boysB> >6es. BAt we don=t -now what -ind yetC> ,ran- replied. he brothers too- tArns tellin0 of Mr @efferson=s offer. .hen they had finishedC Mr )ardy saidC >+ thin- the trip is a reward yoA deserve.> > hen it=s o-ayC /ad < MotherB> @oe as-ed. >All ri0ht. BAt + do hope there won=t be any dan0er.> >.e=ll be carefAlC> ,ran- assAred herC >/on=t worry aboAt As.> >.ellC> Mrs )ardy saidC >+=ll have to ma-e a trip to the mar-et for yoAr food sApplies.> >6oA=ll have to ta-e a trAc- to brin0 home all that food?> exclaimed a tart voice from the doorway. he boys= AAnt 3ertrAde entered the

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livin0<room and addedC >+ -now what it is to feed Chet Morton.> 2he sniffed. >+ only hope all yoA boys won=t catch yoAr death of cold?> AAnt 3ertrAde was ,enton )ardy=s Anmarried sisterC a tallC an0Alar woman who often made lon0 visits with the family. 2he li-ed to affect strictnessC and it provo-ed her that she often foAnd herself smilin0 when alas had intended to be stern with her nephews. :nderneath her peppery mannerC Miss )ardy held a deep affection for the boys. 2he also was interested in their sleAthin0C althoA0h always predictin0 dire resAlts. @oe coAld not resist teasin0 her. >1owC AAntyC how aboAt yoA comin0 alon0 as oAr coo-B> >)AmphC> Miss )ardy mAmbledC and hastened to the -itchen. 2oon after sApper ,ran- and @oe excAsed themselves and went Apstairs to pac-. >.e may as well stow everythin0 aboard the 2ea0All tomorrow except the foodC> ,ran- said. > hat shoAld 0ive As an early start on 2atArday.> he boys stAffed their clothes and 0ear into dAffle ba0s. 1ext mornin0 everythin0 was placed in the boot of the convertible. 2hortly after lAnch ,ran- and @oe drove to the @efferson homeC a lar0e colonial dwellin0 on 2hore Road. A hoAse-eeper answered their -noc-C too- their coatsC and as-ed the visitors to be seated in the spacioAs front hall. Mr @efferson is bAsyC> the woman said. >)e will with yoA shortly.> After the hoAse-eeper had leftC @oe exclaimed in a low voiceC >Mother and AAnt 3ertrAde woAld sAre 0o for this place? 4oo- at that fancy carved table and 0ilded wor-. And those paintin0s on the walls? he whole hoAse mAst be fArnished in antiDAes.> >+ thin- it isC> ,ran- told him. >+=ve heard that Mr @efferson has a lar0e collection. +n factC he=s re0arded as an expert on antiDAes.> 2Addenly the boys stopped tal-in0. 4oAd voices came from the livin0< room adEoinin0 the hall. he )ardys exchan0ed DAiGGical 0lances. >.onder what=s 0oin0 onB> @oe mAttered. > roAbleC from the soAnd of itC> ,ran- replied. he spea-ers seemed to be 0rowin0 an0rier with every sentence. 2oon their words were clearly aAdible. >+ don=t AnderstandC Mr @effersonC why yoA won=t sell. 6oA=ll re0ret this?> >Cabin +sland is not for saleC and that is finalC Mr )anlei0h. 1owC please leave my home?> he first voice snapped bac-C >6oA haven=t heard the last from me?>

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2tartledC the )ardys stood Ap. At the same instant a lar0e man stomped into the hall. ,ran- and @oe were nearly elbowed aside by the an0ry caller as he strode towards his coatC which was lyin0 on a chair. he boys nAd0ed each other in excitement. +t was the belli0erent yoAn0 man who had chased them off Cabin +sland? As he shrA00ed violently into his coatC his eyes fell nn ,ran- and @oe. >6oA two a0ain?> he shoAtedC 0larin0 at the boys. >Heep oAt of my way?> hen he flAn0 open the door and was 0one.

< ( < Missin0 3randson

>3**/ afternoonC boys.> An elderly manC tall and thinC with shinin0 white hairC stepped into the hall. +=m sorry to -eep yoA waitin0C and also to sAbEect yoA to Mr )anlei0h=s bad manners.> >*hC we don=t mindC> ,rance saidC sha-in0 handsC and addedC >+=d li-e to introdAce my brother @oe.> >)ow do yoA doC @oeB BoysC + overheard what Mr )anlei0h said to yoA a moment a0o. .hatever did he meanB> >After yoA offered As yoAr cabinC> ,ran- explainedC >@oe and + were ea0er to loo- at Cabin +slandC so we went over. Mr )anlei0h was there and ordered As to leave.> Mr @efferson=s smile disappeared and deeper wrin-les formed in his face. )e said somberlyC >Come in and sit down in the livin0room. .e=ll tal- more aboAt this.> ,ran- and @oe followed their host into a lar0e roomC richly fArnished with antiDAes. )eavyC wine<red cArtains mAted the afternoon sAnli0htC and a miniatAre crystal chandelier spar-led at either side of a marble fireplace. Mr @efferson motioned the )ardys to be seated in veloArs<Apholstered chairs and went onC >+f that fellow )anlei0h shows Ap while yoA are stayin0 on the islandC yoA=re to chase him off at once?> > hen yoA didn=t -now Mr )anlei0h was on yoAr islandB> ,ran- as-ed. >1oC indeedC> Mr @efferson replied vehemently. >Mr )anlei0h lives some distance from Bayport. )e has come here repeatedlyC insistin0 that +

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sell Cabin +sland to himC bAt + have refAsed. :nfortAnatelyC the man is persistent.> >+ ima0ine the island is fairly valAableC> ,ran- commented. >+t isC> the elderly man admitted. >BAt it is not worth as mAch as the price )anlei0h offers. BesidesC the place means more to me than money. My wife and + spent many happy vacations in that cabin with oAr orphaned 0randsonC @ohnny<my son=s boy. And now<> )e si0hed. >Mrs @efferson has passed away.> >.e=re very sorryC> said @oeC then addedC >+t=s really 0reat of yoA to invite As to vacation on Cabin +sland.> >1ot at allC> the old man assAred him. >+ can=t than- yoA sAfficiently for savin0 my aAtomobile from those thieves. 6oA boys have a 0reat deal of coAra0e.> he )ardys loo-ed embarrassedC and ,ran- repliedC >.e enEoyed the case. @oe and + seem to thrive on excitement.> Mr @efferson=s smile chan0ed to an expression of disapproval. >+=m sArprised yoAr parents permit yoA to pArsAe criminalsC however mAch yoA appear to thrive on dan0erC> he declared. >+=d never allow my 0randson to do sAch a thin0C althoA0h heC tooC is fascinated by mysterioAs crimes.> he elderly man=s sAdden criticism made the )ardys a little Ancomfortable. ,ran- chan0ed the sAbEect and said DAic-lyC >+=d li-e to hear more aboAt Cabin +slandC Mr @efferson. .e weren=t there lon0 enoA0h to see mAch.> heir host relaxed as he spo-e of his property. > he cabin itself is well bAilt and coGyC as lon0 as there are lo0s on the fire. 6oA=ll find a 0ood sApply of wood in the shed at the bac- of the cabin. :se all yoA need.> >+ sAppose we coo- with woodB> @oe inDAired. >*hC yes?> Mr @efferson declared with 0Asto. > he -itchen is warm as toast when the old coo-in0<stove is sto-ed Ap? My wife and + tal-ed of moderniGin0C bAt we li-ed thin0s the way they wereC and decided not to. +ncidentallyC yoA=ll find all the coo-in0 Atensils yoA=ll need.> > hat=s 0oodC> ,ran- said. )e hesitated before addin0C >Mr @effersonC may we invite two of oAr friends to Eoin AsB> >All the betterC> the old man said with enthAsiasm. > he place is lar0e enoA0h. +t has two bedroomsC each with a pair of bAn-s. By the wayC how did yoA fellows 0et to the islandB> >.e have an ice<yachtC> @oe explained. Mr @efferson frowned. >+ce<yachts are too ris-y for yoAn0sters. My @ohnny always wanted oneC bAt of coArse + refAsed him. PrAdence is what yoAn0 people lac-. +f my @ohnny had learned prAdenceC thin0s woAldn=t be as they are now.>

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,ran- and @oe exchan0ed DAic- 0lancesC sensin0 that the mystery was aboAt to be revealed. he old man si0hed and passed his hands over his eyes. +n a low voice he addedC >My @ohnny has disappeared?> he )ardys were both shoc-ed and sympathetic. > hat=s terrible?> @oe exclaimedC then as-edC >)ow old is @ohnny B> >,ifteenC bAt he=s a bi0 boy. )e loo-s a bit older.> >)ow lon0 has yoAr 0randson been missin0B> ,ran- DAestioned. >.hen + retArned from EArope recentlyC> Mr @efferson repliedC >my hoAse-eeper reported that @ohnny had left school two wee-s before.> >.as he livin0 away from homeB> @oe inDAired. >6es. +=ve always sent him to boardin0 schoolC thin-in0 he=d be safe and in 0ood company. At first + expected that @ohnny woAld retArn to schoolC bAt the headmaster has not heard a word from him.> >)ave yoAC Mr @effersonB> ,ran- as-ed. >6esC recently + received a letter from @ohnnyC sayin0 that he was on a secret mission. he letter was postmar-ed /allasC exasC bAt the detectives + retain foAnd no clAes to him there.> >)ave yoA any idea what he meant by a secret missionB> ,ran- DAeried. >1ot the sli0htest.> >)ave yoA reported @ohnny=s disappearance to the policeB> @oe as-ed. >*nly the harboAr police. My detectives advised me to 0ive the matter as little pAblicity as possible. And of coArse + am positive there has been no criminal act. hat=s why + felt this mystery woAld be feasible for yoA boys to wor- on. here are no dan0eroAs individAals involved.> >Mr @effersonC yoA sArely don=t want As to delay the search for @ohnnyC> ,ran- said. >.e=ll postpone oAr vacation on Cabin +sland.> >1oC + sA00est that yoA 0o to Cabin +sland becaAse + have a stron0 feelin0 it may ta-e a boy to find a boy. @ohnny loved the placeC and -nows every noo- and cranny of it well.> @oe nodded. >2oAnds li-e a 0ood spot to start.> ,ran- as-edC > he detectives yoA mentioned < do they wor- for yoA all the timeB> >6esC + have en0a0ed these two private investi0ators for DAite a whileC bAt for a different reason. hey are searchin0 for a priceless collection of antiDAe medals which were stolen from my wall safe two years a0o.> >Athletic medalsB> @oe as-ed.

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>*hC no. hese were commemorative medals from many landsC made by the world=s finest craftsmen. hey had been presented by -in0s and potentates to those who had served with 0reatness in war and peace.> >An odd hobbyC> ,ran- commented. >And expensive. hat=s why +=m still continAin0 the search privately. he police have all bAt 0iven Ap.> :pon fArther DAestionin0 by ,ran- and @oeC Mr @efferson revealed that his collection comprised twelve medalsC -ept in a handsome rosewood box. >And when yoA open itC what a daGGlin0 si0ht?> the man went on. >2ome are set with 0emsC which spar-le in the bArnished metal. And apart from their 0reat beaAtyC what stories behind each of those medals?> )e si0hed deeply. @oe as-edC >CoAld they have been fenced somewhere < or perhaps sold to a disrepAtable coin dealerB> >+ thin- notC> came the reply. >My collection was so famoAsC any dealer woAld reco0niGe the pieces.> )e added that all the important dealers -new aboAt the theft. he )ardys were more fascinated than ever. >/id anythin0 else AnAsAal happen at the time yoAr medals were ta-enC Mr @effersonB> ,ran- as-ed. >AmaGin0. )ow did yoA 0AessB As a matter of factC somethin0 odd did occAr then. *ne of my servantsC the hoAseman @ohn PaAl 2parewell < dropped oAt of si0ht and nothin0 has been heard of him since.> >FAite a coincidenceC> @oe said. >6oA thin- 2parewell may be the thiefB> >+ don=t li-e to sAspect anyone withoAt proofC> Mr @efferson replied. >BAt at this pointC the detectives and + feel that he probably is. +ndeedC it=s a most bafflin0 crime. )oweverC yoA boys aren=t to concern yoArselves with it.> >BAt there may be some connection between the missin0 medals and yoAr 0randson=s disappearanceC> ,ran- sA00ested. > he only connection is @ohnny=s silly notionsC> Mr @efferson asserted. >+ sAppose it was becaAse he heard the detectives discAssin0 the theft of the medals so often at the hoAse here. he boy be0an to thin- he coAld solve the mysteryC and started seein0 clAes everywhere. RidicAloAs.> > hen @ohnny may be wor-in0 on the case ri0ht now?> @oe exclaimed. >Perhaps that=s his secret mission.> >6oA coAld be ri0ht.> Mr @efferson loo-ed very despondent. >And who -nows what harm may come to him? @ohnny can be stAbborn. .hen he sets his mind on somethin0C he doesn=t 0ive Ap easily.> he old man si0hed wearily and the )ardys felt that fArther DAestions mi0ht be Anwise.

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>.e mAst 0et bac- nowC> ,ran- annoAnced. > han-s a0ain for yoAr invitationC Mr @efferson.> heir host smiled wanlyC crossed the roomC and opened the drawer of a smallC ornate table. ,rom it he too- a -ey which he handed to ,ran-. >)ave a fine vacationC all of yoA?> >.e=ll do oAr best to find @ohnnyC> @oe addedC >and let yoA -now of oAr pro0ress.> hey all shoo- handsC then the boys retrieved their coats and said 0oodbye. As the brothers drove away from the @efferson homeC @oe tArned to ,ran-C his eyes 0leamin0 with excitement. >A bi0 assi0nment?> he declared. >@Ast the -ind we li-e?> ,ran- 0rinned. >*ne thin0 + have a hAnch aboAt @ohnny is not in exas? At leastC not now. +f he doesn=t want to be foAndC he=d never let on where he really is.> >6oA=re probably ri0htC> @oe conceded. >.ow? + wish it were the day after Christmas?> ,ran- drove silently for a few minAtesC seemin0ly intent on threadin0 his way throA0h the pre<holiday traffic. BAt @oe 0Aessed from his brother=s expression that the mystery was in ,ran-=s thoA0hts. >3ive yoA a penny for =emC> @oe said with a 0rin. ,ran- smiled. >+=ve been thin-in0 aboAt Mr @efferson=s idea that there are no dan0eroAs individAals involved in this case. + don=t a0ree.> >.hy notB> @oe loo-ed pAGGled and frowned. >@oeC two years a0o a man disappearedC probably becaAse of those medals. 1ow a boy who was interested in them is 0one. hen )anlei0h tArns ApC tryin0 to force Mr @efferson to sell the island.> >+ see what yoA mean. 2oAnds li-e the old case is still plenty hot.> ,ran- nodded. >And with a priceless treasAre at sta-eC we=d better watch oAt for dan0er.>

< 7 < A Christmas 8isitor

As the )ardys drove on towards the bay areaC they continAed to discAss the missin0 boy.

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>Mr @efferson appears to be very strict with his 0randsonC> @oe observed. >+=m not sArprised that @ohnny wanted to 0o off and prove he=s old enoA0h to be on his own.> ,ran- frowned. >CoAld be. BAt he=s also old enoA0h to realiGe fAlly the 0rief he=s caAsin0 his 0randfather.> :pon reachin0 their boathoAseC ,ran- par-ed behind a 0reen car which the )ardys reco0niGed as belon0in0 to the )oopers. Biff and Chet hopped oAt to 0reet their pals. @oe and Biff Anloc-ed both car bootsC and they all loo-ed over the 0ear each had broA0ht. >+t=ll ta-e some en0ineerin0 to stow all this on the 2ea0AllC> @oe said with a 0roan. >And don=t for0etC we have to leave some space for foodC> Chet reminded him. Biff scratched his head. >+t=s all necessaryC inclAdin0 my snowshoes. Chet has hisC too.> >6oA=re lAc-yC> ,ran- replied. >*Ars 0ave oAt last winter and we haven=t had the money to 0et new ones.> he foAr boys haAled their 0ear into the boathoAse. he streamlined hAll of the 2ea0All had been desi0ned with plenty of space for car0o. 1everthelessC they repac-ed it three times before they foAnd places for everythin0. .hen they had finishedC there remained only a few niches for boxes of food. > hat too- at least an hoAr?> Biff exclaimed. >.e=d better 0et 0oin0.> @oe loc-ed the boathoAse. he friends wished one another a Merry ChristmasC and ,ran- called oAtC >2ee yoA on 2atArday?> At dinner ,ran- and @oe told their family aboAt Mr @efferson=s mysteries. Mr and Mrs )ardy and AAnt 3ertrAde expressed concern aboAt @ohnny and hoped the missin0 boy woAld be foAnd soon. ,ran- and @oe went Apstairs early in the evenin0 to wrap their 0ifts before 0oin0 to bed. +n the mornin0 the brothers awa-ened soon after the sAn was Ap. >Merry Christmas?> @oe called. >2ame to yoA?> ,ran- shoAted as he leaped oAt of bed. and ran downstairs. he boys dressed

>+ can smell the tAr-ey roastin0 already?> @oe exclaimed as he reached the bottom step. AAnt 3ertrAde bAstled oAt of the -itchen and scolded cheerfAllyC >+ shoAld hope yoA do? hat 0obbler wei0hs thirty poAnds? 1owC +=ve made panca-es and saAsa0eC and + want yoA both to eat properly before the confAsion be0ins. *hC Merry Christmas?> he boys ate the tasty brea-fast with Gest.

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A Mrs )ardy loo-ed at her sons. >Mr @efferson was so -ind to ma-e yoAr oAtin0 possibleC> she mAsedC >it=s sad to thin- of him bein0 alone on Christmas. .hy don=t we invite him to Eoin As at dinnerB> @oe 0rinned and saidC >MotherC that=s a 0reat idea?> >+=ll phone him?> ,ran- hArried off to ma-e the call. )e retArned shortly to annoAnce that Mr @efferson had accepted the invitation. >+ said @oe and + woAld pic- him Ap on oAr way bac- from chArch.> >1ow for oAr presents?> @oe Ar0ed impatiently. he )ardys went into the livin0<room where the li0hts and ornaments shone brilliantly on the tall Christmas tree. he boys were thrilled to discover that their mother had boA0ht each of them a pair of snowshoes. Mr )ardy 0ave his sons a self<developin0 camera. he brothers were overEoyed. >+t=s terrific? BAt what=s thisB> @oe as-edC holdin0 Ap an obEect that resembled a 0Anstoc-. )is father explained that the attachment was a 0An<type moAntin0 to Ase in conEAnction with the camera=s hi0h<powered telescopic lens. >6oA shoAld find it very AsefAl for lon0<ran0e shotsC> he added. >A nAmber of private investi0ators have pArchased them.> > han-s?> they chorAsedC and ,ran- addedC >.e=ll ta-e it to Cabin +sland.> ,rom her sons Mrs )ardy received a coloArfAl s-irt and bloAse setC Mr )ardy was the happy recipient of handmade does-in slippersC and AAnt 3ertrAde beamed over a tan cardi0an presented by her nephews. As for ,ran- and @oeC they were amAsed to discover that each had 0iven the other a handsome leather watchband. >+ thoA0ht yoA=d li-e itC becaAse it appealed to meC> @oe explained with a wide 0rin. >2ame hereC> ,ran- replied. > ime for yoA to open my presentsC> said AAnt 3ertrAde as she handed each nephew a bri0htly wrapped pac-a0e. >1ow yoA won=t catch yoAr death of cold on this foolish winter vacation?> @oe opened his box first and drew oAt a pair of fAll<len0th red s-i Anderwear? >.ell<Ah<than-s?> he mana0ed to blArt oAt. ,ran-=s 0ift 0rinnin0. )e his clothes. 3ertrAde was was the same. >AAntyC + can=t wait to wear this?> he saidC AnbAttoned the bri0ht crimson sAit and pAlled it on over @oe did the sameC and the boys clowned Antil even AAnt laA0hin0 hard.

.hen ,ran- and @oe drove Ap to the @efferson home laterC the elderly man 0reeted them with >Merry ChristmasC boys?> BAt there was an a0itated rin0 in his voice.

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>)as anythin0 happenedC Mr @effersonB> ,ran- as-ed DAic-ly. he reply was startlin0. > his mornin0 + foAnd a pac-a0e on the doorstep. +t=s a present from @ohnny.> he old man held Ap the 0ift card bearin0 his 0randson=s name. > his is @ohnny=s printin0.> he )ardys were astoAnded. >+s there any clAe to where it came fromB> @oe as-ed. > here=s no postmar-C so the pac-a0e wasn=t mailedC> Mr @efferson answeredC >and none of my nei0hboArs lives close enoA0h to have seen the person who left itC bAt there is a clAe in the 0ift itself.> ,rom the hall table he too- a roAnd box and opened it. >A can of plAm pAddin0?> exclaimed @oe. >My favoArite dessertC> said Mr thin0C> he addedC pointin0 to a the can with red ribbon. > hese has many trees of that variety. or was < there.> @efferson. >BAt this is the si0nificant clAster of fir cones tied clAmsily onto are blAe sprAce cones and Cabin +sland More than everC + feel sAre my boy is <

>Perhaps yoAr hoAse-eeper coAld tell As when and haw the parcel was deliveredC> ,ran- sA00ested. >1oC> Mr @efferson replied. >Mrs Morley is away on a wee-=s vacation.> Mr @efferson donned his coat and loc-ed the hoAse. hen the three 0ot into the car and ,ran- started for home. *n the way he tried to reassAre the distraA0ht man. >Perhaps the 0ift is a si0n that @ohnny plans to come home soon. )e probably wanted to 0et bac- into yoAr 0ood 0races before retArnin0.> Mr @efferson frowned. > hat boy won=t be bac- as lon0 as he has the detective bA0.> Mr and Mrs )ardy and AAnt 3ertrAde welcomed their 0Aest warmlyC and he soon appeared to relax and enEoy the holiday atmosphere. By the time ,ran- and @oe drove their visitor home that evenin0C he was smilin0. As ,ran- broA0ht the convertible to a stop in front of the @efferson hoAseC @oe saidC >2irC + have a stron0 feelin0 that @ohnny is in this area. .ill yoA describe him in detailB> >+=ll do better than that. Come into the hoAse and +=ll 0ive yoA a recent snapshot.> he )ardy boys followed Mr @efferson Ap the path. )e Anloc-ed the doorC stepped into the hallC tArned on the li0htC then cried oAt in alarm. ,ran- and @oe 0asped. ,ArnitAre had been overtArned and drawers hAn0 openC their contents scrambled and strewn aboAt the floor. he antiDAe wall ornaments had been rAthlessly torn down. he three hArried into the livin0<room. +tC tooC was completely disordered. he thic- rA0 was littered with articles that had been in

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drawers or displayed on shelves. he rich red draperies hAn0 at craGy an0lesC and one of the crystal chandeliers had been shattered. Mr @efferson=s face was white and his hands trembled. ,ran- sA00ested anxioAslyC >6oA=d better sit downC sir. @oe and + will see if the person who did this is still on the premises.> >1oC +=ll be all ri0ht. + have some valAable antiDAes + mAst chec- on immediately. 6oA boys loo- aboAt.> he )ardys soon discovered that entry had been made by Eemmyin0 the rear door. hey made a thoroA0h toAr of the hoAse and circled the 0roAnds. AlthoA0h the moon shone brilliantlyC the yoAn0 sleAths coAld find no clAe to the maraAder. > here isn=t even a footprint.> @oe si0hed as he and ,ran- entered the hoAse a0ain. >.hoever it was evidently went ri0ht aroAnd the path to the bac-?> Mr @efferson reported that nothin0 . was missin0C althoA0h many valAable obEects had been bro-en. )e handed ,ran- a snapshot of a tallC well<bAilt boy. >)ere is the pictAre of @ohnny.> ,ran- placed the photo0raph in his wallet. >6oA had better report this dama0e to the policeC Mr @effersonC> he advised. .hen the elderly man left the room to telephoneC @oe mArmAredC >+ -now it soAnds craGyC bAt < do yoA thin- that possibly @ohnny is mixed Ap in thisB> >1oC> ,ran- replied promptlyC >+ can=t believe he=s that -ind.> A short time later 4ieAtenant /aley of the Bayport Police /epartment arrived. )e inspected the dama0eC too- fin0erprintsC and then DAestioned the )ardys and Mr @efferson. he officer leftC sayin0 headDAarters woAld notify them if any clAes to the vandal tArned Ap. he brothers went to bed as soon as they had told their father aboAt the incident. >.e=d better 0et to sleep pronto if we=re 0oin0 to start early tomorrowC> @oe said. he boys= alarm cloc- ran0 EAst as the sAn was risin0. ,ran- and @oe dressedC ate a DAic- brea-fast and 0athered their sAppliesC amon0 which were the Christmas 0ifts they had received. Chet and Biff were waitin0 oAtside the )ardys= boathoAse when the brothers drove Ap. >)ey?> @oe exclaimed as he and ,ran- hopped oAt to meet them. >.hat=s all thatB> )e pointed to a pile of pac-a0es on the 0roAnd. >*Ar Christmas presents?> Biff replied. >+ 0ot sAper binocAlarsC> Chet crowed. >And loo-? A portable Altraviolet li0ht for identifyin0 roc-s and minerals.> >)ow aboAt thisB> Biff bro-e inC holdin0 Ap a lar0e box. >Barbells? + have the wei0htsC too. And<>

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>,ellows?> ,ran- interrApted. >.e=ll never fit all this stAff onto the 2ea0All?> >+ see yoA and @oe broA0ht some of yoAr Christmas lootC> Chet 0rAmbled. >*nly what=s really neededC> ,ran- insisted. >2now shoes and a camera. ChetC yoAr binocAlars will be 0reat? he rest will have to stay in Bayport.> Biff and Chet 0ave in 0rAd0in0ly. >My father drove As hereC> said Biff. >BAt yoA=ll have to drive As bac- to drop these thin0s off.> >2Are. ,irst let=s pAt the food in the 2ea0AllC> ,ran- said. he boys did soC then @oe loc-ed the boathoAse. he foAr went off in the convertible and the extra items were retArned to the Morton and )ooper homes. As ,ran- once more reached the harboAr par-in0 areaC a startled expression crossed his face. >/idn=t yoA loc- Ap before we leftB> he as-ed @oe. >2Are + did?> @oe 0Alped. All foAr boys stared in disbelief at the area between the par-ed cars and the )ardys= boathoAse. heir sApplies which had been in the 2ea0All were scattered in all directions over the 0roAnd?

