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2000 Pts - Ogre Kingdoms - Jason's Ogres

Tyrant (1 , 292 pts)
1 MI 6 6 4 6/8 5 5 4 5 9 5+ 292 Composition: Lord Always Strikes Last; General; Ogre Charge; Hand Weapon; Great Weapon; Causes Fear; Stomp Gut Maw 1 Magic Armour [45] Recovers one Wound for each unsaved Wound caused in a challenge. Causes Terror Giantbreaker 1 +1 Strength (included on profile). May never refuse challenges or flee from a [25] charge. Tyrant


Mv WS BS St To Wo In


Ld Sv WSv Mgc Cost

Butcher (1 , 160 pts)

Butcher 1 MI 6 3 2 4 5 4 2 3 7 2 160 Composition: Hero Immune to Poison; Ogre Charge; Level 2 Upgrade; Bloodgruel; Hand Weapon; Causes Fear; Stomp 1 Roll a D6 after successfully casting a spell from the Lore of the Great Maw. [0] On a 2+ the Wizard that cast the spell regains a lost Wound (up to startiing amount), and adds +1 the next time he attempts to cast or dispel a spell. On the roll of 1 he instead suffers a S6 hit. 1 6+ Cast . Augment, Range 12" [0] Target is Stubborn until start of the caster's next Magic phase. 9+ Cast . Increase range to 24" 1 8+ Cast . Magic Missile, Range 18" [0] 2D6 S2 hits with no armour saves. 11+ Cast . Increase range to 36" 1 7+ Cast . Augment, Range 12" [0] Target has +1 S until start of caster's next Magic phase. 14+ Cast . Targets all friendly units within 12" 1 8+ Cast . Augment, Range 12" [0] Target has +1 T until start of caster's next Magic phase. 16+ Cast . Targets all friendly units within 12" 1 9+ Cast . Hex, Range 18" [0] Target must take Panic test. Units that are Immune to Psychology cannot be targeted. 12+ Cast . Range 36" 1 12+ Cast . Augment, Range 12" [0] Target has Regeneration until start of caster's next Magic phase. {macro Casting 20} Targets all friendly units within 12" 1 15+ Cast . Direct Damage [0] Place small round template anywhere within 18" of caster. Roll Artillery and Scatter dice. Unless a Hit! is rolled, move template distance shown. If Misfire rolled, opponent places template anywhere on battlefield. Roll for scatter again (re-roll misfires). All models under template must take Initiative test. Models that pass suffer S3 hit. Models that fail suffer S7 hit with Multiple Wounds(D6). {macro Casting 21} Use large template. 1 Once per battle, automatically dispels an enemy spell. [25]


0. Spinemarrow

1. Bonecrusher

2. Bullgorger

3. Toothcracker

4. Braingobbler

5. Trollguts

6. The Maw

Dispel Scroll

Ogres (6 , 216 pts)

5 MI 6 3 2 4 4 3 2 3/4 7 6+ 216 Composition: Core Ogre Charge; Bellower ; Standard Bearer ; Hand Weapon; Extra Hand Weapon; Light Armour; Causes Fear; Extra Attack: +1 Attacks; Stomp Crusher 1 MI 6 3 2 4 4 3 2 4/5 7 6+ [41] Ogre Charge; Hand Weapon; Extra Hand Weapon; Light Armour; Extra Attack: +1 Attacks; Stomp Ogres

Created with Army Builder - Copyright (c) 1997-2011 Lone Wolf Development, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Ogres (9 , 318 pts)


Mv WS BS St To Wo In
3 2


Ld Sv WSv Mgc Cost

7 5+ 6+* 318

8 MI 6 3 2 4 4 Composition: Core Ogre Charge; Bellower ; Standard Bearer Fear; Stomp Crusher 1 MI 6 3 2 4 4 Ogre Charge; Hand Weapon; Ironfist; Light

; Hand Weapon; Ironfist; Light Armour; Causes

3 2 4 Armour; Stomp 7 5+ 6+* [42]

Ironguts (6 , 338 pts)

5 MI 6 3 2 4/6 4 3 2 3 8 5+ 338 Composition: Core Always Strikes Last; Ogre Charge; Bellower ; Standard Bearer ; Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Causes Fear; Stomp Gutlord 1 MI 6 3 2 4/6 4 3 2 4 8 5+ [53] Always Strikes Last; Ogre Charge; Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Stomp Dragonhide Banner 1 Magic Banner [50] All models in unit can re-roll To-Hit, To-Wound and saving rolls of a 1 on turn it charged. In addition, has Strength 3 Breath Weapon. A unit wounded has Always Strikes Last until end of it's next turn. Ironguts