< 9 < wo 2Aspects

2 :11E/C the boys coAld only stare at one another. ,ran- tArned to @oe and declaredC > his reminds me of the dama0e at Mr @efferson=s place last ni0ht?> >+t=s too similar to be EAst coincidenceC> @oe a0reed. >And yetC + can=t thin- of any lo0ical connection between the two brea-<ins. .ho=s oAr sAspectC in either caseB> >.hat are yoA two tal-in0 aboAtB> Chet as-ed impatiently. @oe DAic-ly told of the incident at Mr @efferson=s hoAse. >3oodness? hat soAnds a lot worse than this messC> said Chet. >.ho=d do sAch a thin0B> >2earch me.> @oe frowned thoA0htfAlly. >Maybe someone who wants reven0e on Mr @efferson ransac-ed his hoAse < then foAnd oAt ,ran- and + are 0oin0 to wor- on his mysteryC so the same creep did this to spite As.> >BAt whoB> Chet persisted Aneasily.

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>.hat aboAt the wise 0Ay we met on Cabin +slandB> Biff pAt in. > he one who tried to 0et toA0h.> @oe shrA00ed and threw a 0lance at his brother. >Any hAnchesC ,ran->= ,ran- nodded. >+=ve been wonderin0 aboAt that bi0 fellow myself. .e foAnd oAt his nameC by the way < its )anlei0h. )e=s been tryin0 to bAy the island from Mr @efferson.> 2Addenly @oe 0ave a start. >2ay? .e oA0ht to chec- the boathoAse? Maybe<> )e stopped in mid<sentence and sprinted off. he others followedC catchin0 Ap to @oe as he Anloc-ed the door and stepped inside. A chorAs of 0roans came from the boys as they loo-ed from the bro-en window to the ice<yacht. he sail lay AnfArled on the floor and had been slashed. +t was completely Aseless? >+=d li-e to 0et my hands on the s-An- who did this?> Biff stormed an0rily. @oe was fArioAs. >2ome nerve < smashin0 his way in?> @Ast then a voice spo-e from the doorway. >)iC fellows? .hat=s 0oin0 onB> he foAr tArned to see their friend ony Prito. onyC a slenderC dar-< haired yoAth of +talian descentC stared at the dama0e with astonishment in his blac- eyes. >)iC onyC> @oe said deEectedly. >.e were 0one for a short time and EAst 0ot bac- to find this mess?> ony shoo- his head. > oA0h brea-? + heard aboAt yoAr trip and came down to see yoA off.> >Any chance yoA coAld Eoin AsB> ,ran- as-ed. >.e=d be 0lad to sail bacfor yoA.> >1oC bAt than-sC> ony replied. >+ promised /ad +=d help him oAt dArin0 Christmas vacation and drive one of the trAc-s.> Mr Prito was a bAsy bAildin0 contractor in Bayport. /espite the Anpleasant sitAationC Chet coAld not resist a Eo-e. >.hat=s 0oin0 on in constrAction this time of yearB 6oA bAildin0 an i0looB> he others chAc-ledC and ony saidC >.hen + pAlled Ap in /ad=s trAc-C + noticed +-e 1ash and ad Carson rAnnin0 down the road from here.> >+-e and ad a0ain?> @oe exclaimed.

he )ardys= minds filled with DAestions. .ere +-e and ad the malicioAs visitorsB /id they see- reven0e for the dama0e to the )aw- by disablin0 the )ardys= ice<yachtB *r was there a more sinister motiveB > hey=re not 0oin0 to stop AsC> @oe said determinedly. >Come on? .e=ll EAst have to stow all oAr 0ear onto the 3All a0ain.>

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>And we need to ma-e repairsC> ,ran- added. >Chet and BiffC will yoA ta-e oAr car and pic- Ap the spare sail in oAr 0ara0eB +n the meantimeC @oe and + will repac-.> >Ri0htC> Chet a0reedC ta-in0 the i0nition -ey which ,ran- handed him. >*n the wayC> @oe pAt inC >why not bAy As foAr police whistlesB .e may need them for si0nallin0 on the island.> >And we=d better replace that windowpaneC> ,ran- said. >/on=t worry aboAt the 0lassC> trAc-. +=ll fix the window.> ony said. >+ have some spare in the ony wor-ed on the

,ran- and @oe resAmed pac-in0 the 2ea0AllC while boathoAse window.

As ,ran- arran0ed the sAppliesC he noticed that the seat belts had been cAt. > hat=s toA0hC> said @oe. >.e have no spares.> he boys wor-ed in silence for a while. hen ,ran- saidC >@oeC this case troAbles me. + can=t help wonderin0 if there may be somethin0 more behind @ohnny @efferson=s disappearance than his 0randfather sAspects.> @oe 0lanced at his brother -eenly. >.hat do yoA meanB /o yoA have a theoryB> >1oC not yet. BAt if @ohnny is on Cabin +sland < or has been there < his disappearance may be tied in somehow with )anlei0h=s desire to bAy the place.> >CoAld beC> @oe conceded. >PersonallyC +=d li-e to 0et a line on +-e and ad. + have a feelin0 those 0Ays are Ap to somethin0 besides 0ettin0 even with As < bAt don=t as- me what.> .hen the )ardys had finished stowin0 everythin0 aboard the 2ea0AllC ony was pic-in0 oAt the last bits of Ea00ed 0lass from the window frame. @oe helped him install the new paneC and the )ardys reimbArsed their friend for the 0lass. >+=d better 0o nowC> swell time?> ony said. >+=m dAe to meet /ad on a Eob. )ave a

>6oA bet. han-s for pitchin0 inC> said ,ran-. Presently he tArned to @oe. >+ have a hAnch that we=ll find a lot of answers to the mystery at Cabin +sland.> >6esC if we ever 0et there?> @oe 0rAmbled impatiently. >*ne more delay and this=ll be a sprin0 vacation?> ,ran- 0rinned. >+ thin- we=re in bAsiness. )ere come Chet and Biff with the spare sail?> he boys too- the 2ea0All oAtsideC where they be0an replacin0 the torn

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sail. hey wor-ed dexteroAslyC thoA0h their hands 0rew red and nAmb from the cold. > his is a roA0h EobC> Biff said 0rimly. >+t woAldn=t be so badC> ,ran- repliedC >bAt some of the ri00in0=s been slashedC too.> @oe broA0ht a coil of rope from the boathoAse and helped his brother repair the dama0e. hen they reinforced the rAined seat belts with rope. >1ot only did those troAblema-ers delay AsC they=ve made me wait overtime for my lAnch?> Chet complained >)ey? .as any of the food stolenB> ,ran- laA0hed. >As far as we can tellC ChetC every morsel is intact? Evidently +-e and ad aren=t thieves or 0lAttons.> > hat=s the best yoA can say for themC> Biff said scornfAlly. >.ellC we=re set for some hard<water sailin0?> @oe annoAnced he )ardys replaced their tools in a -it. hey made sAre that the convertible and the boathoAse doors were loc-ed. hen the foAr pAt on 0o00les and helmets. ,ran- too- his place at the tiller while Chet and Biff climbed aboard. @oe shoved the 2ea0All before him with shortC rAnnin0 steps Antil the sail caA0ht the wind. >.ow? 2ome load?> he 0aspedC EAmpin0 in beside ,ran-. >,All speed ahead for Cabin +sland?> Chet cried oAt. >+=m starvin0?> he 2ea0All swooped downwind near the shore of Barmet Bay. +t was a clearC sharp dayC and the spar-lin0 sAn made the ice 0leam li-e 0lass. As the boat passed throA0h the narrow inlet and 0lided towards Cabin +slandC Chet chortled. >+=d li-e to see )anlei0h try to throw As oAt this time? .e have the -ey?> >Anyone who caAses troAble < let me at him?> Biff san0 oAt 0aily. BAt ,ran- loo-ed 0rave. )e pointed to the pine tree where they had par-ed the 2ea0All on their first visit. An ice<yacht was oAtlined a0ainst the dar- ever0reensC > he )aw-?> >+t=s been repairedC> ,ran- observed. >And ready for more troAble?> @oe 0roaned.

< % < roAblesome rio

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,RA1H eased the tiller over and made a deft &"<de0ree tArn to port. As the 2ea0All passed the )aw-C the boys noted that there was no one in the vicinity. >Maybe +-e and ad are hidin0C> Chet sA00ested.

>CoAld beC> said ,ran-. >+=ll circle the island and find a more seclAded place to tie Ap.> @oe nodded. > hen we can try to find oAt what=s 0oin0 on withoAt bein0 seen.> Chet and Biff were dis0rAntled. >.hat are that 0rAbby pair doin0 on Cabin +slandC anywayB> Biff as-ed. ,ran- frowned thoA0htfAlly. >Maybe +-e and with )anlei0h.> ad have some connection

@oe nodded. >Perhaps they taxi him to the island whenever he wants to come.> > hat=s ri0htC> Biff a0reed. >4ast time we were here we wondered how )anlei0h made it withoAt a boat.> >6esC and he mi0ht=ve been behind their tric- on As at the boathoAseC> @oe said. >+ can=t fi0Are oAtC thoA0hC how they -new we were headin0 for Cabin +sland today.> Biff 0rinned. >*ne more pAGGle for As to wor- on. + have a feelin0 that the mystery is 0ettin0 hotter by the minAte?> Presently ,ran- slowed the 2ea0All towards a spot on the island=s shore where a thic- 0rowth of pines and ever0reen bAshes woAld conceal the ice<yacht. hen he bra-ed and @oe slac-ened the sail. he boys 0ot oAt and trAd0ed Ap a slope towards the rear of the cabin. heir footsteps crAnched crisply in the snowC bAt the foAr Bayporters were carefAl to -eep their voices down. 2Addenly @oe stopped and pointed towards a clearin0 on the ri0ht. >4oo-? ,ootprints?> A line of made them alon0 the the boys= trac-s coAld be seen all the way to the cabin. .hoever had had evidently come Ap throA0h the clearin0 from some point shore below. rees farther down the slopeC howeverC bloc-ed view. adC> Chet sA00ested.

>Maybe +-e or

>*r )anlei0h himselfC> @oe said DAietly. >.hoever he isC he mAst have come here on the )aw-.> >ProbablyC> ,ran- a0reed. >4et=s ma-e sAreC thoA0hC before we tac-le him. .e can bac-trac- on the prints and find oAt if anyone came with him.>

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>3ood ideaC> said @oe. .ith ,ran- leadin0C the companions followed the footprints downwards to a smallC windowless boathoAse aboAt a hAndred yards from the 2ea0All. 1earin0 the bAildin0C ,ran- motioned for silence. 8oices coAld be heard from inside. he foAr boys crept closer and soon every word soAnded clearly. spea-ers were ad Carson and +-e 1ash? he

>)anlei0h is sAre payin0 As a lotC> +-e was sayin0. >+=d li-e to find oAt what for.> >.ho caresC as lon0 as we 0et oAr moneyB> ad responded laGily.

>4oo- < fi0Are it oAt. All we=re doin0 is 0ivin0 him a boat ride now and then.> >2o maybe )anlei0h li-es oAr company.> +-e was evidently becomin0 impatient with his partner=s indifference. >+f he li-es As so mAchC why does he ma-e As freeGe in this boathoAse while he=s inside the cabinB +=d li-e to snea- Ap there and see what coo-s.> >6oA worry too mAchC palC> money. +t=s simple.> ad drawled. >.e brin0 him hereC we 0et oAr

>.ellC stop bein0 simple and maybe we=ll learn what=s so valAable that )anlei0h=s after?> 1ash exploded. >.e can cash in even more on this deal if we play it ri0ht?> 1ow his bAddy soAnded annoyed. > o meC play it ri0ht means follow )anlei0h=s orders. rip Ap the )ardysC stay in the boathoAseC don=t asDAestions.> >6oA=ll do what + sayC> +-e threatened harshlyC ><or else?> >*-ayC cool offC> was the DAic- reply. >)ave it yoAr way.> he )ardys and their pals were excited. 2o ad Carson and +-e 1ash were wor-in0 for )anlei0h. hat was why they had slashed the 2ea0All=s sails ,ran- bec-oned the others away from the boathoAse. .hen the foAr were oAt of earshot of the troAblema-ersC he Ar0edC >.e=ll deal with those two later. 4et=s 0o Ap to the cabin and see what )anlei0h=s doin0?> >Ri0ht?> Biff declared fiercely. >And if that 0Ay 0ives As troAbleC EAst let me handle him?> >EasyC BiffC> ,ran- caAtioned. >.e=ll never learn anythin0 if we tan0le with him.> FAietly the boys climbed the tree<covered slope. At the ed0e of the woods they stopped and peered at the cabin. 2tealthily the DAartet

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moved to a window and loo-ed into the lon0 livin0<room at the front of the bAildin0. )anlei0h stood with his bac- to the boysC facin0 a hA0e stone fireplace. )e held a measArin0 tape and was apparently determinin0 the dimensions of varioAs sections of the stone chimney. ,reDAently he paAsed to write in a small noteboo-. he bi0 man be0an to pace bac- and forthC then stood still. By the motions of his ri0ht forefin0erC the watchers coAld tell that he was coAntin0 the stones in the hei0ht and width of the fireplaceC mantelC and chimney. ,inally he 0ot down on hands and -nees and explored the interior of the fireplace. *nce )anlei0h shoo- his head as if baffled. he boys were so intri0AedC they AnconscioAsly crowded closer to the window Antil their faces were pressed a0ainst the pane. 2Addenly a 0Ast of wind blew open the door of the evidently had left aEar. 2tartledC the man leaped whirled aroAnd. )e 0lanced towards the doorC then consternationC 0limpsin0 the boys a second before view. cabinC which )anlei0h to his feet and 0ave a shoAt of they dAc-ed oAt of

)anlei0h strode across the room and rAshed oAtside. >)old yoAr 0roAnd?> ,ran- advised his companions. >/on=t let him blAff As. )e shoAldn=t be here.> he intrAder was red with wrath as he confronted the boys. >Can=t yoA pests mind yoAr own bAsinessB> he snarled. >+ told yoA to stay off this island?> >2o yoA didC> ,ran- retArned coolly. > hen what are yoA doin0 hereB> roared )anlei0h. >6oA=re a bAnch of meddlers? 1owC 0et oAt? And if + catch yoA a0ainC +=ll<> >6oA=ll do nothin0C Mr )anlei0hC> @oe interrApted. >6oA have no ri0ht to be on this islandC bAt we have.> >Prove that?> )anlei0h scoffed. @oe too- the -ey to the cabin from his poc-et and saidC >Mr @efferson 0ave this to As. /o yoA have a -eyC tooB *r did yoA brea- inB> >6oAn0 pAn-s?> the man snarled. FAic-ly @oe examined the front door and saw that it had not been forced. >My 0Aess is that Mr )anlei0h has a s-eleton -eyC> he said. > he loc- is a simple one.> he intrAder flAshed bAt said nothin0. >2Appose yoA tell As what=s so interestin0 aboAt Cabin +slandC Mr )anlei0hC> ,ran- sA00ested. >And what=s special aboAt the fireplaceB>

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)anlei0h lic-ed his lips nervoAsly. >@efferson collects antiDAes. Maybe + collect fireplacesC that=s all. + made him a 0ood offer for this place. )e=s a fool to tArn it down.> >.ellC stay off this property?> @oe snapped. >Mr @efferson instrActed As to order yoA to leave if we foAnd yoA here.> )anlei0h clenched his fists and 0lared at the boys. > hin- yoA=re pretty smart? .ellC yoA fellows are 0oin0 to be sorry? his spoo-y place is no picnic. 6oA=ll be 0lad to clear oAt?> Before the boys coAld retortC the man tArned on his heel and strode down the hill towards the boathoAse. he sleAths watched from oAtside the cabin Antil they saw the )aw- 0lide oAt of the cove into the open bay with the trio aboard. >.e made short wor- of that crew?> Biff said cheerfAlly. he )ardys did not commentC bAt inwardly felt certain they had not seen the last of )anlei0h. >2hort wor- nothin0?> Chet exclaimed. >+t=s startin0 to 0et dar-C and we still haven=t had lAnch? Come onC have a heart? + need sApper.> >6oA won=t be able to cat Antil we 0et oAr sApplies Anloaded and or0aniGedC> ,ran- reminded him. @oe 0rinned. >+=m starvedC too. 4et=s 0et the stAff.> Everyone set to wor- with a will and plodded bac- and forth between the 2ea0All and the cabin. @oe noticed that Chet was less tal-ative than AsAal. > hin-in0 aboAt yoAr mealB> he as-ed. Chet shivered. >1ot now. +=m thin-in0 aboAt )anlei0h=s warnin0. .hat did he mean aboAt =this spoo-y place=B> >Probably meant it=s haAntedC> Biff said sombrely. >6oA woAldn=t mind a coAple of 0hosts for companyC woAld yoAC ChetB> >CAt it oAt?> Chet DAaveredC 0lancin0 aroAnd into the deepenin0 shadows. >+f there=s a 0host hereC + wish he=d show himselfC> ,ran- pAt inC chAc-lin0. >.e coAld Ase an extra hand. BAt this shoAld be the last load.> )e let the main sheet 0o completelyC so the sail woAld be free to swin0 in the wind. he foAr were halfway to the cabinC their arms filled with provisionsC when sAddenly Chet stopped short and 0ave a startled cry. he provisions he had been carryin0 fell to the 0roAnd. >.hat=s wron0B> @oe as-ed. ,or a moment Chet coAld only point. hen he declared in a stran0eC hollow voiceC > here? +n the woods? A 0host?>

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< ' < Cry for help

C)E stood rooted to the spot. )e -ept starin0 strai0ht ahead. other boys loo-ed bAt coAld see no si0n of the 0host.


,inally @oe saidC >6oA sAre tal-ed yoArself into that oneC Chet.> >.hat do yoA meanB> >Mr )anlei0h planted the idea in yoAr mind and yoAr old brain conEAred Ap a 0host for yoAC> @oe explained. Chet loo-ed scornfAl. >+s that soB .ellC yoA=re wron0C @oe )ardy. + saw a 0host.> ,ran- win-ed at his brother to stop his needlin0. >4et=s 0et to the cabin < and some food.> o Chet he saidC

he trAd0e was continAed withoAt any fArther evidence of a 0host. .hen the boys reached the livin0room of the cabinC @oe li0hted a lar0e oil lamp that stood on the tableC and a mellow 0low spread over the room. Chet declared he felt betterC bAt addedC >)onestC fellows? + did see this white thin0 < movin0 l<li-e a 0host? > ,ran- spo-e Ap. >*-ay. Biff and + will 0o oAt and ta-e a 0ood looaroAnd while yoA and @oe pAt away oAr thin0s and start sApper.> >,ine idea?> @oe a0reed. >+ was thin-in0 that we oA0ht to appoint Chet coo-C anyway. hen we=ll never miss a meal?> Chet bri0htened at once. >HitchenC here + come?> he said with enthAsiasm. ,ran- and Biff rAmma0ed amon0 the 0ear for flashli0hts before leavin0 the cabin. > his=ll be a 0ood chance to 0o over the island thoroA0hlyC> ,ranremar-ed to his brother. >+ still have a hAnch that @ohnny @efferson may have come here.> >6oA coAld be ri0htC> @oe a0reed. >+f we=re lAc-yC maybe yoA=ll pic- Ap a clAe.> >Be on yoAr 0AardC> Chet caAtioned as ,ran- and Biff started oAt the door. >/on=t worryC we=ll -eep oAr eyes open < especially for spoo-s?> Biff called bac- over his shoAlder. .hen the two boys had leftC @oe went into the -itchenC opened the bac-

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doorC and discovered the woodshed Mr @efferson had mentioned. +t was an enclosed lean<to and had a door that loc-ed with an oAtside bolt. @oe carried enoA0h wood into the cabin to sto-e both the livin0<room fireplace and the coo-in0<stove. 2oon the cabin be0an to warm Ap and @oe and Chet removed their heavy par-as. Chet li0hted the oil lamp which stood on the -itchen table and Anpac-ed enoA0h of the food for several meals. >+=ll leave the rest in the boxesC> he saidC and set them on the bottom shelf in the cApboard. MeanwhileC ,ran- and Biff had decided to separate in order to scoAt the w<hole area more DAic-ly. Each was to search half the islandC then meet the other boy at the boathoAse. >.atch oAt for white thin0s?> Biff warned Eo-in0ly. >6oA mean li-e snowballsB> ,ran- retArned with a 0rin. >2erioAslyC Chet may not have ima0ined that spoo- < so don=t ta-e any chancesC Biff. +f yoA spot anythin0 sAspicioAsC 0ive a blast on that police whistle.> >.ilco?> he two boys started off in different directions. ,ran- trAd0ed throA0h the crAsted snowC playin0 his flashli0ht beam ahead of him amon0 the pines and AnderbrAsh. he wind had pic-ed ApC its icy chill stin0in0 his face to a raw nAmbness. As ,ran- plodded on throA0h the dAs-C he stopped to listen as each new soAnd caA0ht his ear. *nce he was sAre he had heard someone coA0h and hArried in its direction. 1obody was in si0ht. BAt EAst thenC an owl flew pastC and ,ran- EAmped bac- startled. >+=m 0ettin0 as Eittery as ChetC> ,ran- berated himself. )e sDAared his shoAlders and went onC beamin0 his li0ht. )alf an hoAr later the two searchers met at the boathoAse. >Any lAc-C BiffB> >1oneC ,ran-. Cabin +sland evidently has visitors only in the daytime. )ow aboAt yoAB> >+ didn=t find a clAeC bAt +<> ,ran- stopped spea-in0 as an obEect on the 0roAnd caA0ht his attention. )e bent over to pic- it Ap. >.ow?> said Biff. >A model of an ice<yacht.> >And expertly carvedC> ,ran- remar-edC examinin0 the intricately made model. >/o yoA thin- ad or +-e or )anlei0h lost thisB> Biff as-ed. >*r coAld it belon0 to Mr @effersonB> ,ran- examined the little boatC then declaredC >+t probably belon0s to some very recent visitor to the island. he wood doesn=t loo- as thoA0h it has been exposed to the elements very lon0. +n factC it seems to be newly carved.>

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>AnywayC it=s a beaAtyC> Biff commented. >.hy don=t yoA ta-e it alon0 and pAt it on the cabin mantelB> +t was fAlly dar- by the time ,ran- and Biff reached the cabin and reported that they had foAnd no one on the island. >.ellC +=m willin0 to for0et the 0hostC now that we=re aboAt to eatC> Chet called from the -itchen. >)ow lon0 before chow=s readyB> ,ran- as-ed. > he wind has started to blow pretty hard. +=d li-e to ta-e the 2ea0All aroAnd to the boathoAse.> >6oA have timeC> Chet replied. >BAt hArry.> ,ran- showed @oe and Chet the ice<yacht modelC then set it on the mantel before steppin0 oAtside and hArryin0 to the shore. FAic-ly he EAmped into the ice<yacht and trimmed the sail. he instant the bra-e was releasedC the craft 0lided off li-e a phantom and in a short time ,ran- reached the boathoAse. +t was Anloc-ed and empty. he boy stored the boat insideC then tramped bac- to the cabin. here he foAnd @oe and Biff starin0 at the massive stone chimney. >.e=re tryin0 to fi0Are oAt what interested )anlei0hC> @oe remar-ed. >Beats meC> Biff added. Chet interrApted from the -itchen. >Chow time?> he calledC and Ashered his friends to the table on which stood bowls of steamin0 beef stew. here was plenty of creamy mil- and a bi0 bas-et of warmC crAsty bread. >/elicioAs?> exclaimed Biff after tastin0 the stew. >+=ll bet that 0host was EAst hAn0ry and hopin0 for an invitation?> >+t=s an old family recipeC> Chet boasted. >6oA mean an old family can openerB> @oe reEoined. >+ saw all those cans yoA broA0ht?> >+ had to add special spicesC thoA0hC and salt and pepperC> Chet said defensively. > hat=s what ma-es it taste so 0ood.> .hen the meal was finishedC Biff was elected dishwasher. >2crAb hard and yoA=ll develop yoAr boxin0 bicepsC> Chet teased. ,ran- volAnteered to helpC and soon the -itchen was in order. he wind was howlin0 loAder nowC bAt the interior of the cabin was snA0. he boys sat in front of the bris-ly bArnin0 lo0s in the fireplace and listened to the crea-in0 of low branches a0ainst the cabin. >+ wish we coAld learn what )anlei0h hopes to 0ain by comin0 to this placeC> @oe mAsedC >or by pArchasin0 it.> >*ne thin0 +=m convinced ofC> said ,ran-. >)e wasn=t stAdyin0 the fireplace EAst for its artistic loo-.>

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>)e=s certainly nervy with other people=s propertyC> Biff remar-ed. ,ran- nodded. >+ -eep wonderin0 if it was he who ransac-ed the @efferson home.> >A0ainC the DAestion is whyB> @oe said. >+=d thin- yoA 0Ays woAld be more worried aboAt that 0host + saw pAssyfootin0 aroAnd hereC> Chet spo-e Ap plaintively. >.hat=s more importantC> said ,ran-C >is that we don=t for0et the mystery we=re sApposed to solveC to find @ohnny @efferson. @oe and + believe he=s hidin0 in this area.> @oe addedC >+=ve a hAnch this mystery will be solved near Bayport. @ohnny is boAnd to rAn oAt of moneyC and if he loo-s for a EobC somebody will become sAspicioAs becaAse he=s so yoAn0.> >BesidesC> ,ran- saidC >if we stic- to oAr theory that @ohnny is searchin0 for the stolen medalsC we can be pretty sAre he hasn=t 0iven Ap. 1ot if he=s as -een on sleAthin0 as his 0randfather says he is. As far as we -nowC no one has located Mr @efferson=s collection or the servant sAspected of stealin0 it.> Biff loo-ed pAGGled. >+=m 0lad we=re 0oin0 to stay. BAt what=s this tal- aboAt stolen medals and a sAspected servantB 6oA=ve been holdin0 oAt on As.> >6esC explain?> Chet 0ave the )ardys a sideways loo-. >+ have a feelin0 that once a0ain yoA two have ta-en me alon0 on a doAble<headed mystery?> he brothers related the story of the missin0 rosewood box and the priceless collection of honorary medals. As @oe told of the sAspectC and of @ohnny @efferson=s desire to be a detectiveC the storm sAddenly 0rew in violence. 2now hissed a0ainst the windows and the sashes rattled ominoAsly. henC in the distanceC the boys heard a mAffled crash. >A bi0 tree mAst have 0one down?> @oe exclaimed. ,ran- loo-ed at the fire. >4et=s each brin0 in an armload of lo0s before we 0o to bed. his is 0oin0 to be a lon0C cold ni0ht.> he foAr donned their par-as and too- flashli0hts. PAshin0 hardC they mana0ed to open the bac- door and hArried to the woodshed. AbrAptly the boys stopped and listened intently. hroA0h the dar-ness and the wind< driven sleet and snow came a faint cry. >)elp?>

< # <

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he MysterioAs Messen0er

2 AR 4E/C the boys stood motionless in the swirlin0 snowC scarcely able to believe that someone was cryin0 for help on the dar-C ice<loc-ed island. hen the faint soAnd came a0ain above the tearin0 wind. >)elp?> >.here=s it comin0 fromB> Biff as-ed anxioAsly. >)ard to tellC> ,ran- replied. >4et=s fan oAt and ma-e a search. )Arry?> Each boy started off in a different direction. .hen the pleadin0 cry was repeatedC @oe shoAted as loAdly as he coAldC >,ellows? his way? /own by the shore?> )e -ept followin0 the call for helpC trAd0in0 throA0h the blowin0 snow which stAn0 his face. he flashli0ht=s beam did not penetrate the dense whitenessC and @oe coAld barely see a step ahead. ,reDAently he tripped over roots and nearly went sprawlin0. @oe was becomin0 Ancertain of his direction. Perhaps his ears had played tric-s on him? he yoAn0 sleAth stood still Antil he heard the desperate voice a0ain. >)elp?> > his way?> shoAted @oeC movin0 forwardC certain that the cries were comin0 from somewhere near the boathoAse. .ho coAld the person beB .hat was he doin0 on Cabin +slandB )ow coAld anyone have crossed the ice in the violent stormB @oe beamed his li0ht aboAt in hopes that the other boys woAld find him. All at once he realiGed that the sArface had become level and slippery beneath his feet. >+ mAst have stepped onto the iceC> @oe thoA0htC and made his way bac- to land. .here was the stric-en personB )e mAst be close by? A 0roan came sAddenly from @oe=s left. Movin0 the flashli0ht in a slow arcC he called 3AtC >)elloB .here are yoAB> here was another moanC which tailed off wea-ly. As the yoAth moved towards the soAndC his foot strAc- somethin0 soft. @oe dropped to his -nees and flashed the li0ht downwards. he beam revealed a stran0erC barely conscioAsC his le0s pinned beneath the limb of a fallen pine tree. he man had 0one face downwards and his ri0ht chee- was crAnched into the snow. @oe scrAtiniGed himC bAt coAld not place the man from what he coAld see of his featAres. >,ran-? Biff? Chet?> @oe called oAt a0ain. >)ereC by the boathoAse?> MeanwhileC @oe attempted to free the victimC bAt all his stren0th coAld

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not bAd0e the heavy branch. levered. o lift itC the whole tree woAld have to be

>+=ll EAst have to wait for the othersC> @oe realiGedC pantin0. )e croAched alon0side the manC tryin0 to shield him from the bitin0 wind and the snow. At last @oe saw the dim 0low of flashli0hts movin0 down the slope. >*ver here?> he called. >)Arry?> >@oe?> came ,ran-=s voice above the wind. >+ can see yoAr beam now? .e=re comin0?> Biff and Chet were close behind ,ran-C and the three soon reached @oe and the stran0er. >.ho is heB> Chet pAffed excitedly. >+ never saw him beforeC> @oe replied. >2ee if yoA fellows can hoist this branch a bit so + can pAll his le0 free.> .hile @oe continAed to shelter the manC the others laborioAsly mana0ed to raise the tree limb. >*-ay < that=ll do it?> @oe saidC easin0 the victim free. >1ow let=s 0et him to the cabin pronto.> As 0ently as possibleC the )ardy boys lifted the stran0er and started Ap the slope<@oe sApportin0 the man=s head and shoAldersC while ,rancarried his le0s. Chet and Biff went on ahead to li0ht the way and for0e a trail throA0h the driftin0C deepenin0 snow. +nside the cabinC ,ran- and @oe placed the limp form on the sofa. > he poor fellow may be in shoc- from exposAre and painC> ,ran- declared. >ChetC brin0 some blan-ets. 1o < don=t prop him ApC Biff? Heep his head low.> >2hall we try to ta-e off his Eac-etB> @oe as-ed. >1oC> said ,ran-. >.e don=t want to move him too mAch. +=ll EAst loosen the Eac-et.> ,ran- did so and also pAlled off the man=s boots and cap. he stran0er=s hair was bristly and carrot<coloAred. )is roAnd face was blanchedC bAt its roA0hC weatherbeaten > featAresC thic-ly peppered with frec-lesC 0ave him the loo- of an oAtdoorsman. he boys covered their patient with blan-ets and rAbbed his hands and feet to stimAlate the circAlation. >)e=s mi0hty pale?> Chet whispered fearfAlly. >.hat do yoA sAppose he=s doin0 oAt here on a ni0ht li-e thisB> Biff as-ed. >.e=ll have to wait Antil he=s able to tell AsC> @oe repliedC and addedC >+ wish we -new if there are any bones bro-en.> >.e can=t 0et him to Bayport Antil this storm lets ApC> ,ran- said

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rAefAlly. Presently the man be0an to stir and attempted to mAmble somethin0. > a-e it easy. 6oA=re all ri0htC> @oe said soothin0ly. he victim be0an to ma-e wea-C convAlsive motionsC and his moAth twitched. ,inally he 0aspedC >Messa0e < )ardys?> ,ran- and @oe exchan0ed 0lances of astonishment. .hy had the man spo-en their nameB he stran0erC with a painfAl effortC articAlatedC >MAst brin0 messa0e < to < )ardy boys?> :tterly exhaAstedC he lapsed into AnconscioAsness. >A messa0e?> 0Alped Chet. >,rom whomB> ,ran- shoo- his head. >+=ve never seen this man before.> >.e=d better learn aboAt the messa0eC> @oe declared. >+t mAst be Ar0ent?> he )ardys 0ently explored the victim=s poc-etsC bAt foAnd nothin0. >.e=ll have to wait Antil he can tell AsC> ,ran- finally conceded. > ryin0 to spea- may have been too mAch for himC> @oe said with concern. he man=s breathin0 had become irre0AlarC and his pallor had increased. >)is hands feel so cold?> Chet mArmAred. >+t=s probably from shoc- and exposAreC> ,rantold him. >.e=ll EAst have to -eep him DAiet and warm Antil we can 0et him to a doctor.> he stran0er soon be0an to mAmble a0ainC bAt what he said was Anintelli0ible. he boys -ept an anxioAs vi0il for an hoAr. At last the man 0ave a si0h and be0an to breathe more deeply and re0Alarly. A little coloAr retArned to his face. >+ thin- he=s sleepin0 normally nowC> ,ran- said. >)e=s worn oAt.> >2o am +?> Chet exclaimed with a yawn. >.hat a day? 4et=s 0o to bed.> >.e can=t leave this man aloneC> @oe obEected. >.e=ll have to ta-e tArns watchin0 him.> >6oA=re ri0htC> ,ran- a0reed. >BesidesC someone shoAld -eep an eye on the fire. .e can=t let it 0o oAt toni0ht? +=ll stand first watch.> Everyone a0reedC and ,ran- sat by the fire while the others prepared their sleepin0 ba0s. Chet and Biff shared the north bedroom. he )ardys were to occApy the one across from it. he patient continAed to sleep soAndlyC and after two hoArsC ,ranplaced a lar0e lo0 on the fire and went to roAse his brother. >6oAr tArn?> he told @oe. >All=s well?>

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@oe pAt on a bathrobe and too- his place near the fire. he snow had stoppedC bAt the wind was still tearin0 vicioAsly at the trees and cabin. As time passedC DAestions a0ain filled @oe=s mind. .here was @ohnnyB .hat was )anlei0h=s interest in Cabin +slandB /id the two have any connectionB .ho was the inEAred man and what did his cryptic Atterance meanB .ho had sent the messa0eB >4ots of DAestions bAt no answersC> @oe thoA0ht with a feelin0 of frAstration. )e scowled intently into the fire bArnin0 steadily in the 0rate. 3radAally the warmth radiatin0 from the fireplaceC to0ether with the comfortin0 hiss and crac-le of the lo0sC had a soothin0 effect. he mystery continAed to na0 at @oe=s brainC bAt he foAnd it harder and harder to focAs his thoA0hts. >BoyC Chet can sAre saw wood?> he said to himself with a 0rin as a faint soAnd of snorin0 drifted from the north bedroom. At last @oe=s own eyelids be0an to droop. 2Addenly the yoAn0 sleAth 0ave a start and leaped to his feet. 2omewhere in the cabin an eerie noise was shrillin0. >*woooooo?> @oe did not moveC bAt tensely loo-ed aroAnd the room. he weird soAnd be0an a0ain with a plaintive DAality that was almost hAman. .hat coAld it beB he boy sternly told himselfC >+=m ima0inin0 thin0s? +t mAst be one of the fellows. Biff=s playin0 a practical Eo-e on poor old Chet?> >*woooooo?> came the wail once more. @oe wal-ed softly into the bedroomC resolved to sArprise the pran-ster. o his astonishmentC he foAnd both Chet and Biff wide awa-e in their bAn-sC worried loo-s on their faces. he two yoAths were sittin0 Apri0ht and listenin0 to the soAnd which moaned and then rose to a howl. >.<what did + t<t<tell yoAB> Chet DAavered. > h<the 0host < it=s ri0ht here in the cabin?> )e bArrowed into his sleepin0 ba0 li-e a rabbit divin0 for its hole. he noise came a0ain EAst as ,ran- strode in to Eoin them from the )ardys= bedroom across the hall. >2Are is Annervin0?> Biff admittedC 0lancin0 aboAt Aneasily. >.e=re 0oin0 to find oAt what=s happenin0C> ,ran- declared. >+f this is somebody=s idea of a Eo-eC + want to 0et my hands on him.> >6oA said it?> Biff=s momentary apprehension vanished. >.e=ll roAt oAt that phony spoo- and really 0ive him somethin0 to Eo-e aboAt?> As the lan-y yoAth hopped oAt of bedC Chet spo-e Ap fearfAllyC >Be carefAlC yoA 0Ays? 6oA may be as-in0 for all -inds of troAble?> ,ran- and Biff donned bathrobes. hen with @oe they too- Ap flashli0hts and searched the cabin for the soArce of the soAnd.

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+n the -itchen @oe cast his li0ht on the ceilin0 beams. >+ thin- it=s comin0 from somewhere Ap in the rafters?> he said. he sinister shrie- seemed to 0row loAder with every 0Ast of wind. >6oA=re ri0ht?> Biff a0reed. he boys moved their flashli0hts slowly over the ceilin0. 2Addenly ,ran- exclaimedC >6esC loo-?> )e pointed oAt thin lines formin0 a rectan0le across the boards. >+t mAst be a trap door?> @oe said excitedly. > o the atticC + sApposeC> ,ran- reasoned. )e 0rabbed a chairC stood on itC and pAshed the trap door open. >+=ll need a boostC> he said. Biff 0ave him a lift. ,ran- scrambled into the dar- openin0C then disappeared. )is footsteps made the boards crea- ominoAsly above @oe and Biff. he wailin0 noise came a0ain with a -ind of taAntin0 DAality. >*woooooo<oo?> >)eyC what=s 0oin0 onB> @oe called oAt. here was no response.

< & < .arnin0 by Code

@*E bro-e oAt in 0ooseflesh as the wailin0 abrAptly ceased. he attic floor crea-ed a0ain and ,ran- loo-ed down throA0h the openin0 into the -itchen. >+=ve captAred the 0host?> >1o -iddin0. 2how meC> Biff said. >)ere?> ,ran- replied. )e handed down an empty lemonade bottle. >.hat do yoA meanB> @oe as-ed as ,ran- swAn0 himself throA0h the open trap door and dropped to the floor. >4istenC> ,ran- said. )e held the nec- of the bottle to his lips and blew hard. he others heard a lowC thin version of the dolefAl soAnd that had terrified Chet. >.here did yoA find thisB> Biff as-ed. > he bottle was bein0 Ased to plA0 a hole in the roofC> ,ran-

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explained. >.hen the wind blew across it in a certain way < it hooted?> @oe laA0hed. >+ wonder if )anlei0h heard that soAnd and that=s why he said the place has spoo-s?> ,ran- too- a piece of wood from the box beside the stove. > his=ll do to plA0 the openin0C> he said. .ith a boost from @oeC he went into the attic a0ain. After plA00in0 the holeC he lowered himself onto @oe=s shoAlders and closed the trap door before EAmpin0 down. he three retArned to the north bedroom. Biff pAlled Chet from his cocoon of blan-ets. >)ere=s yoAr wailin0 0hostC> he saidC handin0 the lemonade bottle to his friend. hen he explained how the wind had prodAced the noise. Chet placed the bottle on the floor and 0ave the others a scornfAl loo-. >Maybe this is what we heardC> he saidC >bAt it=s not what + saw rAnnin0 throA0h the woods in a white sheet?> >1ow that yoA=re awa-eC ChetC why don=t yoA ta-e yoAr tArn standin0 0AardB> @oe sA00ested. >*hC all ri0ht?> Chet 0rAmbledC crawlin0 from bed. .hen he reached the livin0 roomC he called oAtC >)eyC everybody? Come here? *Ar patient is wa-in0 Ap?> he three rAshed to the sofa. >.<where am +B> the stran0er as-edC blin-in0 his eyes and starin0 in bewilderment at the boys= faces hoverin0 above him. @oe too- a match and li0hted the paraffin lampsC then sat on the floor beside the sofa. >EasyC> he caAtioned. >6oA had a close call?> > he sAdden storm?> the man mAttered. > he wind and the snow < + coAldn=t see < > >.e -nowC> @oe said soothin0ly. >BAt yoA=re safe nowC and the storm is over.> he boys realiGed for the first time that the wind had stilled. >)ow do yoA feelB> ,ran- as-ed. >+=m all ri0htC> the man insistedC as he started to rise. >Be carefAl?> Chet warnedC bAt the stran0er chAc-led and sat Apri0ht. hey noticed that the man=s eyes were bri0ht blAeC and had a merry twin-le. >6oA may be inEAredC> ,ran- said. >Please lie down. .e can ta-e yoA to see a doctor.> >+ don=t need any doctor?> the red<haired man declared cheerfAlly. >+ feel a little sore and + mAst have bAmped my headC bAt that=ll do no dama0e?> )e moved his arms and le0s. >2eeB +=m o-ay.> >.ho are yoAB> ,ran- inDAired a0ain.

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>My name is Mac- Malone. Call me Mac-.> he boys introdAced themselves and the man=s face crin-led into a bi0 0rin. >2o yoA=re the )ardys?> he said to ,ran- and @oe. >+ came oAt to 0ive yoA a messa0e.> >.ho sent yoAB> @oe as-ed excitedly. >6oAr fatherC> Mac- replied. >6oA seeC + often do errands for the Bayport police. ,enton )ardy as-ed me to brin0 his sons a messa0e. + drove my car to the mainland road across the cove from here and wal-ed over on the ice.> >/idn=t yoA realiGe the dan0erB> @oe as-ed. > he storm hit sAddenly. ,or a while + nearly 0ave Ap. BAt then + thoA0ht +=d finally reached Cabin +sland. he 0roAnd was so slippery + coAldn=t 0et oAt of the way of that fallin0 tree.> >4Ac-y we foAnd yoAC> said @oe. >.hat was the messa0e<B> Mac- Malone chAc-led. >+t=s a fAnny one<doesn=t seem worth the troAble we=ve all been throA0h? .ellC here it is: = he alley cat is after the miceC bAt feed him well?=> >8ery stran0e?> @oe commented. >+=ll say?> ,ran- a0reed. >Boy? +t=s a riddle to me?> Chet declaredC then addedC >+t=s almost dayli0htC and yoA )ardys will probably pAGGle yoAr brains over that messa0e anyway. )ow aboAt some brea-fastB> >3ood idea?> Biff a0reed. he boys dressed and a short time later Mac- Malone Eoined them for a hearty meal of fried e00sC baconC and toast. .hen they had finishedC the man stood Ap and saidC >.ellC fellowsC the sAn is risin0. +=d better be on my way.> >.e=d be happy to ta-e yoA to Bayport for a chec-ApC> ,ran- reminded him. >1oC than-s. +=m fit as a fiddleC except for a few brAisesC> the redhaired man assAred him. >+=ll stroll over to my car and be home in no time?> >.atch yoAr step crossin0 the iceC> @oe caAtioned. >6oA bet yoAr boots + will?> Malone 0ave a wry laA0h and addedC >*ne accident is enoA0h < and besidesC +=d sAre hate to spend 1ew 6ear=s /ay on crAtches?> > han- yoA for brin0in0 the messa0eC> ,ran- said as their visitor left the cabin. Malone responded with a partin0 wave.

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.hen he was oAt of si0htC Biff tArned to the )ardys. >.hat aboAt that doAble<tal-B> he DAestioned. >/o yoA really believe yoAr father woAld send a man to tell yoA some nonsense aboAt cats and miceB> >2omebody=s pAllin0 yoAr le0?> Chet pAt in. >1oC it=s on the levelC> ,ran- assAred them. >@oe and + were pretendin0 we didn=t Anderstand while Mac- was here. /ad sent the messa0e in code becaAse he wanted it to be -ept secret for his own reasons.> > hen what does it meanB> Chet as-ed impatiently. > hat someone is oAt to 0et ,ran- and me < we=re the =miceC=> @oe explained. >.e=re to play alon0 with the person < he=s the Icat=and trap him. +n other wordsC =feed= him and avoid bein0 =eaten= by him?> >,ine?> declared Biff. >BAt who is this catB )ow will yoA find oAtB> >.e already -nowC> ,ran- said. >6oA do?> Chet exclaimed. >/ad freDAently Ases the phrase aboAt the cat in secret commAnications to AsC> @oe explained. > he clAe is in the adEective. )ereC it=s =alley cat=<the second syllableC =leyC= coAld stand for the =lei0h= in )anlei0h?> >.ow?> Chet was wide<eyed. >2o )anlei0h is oAt to 0et yoA?> >)ow does yoAr dad -nowB> Biff as-ed. @oe shrA00ed. >)e mAst sAspect the fellow is after somethin0 in the cabin or on the island.> >)anlei0h=s a roA0h cAstomerC> ,ran- said 0rimly. > hat=s probably why /ad Ased code. )e was afraid )anlei0h mi0ht intercept Mac- and force the messa0e from him.> Chet 0roaned. >Maybe we oA0ht to pac- Ap and 0o home while we can?> >.e can=t leaveC> ,ran- insisted. >+f )anlei0h is tryin0 to steal somethin0 from Mr @effersonC we mAst stop him.> >BAt aren=t yoA sApposed to -eep loo-in0 for @ohnnyB> Biff as-ed. >And he doesn=t seem to be on Cabin +sland. 2o what do yoA do nextB> >,irstC +=d li-e. to search more thoroA0hlyC> ,ran- repliedC >to ma-e sAre @ohnny hasn=t come here since yesterday.> he boys donned their oAtdoor clothes and spread oAt over the whole island. Each examined a separate areaC searchin0 amon0 bAshesC treesC and roc-s. hen they combed the entire shoreline. .hen they finally reEoined each otherC none had any clAes to report. After they retArned to the cabinC Chet as-edC >1ow whatB>

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>.e coAld investi0ate the mainland near hereC and inDAire if anyone has seen @ohnnyC> ,ran- proposed. >BAt +=m wary of leavin0 the place An0AardedC especially after 0ettin0 /ad=s messa0eC> @oe said with a loo- of concern. >.e can Ase my binocAlars from the mainlandC> Chet reminded himC >to -eep an eye on the island while we=re away.> >3ood idea?> @oe exclaimed. >And +=ll brin0 the camera /ad 0ave As. Maybe we=ll 0et some 0ood photos with the telescopic lens.> ,ran- remar-edC >*Ar 0oin0 away mi0ht lAre )anlei0h hereC and that may be what /ad wants.> >4et=s have lAnch before 0oin0 off on this wild0oose chaseC> Chet Ar0ed. >+=ll ma-e some sandwiches.> >3ood and thic-C pleaseC> Biff be00ed. >All that trampin0 aroAnd has really 0iven me an appetite?> >2ame hereC> said @oe. he boys ate DAic-lyC then set off in the 2ea0All. he stron0 wind of the previoAs evenin0 had blown most of the snow to the landC so the ice<yacht tac-ed across the sArface at a fast clip. 4oo-in0 bac- at the islandC Chet remar-edC >+t=s sAre a pretty place.> all pines loo-ed li-e white pyramidsC and bare branches were coated with ice which 0littered in rainbow coloArs. *n the mainland directly oppositeC the foAr boys spotted a shac- bAilt of sAn<bleached boards. 2mo-e was driftin0 Apward from its ric-ety stove<pipe chimney. ,ran- slac-ened sail and let the 2ea0All drift to a complete stop. >4et=s tal- to the person who lives hereC> he sA00estedC pAttin0 down the bra-e. A bearded man came oAt and calledC >.hat can + do for yoAB> >.e=re loo-in0 for a boy who is missin0 from his home in BayportC> @oe replied. >)is name is @ohnny @efferson. )e=s fifteenC and bi0 for his a0e.> he shac- owner shoo- his head. >+ haven=t seen a soAl as lon0 as +=ve been here this winter. 2ayC have yoA as-ed Pete )a0enB )e lives in a fishin0 hAt EAst aboAt a mile down shore.> ,ran- than-ed the man and sailed the 2ea0All in that direction. he boys foAnd )a0an fishin0 throA0h the ice EAst beyond his home. )e had seen no boy of @ohnny=s description. As the foAr companions 0lided awayC @oe saidC > his is discoAra0in0. *nly thin0 we can do is crAise Ap and down the coast.>

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,ran- wor-ed s-ilfAlly to -eep the vessel close to shore while Biff scanned the woods with his binocAlars. >1o one=s in thereC> he reported. >4et=s hi-e Ap that hillC> @oe finally sA00estedC pointin0 to a section where pine trees 0rew down to the shoreline of the inlet. >,rom the top we can see Cabin +sland and -eep an eye on it.> ,ran- broA0ht the 2ea0All in and bra-ed it. he boys strapped on snowshoes and made their way Ap the densely wooded slope. At the topC they foAnd themselves in the bac- yard of a weathered lo0 cabin which perched on the ed0e of the precipice. >.onder who lives hereC> Biff said. >1o oneC from the loo-s of itC> ,ran- replied. >BAt let=s 0o see.> he foAr approached the cabin. +t was small and crAdely bAiltC with lar0e chin-s between the lo0s. he place had a desolate appearance. he boys -noc-ed several tAnes at the doorC then @oe went to loothroA0h a window. >+ thin- the place has been abandonedC> he reported. > here=s not mAch fArnitAreC and everythin0 is covered with dAst.> >4et=s 0o in?> Chet Ar0ed. >My feet hArt and +=m freeGin0?> >+ sAppose if nobody=s livin0 hereC it=s all ri0htC> said ,ran-. )e tried the doorC which opened crea-ily. he boys too- off their snowshoes and went inside. At once Chet plopped into a sa00in0 easy chair. A cloAd of dAst spewed Ap from the faded cAshions. )e coA0hed and the others laA0hed. >.hat a view?> exclaimed BiffC loo-in0 oAt the front window. BelowC the cArve of Barmet Bay lay li-e an ice<blAe EewelC with Cabin +sland a white pearl in the distance. Biff focAsed the binocAlars on the spot. 2AddenlyC he cried oAtC >)eyC fellows? An ice<yacht is pAllin0 Ap to the island? +t=s the )aw-?>

< $" < PAGGlin0 heft

B+,,=2 report on the ice<yacht sent a thrill of excitement throA0h the Bayporters. >.ho=s aboardB> ,ran- as-ed ea0erly. >)anlei0h and his two stoo0esC> Biff replied. >)e=s climbin0 oAt nowC bAt +-e and ad are stayin0 in the boat.>

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Biff handed the binocAlars to ,ran-. Clampin0 them to his eyesC he saw )anlei0h movin0 alone Ap the slope towards the cabin. A sAdden inspiration strAc- ,ran-. >4et=s 0et the 0oods on himC @oe. )ow aboAt Asin0 yoAr selfdevelopin0 cameraB 6oA can photo0raph )anlei0h from here with the telescopic lens.> >3reat idea?> @oe exclaimed. >)e=d probably deny he was on this island. +f we have proof he was thereC we may be able to blAff him into tellin0 As what he=s after.> @oeC tooC too- a hasty loo- throA0h the binocAlars before passin0 them on to ChetC then removed the camera from its caseC focAsed itC and clic-ed the shAtter. >+=ll leave the print in the camera Antil we 0et bac-. 4et=s 0o?> >.ait a second?> exclaimed ,ran-C who had ta-en over the 0lasses a0ain. >.hat=s )anlei0h doin0 nowB> Biff as-ed as ,ran- shifted the binocAlars sli0htly. >)e=s circlin0 the cabin < hey? )e=s stoppin0 at the chimney? 4oo-s as if he=s examinin0 it.> )anlei0h had a stic- with which he tapped and po-ed at the stonewor-. Presently he stopped and disappeared amon0 the trees. >Bet he=s leavin0C> said ,ran-. >Come onC fellows?> he boys hArried from the cabinC donned their snowshoes a0ainC and made their way down the slope. 2oon they reached the 2ea0All. All climbed aboard except Biff who pAshed the iceyacht to a rAnnin0 start. As the 3All swooped across the cove to Cabin +slandC @oe pointed toward the entrance to the bay. >)anlei0h=s leavin0. here 0oes the )aw-?> Biff tArned the binocAlars on the speedin0 craft and shoo- his head. >)anlei0h isn=t aboard. +-e and ad are alone.> >)anlei0h mAst still be on the island?> @oe cried oAt. >)ArryC ,ran-?> >Ri0ht?> )is brother s-ilfAlly manoeAvred the 2ea0AllC ta-in0 fAll advanta0e of every 0Ast of wind. >1o doAbt +-e and ad will come bacfor )anlei0h laterC> ,ran- added as he steered for the boathoAse. >4aterB +t=s nearly evenin0 already?> Chet observed. >+=ll bet that 0Ay plans to stay all ni0ht?> Biff hooted. >.here woAld he sleepB :nder a roc-B> @oe loo-ed thoA0htfAl. >Maybe yoA have somethin0C Chet. )anlei0h may -now of a secret shelter on the island < perhaps a cave somewhere alon0 the shore.> ,ran- broA0ht the 2ea0All to the boathoAseC and as he pAt it insideC the boys discAssed the stran0e action of +-e and ad.

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>+ wonder why they too- off> @oe said. >.e heard them a0reein0 to spy on )anlei0hC bAt now for some reason they seem to have chan0ed their minds.> >Maybe those two have deliberately stranded )anlei0h?> ,ran- exclaimed. >6oA meanC> said his brotherC >+-e and ad tried to cash in on )anlei0h=s dealC and he told them to 0et lost.> >Ri0htC> said ,ran-. >2o now they=re 0ettin0 even by leavin0 him marooned here.> Carryin0 their snowshoesC the foAr strode throA0h the deep snowdrifts towards the cabin. /ar-ness was comin0 on rapidlyJ and they moved li-e stealthy +ndiansC -eepin0 a wary loo-oAt for the intrAder. )oweverC they saw no si0n of their enemy either on the way or near the cabin. CaAtioAsly ,ran- opened the doorC enteredC and lit the lamp. loo-ed AntoAched. Everyone crowded in. he place

>Brr<r?> Chet shivered. >+t=s icy in here. 4et=s 0et a fire 0oin0.> 2oon a cheerfAl blaGe was crac-lin0 in the fireplaceC and a woodstove fire added its warmth. >BoyC that heat sAre feels 0oodC> Chet said 0ratefAllyC rAbbin0 his hands to0ether over the potbellied stove. >1ow for some chow?> >)old it?> ,ran- said. >.e still haven=t located )anlei0h. +f he=s not here in the cabin < > >.e don=t -now that for certainC> @oe cAt in. > here=s one place we still haven=t loo-ed.> >.hereB> Biff as-ed. > he attic.> ,ran- snapped his fin0ers. >6oA=re ri0ht < + for0ot that. .e=d better chec-.> >3ive me a boostC> @oe saidC >and +=ll soon find oAt.> ,ran- and Biff each too- one of @oe=s le0s and hoisted him towards the ceilin0. PAshin0 open the trap doorC @oe clambered Ap into the attic and shone his flashli0ht all aroAnd throA0h the chillyC mAsty dar-ness. >)ow aboAt itB> ,ran- called impatiently from below. >1o si0n of him.> he others were Aneasily silent as @oe lowered himself throA0h the ceilin0 openin0 a0ain and dropped to the floorC lettin0 the trap door fall shAt behind him. hen Biff voiced what each boy was thin-in0. >)anlei0h=s 0ot to be somewhere on this island < Anless he hi-ed bac- to the mainland.>

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>.ellC there=s only one way to ma-e sAreC> said @oe. Chet 0ave a 0roan. >3ood 0rief? /on=t tell me we have to 0o oAt and beat the bAshes a0ain. +=m starved?> >3Aess we all areC> ,ran- said with a wry 0rin. >BAt + a0ree with @oe. +f )anlei0h=s s-Al-in0 aroAnd the island anywhereC we=d better find him < and the sooner the better.> >Chec-? .e sAre don=t want that creep comin0 bac- in the middle of the ni0ht to play any dirty tric-s on AsC> Biff pointed oAt. Chet=s plAmpC rAddy chee-s tArned a shade paler at the prospect of another ni0ht of 0hostly episodes. >*-ayC o-ayC> he said hastily. >4et=s 0et it over with.> PAllin0 on their heavy Eac-ets a0ainC the boys went oAtdoors to ma-e a thoroA0h search. ,lashli0ht beams probed behind trees and into clAmps of bAshes. An hoAr later they met inside the cabinC tired arid cold. hey had not foAnd their DAarryC nor any hidin0 place where he mi0ht ta-e shelter overni0ht. ,rownin0C @oe flAn0 off his oAtdoor clothes and sat down crossle00ed on the rA0 in front of the hearth. >)anlei0h mAst have snea-ed across the iceC> he conclAdedC po-in0 the fire. ,ran- thrAst his fists into his poc-ets. >+=m 0oin0 to find oAt what that 0Ay was doin0 here?> he declared. >.ellC +=ve had enoA0h mystery for a whileC> Chet spo-e Ap. >+=m startin0 dinner?> he plAmp boy headed for the -itchen. A moment later he came rAnnin0 bac- to the livin0<room. >+t=s 0one?> he wailed. >.hat=s 0oneB> ,ran- as-ed. > he food? here=s not a bit left?>

>)anlei0hC +=ll bet?> Biff declared an0rily. >ChetC> @oe DAeriedC >are yoA sAre the food is not there B> >6es? 4ast ni0ht + pAt the boxes of 0rAb we didn=t Ase in the cApboards. 6oA fellows saw me?> ,or a moment the foAr hAn0ry boys stared at one another in dismay. hen ,ran- saidC >+ can=t believe )anlei0h came here to steal oAr food. Probably he hid the sApplies EAst to inconvenience As so we=d leave. 4et=s chec- to see if they=re stashed somewhere in the cabin.> he food coAld not be foAnd. >.e=ll have to 0o to town for more 0roceriesC> Chet Ar0ed. >+t=s too dar- to ta-e the 2ea0All oAtC> ,ran- reminded him.

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>.e coAld always 0o home for sAppliesC> said Chet. >1ot me?> exclaimed @oe. >1o sirree ?> )e 0rinned wryly. >+ can hear AAnt 3ertrAde sayin0C =+ told yoA so. >.e=d loo- li-e 0reat detectivesC> his brother a0reedC >when somebody can steal the food ri0ht oAt from Ander oAr noses.> > hat=s ri0htC> said Biff. >BesidesC it=s a lon0 cold wal- to the car.> >*hC no?> Chet moaned as he san- down on the sofaC his hands on his ample stomach. >+=ll starve?> >1ot for a month or two.> Biff assAred him. >)anlei0h=s mi0hty ea0er to have As 0ive Ap this vacationC> @oe said thoA0htfAlly. >+ wish we -new why.> >*f coArse we don=t -now for sAre he did steal the foodC> ,ran- stated. >Maybe somebody else was here and too- it.> >.ellC at least we have proof )anlei0h was on the island while we were awayC> @oe reminded the others. >+=ll 0et that photo?> )e opened the camera and removed the snap<shot. he yoAn0 detective stAdied the pictAreC then 0ave a low whistle of sArprise. >.hat is itB> ,ran- as-ed as heC ChetC and Biff hArried over. >)anlei0h=s not alone?> @oe exclaimed. he photo0raph showed him standin0 by the chimneyC holdin0 the stoAt stic- with which he had been tappin0 and po-in0. 2ome distance behind himC partially hidden amon0 the treesC was another fi0Are. he stran0er was dar- and slim and was dressed in a lon0C flowin0 white robe. A tArban covered his head?

< $$ < A Cryptic 1otation

> )E 0host that Chet saw?> ,ran- exclaimed as he stared at the snapshot of the white<robed man. >6<yoA thin- soB> Chet as-ed incredAloAsly. >+t coAld be?> @oe declared. >+ wonder who this person isC how he 0ot hereC and where he is now.> >Perhaps he came with )anlei0hC> Biff sA00ested.

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>+ doAbt itC> ,ran- replied. >4oo- at the way the fellow=s standin0 bac- in the shadow of the treesC almost as if he was spyin0 on )anlei0h.> ,ran- paAsedC then addedC >,irst thin0 tomorrow @oe and + will 0o to the mainland and phone +-e and ad. +f they=re sore at )anlei0hC maybe they=ll 0ive As a lead on what his 0ame is.> >6esC and we=ll as- if they=re rAnnin0 a taxi service for a 0host?> @oe 0rinned. >Maybe this tArbaned<fellow stole oAr foodC> Chet remar-ed. >2ayC what are we 0oin0 to do aboAt thatB> ,ran- laA0hed. > omorrow @oe and + will bAy sApplies. BAt yoA and Biff will have to stay and 0Aard the island.> >+=ll admit +=m hAn0ry as a bearC tooC> @oe said. >4i-ewise?> Biff pAt in. >.ellC fellowsC> Chet be0an sheepishlyC >+<er<for0ot aboAt this Antil nowC bAt<er<we can have a snac-.> he others stared at the rotAnd yoAthC who reddened as he explained. >.hen + made sandwiches for lAnchC + pAt some away < in case of emer0ency?> >.here are theyB> as-ed @oe. >.e searched all over this place?> Chet went into the bedroom he and Biff shared and retArned with five thic- sandwiches in a lar0e plastic ba0. >Come on? .here=d yoA hide themB> Biff as-ed. >+n the bottom of my sleepin0 ba0.> >6oA weren=t thin-in0 of an emer0ency?> @oe scoffed. > his was to be yoAr midni0ht snac-?> >Aren=t yoA 0lad?> Chet coAntered. >6oA winC> ,ran- saidC and they devoAred the sandwiches. Early the next mornin0 ,ran- and @oe felt insistent fin0ers tappin0 them awa-e. >3et Ap?> Chet implored. >6oA have to 0o after 0roceries.> he )ardys dressed hArriedly. ,ran- told Biff and ChetC >.hile we=re awayC yoA mi0ht search the island for oAr stolen 0rAb. Chances are that )anlei0h hid it all in one place not far from the cabin.> ,ran- and @oe set off in the ice<yachtC steered oAt of the coveC and soon were tyin0 Ap at a nearby coastal sAmmer resort named 2Arfside. he boys wal-ed to the deserted main street. >Place is really hoppin0C isn=t itB> ,ran- chAc-ledC sArveyin0 the tinyC weatherworn hoAsesC many of them boarded Ap.

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>AnywayC here=s a phone.> @oe pointed to an oAtside booth. )e stood by and listened while his brother dialled +-e 1ash=s nAmber. >1o answerC> ,ran- reported. >+=ll try ad.>

he Carson boy was homeC bAt his responses to ,ran-=s DAeries were rAde and Anco<operative. >+ don=t -now anythin0C> ad insisted. >)anlei0h told As to scram and not to snoop aroAnd. 2o we left.> >)ow aboAt a man wearin0 a white robeB /id yoA taxi him to Cabin +sland tooB> >.hite robeB 6oA=re nAts?> ad 0Afawed and hAn0 Ap abrAptly.

> hat didn=t accomplish mAchC> ,ran- said wryly as he and @oe wal-ed away from the booth. >4et=s see if we can find a place to bAy food.> Presently the boys stopped at a small wooden bAildin0. A si0n above the door proclaimed: 3E1ERA4 2 *REC AM*2 3R+CEC PR*P. As the boys enteredC a shortC elderly man with a bald crown and s-innyC wattled nec- eyed them intently from his chair beside a blacpotbellied stove. >And what mi0ht yoA lads be afterB> he chirped. >)elloC> said ,ran-. >.e=re here for some 0roceries. Are yoA Mr 3riceB> >6ep. *dd to see stran0e faces aroAnd these parts here this time o= yearC> the store-eeper remar-ed. >.e=re roA0hin0 it near hereC> @oe told the man. Amos 3rice clAc-ed. >Most fol-s prefer sittin= by a fire when winter comes on. .ellC yoA=re oAt early this mornin=?> >1ecessityC> @oe replied. >2omebody stole oAr sApplies.> >+ declare?> he old man loo-ed startled. >/on=t tell me there=s more fol-s tre--in= aboAt in all this cold and snow?> >2eems that way.> @oe 0rinned as he and ,ran- be0an to pic- oAt canned 0oods and other food items. >.here=d yoA boys say yoA=re stayin=B> the store-eeper as-ed when the )ardys broA0ht their pArchases to the coAnter. >*n Cabin +slandC> @oe replied. >Cabin +sland?> Mr 3rice repeated in sArprise. >)as Elroy @efferson sold the placeB>

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>1oC> ,ran- told him. >Mr @efferson is lettin0 As Ase his cabin dArin0 oAr Christmas vacation.> ,ran- paid the store-eeperC who then commentedC >Elroy @efferson=s a fine sort. )aven=t seen him in a while. .hat=s he doin=B> >)e seems to -eep bAsy travellin0 and collectin0 antiDAesC> @oe replied. Mr 3rice propped his elbows on the coAnter and said thoA0htfAllyC >Elroy @efferson Ased to come in here every Aesday for sAppliesC and the little fellow with him. )e loved @ohnny li-e his own son. And where=s the yoAn0ster nowadaysB> >.e don=t -nowC Mr 3riceC> ,ran- answeredC not wishin0 to reveal anythin0 aboAt their case to the friendly bAt 0ossipy proprietor. >Mr @efferson was always craGy aboAt antiDAesC> the store-eeper went on. >+ recall how Apset he was when his medal collection disappeared.> >)ave yoA any idea what happened to itB> @oe as-ed. >1ope. All + -now is the medals disappeared and so did @ohn 2parewellC by some mi0hty bi0 coincidence.> >/o people believe he stole the medalsB> ,ran- as-ed. >1ot that +=ve heard. BAt it was odd he vanished at the same time.> he )ardys exchan0ed 0lances bAt did not commentC and 3rice went on: >6oA -nowC boysC EAst aboAt a wee- a0o a fellow was in here as-in= aboAt @efferson=s medals. + hadn=t thoA0ht of =em in yearsC before this fellow came by. 2omehow + didn=t feel ri0ht to tell him a thin0C so + didn=t.> >.ho was this manB> ,ran- as-ed. >/on=t -now. 1ever seen him before. )e was a scary sort < dressed Ap li-e )alloween. )e had somethin= wrapped aroAnd his head.> he )ardys= thoA0hts flew to the >0host.> @oe as-edC >/o yoA remember anythin0 else aboAt the personB /id he tell yoA why he was interested in the medalsB> Amos 3rice wrin-led his brow. >+ 0ot rid of that spoo-y fellow soon=s + coAld.> After a few more minAtes of conversationC the boys said 0oodbye and left. hey wal-ed DAic-ly towards the 2ea0All. >.hat do yoA thin- of Mr 3rice=s =scary= visitorB> @oe as-ed his brother. ,ran- repliedC >+=m sAre it was the man in the tArban and the white robe. And he=s apparently interested in the medalsC too.> >2ay?> @oe exclaimed. >Maybe he is in lea0Ae with )anlei0h. +=ll bet they=re both after the collection and thin- there=s some clAe to it on

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the island.> he boys climbed into the 2ea0All with their ba0s of 0roceries. >+=ll concentrate on yoAr hAnch while yoA ta-e a tArn at the tillerC> ,rantold @oe. >2well with me?> @oe 0rinned. *At on the bayC the 2ea0All swerved and dipped li-e a live thin0. > he wind=s pic-ed Ap?> @oe called oAt. >+=ll say?> @oe deftly 0Aided the ice<yacht towards the narrow inletC the wind pAshin0 them faster every moment. BAt sAddenly it chan0ed direction sharply. A wild 0Ast whac-ed the 2ea0All=s sail. he craft tipped craGily and strea-ed strai0ht for the roc-y shore? >4ean?> @oe shoAted. he boys shifted their wei0htC and @oe threw all his stren0th a0ainst the tiller while ,ran- trimmed the sail. he boat be0an to tArnC bAt the Ea00ed roc-s loomed close. >.e=re 0oin0 to hit?> yelled @oeC bracin0 himself for the splinterin0 crash. BAt the vessel s-immed past<safe by no more than two inches. >.hew?> ,ran- said with a bi0 si0h of relief. @oe loo-ed 0rim. >.e=re not oAt of troAble yet. his wind is tric-y?>

2tron0 0Asts continAed to bAffet the craftC bAt the boys were able to control it. At last the wind moderated and @oe steered their craft throA0h the narrow inlet to the island. .hen the 2ea0All was safe inside the boathoAseC Chet and Biff came boAndin0 throA0h the snow to meet the )ardys. > hat was 0reat sailin0?> Biff exclaimed. >.e were watchin0 yoA.> >+t was roA0hC> @oe admittedC handin0 the 0roceries to ChetC who reached oAt ea0erly for the ba0s. >+=m afraid the e00s are scrambled?> >+f they aren=t nowC they will be?> the coo- repliedC and headed strai0ht for the -itchen. A short time later the foAr sat down to a delicioAs brea-fast. After the )ardys had reported on the trip to 2ArfsideC Biff and Chet told of their failAre to locate the stolen sApplies. >4et=s loo- once moreC> ,ran- sA00estedC and explained that pal -new nothin0 of )anlei0h=s departAre from the island. ad and his

>And he certainly didn=t carry those heavy boxes across the ice?> @oe stated. All footprints had been obliterated by the wind<drifted snowC so their tas- was more difficAlt.

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>Chances are they=re hidden nearbyC> ,ran- said. >.e=ll 0o withoAt snowshoes this time so we can -ic- Ap the drifts.> As soon as brea-fast was overC they set oAt. ,irst they searched in the snow which had piled a0ainst the cabinC bAt foAnd nothin0. >)anlei0h probably carried the boxes oAt the bac-C> said ,ran-C leadin0 the way to the -itchen door. >.here is the nearest bi0 driftB> he boys loo-ed aroAnd. @oe pointed to a moAnd of snow ban-ed hi0h a0ainst a lar0e sprAce at the ed0e of the clearin0. he foAr hArried over and be0an -ic-in0 into the drift. 2Addenly Biff criedC >*Ach?> >.hat=s wron0B> as-ed @oe. >2tAbbed my toe on the tree?> Biff answered. >)ey < no? +t=s a can of frAit?> )e loo-ed startled. Chet dA0 ea0erly into the snow and 0ave a whoop of Eoy. >)ere=s the chow?> he boys carried the containers of food to the -itchen. > his time we Anpac- everythin0C> Chet declared. > hen it won=t be so easy for someone to cart off?> As ,ran- helped to remove the contentsC his hand came Apon a small brown noteboo- lyin0 as-ew between two cans of beans. )e plAc-ed it oAt. >4oo- at this?> >.hose is itB> ,ran- thAmbed throA0h the damp pa0esC most of which were torn loose. >CoAld this be the noteboo- we saw )anlei0h Asin0B> as-ed @oe. ,ran- examined a few more pa0es and 0ave a low whistle of sArprise. >+ doAbt it. 2ee here. he name on the inside cover is @ohn PaAl 2parewell?> >2parewell?> @oe exclaimed. Biff shoo- his headC bewildered. >.hat was 2parewell doin0 hereB /id he ta-e oAr stAffB )ow many people are wanderin0 aroAnd this islandC anywayB> ,ran- placed the noteboo- on the table where they all coAld examine it and be0an tArnin0 more pa0es. >.ow? 2ee this?> Biff exclaimed. *ne of the loose pa0es contained a crAdely drawn map. > hat=s Cabin +sland?> the boys cried oAt in Anison.

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Another entry concerned rental of a boat. >.hether or not 2parewell has been here recentlyC it loo-s as thoA0h he was comin0 to Cabin +sland re0Alarly at one timeC> @oe remar-ed. >@Ast li-e )anlei0h is now?> *n a pa0e near the bac- of the noteboo-C the boys foAnd a list of receipts for small sAms. >2parewell evidently had very little moneyC> ,ran- commented. >)e had problemsC thoA0hC> @oe observed. >Read the next item.> he scrawled script saidC >Appointment with /r Bordan on 2at. My condition worse. .oAld appeal to @ bAt am afraid.> >+ wonder if @ is for @effersonC> ,ran- mAsed. >+t soAnds as thoA0h 2parewell was very ill. Perhaps he didn=t live lon0 after ma-in0 these notes.> >+ don=t believe 2parewell was the one who dropped this noteboo-C> @oe reasoned. >)e=d have froGen to death over here.> he boyC frowned in perplexity as he tArned to the last pa0e. All foAr stared at it in astonishment. >.hat -ind of lin0o is thatB> Biff 0Alped. he letters at the bottom of the pa0e were )@*2. 2)R@.1 )42E.PA RPA* AC E.* .2.P APP* 42:4 >A coded messa0e?> ,ran- exclaimed.

< $5 < An +ce<yacht ClAe

>+ =s a coded messa0eC all ri0ht?> @oe declared as the foAr boys continAed to stare at the mysterioAs letters in the tattered noteboo-. >)ow will we ever fi0Are it oAtB> Chet as-ed. > here are several methods of decipherin0C> ,ran- replied. >/ad has told @oe and me somethin0 aboAt itC and we=ve read a few of his boo-s on crypto0raphy.> >Can yoA ma-e anythin0 oAt of this messa0eB> Biff as-ed. >1ot ri0ht offC> ,ran- replied. >+t=s some -ind of sAbstitAtion systemC at any rate.> > he first thin0 to loo- for is transpositionC> @oe explained. >All the

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letters of the actAal text < what=s really meant < may be presentC bAt reversed or scambled.> > here mAst be coAntless possibilitiesC> remar-ed BiffC >once yoA start pAttin0 one letter in place of another.> >6esC which ma-es decipherin0 very difficAltC> ,ran- a0reed. >BAt + remember several of the standard patterns. +=ll Ase some of the blanpa0es in the noteboo- and try them.> ,ran- wor-ed for more than half an hoArC while the others loo-ed on and made varioAs combinations of the letters he Eotted down. >+=m stymiedC> ,ran- admitted finally. Biff frowned. >)ow did )anlei0h 0et hold of this noteboo-B /oes he -now 2parewellB> >)anlei0h mi0ht have swiped itC> @oe said. he )ardys pondered their next move. @oe sA00ested they ta-e the ice< yacht model and the photo of the tArbaned prowler to Mr @efferson for possible identification. >And on the way show Amos 3rice the pictAreC tooC> ,ran- added. A stop at the )ardy home also was inclAded in the day=s plansC in case the boys= father had any more information on the >alley> cat. Chet heaved a hA0e si0h. >.hich means Biff and + stand 0Aard here.> @oe 0rinned. >)ow=d yoA 0AessB> After a DAic- lAnch the )ardys pAt on their par-as and boots. >+=m ta-in0 the camera alon0C> @oe said. >+t may come in handy a0ain.> he )ardys climbed into the 2ea0All and headed for 2Arfside. At the doc-C @oe tied Ap while ,ran- bra-ed and slac-ened sail. hen they strode off to the 0eneral store. Amos 3riceC seated by the stoveC slapped his -nee when ,ran- and @oe wal-ed in. >3lad to see yoA two. hief steal yoAr food a0ainB> >1oC sirC> ,ran- said. >.e came to show yoA this.> )e handed the snapshot to Mr 3rice. he store-eeper stared at itC then handed the pictAre bac- withoAt comment. >Mr 3riceC> @oe inDAiredC >is this the man who as-ed yoA aboAt Mr @efferson=s medalsB> Amos 3rice drew his lips into a thinC firm line. >6ep. +t=s him. BAt there=s some spoo-y bAsiness 0oin= onC and + don=t want any part of it.> >/id this man say somethin0 to fri0hten yoAB> @oe persisted. >/id he threaten yoAB>

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Mr 3rice loo-ed 0rim. >1o. BAt +=m not mixin= in with any scary masDAeraders.> he )ardys coAld see that the store-eeper woAld say no more on the sAbEect. hey than-ed him and retArned to the 2ea0All. A bris- wind sped them towards Bayport. hey tied Ap oAtside their boathoAse and drove home. Mrs )ardy 0reeted her red<chee-ed sons with bi0 hA0sC while AAnt 3ertrAde loo-ed on apprehensivelyC as if tryin0 to find somethin0 wron0 with her nephews. 1otin0 their excellent healthC she tArned her worries to their companions. >)as somethin0 terrible happened to Chet or BiffB> >1o. .hyC AAntyB> @oe as-ed. > hat sAdden snowstorm. + was scared stiff for yoA boys. 2ome trees blew down over here.> ,ran- 0rinned. >.e weathered it < howlin0 banshee and all.> >A whatB> Mrs )ardy as-edC and her sons told of the whistlin0 bottle. >.ellC +=m relieved to -now that=s all the troAble yoA ran intoC> Mrs )ardy said. >*hC there was moreC> @oe said. >By the wayC where=s /adB> >*At of town. BAt he left a messa0e. +t=s in a sealed envelope on his des-.> ,ran- and @oe hastened to their father=s stAdyC foAnd the envelope addressed to themC and tore it open. +nside was a terse note tellin0 them that fin0erprints foAnd by the police in Mr @efferson=s ransac-ed hoAse were those of )anlei0h. hey had been identified by the ,B+ in .ashin0tonC where the federal a0ency had a record of interstate fraAds involvin0 )anlei0h several years before. he local police were loo-in0 for him. >Aha? A con man. .e mi0ht have -nownC> mAmbled @oe. he messa0e went on to warn the boys a0ain to be caAtioAs and endedC >@Ast as in fishin0 throA0h the iceC yoA have to be patient. +=m confident that yoA=ll land this bi0 one.> ,ran- and @oe were more excited aboAt the case than ever. .ith a DAic>0oodbye> to their mother and AAnt 3ertrAdeC they hastened into their car and drove directly to Mr @efferson=s place. >,ran- and @oe?> the elderly 0entleman exclaimed when he answered the doorbell. >1ice to see yoA? 4et me ta-e yoAr Eac-ets < my hoAse-eeper is still away. Come ri0ht in. + hope yoA are enEoyin0 yoAr trip.> >.e=re havin0 a fine vacationC> said ,ran- as they too- seats. >.e wanted to as- yoA aboAt a few thin0s.> ,ran- handed over the snapshot.

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>)ave yoA ever seen this fellowB> Mr @efferson stared at it in perplexity. >.hat in the world?> he exclaimed. >+=ve never seen any sAch individAal? /id yoA ta-e this photo0raph on Cabin +slandB> >6esC sirC> @oe repliedC and explained aboAt the camera with the telescopic lens. he )ardys also told how they had observed )anlei0h examinin0 the fireplaceC and of overhearin0 +-e and ad=s conversation in the boathoAse. > he police informed me it was he who bro-e into my hoAseC> Mr @efferson said indi0nantly. > he rascal? )e shoAld be pAnished.> he boys promised to do their Atmost to apprehend himC and ,ran- told Mr @efferson of findin0 the carved ice<yacht. heir host=s voice trembled with excitement. >@ohnny Ased to ma-e ice< yacht models?> he exclaimed. >*hC oh?> @oe said sheepishly. >,ran-C + for0ot to brin0 the model. +t=s still on the mantel.> >+ mAst see itC> Mr @efferson said. >Can yoA come to the island with AsB> ,ran- as-ed. >By all means?> he three set off in the convertible for the boathoAse. .hen he saw the 2ea0AllC Mr @efferson loo-ed apprehensive. >+=ve never been in one of these contraptions. + Anderstand they move rather swiftly.> >.e=ll pAt a rope seat belt on yoA and we=ll be carefAlC> @oe assAred him. )e 0ave the elderly 0entleman a spare helmet and 0o00les from the boathoAseC then helped him aboard. After a few moments of Aneasiness at the speed of the 2ea0All and the nearness of the ice which flew beneath themC Mr @efferson appeared to relax and enEoy his ride. By the time they swept Ap to Cabin +sland he was almost enthAsiastic. >+ never made better time in a motorboat?> )e laA0hed. .hen the three entered the cabinC ,ran- introdAced Chet and Biff. Mr @efferson too- a lon0C slow loo- aroAnd the roomC then spotted the carved vessel on the mantel. At once he hArried over to see it. >@ohnny made this?> he said with certaintyC liftin0 the boat and rAnnin0 his fin0ers over its polished sArface. >+=m convinced he did this carvin0 recently. +t=s by far his finest.> >/id @ohnny teach himself woodwor-in0B> Chet as-ed in admiration. >6esC> Mr @efferson replied proAdly. > he boy became intri0Aed with ice<yachts when he was very small. )e Ased to spend hoArs watchin0 them on the bayC and freDAently went to the local boat shop to see how the crafts were made. @ohnny woAld come home and carve Antil late at ni0ht.>

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1extC the )ardys showed Mr @efferson the noteboo- containin0 the mysterioAs code and explained how they had foAnd it. he man stAdied the boo-C sha-in0 his head in amaGement. > his is the first +=ve heard of 2parewell in two years?> he declared. > he cipher is a complete pAGGle to meC bAt the boo- is exactly li-e him < methodical to the last detail.> >.hy woAld 2parewell ma-e a map of Cabin +slandB> ,ran- DAeried. >+ can=t ima0ine what interest he mi0ht have had in the island.> .ith a si0h the old man pAshed the boo- away. >+=m wearyC> he said. >+=d better retArn.> *nce more the )ardys and Mr @efferson set off in the 2ea0All towards Bayport. 2Addenly @oe shoAtedC >4oo- oAt?> ,ran- 0lanced aboAt and saw another craft s-immin0 strai0ht for them. +ts two occApants wore woollen face mas-sC 0ivin0 them a 0rotesDAe appearance. .ith swift teamwor- the )ardys swAn0 the 2ea0All oAt of the collision path. >+t=s the )aw-?> @oe 0asped. Mr @efferson 0ave a hoarse cry. >)ere they come a0ain?> As the other vessel swooped alon0sideC one of the men lifted a short stoAt lo0 from his lap and hArled it at the speedin0 2ea0All. hAd? +t was a sDAare hit on the how. .ith a sic-enin0 swerveC the 2ea0All capsiGed. he temporary seat belts 0ave way. he )ardys and their passen0er were flAn0 across the ice?

< $( < he ,leein0 3host

)E trio s-idded across the 0lassy sArfaceC with arms and le0s flailin0C Antil they came to a halt several yards from the overtArned 2ea0All. he )ardys had the breath -noc-ed oAt of them bAt had sAffered no inEAries. Mr @effersonC howeverC lay motionless. 3reatly concernedC the boys EAmped Ap and hArried to the elderly man=s side. >)e=s AnconscioAs?> ,ran- saidC and pointed to a swellin0 lAmp on Mr @efferson=s temple.

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ABC Amber Palm Converter

@oe ran to the 2ea0All and retArned with a blan-etC in which they DAic-ly wrapped the man. ,ran- chafed his wrists Antil Mr @efferson be0an to stir and moan. >.e=re 0oin0 to crash?> he whispered. >1oC Mr @effersonC> ,ran- said in a reassArin0 tone. > he ice<yacht tArned overC bAt we=re all safe.> heir passen0er raised his head and loo-ed aroAnd. >.ill yoA help me ApC boysB> he as-ed. >+=m sAre + haven=t bro-en anythin0.> CarefAlly the brothers assisted him to stand. > a-e it easyC> @oe caAtioned. >6oA had a bad spill.> >+=m all ri0ht. @Ast a bit sha-y.> >.e=ll 0et yoA bac- to the cabin where it=s warm EAst as fast as we canC> ,ran- promised. >6oA=re in no shape for a rAn to Bayport.> )e and @oe ri0hted the 2ea0All and saw with relief that the mast was not dama0ed. > he rAnner plan-=s a little oAt of ali0nmentC> ,ran- noted. > hat won=t delay AsC> @oe said. > he bow=s scraped tooC bAt there=s nothin0 we can=t fix.> ,ran- eyed the improvised seat belts which had torn loose. > hey coAldn=t ta-e the strainC> he remar-ed. he boys retied the ropes. > hat=ll have to do for nowC> @oe said. >.e were lAc-y this accident wasn=t worseC> he added as the boys helped Mr @efferson into the coc-pit. >+=d li-e to report those rAffiansC> the elderly man fAmedC >bAt we coAldn=t see their faces.> ,ran- said 0rimlyC >.e -now the owners of the boat. nameC bAt +=d reco0niGe the )aw- anywhere.> hey covered Ap the

> hat=s no helpC thoA0hC> @oe added 0lAmly. >.e still can=t prove +-e and ad were the ones who attac-ed As.> +n a few moments the 2ea0All was s-immin0 towards Cabin +sland. As they approached the boathoAseC @oe sAddenly pointed. >,ran-?> he cried oAt. >/o yoA see what + seeB> >6es? he 0host?>

he mysterioAs white<robed fi0Are was halfway Ap to the cabin. +t was proceedin0 stealthily throA0h the bAshes and pines that 0rew thic-ly on the incline. As Mr @efferson stared ahead startledC @oe 0rasped the camera to which the telescopic lens was still attached. >+=m 0oin0 to sa-e another shot of that fellow.> )is brother restrained him. >.ait? 6oA=ll only 0et his bac-. 4et=s snea- Ap close to him and see if we can 0et a face view.>

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>3ood ideaC> Mr @efferson said approvin0ly. >6oA boys 0o ahead. +=ll wait in the boat.> A moment later the )ardys bra-ed the craft and tied it to a tree alon0side the boathoAse. 2ilently they hArried Ap the wooded slope Antil they were a snort distance behind the 0hostli-e fi0Are. A sAdden idea strAc- ,ran-. )e too- oAt his police whistle and showed it to his brother. >Maybe this=ll help As nab himC> he whispered. @oe nodded. >3ot yoA.> CaAtioAsly the two advanced towards the prowlerC who had now stopped and was peerin0 oAt at the cabin from behind a tree. .hen the boys were a coAple of yards away they paAsed also. ,ran0ave a si0nalC and as @oe raised the cameraC blew a shrill blast on the whistle. he >0host> whirled aboAtC and @oe snapped the pictAre. ,ran- blew several more blasts in rapid sAccessionC and the robed fi0Are bolted across the slope. At the same instantC Chet and Biff bArst from the cabin and loo-ed aroAnd wildly. >Catch him?> ,ran- cried as he and @oe bro-e into a rAn. All foAr boys boAnded after the 0hostly formC who darted nimbly in and oAt of the trees li-e a fri0htened deer. /As- was be0innin0 to fall and it was not lon0 before the boys lost si0ht of the white robe a0ainst the snow. hey paAsed for breathC strainin0 their eyes to pierce the 0atherin0 0loom. hen ,ran- barely made oAt the fleein0 fi0Are at the bottom of the hill. he pArsAers plAn0ed downwardsC bAt by the time they reached the spotC the >0host> had vanished. here was not a si0n of him on the ice. /o00edly the boys continAed to search alon0 the shorelineC bAt had no lAc-. At last @oe said 0lAmlyC >1o Ase 0oin0 any farther. +t=s too darto see.> ,ran- a0reed. >.e=d better 0et bac- and pic- Ap Mr @efferson.> *n the way to the boathoAseC the )ardys told Biff and Chet of the accident to the 2ea0AllC deliberately caAsed by the )aw-. Biff -notted his fists an0rily. >+=d sAre li-e to 0ive those two 0Ays a 0ood stiff wallop.> >*f coArse we don=t -now for sAre that they were +-e and pointed oAt. adC> @oe

>.ho elseB> Chet 0roaned. >2ome relaxin0 vacation this is?> he yoAn0 sleAths reached the 2ea0All and foAnd Mr @efferson waitin0 anxioAsly for news. >Afraid the =0host= escaped a0ainC sirC> ,ran- said re0retfAllyC helpin0 the old 0entleman from the boat. As the 0roAp wal-ed slowly Ap the hillC Mr @efferson shoo- his headC plainly distArbed. >2omethin0 very sinister is happenin0 here. +

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certainly want to find oAt who is responsibleC and what his motive isC bAt + do not want yoA boys 0ettin0 into dan0er on my accoAnt.> >.e=ll -eep on oAr 0AardC> @oe assAred him. >BAt we=re all determined to see this mystery throA0h.> >6oA can bet on that?> Biff declared stoAtly. +nside the cabinC Chet added lo0s to the fire as @oe ea0erly too- the pictAre from the self<developin0 camera. >1ow we=ll 0et a loo- at oAr 0hostC> he said. he others crowded aroAnd and @oe held Ap the photo0raph of a yoAn0C dar-<s-inned man with startled eyes. >2eems to be the same as the one in the first pictAre + too-C> @oe observed. >At least we=ll reco0niGe his featAres if we spot him a0ainC> ,ransaid. Mr @efferson san- down on the sofa and si0hed wearily. >+ 0ive Ap. mystery is too mAch for me.> ,ran- Ar0ed him to rest for a while. stretched oAt. he elderly manC smilin0 wanlyC his

>6oA=d better plan to stay overni0htC Mr @effersonC> @oe advised. >+=d li-e to. + haven=t spent a ni0ht on Cabin +sland in years.> MeanwhileC Chet had 0one into the -itchen and in a short time annoAnced that sApper was ready. Everyone did fAll EAstice to the hearty meal of fried chic-en and hot biscAits. Afterward ,ran- offered their host the Ase of his sleepin0 ba0. > han-s a lotC bAt + don=t li-e to pAt yoA oAt.> >+ insistC Mr @effersonC> ,ran- said. >.e fellows will ta-e tArns standin0 0Aard toni0htC anyhowC so only three of As will be sleepin0 at a time.> A nervoAs loo- crossed Chet=s face. >And + can 0Aess why? 6oA=re expectin0 another visit from that 0host?> Biff coAld not resist needlin0 his chAn-y pal. >@Ast thin-C Chet. 6oA mi0ht even have the honoAr of nabbin0 him.> >*h swell? + can hardly wait?> Chet rolled his eyes dramatically and the others laA0hed. >*rC> @oe remar-edC 0rowin0 serioAsC >)anlei0h may retArn for the noteboo-C if he=s the person who lost it.> .hen Mr @efferson had retiredC ,ran- saidC >4et=s try to decipher the messa0e?>

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he boys sat down with pencils and paper. he )ardys told their friends more aboAt solvin0 sAbstitAtion ciphersC and they all wor-ed dili0ently for nearly two hoArs. ,inally @oe declaredC > his code is a toA0h one. +=ve tried a nAmber of combinationsC bAt so far no lAc-.> Biff stretched and yawned. >My brain won=t wor- any more. 4et=s 0et some sleep.> @oe offered to ta-e the first watchC and ,ran- the second. >+=ll pAt in for last?> Chet reDAested wearily. Everyone laA0hedC and the plAmp boy protested. >.ellC +=ve been doin0 all the hard wor- in the -itchen?> Biff 0rinned. >*-ay. +=m third.> >.e=d better be ready for actionC> ,ran- advised. >/on=t 0et Andressed.> BAt hoArs later when Biff finished his watchC the place was still DAiet. )e awa-ened ChetC who wandered drowsily into the livin0<room. 6awnin0C he stared into the steadily bArnin0 fire. >+ have to -eep alert?> he told himself with determination. Chet be0an to pace aroAnd the roomC tryin0 to sha-e off his sleepiness. At lastC when ni0ht was be0innin0 to lift in the eastC he sat down in a bi0 soft chair near the fireplace. he cabin=s stillness and the warmth from the crac-lin0 lo0s was lAllin0. Chet=s lids 0rew heavyC his head droppedC and he doGed. 2Addenly a loAd ban0 Eolted him awa-e. ,or a moment he was speechlessC then a yell of fri0ht bArst from his lips. Before his chair hAl-ed a dar- fi0Are?

< $7 < Chimney<top /iscovery

As Chet shoAtedC the intrAder strea-ed across the cabin and oAt the doorC which was swin0in0 wide open. >)elp? ,ellows?> Chet boAnced oAt of his chairC heart thAmpin0 with excitementC and dashed wildly in pArsAit. BAt by the time he reached the doorwayC the fi0Are was already disappearin0 into the woods. >.hat=s ApB> cried ,ran- as he bArst into the room. @oe and Biff were close at his heels.

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>2omebody was in here?> Chet saidC shiverin0 as the wind whipped into the cabin. >+ drowsed offC and when + wo-e ApC the 0Ay was standin0 ri0ht in front of me? )e ran down the hill?> >+t may be a rAse to 0et As oAt of the hoAseC> ,ran- said. )e and @oe hastily pAlled on their par-as and boots. >ChetC yoA and Biff stay on 0Aard < he may try to circle bac-?> RAshin0 oAtsideC the )ardys DAic-ly spotted the intrAder=s trac-s < clear bootprints in the thin layer of fresh snow that had fallen dArin0 the ni0ht. hey followed the trail down the wooded slope. >)e headed across the ice?> @oe exclaimed as they reached the shore. Pressin0 forwardC the )ardy boys strained their eyes to peer throA0h the 0rey dawn mistC bAt it was not li0ht enoA0h for them to see the fA0itive. >)is trac-s lead towards the mainlandC> ,ran- observed. >Come on?> As the yoAn0 sleAths crossed the froGen coveC they foAnd that the snowy prints were more widely spaced. >*hC ohC> said @oe. >)e started rAnnin0 here.> .hen the brothers reached the mainlandC breathin0 heavilyC they exchan0ed loo-s of disappointment. he trail ended at a place where tyre prints showed a car had been par-ed. > hat fellow didn=t waste any time?> ,ran- exclaimed in cha0rin. >)e mAst have had a bi0 lead on AsC or we=d have heard the motor.> >+ 0Aess we may as well 0o bac-C> @oe said. he two trAd0ed across the ice. he sAn was risin0 as they hi-ed Ap the slope to the cabin. +nsideC a fire was blaGin0 and ChetC BiffC and Mr @efferson sat in front of it drin-in0 hot cocoa. >1o lAc-C> @oe saidC and reported what they had foAnd. >,ellowsC +=m sorry + let yoA downC> Chet said sheepishly. >+ doGed off and never -new the 0Ay was in here Antil the door ban0ed a0ainst the wall. )e mAst have left it Anlatched and the wind blew it open.> > hat=s o-ayC ChetC> said ,ran-. >.hat did he loo- li-eB> >+ was too scared to noticeC except that he was bi0. BesidesC he was facin0 the fireplace. + don=t thin- it was the 0hostC thoA0hC> Chet addedC >becaAse he didn=t have on white.> >CoAld have been )anlei0hC> ,ran- remar-ed. >+t mAst have beenC> Chet admitted. >)e still is interested in the fireplaceC> ,ran- observed. >BAt whyB> Mr @efferson as-ed. >+ bAilt this place. 1othin0=s in the fireplace.>

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,ran- hesitatedC Anwillin0 to raise the old 0entleman=s hopes. > hat remains to be seen. +s there a chisel hereB> >6esC> Chet repliedC >in the toolbox in the -itchen.> )e hastened oAt and retArned at once with the tool. /espite the heatC ,ran- stepped close to the fireplace with the chisel and pried at the stonesC hopin0 to find one that moved. MeanwhileC @oe broA0ht a ladder from the -itchen and climbed Ap to test the chimney roc-s which ,ran- coAld not reach. >1o AseC> @oe finally admitted. > hey=re cemented in ti0ht.> ,ran- a0reed. >+f there is a loose stoneC it mi0ht be oAtside. 4et=s ta-e a loo-?> Chet coo-ed brea-fast while the other boys were 0one. he wind was blowin0 hard as the trio carried the ladder aroAnd the end of the cabin to the chimney. >4et=s chec- the bottom firstC> ,ran- said. his time @oe Ased the chisel as they po-ed and pAshed at each of the lar0e stones. Biff shoo- his head. >1o lAc- there.> >+=ll 0o Ap on the roof and examine the chimneyC> @oe said. Biff and ,ran- lifted the ladder and placed it beside the chimney. he le0s san- into the snow and slid on the ice beneathC so that the boys had to brace the ladder with their feet to -eep it from fallin0. >6oA two=ll have to be my anchor menC> @oe said. )e pAt the chisel into his poc-etC and as Biff and ,ran- leaned their wei0ht a0ainst the ladderC he climbed to the roof. @oe crawled onto the ed0e and stood Ap 0in0erly. he heat from the fire below had melted the sArroAndin0 snow and the wet shin0les were slippery. made his way aroAnd the chimneyC testin0 each stone patiently with his chiselC bAt none was loose. As he rested a moment @oe noticed a fra0ment of yellow material caA0ht between two stones EAst inside chimney top. 2DAintin0 a0ainst the smo-eC @oe reached in and wor-ed the material loose. .ith waterin0 eyesC he stAffed it into his poc-et and tArned his face away. After a few moments his vision cleared and he coAld see the entire island below<blan-eted in white. 2Addenly his 0lance was caA0ht by a dar- patch rin0ed by tall roc-s on the brow of the cliff. As he stared hard at itC the wind sAddenly cAt sharp across his face and showered him with snow from the roof. )alf< blindedC he felt his way aroAnd the chimney to the ladder. >Be carefAl?> ,ran- calledC bAt the wind whipped the words away. he next moment @oe slipped and he with a cry. +nstinctively he 0rabbed for a rAn0 and caA0ht it. he ladder s-idded at the Eolt and the boys below strA00led to hold it steady. 2ha-ily @oe climbed down.

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ABC Amber Palm Converter

> han-sC> he 0aspedC reachin0 the 0roAnd. BAffeted by the windC the three boys made their way into the cabin. >Any lAc-B> Mr @efferson as-ed as they too- off their par-as. >+ foAnd this inside the chimneyC> said @oeC and too- the piece of yellow material from his poc-et. >+t=s a piece of a tape measAre?> ,ran- exclaimed. >2eeC it=s mar-ed one inch.> >+t was stAc- ti0htC> @oe said. >2omeone mAst have torn the tape tryin0 to pAll it loose.> >BAt why measAre the inside of the chimneyB> Chet as-ed. >Maybe the person thin-s the loose stone is in the chimney linin0C> Mr @efferson sA00ested. >6oA mean there are two layersB> Biff as-edC sArprised. >6es. My stone mason insisted on a lined chimney as a safety measAre.> hen he addedC >.hat ma-es yoA so sAre there is somethin0 hidden in the chimneyB> >.e=re not certainC> ,ran- confessed. >.e sAspect it becaAse of )anlei0h=s interest in the fireplace. BAt for all we -nowC he may be on the wron0 trac-.> >.e mAst crac- the codeC> @oe declared. > hat will probably 0ive As the answer.> >1ot before brea-fastC> Chet said firmly. >+=m aboAt to ma-e the panca-es.> )e hArried to the -itchen and a short time later served stac-s of 0olden<brown ca-esC with a pitcher of hot maple syrAp and a platter of spicy saAsa0es. >ChetC yoA=ve redeemed yoArself?> @oe exclaimedC between moAthfAls. > his hits the spot after oAr early mornin0 exercise?> Mr @efferson was DAiet dArin0 most of the meal. ,inally he saidC >/o yoA -nowB +t has EAst occArred to me that 2parewell mentioned a relative named )anlei0h.> ,ran- as-ed ea0erlyC >.hat did he say aboAt himB> >+t was so lon0 a0o < + can=t rememberC> Mr @efferson replied. > hat may be an important clAe?> @oe exclaimed. >Perhaps @ohnny stAmbled onto the connection somehow and decided to start trailin0 )anlei0h.> >6esC> ,ran- went onC >if @ohnny was determined to solve the pAGGle of yoAr missin0 medalsC he may have dA0 Ap information aboAt 2parewell=s past and learned the names of relatives. henC when )anlei0h showed Ap at yoAr homeC @ohnny had his chance to follow him.>

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>+t=s all sAppositionC> Mr @efferson said with a si0h. >.hat we need are facts.> >.ellC spea-in0 of factsC> said @oeC >are there hot sprin0s on this islandC Mr @effersonB> he man loo-ed at him in amaGement. >)ot sprin0s? Certainly not? My 0oodnessC @oeC whatever made yoA as- thatB> >*hC> @oe mAmbled va0AelyC >nothin0 EAst an idea.> BAt his eyes met ,ran-=s and the older boy bit bac- a 0rin. >1othin0C my foot?> he said to himself. >@oe=s foAnd a clAe?>

< $9 < he 2hah=s PriGe

>.)A can @oe=s lead beB> ,ran- wondered. )e -new his brother was not ready to tal- aboAt it in front of the others. ,ran- tArned to Mr @effersonC who seemed sAn- in despair. >/on=t 0ive Ap hopeC> the boy said -indly. >.e=ll -eep tryin0 to find @ohnny and yoAr medalsC too.> >+f anyone can locate =emC the )ardys canC> Chet pAt in. >+ -now that. 6oA=re all fine ladsC and will do yoAr bestC> Mr @efferson saidC bri0htenin0 somewhat. >+ thin- +=d better retArn home now.> >Are yoA sAre yoA feel stron0 enoA0hC sirB> Biff as-ed anxioAsly. >6esC indeedC> the man assAred him. >+=m warm nowC too. And if yoA don=t mindC +=ll ta-e alon0 this carved model. +t will 0ive me reassArance that @ohnny will come home.> >CertainlyC Mr @effersonC> ,ran- saidC ta-in0 the yacht from the mantle. >And 2parewell=s noteboo-C> Mr @efferson added sAddenly. >+t may contain clAes for my detectives.> ,ran- spo-e Ap. >.e=d li-e to -eep the noteboo- a little lon0er. @oe and + want to stAdy it carefAlly and crac- that code.> Mr @efferson nodded. >*f coArse. 6oA=ve certainly earned the ri0ht to examine it first. BAt please be carefAlC boys. Possession of the noteboo- may be dan0eroAsC if someone else wants it badly enoA0h.> @oe offered to stand 0Aard on the island while the others accompanied

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Mr @efferson to the mainland. A short time later the 2ea0All went whiGGin0 oAt of the coveC with ,ran- at the tiller. hey made a DAic- trip to the )ardys= boathoAseC then drove to the @efferson home. As ,ran- par-ed the convertibleC Chet sAddenly 0ave a 0asp of disbelief. )e pointed a DAiverin0 fin0er at the wide front porch and cried oAtC >+t=s<it=s the 0host?> ,ran- leaped from the carC with Chet and Biff close behind him and Mr @efferson followin0 slowly. he white<robedC tArbaned fi0Are darted away from the door as the boys dashed Ap the front path. )e EAmped off the far end of the porch and disappeared aroAnd the side of the hoAse. he three yoAths sprinted in pArsAitC bAt soon stopped shortC scannin0 the landscape. heir eyes roved over the snowcovered wal-s and flower bedsC the birdbaths capped with iceC and the bare bAshes and trees. he >0host> coAld not be seen. > hat white robe is 0reat camoAfla0e a0ainst the snowC> Biff commented 0lAmly. >4et=s split Ap and search?> ,ran- directed DAic-ly. he boys hAnted while Mr @efferson stood and watched in tense silence. 2Addenly ,ran- noticed a blAr of whiteness movin0 behind a hed0e of low EAnipers. he yoAn0 sleAth stepped bac-wardsC too- a rAnnin0 startC and vaAlted the shrAbs. A loAd cry split the air as he landed on top of a croAchin0 fi0Are. he two rolled overC strA00lin0. >)old =imC ,ran-?> yelled Biff. )e and Chet sprinted Ap and yan-ed the slenderC white<robed man to his feet. he boys 0asped as they 0ot a clear loo- at the prisoner=s dar-<s-innedC fri0htened face. 1o doAbt aboAt itC he was the man in the photo? >*-ayC Mister 3host < what=s yoAr storyB> Biff blArted an0rily. >6oA have a lot of explainin0 to do.> > a-e it easyC> ,ran- told his friend. >4et=s 0et him inside first.> Pantin0C the captive was led into the hoAse. >1ow thenC> said Mr @efferson when they had all 0athered in the livin0 roomC >who are yoAB And why have yoA been prowlin0 on my propertyB> he swarthy man replied in a softC sli0htly accented voiceC >+ apolo0iGe for my seemin0 intrAsions. + ran becaAse + was startledC and also these yoAn0 men have pArsAed me previoAsly. he last time one of them was carryin0 a firearm.> he )ardys 0rinned and ,ran- saidC >My brother @oe was holdin0 a camera with a telescopic lens. ,rom a distance it does resemble a rifle.> >AhC> said the manC >+ see.> )e smiled faintly. >+ am see-in0 Mr Elroy

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@efferson.> >+ am heC> said Mr @efferson. >@Ast what is it yoA wantB> he stran0er now stood Ap and too- an official<loo-in0 red<and<0old diplomatic passport from inside his robe. .ith a sli0ht bowC he showed it to Mr @efferson. >+ am 6Assef ben Harim. + represent the rAler of my coAntry<oAr 0reat 2hah Ali. + Anderstand that amon0 yoAr valAable medals is one that was 0iven many years a0o to the 2hah=s 0randfather. his medal is most priGed by my master and he has aAthoriGed me to pay whatever sAm is reDAired to obtain it.> Mr @efferson shoo- his head. >+=m sorry to say that + don=t have yoAr medal. + once owned itC bAt AnfortAnately my collection was stolen. +=m still searchin0 for it.> 6Assef loo-ed bewildered. >BAt + was 0iven to Anderstand that Mr )anlei0h woAld have the medal for me.> he boys and Mr @efferson exchan0ed startled loo-s. >.hat do yoA meanB> Mr @efferson as-ed. >Mr )anlei0h sent word to the 2hah last sAmmer sayin0 that yoA had appointed him to act as yoAr a0entC and + was instrActed to meet him hereC which + did. 6oAC sirC were not at home. Mr )anlei0h first told me that he had the medalC bAt later he declared it was not in his hands < that he woAld have it soon. + be0 yoAC what is the trAthB> > hat=s what we=re tryin0 to find oAtC> ,ran- interEected. >6AssefC that man )anlei0h was lyin0 to yoA. ,or one thin0C +=m DAite sAre he had no ri0ht to pose as Mr @efferson=s a0ent < > >)e most certainly did notC> the elderly man stated emphatically as ,ran- tArned to him for confirmation. >)anlei0h is the last man in the world whom + woAld entrAst with sAch a matterC even if + still had the medals and wished to sell them.> >.hat=s moreC> ,ran- addedC >)anlei0h probably doesn=t have the medalsC eitherC and never did have them.> 6Assef=s face re0istered concern. >+ was afraid of that. be 0rievoAsly an0ered.> he 2hah will

,ran- told 6Assef that the boys were wor-in0 on the mysteryC and addedC >My theory is that )anlei0h=s scheme in contactin0 the 2hah was to set Ap channels throA0h which he coAld sell the medals < if he foAnd them < withoAt bein0 prosecAted. .e sAspect )anlei0h had been searchin0 for the collection on Cabin +sland.> > ell meC 6AssefC> Biff pAt inC >what were yoA doin0 on the islandB> he man said apolo0eticallyC >+ am sorry. + did not intend to trespass. + had be0An to sAspect Mr )anlei0h=s story aboAt the medalC and followed him there on two occasions. 4i-e yoAC + coAld not escape the impression that he was see-in0 somethin0 hidden and wondered if it

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mi0ht be the 2hah=s medal.> >And yoA loo-ed for it yoArselfB> ,ran- as-ed. > hat is correct. BAt + had no sAccessC and finally + deemed it wise to come directly to Mr @efferson.> >)ow did yoA 0et to Cabin +slandB> Chet as-ed. >BAt of coArseC + wal-edC> 6Assef replied with a smile. >+ overheard Mr )anlei0h tal-in0 with the two yoAn0 men whom + have seen transportin0 him to the island in an ice<0oin0 craft.> >1ow yoA Anderstand the whole sitAationC 6AssefC> said Mr @efferson. >+ a0ree with my yoAn0 detective friends that Mr )anlei0h evidently hopes to locate the medals for his own 0ain < inclAdin0 the one desired by yoAr rAler.> >+t is a 0reat misfortAne to have lost so fine a treasAreC> 6Assef declared sympatheticallyC >and to be persecAted by an AnscrApAloAs person sAch as Mr )anlei0h.> >At least we won=t be off chasin0 0hosts?> Chet added a little sheepishly. >.hen + first saw yoAC + thoA0ht yoA were a spoo-?> he forei0n visitor laA0hed alon0 with the othersC then ,ran- saidC >.e=d better 0et bac- to the island and see how @oe=s ma-in0 oAt.> 6Assef=s expression became sombre. 3ravely he said to ,ran-C >+f yoAr brother is alone thereC yoA mAst hArry to him. + have a feelin0 he is in dan0er. Mr )anlei0h can be violent.> >.e -now itC> said ,ran-. >.e=ll leave ri0ht away.> MeanwhileC @oe had left the cabin with the binocAlars and was trAd0in0 towards the cliffC ea0er to test the theory that had been formin0 in his mind. As he stepped from the shelter of the woodsC the sAnli0ht was daGGlin0 on the snowy 0roAnd which led to the cliff ed0e. Beyond lay the froGen bay. @oe=s eyes soA0ht the circle of tall stones he had seen from the roof. hey stood near the ed0e of the cliff aboAt fifty yards to his ri0ht. .ith a sAr0e of excitementC he strode towards them. >1ow<> he said to himselfC >we=ll see?> 2Addenly @oe stopped. BelowC an ice<yacht was s-immin0 across the inlet. )e swAn0 his binocAlars Ap and trained them on the craft. @oe stiffened. > he )aw-?> he mAttered. >+-eC adC and )anlei0h ?>

FAic-ly @oe made his way downhill and hid in a clAmp of bAshes near the doc-. )e watched as the craft was 0Aided ashore and tied Ap. he three paAsed close enoA0h for @oe to hear )anlei0h say:

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>6oA pAn-s -eep an eye oAt for the )ardys and their pals. 3ive a shoAt if yoA see anyone comin0.> hen the man started towards the cabin. @oe waited Antil +-e and ad had wal-ed off down the shoreC then retArned noiselessly Ap the slope. CaAtioAsly he peered into the livin0<room of the cabin < no one was there. @oe hArried to the rear and croAched amon0 some bAshes below the window of the )ardys= bedroom. )e raised his head and peered in. )anlei0h was rAmma0in0 throA0h the brothers= belon0in0s? >Bet he=s loo-in0 for the noteboo-C> @oe thoA0ht. >3ood thin0 ,ran- has it with him.> 2Addenly )anlei0h spAn roAnd and @oe dAc-ed. )e heard the man=s oAtra0ed bellow. >2pyin0 a0ainC are yoA?>

< $% < he +ntrAder=s Reven0e

>)ow did )anlei0h spot meB> @oe thoA0ht desperatelyC croAched low amidst the bAshes. Moments laterC the -itchen door opened and footsteps scrAnched towards him on the snow. o @oe=s sArprised reliefC the bi0 man strode past his hidin0 place and disappeared aroAnd the side of the cabin. Before @oe coAld moveC )anlei0h=s an0ry voice ran0 oAt. >CoAldn=t resist snoopin0C coAld yoAB> he snarled. >+ haven=t paid yoA two EAst for the taxi services < +=ve been payin0 yoA to mind yoAr own bAsiness.> +-e 1ash and ad Carson?

@oe smiled wryly. > hey mAst have been loo-in0 throA0h that little end window in my bedroom.> +-e=s whinin0 voice came to his ears. >.e were freeGin0? fierce wind off the ice.> here=s a

> hat=s a real shame?> )anlei0h retorted. >6oA fellows come with me. +=ll show yoA a place to -eep warm?> he three roAnded the corner and @oe held his breath as they plodded past him. )e po-ed his head from the bAshes in time to see )anlei0h open the woodshed. >.ait in there?> he ordered. :nsAspectin0C the two roA0hnec-s stepped inside. )anlei0h pAshed the door shAt and bolted it. >+=ll ta-e 0ood care of the )aw- for yoA?> he san0 oAt taAntin0ly. ,rom within the shed came an0ry yells as +-e and ad poAnded violently

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on the door. Chortlin0C )anlei0h tArned towards the -itchen. >4et As oAt of here?> +-e screamed. >6oA don=t -now how to rAn the yacht?> ad cried frantically.

>*hC stop yoAr chatter?> )anlei0h shoAted. >+ won=t wrec- it? /o yoA thin- +=d ta-e a chance with my own s-inB> A0ain the two prisoners poAnded and -ic-ed at the door. >6oA 0ot no ri0ht to hold As?> +-e yelled. )anlei0h paid no attention. @oe came to a sAdden decision. >+ mAst hold )anlei0h here Antil the others 0et bac-?> he yoAn0 sleAth stood Ap resolAtely and called oAtC >2o yoA=re trespassin0 a0ainC Mr )anlei0h?> he man 0ave a start. :pon seein0 @oeC his face contorted in ra0e. >6oA meddlin0 spy?> he shoAted. >+=m not trespassin0. + came after my own property? 3et oAt of my way?> @oe wal-ed Ap to )anlei0h and as-ed calmlyC >/id yoA lose a noteboo-B *ne that has @ohn 2parewell=s name insideB> A0ain )anlei0h started 0Ailtily. >+ don=t -now anythin0 aboAt a noteboo-C> he replied sAllenly. >+ came for my wallet. + lost it last time + was here. 6oA probably foAnd itC and yoA=d better tArn it over or +=ll have the law on yoA?> >/id the messa0e in code tell yoA to come loo-in0 for somethin0 valAable on Cabin +slandB> @oe persisted. )anlei0h swAn0 his fist. @oe dAc-ed and bAtted the man hard in the chest. .ith a 0rAnt )anlei0h sta00ered bac- a0ainst the cabin. >6oA=re a scrapperC ehB> he panted. >Anythin0 yoA startC +=ll finishC> @oe said. )e watched the man warilyC bAt )anlei0h only 0ave an A0ly smile. >+=ll fix yoA laterC> he said softly. >1o Ase han0in0 aroAnd now.> )e tArned and plAn0ed down the hill. @oe followedC -eepin0 an eye on him. At the doc- )anlei0h Antied the )aw- and sped for the inlet. > oo bad + coAldn=t hold him hereC> @oe thoA0ht. hen he remembered +-e and ad in the woodshedC and 0rinned. >BAt + still have his bAddies?> )e headed DAic-ly Ap the hill towards the cliff. At the top @oe loo-ed downC bAt coAld see no si0n of the )aw-. >)anlei0h made 0ood timeC> he said to himselfC then the yoAn0 detective=s thoA0hts retArned to the clAster of stones he wanted to investi0ate. .hen @oe reached the spotC he DAic-ly circled the tall roc-s and spotted a narrow openin0 between two of them. )e stepped throA0h and foAnd himself on a small patch of roc-y 0roAndC damp with melted snow. )e -nelt and felt the stones. hey were warm? ,rom several crevices

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arose wisps of smo-e. >2omebody has bAilt a fire belowC> he mArmAred. >Clever? 1obody=d ever notice the smo-e.> he thin streams driftin0 to the top disappeared in the wind. he next moment @oe heard a noise and a soft laA0h behind him. ,or an instant he froGe. )anlei0h? oo late the boy flAn0 himself sideways. A hard blow landed on the bac- of his head. )e san- into dar-ness? .hen @oe re0ained conscioAsnessC he was first aware of the intense cold and of a throbbin0 sensation in the bac- of his head. )is achin0 eyes saw a low roof of snow above him. hen he realiGed his wrists and an-les were ti0htly boAnd. >)anlei0h?> @oe thoA0ht. >.here is heB> he bi0 man was nowhere in si0ht. @oe strA00led to free himselfC bAt every movements ti0htened the stoAt cords. >BoyC Antil hands >+=ll what a mess?> @oe mAttered in dis0Ast. >+=ll EAst have to wait ,ran- and the others come bac-.> )e noticed that his feet and were 0rowin0 nAmbC bAt mana0ed to wi00le his toes and fin0ers. have a swell case of frostbite if they don=t show Ap soon.>

At that moment ,ran-C ChetC and Biff were strea-in0 towards the inlet in the 2ea0All. 2Addenly Chet pointed. >4oo-?> *At of the narrow channel sped an ice<yacht with a lone occApant at the tiller. >)anlei0h?> ,ran- exclaimed. >+ wonder what happened to +-e and chill went throA0h him. >And what aboAt @oeB> >4et=s 0o after )anlei0h?> Biff cried oAt. ,ran- shoo- his head. >.e shoAld 0et to the island pronto. 2omethin0=s fishy aboAt this whole bAsiness. @oe may be in dan0er.> +n a short time their craft was tied ApC and the three boys hArried strai0ht Ap the slope to the cabin. ,ran- threw open the door. >@oe?> he called anxioAsly. >)eyC @oe?> here was no answer. >4isten?> Chet exclaimed. 4oAd ban0in0s and scAfflin0s coAld be heard. >@oe mi0ht be loc-ed in the attic?> Biff said. -itchenC then paAsed in confAsion. hey all rAshed into the ad?> A

>1ot the atticC> ,ran- said. > hose soAnds are comin0 from the woodshed?> he others followed as he dashed oAtside and Anbolted the door of the lean<to. >@oe<> he be0anC then stopped abrAptly as +-e and ad half

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stAmbled into the open. >.hat are yoA two doin0 hereB> Biff demanded in amaGement. >.here=s @oeB> Chet as-ed. >@oeB> ad snapped. >.here=s )anlei0hB And the )aw-B>

>6eah?> +-e pAt in. > hat 0Ay=s a dirty doAblecrosser. )e tric-ed As into this icebox and loc-ed As Ap. >Ri0ht now )anlei0h=s ta-in0 off in yoAr boatC> ,ran- told themC then added sternlyC >1ever mind aboAt him. .hat happened to my brotherB> >/on=t loo- at As < we never saw him?> were all away from the island.> ad replied. >.e thoA0ht yoA

>After )anlei0h trapped As in that shedC we don=t -now what he didC> +-e addedC whinin0. >.e EAst -ept ban0in0 and yellin0.> >Maybe yoA=ll be more carefAl what -ind of people yoA ta-e Ap with after thisC> Chet said. >And thin- twice aboAt caAsin0 boat accidentsC too.> >AwC cAt the lectAreC fatsoC> +-e sneered. ,ran- tArned to Biff and Chet. >+=m 0oin0 to find @oe. 2omethin0=s happened to him. 6oA ta-e those two insideC and don=t let them 0o. + want to DAestion them later.> >6oA thin- @oe is in dan0erB> Chet as-ed fearfAlly. ,ran- loo-ed worried. >+=m afraid so. +t=s a bi0 islandC> he added 0rimly. >+ hope we=re not too late.>

< $' < he /an0eroAs Climb

>@*E?> ,ran- called repeatedly as he slowly circled the island searchin0 for his brother. he yoAn0 sleAth had nearly reached the cliff when his shoAts were answered by a faint cry. >)ere? *ver here?> hen silence.

,ran- thoA0ht the soAnds had come from a clAmp of tan0led AnderbrAsh and hastened to it. PAllin0 aside the snowy branchesC he saw @oe. he blond boy was so nAmb that he coAld barely move his lips. FAic-ly ,ranAntied the cords on his brother=s an-les and wrists. > hin- yoA can wal-B>

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>+=ll tryC> came the faint reply. @oe leaned heavily on his brother and the pair made their way haltin0ly towards the cabin. .hen they drew nearC ,ran- shoAtedC >Biff? )Arry?> he mAscAlar yoAth came sprintin0 oAtside and to0ether he and ,rancarried @oe into the livin0<room and placed him on the sofa. ChetC heavin0 a si0h of reliefC rAshed to 0et a blan-et. After a few minAtesC @oe felt stron0er. Presently he dran- a cAp of hot cocoaC then saidC >+=m o-ay.> @Ast then he noticed +-e and adC standin0 0lAmly next to the fireplace. @oe 0rinned. >/id yoA have a nice warm wait in the woodshedC fellowsB> As they scowledC @oe told his story withoAt mentionin0 why he had 0one to the cliff or what he had foAnd there. .hen @oe had finishedC Biff strode over an0rily to +-e and )anlei0h after on Cabin +slandB> ad. >.hat=s

> hat=s what we wanted to find oAtC> +-e answered. >>2ayC won=t yoA 0Ays 0ive As a lift to Bayport so we can find the )aw-B> >Are yoA -iddin0B> Chet retorted scornfAlly. >6oA expect a ride in the )ardys= ice<bAs after yoA tried twice to wrec- itB> >)ow did )anlei0h find oAt we were 0oin0 to stay on Cabin +slandB> @oe DAeried. >.e were pic-in0 him Ap down the road when he spotted yoA pac-in0 the 2ea0AllC> ad explained. >)anlei0h eavesdropped on yoA near the boathoAse and heard yoAr plans.> >.e=ve EAst been doin0 his dirty wor-C> +-e said soArly. >6oA coAld have inEAred someone serioAsly throwin0 that lo0 at the 2ea0AllC> ,ran- said. >Mr @efferson was -noc-ed oAt.> >/on=t blame me. + wasn=t there?> +-e whined. >+t=s trAeC> ad admitted. >)anlei0h and + wore mas-s. +t was his idea to disable yoAr boat.> >BAt how coAld yoA be sAre we woAld be comin0 oAt in the 2ea0All at that timeB> @oe as-ed. >.e were on oAr way to the island when we saw yoAC> ad replied. >)anlei0h chan0ed his mind aboAt the trip and decided to ram yoA. )e made me ta-e him ashore to pic- Ap a lo0. hen we lay in wait near the inlet. .e didn=t realiGe yoA had the old man Antil too late.> /espite fArther intensive DAestionin0C +-e and ad stAc- to their statement that they -new nothin0 of )anlei0h=s DAest on Cabin +slandC nor had they seen a boy answerin0 @ohnny @efferson=s description. ,inally the troAblema-ers departedC 0rAmblin0C to wal- home.

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As soon as the door had closed behind themC @oe swAn0 off the coAch. >,ellowsC> he saidC >+=ve somethin0 to tell yoA.> >And aboAt time?> exclaimed ,ran-. >+=ve been bArnin0 with cAriosity. .hy did yoA as- Mr @efferson aboAt the hot sprin0sB> >And what were yoA doin0 on the cliffB> Chet pAt in. @oe interrApted. > a-e it easy. 4et me explain. + thin- + -now where @ohnny @efferson is.> >.hereB> chorAsed the others. >+n a cave in the cliff.> >)ow do yoA fi0Are thatB> Biff as-ed. @oe told aboAt spottin0 the patch of dar- 0roAnd from the cabin roof. >At first + fi0Ared there was a hot sprin0 meltin0 the snow. 4ater it occArred to me thatC insteadC there mi0ht be a cave Ander the spot. +f someone bAilt a fire in it and there were crevices in the roof leadin0 to the sArfaceC the smo-e woAld come Ap and the heat woAld melt the snow.> ,ran-=s eyes flashed with excitement. >3reat dedActionC @oe?> >+ 0ot only as far as the circle of stonesC> @oe went on. >2mo-e was comin0 ApC so +=m sAre somebody was in the cave<probably @ohnny. BAt )anlei0h -noc-ed me oAt even before + coAld loo- for the entrance.> > hen he dra00ed yoA to a place where yoA coAld freeGe waitin0 to be rescAedC> Biff pAt in 0rimly. > he moAth of the cave is probably in the cliff face?> ,ran- declared. )e EAmped Ap and started pAllin0 on his par-a. >Come on? .e=ll sArprise @ohnny and brin0 him bac- here?> >.ait?> exclaimed Chet. >,irst lAnch?> After a DAic- snac-C the boys headed for the cliff. *n the wayC ,rantold his brother aboAt the meetin0 with 6Assef. @oe whistled. coAld=ve made when he foAnd hasn=t solved >)anlei0h=s a sharp operatorC all ri0ht. + wish + him admit he was after the medals. )e was plenty Apset oAt we had the boo- and the coded messa0e. +=m sAre he the cipher yetC> @oe added.

.hen the boys reached open 0roAnd at the top of the cliffC they were met by an icy blast from the bay. ,ran- 0lanced anxioAsly at the leaden s-y. >2torm comin0C> he mAttered. @oe showed them the sheltered spot in the circle of stones. 1o smo-e was risin0. > he fire mAst have 0one oAtC> ,ran- commented.

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>2ince the cave is ri0ht Ander hereC> said ChetC >the way down may be nearby.> >4et=s loo- for footprints leadin0 to the ed0e of the cliffC> Biff sA00ested. >+t won=t be mAch AseC> ,ran- saidC sha-in0 his head. > his wind will have swept them away.> he boys wal-ed to the rim and loo-ed down at the EAmble of ice<coated cra0s which EAtted oAtC hidin0 the sheer wall below. Biff shivered. >*ne slip and 0oodbyeC Charlie?> >Maybe we=d better for0et aboAt itC> Chet said hopefAlly. >1oC> ,ran- answered. >+f @ohnny @efferson can 0et down thereC so can we. BAt we need oAr climbin0 boots and flashli0hts.> >+=ll 0o bac- and 0et themC> Chet volAnteered DAic-lyC and started towards the cabin. >)Arry?> ,ran- called after him. >+t=ll be dar- soon.> >+t=s dar- in here alreadyC> Chet mAttered as he entered the woods. )e ploA0hed alon0 the trail the boys had made earlierC wishin0 he had not come alone. he white woods was eerie and the pines moaned and tossed in the windC showerin0 him with snow. *nce Chet pAt Ap an arm to protect his face and stAmbled off the trail into a clAmp of brAsh. )e foA0ht clearC foAnd the path a0ainC and went on. 2Addenly the wind stopped. 2tartled by the silenceC Chet paAsed. .hy did he feel he was not aloneB As he stoodC breathin0 heavilyC he heard a low moan behind him. +t rose into a weird cry and trailed off into silence. Chet=s lips opened and closedC bAt he made no soAnd. .ith effort he forced himself to loo- bac-. .as there somethin0 tall and white standin0 a0ainst a snowy bAshB As he strained to seeC the thin0 vanished amon0 the trees. .ith a hoarse cry Chet plAn0ed down the trail and did not stop Antil he was in the cabin. 3aspin0C he loc-ed the door and leaned a0ainst it. >Can=t be sAre + saw anythin0C> he had to admitC a little ashamed. >BAt + heard that weird cryC + -now.> he thoA0ht of his companions waitin0 on the cold cliff top forced Chet to 0ather Ap the boots and flashli0hts and 0o oAt a0ain. By the time he came to the end of the woodsC he was red<faced from rAnnin0. >*ver here?> ,ran- calledC and Chet hastened alon0 the cliff top to where his friends were waitin0.

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>,ellowsC> he bArst oAtC >there=s another 0host here? + saw it in the woods?> @oe 0rinned and too- the eDAipment from his plAmp friend. >3reat Eo-eC ChetC bAt we=ve heard it before.> >+=m not -iddin0? +t 0ave a terrible<> >.e=ve no time to wasteC> ,ran- bro-e inC han0in0 a flashli0ht on his belt. >3et yoAr 0ear on.> 3rAmblin0C Chet obeyed. >.e thin- this is the best place to start downC> ,ran- told him. )e wal-ed to a crevice in the cliff ed0e aboAt six feet deepC and lowered himself to the bottom. ,rom there he stepped on to a flat icy led0eC di00in0 in hard. Beyond it stood another EAttin0 stone. ,ranmoved aheadC andC one by oneC the others followed him on roA0h footholds across the cliff: *ccasionally they stopped and examined the roc-y wall for an openin0C bAt saw none. *nce Chet 0lanced towards the inlet and froGe at the si0ht of the drop. >/on=t loo- down?> @oe shoAted. ,ran-C ma-in0 his way alon0 a led0eC stopped to loo- bac- at his companions. @Ast behind him was a narrow openin0 between the cliff and a slab of roc- which an0led oAt from it. AboAt twenty feet aboveC ,rancoAld see the circle of stones. > his may be the cave?> he thoA0htC and si0nalled to the others. As they stood in a line on the led0eC he indicated the openin0 and 0estAred for silence. hen ,ran- led the way into a dar- passa0e which opened into a roc- chamberC dimly lit by a pile of 0lowin0 embers. >1obody here?> exclaimed @oeC his voice soAndin0 hollow. A0ainst one wall was a stac- of cansC food boxesJ and pots. 1earby lay a sleepin0 ba0C a box of tAmbled clothesC and an Anlit paraffin lamp. > his is the hideoAtC all ri0htC> ,ran- said. >.e=ll settle down and wait for @ohnny.> >+t mi0ht ta-e a lon0 timeC> Biff remar-ed. >+ doAbt itC> said ,ran-. >.ith a storm comin0 Ap he=s probably headin0 for here ri0ht now.> ,or a while the boys sat in silenceC then sAddenly they tensed. A footstep in the passa0e? As they scrambled to their feetC Biff stAmbled over the lantern. +t tArned over and clattered across the stone floor. +nstantly the footsteps in the passa0e stoppedC then hArried away. >After him?> ,ran- cried oAt. >@ohnny?> he called. >Come bac-? .e=re

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friends?> As the boys emer0ed from the passa0e they were met by roarin0 wind and swirlin0 snow. ,ran- shoAted a0ainC bAt the words were lost. /ayli0ht was nearly 0one. he boys peered bac- across the cliffC bAt there was no si0n of anyone. AnxioAsly the )ardys loo-ed Apwards. )ad the boy tried to climb to the cra0s above the cave moAthB >1o one there?> said @oe. >/on=t see him here or anywhere?> shoAted Biff. .ith sin-in0 hearts the foAr loo-ed aroAnd the cliffC each with the same Anspo-en fear. Chet sA00estedC >Maybe he=s hidin0 behind a roc-.> >4et=s hope soC> ,ran- thoA0ht 0rimlyC then said aloAdC >1o one coAld sArvive a storm on this cliff. +f @ohnny=s hArt or hidin0C we mAst find him.> +t was decided that @oe and Biff woAld examine the cliff from above. ,ran- and Chet clambered down towards the led0e. 1ow and then they stopped and shoAtedC and loo-ed for a fi0Are amon0 the cra0s. BAt @ohnny was not in si0ht nor did he reply. .hen they reached the EAttin0 roc-s at the led0eC the boys lay down and peered over the ed0e. .ith a 0asp ,ran- pointed. 2omethin0 white lay amon0 the Ea00ed roc-s at the base of the cliff. >A wrec-?> Chet said. >An ice<yacht?> >And there=s somebody in it?> exclaimed ,ran-.

< $# < he Crash

>2*MEB*/6=s hArt?> said ,ran-. >Come on? 4et=s 0et @oe and Biff.> )e and Chet climbed to the top of the cliffC where their companions were waitin0. >Any si0n of @ohnnyB> @oe as-ed anxioAsly. ,ran- shoo- his head and breathlessly told aboAt the wrec-ed ice<yacht. >.e=ll find the nearest spot we can to climb downC> said @oe.

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,ran- too- the lead. he foArsomeC their flashli0hts tArned onC plodded throA0h the deepenin0 dAs- and wind<whipped snow. ,inally ,ran- stopped at the far end of the cliffC where the terrain sloped more 0ently. >+ thin- we can ma-e it here.> he descent seemed interminableC since the boys had to wind their way roAnd boAldersC hi0h driftsC and in and oAt of thic-ly 0rowin0 pines. At last they reached the shore and stepped onto the ice. ,acin0 into the screamin0 windC they headed towards the wrec-ed boat. As the boys drew near the sceneC @oe shone his beam on the tilted hAll and yelledC >+t=s the )aw-?> >.ho=s the manB> Biff called as the others rAshed Ap. >)anlei0h?> ,ran- exclaimed with sArprise. As the )ardys and their friends carefAlly freed the manC he re0ained conscioAsness. 3roanin0 loAdlyC he clAtched his ri0ht le0. +t did not appear bro-enC so the )ardys helped him to his feet. )anlei0h too- a few stepsC then insisted he was in too mAch pain to wal-. >+ thin- it=s EAst a wrenched mAscleC> ,ran- mAttered to @oe. >BAt 0ive me a hand and we=ll carry him.> Ma-in0 a chair of their handsC ,ran- and @oe transported their heavy bArden to the cabinC where they settled him on the sofa. )anlei0h 0rimaced with pain as Biff pAlled off his boot. >+ -now my le0 is bro-enC> he complained bitterly. >And + nearly froGe to death oAt there?> >6oA had no DAalms aboAt leavin0 @oe to freeGe in the snow this afternoonC> ,ran- said. )anlei0h=s only response was a prolon0ed 0roan. >.hy=d yoA ta-e the )aw- oAt in this stormB> @oe as-ed. >6oA mAst have been desperate to pay As another visit? And in a stolen boat at that.> >+ only borrowed that old boatC> )anlei0h 0rowled. >.e -now that isn=t trAeC> ,ran- retorted. )anlei0h raised his head to 0lare at the boys. >CAt it oAt?> he snarled. >Can=t yoA see +=m in terrible painB 6oA=d better 0et me to a doctor fast?> > hat=s oAt of the DAestionC> ,ran- saidC >Antil the storm lets Ap.> he boys exchan0ed Aneasy 0lances. hey realiGed that the violence of the storm also made it impossible to search for @ohnny @efferson. >)anlei0hC> @oe said sharplyC >it=s hi0h time yoA levelled with As. )ave yoA seen @ohnny @efferson on this islandB> >+ don=t -now what yoA=re tal-in0 aboAt.>

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,ran- described the boy. >1ow what aboAt itB )ave yoA seen himB> >1oC> bar-ed )anlei0h. >+=ve seen nobodyC bAt<> )e bro-e off and loo-ed Aneasy. >BAt 0hostsB> @oe as-ed with a 0rin. >6oA thin- it=s fAnnyB 6oA=ll find oAt?> >.e=ve already caA0ht the spoo- in the atticC> said Biff. >+t was the wind blowin0 over a lemonade bottle.> At the loo- of astonishment on )anlei0h=s faceC the boys laA0hed. >4et me alone?> he bArst oAt. >+ don=t want to tal-.> )e woAld say no moreC bAt ate 0reedily of the hearty sApper which Chet prepared. )e maintained a stAbborn silenceC refAsin0 to answer fArther DAestions pAt to him by the yoAn0 sleAths. he )ardys learned nothin0 from him aboAt his interest in the fireplace or his meetin0s with 6Assef. he boys noticedC howeverC that his eyes travelled freDAently to the chimney. ,inally the inEAred man fell into a deep sleep. >At least he can=t escapeC> @oe remar-ed. > oo bad we can=t 0et some information oAt of him.> > here=s one thin0 we can doC> ,ran- said in a low tone. >Brea- that code.> he boys hArried into the -itchenC and @oe closed the door. hey settled down at the table with pencil and paperC the noteboo- tArned open to the pa0e bearin0 the cryptic letters. 2oon all foAr became oblivioAs to the storm=s increasin0 fAry as they concentrated on the tas-. 2Addenly ,ran- exclaimedC >+ thin- the first and second words are =Cabin +sland=?> >)ow can yoA tellB> Chet as-ed. > he nAmber of letters are the sameC> ,ran- pointed to the )@*2. and 2)R@.1 of the code. >4oo-. he words cabin and island both contain AC +C and 1. 2oC the letter @ stands for AC 2 for +C and . is 1.> > errific?> @oe exclaimed. > henC ) is CC * is BC R eDAals 4C and 1 stands for /.> >4et=s try to find the -eyC> said ,ran-. >+=ll set Ap the alphabet.> he others watched intently as he wrote: ABC/E,3)+@H4M1*PFR2 :8.!6; @*)1 2 R . )

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>@ohn 2parewell?> @oe bArst oAt. >BAt what does ) stand forB> >)oAsemanC maybeC> ,ran- replied. > ry that. cipherC> he added. >+t may stand for R.> here=s a comma in the

>@ohn PaAl 2parewellC )oAsemanC> @oe read. > hat=s the -ey. 1ow sAbstitAte those letters for the ones in the code.> ,ran- printed rapidly and held Ap the resAlt: )@*2. CAB+1 ACE.* ,R*1 2)R@.1 )42E.PA RPA* +24A1/ C)+M1E6 4E, .2.P APP* 42:4 1+1E ,EE )+3)

>.e=ve 0ot it?> @oe shoAted exAltantly. >BAtC> said BiffC >we=ve 0one over all the chimney stones.> >RememberC there=s an inner linin0C> ,ran- pointed oAt. >As soon as the fire dies downC we=ll chec-.> >6oA thin- )anlei0h deciphered the codeB> Chet as-ed. >1oC> ,ran- replied. >*therwise he woAldn=t have been so ea0er to recover the noteboo-.> >+=d still li-e to -now how he 0ot his hands on itC> said Biff. >/id he steal it from @ohn 2parewellB> >+ don=t -nowC> @oe repliedC >bAt + vote we Gero in on the medals pronto.> he boys= discAssion was bro-en off by a si0nal for silence from ,ran-C who pointed to the door. ,rom the other side came the soAnd of crea-in0 of floorboards. 2wiftly the )ardys scooped Ap the noteboo- and the papers and hid them in a cApboard. hen ,ran- and @oe went over and pAshed open the door a crac-. hey peered oAt and saw )anlei0h limpin0 to the fireplace. )e pAlled aside the 0Aard from the fireC now bArnin0 lowC too- a po-er and thrAst it Ap inside the chimney. >Bet he was eavesdroppin0C> @oe mAttered. >.ellC the code directions won=t do him mAch 0ood withoAt toolsC> said ,ran-C and stepped into the livin0 room. >4oo-in0 for somethin0C Mr )anlei0hB 3lad to see yoAr le0 is better.> he bi0 blond man wheeledC his face pArple with ra0e. >+=m sic- of bein0 hoAnded by yoA pests. +=ll fix yoA<> )anlei0h lAn0ed forwardC brandishin0 the po-erC bAt tripped on a rA0 and went sprawlin0. he po-er flew from his hands. FAic-ly ,ranretrieved it.

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>+ woAldn=t try that a0ainC> @oe said in warnin0 tones as Chet and Biff rAshed in. 2cowlin0C )anlei0h dra00ed himself over to the sofa and san- down heavily. >All ri0htC all ri0ht. + was EAst 0oin0 to stir Ap the fireC> he mAmbled. >+t=s cold as an iceber0 in here.> he boys had to a0reeC becaAse the wind had risen to 0reat velocity and 0Asts shoo- the cabin. +cy draA0hts seeped beneath the oAtside door and the windows were half covered by drivin0 snow. >Maybe +=d better sto-e the fireC> Chet said. @oe nAd0ed him. >4ater. .e have somethin0 to do first.> Chet 0rinned. > hat=s ri0ht. .ellC + can tArn oAt a snac-C anyway. hat=ll warm As.> he stoAt boy headed for the -itchenC bAt the next instant stopped in his trac-s as a shrie-in0 blast of wind strAc- the front window fAll force. .ith a loAd crash the entire pane shattered inwards. he freeGin0 wind roared insideC -noc-in0 over all the oil lamps. ,ire flared alon0 the spilled fAel and @oe leaped forwardC flailin0 at the flames with his par-a. )anlei0h rolled off the coAch as his terror<stric-en voice shrilled throA0h the dar-ness. >3et me oAt of here? he whole place is 0oin0 to collapse. +=ll be -illed?>

< $& < A ,ri0htened hief

>F:+CH? +nto the -itchen?> ,ran- ordered. >3rab the par-as?> )anlei0h limped oAt hastily and the others followed. )avin0 smothered the flamesC @oe entered last and loc-ed the door. heir prisoner sprawled onto a chair and listened apprehensively to the roarin0 wind. >+ never heard anythin0 so bad before. .hat=re we 0oin0 to doB> >2tic- it oAtC> ,ran- replied coolly. )e eyed the rattlin0 window over the sin-. >.e=d better board that ApC> he saidC >and the ones in the bedroomsC too. Come on? .e can rip Ap some of this floorin0.> Chet broA0ht two hammersC some nailsC and a crowbar from the toolbox. ,or half an hoAr the soAnd of rippin0 boards and hammerin0 coAld be heard throA0h the noise of the storm.

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As the foAr boys wor-edC they saw that the snow had drifted almost to the tops of the windows. heir thoA0hts went a0ain to @ohnny @efferson. ,ran- visAaliGed the boy lyin0 inEAred behind a cra0 on the icy cliff. >@oeC> he said DAietlyC >as soon as the wind lets Ap we mAst 0o loo-in0 for him a0ain.> )is brother nodded. >+ -now.> .hen everyone 0athered in the -itchen once moreC Chet saidC >+ thinwe=d better fill the wood box and brin0 in some extra lo0s. +f the drifts 0et any hi0herC we won=t be able to open the bac- door.> )e pAt on his par-aC too- a flashli0htC and plAn0ed oAtside. 2Addenly there was loAd poAndin0 on the door. @oe loo-ed sArprised. >.hat=s he doin0 bac- so soonB> Biff opened the door and Chet fairly fell inside. > he 0host?> he 0asped. >+n the woodshed?> tremblin0 chAm in amaGement. he boys stared at their

>+ 0Aess he=s not -iddin0C> said ,ran-. > here=s somethin0 oAt there. Come onC @oe?> he )ardys stepped oAt and trAd0ed throA0h Chet=s trac-s to the woodshed. ,ran- pAlled the door open and flashed his li0ht inside. Cowerin0 in the corner was a white tArbaned fi0Are? >6Assef?> @oe exclaimed. BAt a moment later he saw that he was mista-enC as ,ran- pAlled the white<robed fi0Are of a yoAn0 boy to his feet. @ohnny @efferson? he )ardys -new him instantly from the photo0raph Mr @efferson had 0iven them. BAt he was more stArdy and better loo-in0 than they had ima0ined. >3ood 0rief?> @oe exclaimed. >.hat are yoA doin0 hereB> >FAic-C into the cabin?> ,ran- commanded. .ordlesslyC the boy stAmbled ahead of them towards the -itchen. BiffC ChetC and )anlei0h loo-ed Ap in astonishment as the trio entered. >)ere=s yoAr 0hostC ChetC> said @oe. >@ohnny @efferson. hat=s ri0htC isn=t itB> @ohnny noddedC a fri0htened loo- on his face. Chet foAnd his voice. >6oA mAst be froGenC @ohnny. 3et some soAp.> > han-s.> he boy removed the tArban and the white robe. :nderneath he wore a heavy Eac-etC s-i pantsC and climbin0 boots.

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>.ho are yoAB> he as-ed the boysC then nodded toward )anlei0hC >,riends of hisB> >Certainly notC> said ,ran-. )e introdAced everyone and explained why they were on the island. @ohnny loo-ed at them anxioAsly for a momentC then saidC >*-ay. +=ll bAy that.> >3ood. Mr @efferson sAre will be relieved to hear yoA=re o-ayC> ,ransaid. hen @ohnny tArned to )anlei0h. >6oA lied to meC> he bArst oAt. >6oA promised to teach me to be a detectiveC so + coAld find my 0randfather=s medals. BAt + -now now yoA wanted them for yoArself.> )anlei0h pretended he was not listenin0. >2it down and eatC @ohnnyC> said ChetC servin0 a steamin0 bowl of soAp. >Cheese sandwiches comin0 Ap.> he lad bro-e into a smile. >3eeC than-s.> )e be0an eatin0 hAn0rily. >+ thoA0ht yoA fellows were wor-in0 with )anlei0hC> he saidC between bites. >2o + decided to play 0host and scare yoA off. + 0ot the idea from somebody else in a white robe and tArban who was prowlin0 aroAnd here and scared Chet.> )e 0lanced at Chet. >+=m sorry. hat howl in the woods really shoo- yoA?> As Chet 0rinnedC @ohnny coAld not repress a chAc-le. > he tric- wor-ed so well that + decided to scare )anlei0hC bAt + coAldn=t find him. .hen + 0ot bac- to my cave + heard a noise insideC so + ran away.> >.here did yoA hideB> ,ran- as-ed. >+n a crevice + -new aboAt in the roc-s above the passa0e. 4ater + saw yoA hAntin0 for meC bAt + -ept oAt of si0ht.> >2Appose yoA start from the be0innin0C> ,ran- said. >)ow did yoA 0et mixed Ap with )anlei0hB> >.ellC one day last sAmmer when 3ramp was in EAropeC )anlei0h came to the hoAse to see him aboAt bAyin0 Cabin +sland. *Ar hoAse-eeper sent )anlei0h awayC bAt some loose pa0es fell oAt of a noteboo- he was carryin0.> >And yoA foAnd themB> ,ran- as-ed. > hat=s ri0ht. here was a map of this island and a plan of the cabin. 1ext time he came to the hoAse + 0ave him the papers he had lost. + DAestioned himC too.> )anlei0h loo-ed Ap. >+ thoA0ht he -new somethin0 aboAt the valAe of the medals so + -idded him alon0. Arned oAt he didn=t -now anythin0.> After a few more bites @ohnny continAed: >At first + believed Mr )anlei0h was a detective and when + 0ot bac- to

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school + wrote to him several timesC bAt he didn=t answer. + be0an to sAspect that he was tryin0 to find the medals for himself. AboAt two wee-s before Christmas + ran away from school and came to Cabin +sland to see if )anlei0h was here. + hoped + coAld find 3ramp=s medals myself.> >)e=s worried aboAt yoAC> ,ran- said. >6oA shoAld have seen his face when we 0ave him that model yoA carved. .e foAnd it by the boathoAse.> @ohnny loo-ed concerned. >+ didn=t mean to worry 3ramp. +=m 0lad he li-ed the carvin0. + carved it to pass time in the cave. + wondered where +=d lost it.> >6oA=ve been livin0 in that cave all this timeB> Chet as-ed. >1o. At first + lived here in the cabinC bAt when )anlei0h started comin0 aroAndC + moved oAt fast. + had a -ey and came bac- for a coAple of blan-ets.> As to the caveC @ohnny said he had played in it for yearsC bAt had -ept its location a secret. >.hat aboAt the letter from as-ed. exas yoA wrote yoAr 0randfatherB> @oe

@ohnny smiled. >+ read aboAt that tric- in a detective story. + sent the letter to a friend of mine in exas and as-ed him to mail it < and not to tell anyone. + was afraid 3ramp mi0ht sAspect + was here at Cabin +sland and woAld send his detectives after me.> As @ohnny finishedC the wind sAddenly shrie-ed and a stron0 draA0ht made the oil lamp flic-er. )anlei0h tArned pale. >+f this -eeps ApC> ,ran- saidC >we=ll have to di0 oAr way oAt. +t=s 0oin0 to be roA0h.> >BAt + can=t do that?> )anlei0h exclaimed. >+=m hArt? And +=ll die if yoA leave me here alone?> @oe loo-ed dis0Asted. >.e=d send somebody bac- for yoAC of coArse.> )anlei0h=s eyes filled with sAspicion. >1o yoA won=t. .hy shoAld yoAB .hat=s in it for yoAB> As Biff was aboAt to retortC ,ran- win-ed at him and shoo- his head. >+=ll tell yoA what=s in it for AsC )anlei0hC> he saidC assAmin0 a hard tone. >+nformation? 6oA tell As yoAr whole story and + promise yoA=ll be rescAed.> he man loo-ed Ap in relief. >1ow yoA=re tal-in0 my lan0Aa0e. +t=s a deal. )ere?> .ith tremblin0 fin0ers he pAlled a lon0 envelope from his poc-et and shoved it across the table. >Read this.> ,ran- reached into the envelope and too- oAt a docAment and a letter. )e scanned the docAment first. >3ood 0rief? his is @ohn 2parewell=s last will and testament?> ,ranexclaimed. >)anlei0h is his nephew and sole heir.>

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>2parewell dead?> @ohnny said sadly. >.hen did that happenB> >4ast sprin0C> )anlei0h volAnteered. >1ow read the letter from my Ancle=s lawyer.> ,ran- did so. > his letterC> he told his companionsC >which is dated last AprilC explains that 2parewell stole the medal collection when he was pressed for fAnds. hen he realiGed that no dealer woAld toAch it.> )anlei0h interrApted. >:ncle @ohn never tried to find a private oAtlet for the medalsC the way + did.> >*n his deathbedC> ,ran- went onC >he reDAested that his nephew retArn the collection to Mr @efferson.> >.hy didn=t he do it himselfC earlierB> Chet as-ed )anlei0h. >BecaAse he was chic-enC that=s why. :ncle @ohn was afraid old man @efferson woAld try to brin0 him to EAstice. )e wanted the medals to be in an absolAtely secret placeC so he thoA0ht of this cabin. *n one of @efferson=s trips my Ancle spent a wee-end hidin0 the collection oAt here in the chimney linin0. BAt at the time he didn=t tell me whereC> )anlei0h complained. > he next + heard aboAt the collection was when he died and + came into possession of the noteboo- with a clAe to this island and the secret code.> >.as it part of yoAr tape measAre we foAnd in the chimneyB> ,ran- as-ed. )anlei0h nodded. >+ 0Aessed the medals were in there or the fireplaceC bAt + coAldn=t crac- the code.> >.e -now it was yoA who ransac-ed Mr @efferson=s hoAse at ChristmasC> @oe said. >6oA=re wanted by the Bayport police.> >+ was a fool?> )anlei0h confessed. >+ thoA0ht maybe the old man had foAnd the medals and was -eepin0 them in the hoAse.> >After yoA stole oAr foodC> Biff saidC >where did yoA 0oB .e scoAred the island for yoA.> >+ wal-ed bac- to the mainland road and hitched a lift to Bayport. hose two yoAn0 pAn-s with the ice<yacht ran oAt on me.> >+ 0Aess it was yoA who came in here the other ni0htC> Chet spo-e Ap. >6oA -new we were here. .hy did yoA ris- itB> >+ had a feelin0 yoA were 0ettin0 close to where the treasAre was hiddenC> )anlei0h replied. >+ wanted to find oAt if yoA were searchin0 the chimneyC and also to retrieve the noteboo-. +t=s ri0htfAlly mine. + fi0Ared yoA=d all be asleep.> @ohnny si0hed. @oe flAn0 a DAiGGical loo- at the boy. >.hat=s the matterB> >.e still haven=t solved the main part of the mystery. 1obody -nows for sAre where the medals are.> @ohnny added wistfAllyC >And + did so want to find them for 3ramp.>=

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@oe 0rinned. >+=ve 0ot news for yoAC @ohnny < we=ve crac-ed the code.> As the boy exclaimed in deli0htC )anlei0h 0roaned and pAt his head on the table. >As soon as the storm dies downC we=ll start hAntin0C> ,ran- said. >+f the collection is hereC we=ll find it.> hey remained in the -itchen for warmth and mana0ed to snatch a coAple of hoArs= sleep. he rest of the ni0ht passed fitfAlly. 2hortly after daybrea-C ,ran- awo-e and stretched his achin0 mAscles. 1oticin0 that the wind had abatedC he opened the door to the bi0 room. hin0s were topsy<tArvy and Ander a blan-et of snow. > he fireplace of the chimney firstC> he thoA0ht. RetArnin0 to the -itchenC he awa-ened the others. >Rise and shineC fellows? .e have some treasAre hAntin0 to doC remember B> After a DAic- brea-fastC ,ran- saidC >@oe < BiffC how aboAt 0ivin0 me a boost Ap the fireplace chimneyB> ,ran- tArned on his flashli0ht and started to crawl into the fireplace. At that moment the front door bArst open. wo men stepped in.

>)old it?> said a sharp voice. >6oA=re Ander arrest? All of yoA?>

< 5" < he )aGardoAs 2earch

.)+R4+13 in astonishmentC the boys saw two sternfaced harboAr policemen stridin0 towards them throA0h the debris in the livin0<room. he )ardys reco0niGed them as 4ieAtenant /aley and *fficer horne.

>.e=re ta-in0 yoA all into cAstody?> bar-ed /aley. >.here=s the stolen ice<yachtB> At that moment )anlei0h appeared at the -itchen door. >.hat=s 0oin0 onB> he as-edC then 0asped at the si0ht of the policemen. /espite his inEAred le0C he bolted for the bac- door. ,ran- and @oe dashed forward and seiGed him. >)ere=s yoAr thiefC 4ieAtenant /aleyC> @oe said as they hAstled the bi0 man into the livin0<room. he officer staredC astonishedC Apon reco0niGin0 the brothers. > he )ardys?> /aley exclaimed. >/idn=t -now yoA at first. 6oA all loo- a

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little beat Ap.> @oe introdAced the others. >.e=ve been roA0hin0 it and tryin0 to solve a coAple of mysteries.> > hey solved themC tooC> Chet pAt in proAdly. @ohnny @efferson stepped forward. > hat=s trAeC> he said. >,ran- and @oe and their pals have been wor-in0 on a case for my 0randfatherC Elroy @efferson.> > hen yoA mAst be @ohnny @efferson?> 4ieAtenant /aley exclaimed. >6esC the )ardys foAnd me.> >.ellC +=ll be a froGen roo-ie?> *fficer on the loo-oAt for yoA?> horne bArst oAt. >.e=ve been

>4eave it to the )ardysC> said /aleyC tiltin0 bac- his hat and scratchin0 his head. >A coAple of chips off the old bloc-. )ow=s yoAr dadB> >,ineC> ,ran- repliedC then told their story which inclAded the wrec-in0 of the )aw-. )andcAffs were snapped on )anlei0h. >6oA can=t ta-e me to EailC> he ar0Aed. >+=m a sic- man.> >6oA=ll be ta-en care ofC> /aley said firmly. >By the wayC> @oe spo-e ApC >who accAsed As of stealin0 the ice<yachtB> 4ieAtenant /aley explained that an anonymoAs phone call to headDAarters had reported the theftC and revealed that the cAlprits were hidin0 on Cabin +sland. >+-e or ad made that callC no doAbtC> ,ran- said.

Biff 0rinned. > hose two woAld be bArned Ap if they -new they=d done As a favoAr tippin0 off the police.> Chet 0ave a wry chAc-le. > hose 0Ays will have a real sArprise when they see the )aw-.> /aley addedC >.e didn=t want to bother Mr @efferson Antil we foAnd oAt what was 0oin0 on hereC so we came strai0ht over.> )anlei0h declared he was Anable to wal-. he police were Ansympathetic. >6oA seemed to mana0e o-ay when yoA were tryin0 to 0et awayC> /aley said. >2o yoA certainly can hi-e across the cove to where oAr sDAad car is par-ed.> he lieAtenant smiled at @ohnny. >.e=ll tell yoAr 0randfather yoA=re safe and in 0ood hands.> @ohnny pleaded that he himself wished to sArprise his 0randfather. >BesidesC + want to ta-e him his medals. + -now the )ardys can find them.>

ABC Amber Palm Converter

ABC Amber Palm Converter

>.e=ll 0ive it a 0ood tryC> ,ran- promised. he two policemen a0reed to -eep the secretC and left with their prisonerC who complained bitterly as he was escorted from the cabin. .ithoAt fArther delay the boys 0athered roAnd the hearth. >1ow for the rosewood box?> exclaimed @oeC and went for a metal tape measAre he had seen in the toolbox. >.hat do yoA loo- for firstB> Biff as-ed. >A loose stoneC nine feet Ap the frontC> ,ran- replied. )e dAc-ed into the soot<blac-ened fireplace and stood Ap. >4Ac-y it=s a wide chimneyC> he remar-edC pic-in0 Ap his flashli0ht. >.ellC here 0oes. 3ive me a boostC somebody.> Biff croAched down in the fireplace and ,ran- sat astride his broad shoAlders. 2lowly Biff stood ApC 0raspin0 his friend=s le0s. ,ranAnwoAnd the tapeC and with the aid of his flashli0htC foAnd the nine< foot level. )e mar-ed this off with chal- and handed the tape to Biff. hen ,ran- be0an testin0 the stones in order from ri0ht to left. All felt ti0htly in placeC bAt sAddenly ,ran- toAched a Eoint of cement which crAmbled beneath his fin0ers. > his loo-s mAch li0hter in coloArC> he observedC >as if too mAch sand was Ased in the mix.> >Any lAc-B> cam @oe=s ea0er voice from below. >1ot yet. BAt +=ve come across somethin0 + want to investi0ate.> >1eed helpB> >6oA can hold this li0ht.> @oe sDAirmed in beside Biff and ,ran- drew oAt his pen-nife and which sArroAnded a lar0e oblon0 ,ran- then 0rasped the roc- and too- the flashli0ht from his brother. inserted the blade tip into the cementC stone. he sAbstance fell off readily. pAlled hard. +t 0ave a little.

>)ey?> exclaimed @oe. >.hat=s coo-in0B> >+=m not sAreC> ,ran- repliedC >bAt +=ve EAst dA0 oAt some cement + thin- was mixed by an amateAr.> >2parewellB> >6es. )e mAst have cemented the bac- of this roc-C thoA0h. + need a lever.> >)old on. +=ll 0et somethin0.> @oe hArried to brin0 the chisel. ,ran- placed it beneath the roc- and wor-ed the tool Ap and down. ,inally the bi0 stone moved. 1ow ,ranAsed the chisel on both sidesC pryin0 the roc- loose still more. A0ain

ABC Amber Palm Converter

ABC Amber Palm Converter

he pAlled hard on it. his time the stone came oAt in his hands. FAic-ly he 0ave it to @oeC who beamed the li0ht Apwards into the space. ,ran- saw that his 0Aess had been correct? .or-in0 carefAllyC he sAcceeded in extractin0 a lon0C flat box. >+=ve foAnd it?> he 0asped. ,ran- scrambled down from Biff=s shoAlders and the trio emer0ed from the fireplace with sooty 0rins of triAmph. BreathlessC ,ran- flipped open the catch and raised the lid. 2et in velvet was an array of handsomeC 0leamin0 medals? ,or a moment all the boys stared at the treasAreC then Chet exclaimedC >.ow? hey=re real beaAties?> Biff poAnded the )ardys on the bac- while @ohnny bArst oAtC >,ran- and @oeC yoA=re the world=s 0reatest detectives?> )is face shinin0 with EoyC he Ar0ed that they retArn to Bayport immediately. >+ can=t wait to 0ive the medals to 3ramp.> >.e oA0ht to clean Ap some of this dama0e before we 0oC> ,ran- said. >Chet and + will ta-e care of thatC> Biff volAnteered. >.e=ll board Ap the bro-en window and sweep oAt the snow and debris.> ,ran- 0rinned. >*-ayC then. As soon as @oe and + wash this chimney dirt off and chan0e clothesC we=ll hit the road.> >+ wish we coAld whiG home in yoAr ice<yachtC> @ohnny saidC >bAt it=s impossible with all that snow.> >.e=ll come bac- for the 2ea0All when the ice is clearC> said @oe. >6oA can ride in it then.> +n a short time the )ardys were trAd0in0 across the cove with @ohnny between themC clAtchin0 the rosewood box. *n the main road they hitched a ride to the )ardy boathoAse. he trio were EAst aboAt to climb into the convertible when @oe spotted a familiar car pAllin0 into the par-in0 area. >+t=s /ad?> he exclaimed. he boys hArried to meet Mr )ardy.

he investi0ator smiled broadly Apon bein0 introdAced to @ohnny @efferson and learnin0 of the sAccessfAl oAtcome of the Cabin +sland mystery. >3reat wor-?> he praised his sonsC and addedC >+=ll confess +=ve been Aneasy ever since + sent that messa0e and left yoA the note at home. 2o when + retArned today + decided to 0o to the islandC even if + had to hi-e?> >6oA were ri0htC /adC aboAt )anlei0h. )e was oAt to 0et AsC> ,randeclared. >.here did yoA learn aboAt himB> >+ as-ed Chief Colli0 to brief me on the Christmas ni0ht brea-<in at Mr @efferson=sC> Mr )ardy explained. >2hortly after yoA boys had left on yoAr campin0 tripC the fin0erprint report came bac-. 2o + hArried to

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ABC Amber Palm Converter

the doc- hereC hopin0 one of yoAr friends woAld 0ive me a lift. >@Ast then + saw an ice<yacht pAt in 1ash and Carson boys aboard and soon them was )anlei0h. hey were tal-in0 pretty nasty threats. hey were 0one myself.> by oAr boathoAse. + reco0niGed the realiGed the bi0 blond man with loAdly aboAt yoA and made some before + coAld nab )anlei0h

>2o yoA sent Mac- Malone to warn As?> @oe said. >Ri0htC> his father replied. )e had alerted Chief Colli0 and the Bayport sDAad had been on the loo-oAt for )anlei0h. >)e was a crafty cAstomer with that ice<yachtC> Mr )ardy saidC >and 0ave everybody the slip Antil yoA fellows nailed him.> he famoAs detective also told the boys that before leavin0 home he had received directly from Chief Colli0 word of )anlei0h=s arrest. he prisoner had made a formal confession<to ta-in0 the )aw-C brea-in0 into Mr @efferson=s hoAseC and schemin0 to steal the medals. >)e also admitted the attac- on @oeC> Mr )ardy ConclAded. >.hat aboAt +-e and adB> ,ran- as-ed solemnly. > hey won=t be char0ed as accomplicesC since they did not -now what )anlei0h was Ap toC> Mr )ardy replied. >BAt twice those two tried to wrec- oAr boatC> @oe said hotly. >And they accAsed As of stealin0 the )aw-?> >+ -nowC> said Mr )ardy. >BAt both say they were only Eo-in0. /on=t worryC> the detective added with a 0rinC >Chief Colli0 0ave them a stiff lectAre. hey won=t dare 0et oAt of line for a lon0 time.> ,ran- smiled. >AnywayC they=ll be too bAsy repairin0 their ice<yacht to ma-e any more troAble.= A short time later the )ardys and @ohnny stood at the front door of the @efferson home. As ,ran- reached towards the doorbellC @ohnny cried oAtC >.ait? +<+ can=t 0o in? 3ramp will be an0ry?> >1oC he=ll be happy to see yoAC> ,ran- reassAred the yoAn0er boy. >BesidesC yoA have a sArprise for himC rememberB> @ohnny 0aGed at the rosewood box he held ti0htly and smiled. >6oA=re ri0ht.> ,ran- ran0 the bell. .hen Mr @efferson answeredC he stared at his 0randson incredAloAsly. >@ohnny?> he old man=s voice ran0 with Eoy. he )ardys stood by beamin0 as they witnessed the happy reAnion. +t was not Antil they were seated that Mr @efferson became aware of the box @ohnny carried. Mr @efferson was so overcome with emotion that it was several moments before he coAld spea-. )e tArned to ,ran- and @oe.

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ABC Amber Palm Converter

>)ow has all this happenedB> he as-edC ta-in0 the box and openin0 the lid. As the yoAn0 sleAths and @ohnny rapidly recited the amaGin0 eventsC Mr @efferson sat bac- in the crimson velvet chairC stro-in0 the medals and loo-in0 affectionately at @ohnny. >.ait Antil my detectives hear of yoAr sAccessC ,ran- and @oe. hey=ll be thAnderstrAc-?> @ohnny said admirin0lyC >+=d sAre li-e to learn from the )ardys how to solve mysteries?> Mr @efferson eyed his 0randson proAdly. >+ Anderestimated yoAC son. 6oA can ta-e care of yoArself.> @ohnny beamedC then said worriedlyC >6oA shoAld see the cabinC 3ramp. he storm did a lot of dama0e.> >1o matterC> replied the old man. >.e=ll start repairs and improvements this sprin0.> )e tArned to the )ardys. >+ want yoA both to feel free to stay on the island any time yoA wish to. @ohnny and + are 0oin0 there as soon as possible to0ether < that isC if he=ll ta-e me alon0 when he 0ets his new ice<yacht.> >3ramp? /o yoA mean itB> >+ndeed + do? 2ince my ride in the 2ea0AllC +=ve been loo-in0 forward to another spin on the ice.> ,ran- and @oe exchan0ed smiles. Mr @efferson was not so oldfashioned after all? heir sleAthin0 had done somethin0 to chan0e his attitAde. he yoAn0 detectives did not -now that events were already occArrin0 which woAld soon involve them in another challen0in0 caseC he Mar- on the /oor. Mr @efferson addedC >+ intend to present the 2hah=s medal to 6Assef. BAt first<> )e lifted two handsome pieces from the box and said to the )ardysC >+ wish to 0ive yoA each a remembranceC in 0ratitAde.> > han- yoAC sirC bAt we can=t acceptC> ,ran- protested. > hey=re too valAable.> >BesidesC we=ve had oAr reward retArnin0 @ohnny and the medals to yoAC> @oe added. Mr @efferson smilin0ly insistedC > hese are ri0htfAlly yoArs. RememberC their pArpose is to reward exceptional merit and coAra0e. 1o one ever earned them more than yoA )ardy boys?>

ABC Amber Palm Converter

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