Mournfang Cavalry (4 , 302 pts) Ogre Mournfang Cavalry

3 MC 6 3 2 4/6 4 3 2 3 7 3+ 302 Composition: Special Impact Hits(D3); Always Strikes Last; Hand Weapon; Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Causes Fear; Impact Hits; Stomp Crusher 1 MC 6 3 2 4/6 4 3 2 4 7 3+ [83] Always Strikes Last; Hand Weapon; Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Stomp Mournfang 4 8 3 5 4 3 2 4 5 [0] Thick-skinned; Causes Fear; Stomp Giant 1 Mo 6 3 3 6 5 6 3 * 10 200 Composition: Rare Longshanks: Ignore normal obstacles (e.g. walls), but test to fall over when you cross them; Special Giant attacks; Fall Over; Giant Special Attacks; Causes Terror; Ignore Greenskin Panic; Large Target; Stubborn; Thunder Stomp 4 MI 6 3 3 4 4 3 2 3 7 6+ Composition: Special Ogre Charge; Hand Weapon; Leadbelcher Gun; Light Armour; Causes Fear; Stomp 172

Giant (1 , 200 pts)

Leadbelchers (4 , 172 pts) Leadbelchers

Total Cost: 1998

Option Footnotes Options Bellower Extra Hand Weapon +1 to combat resolution in a tie +1 Attack. Requires two hands.

Created with Army Builder - Copyright (c) 1997-2011 Lone Wolf Development, Inc. All rights reserved.

Download it for FREE at http://www.wolflair. com!

Giant Special Attacks

Great Weapon Hand Weapon Heavy Armour Ironfist Leadbelcher Gun Light Armour Standard Bearer Always Strikes Last Fall Over

When fighting big things (ogres and larger, including chariots): 1) Yell and Bawl 2-4) Thump with Club 5-6) 'Eadbutt When fighting little things: 1) Yell and Bawl 2) Jump Up And Down 3) Pick Up And... 4-6) Swing With Club Yell and Bawl : Neither the giant nor any models in contact fight if they haven't already, but the giant wins the combat by 2. Jump Up And Down: Test to fall over. If the giant stays on his feet, he inflicts 2D6 S6 hits, allocated like shooting hits. The giant will continue to Jump Up And Down until he falls over or the combat ends. Swing With Club : Causes D6 Strength 6 hits, allocated as if from shooting. Thump With Club : Target must take an Initiative test, or take 2D6 wounds with no armor save. On a double, the giants club embeds itself in the ground and he cannot attack next round (unless the combat ends before then). 'Eadbutt: Causes 1 wound with no armor saves. If the target is not slain, he loses his next set of close combat attacks. Pick Up And... : Pick a model in base contact. The model may make 1 attack, if he hits and wounds nothing further happens. Otherwise, roll a D6: 1) Stuff into bag - the model is considered dead unless the giant is slain, at which point he is released from the bag. 2) Throw back into combat - The victim takes 1 wound with no saves, and his unit takes D6 strength 3 hits. 3) Hurl - The victim takes 1 wound with no saves, and is thrown into a random unit within 12", which takes D6 strength 3 hits. (If none, treat this as 'throw back into combat'.) 4) Squash - The victim dies. 5) Eat - The victim dies. 6) Pick Another - Treat this as 'stuff into bag', then the giant tries to pick up another model. +2 Strength; Always strikes last. Two-handed. 6+ Ward Save in combat when on foot and fighting with a shield; no effect if mounted. 5+ Armour save. +1 Armour save bonus. 6+ Parry Save (even when mounted). R24", S4, Armour Piercing, Multiple Shots(D6), Slow to Fire. Ignore modifiers to hit for Moving and Shooting, and Multiple Shots. 6+ Armour save. +1 to Combat Resolution; Standard can be captured if unit Flees. Special Always strikes last in close combat A Giant must test when *It is beaten in close combat (test before Break test) *It is fleeing at start of Movement phase *It crosses obstacle *It 'Jumps Up and Down' Roll a D6. On a 1, the Giant falls over. A slain Giant automatically falls over. Roll scatter dice and place template touching base. Anything hit takes a Strength 6 hit with the Multiple Wounds (D3) rule. If in combat, this counts towards combat resolution. A Giant that falls over suffers 1 Wound. If in combat, this counts towards combat resolution. Once on ground, the Giant may get up in it's following Movement phase, but may not move aswell. Whilst on the ground, the Giant may not attack, but can defend. If forced to flee, the Giant is slain. If he may pursue, he gets up instead. Poisoned Attacks cannot wound automatically. Each MI unit on foot with this rule has Impact Hits(1). Units add their Rank Bonus to Strength. In addition, if when calculating charge distance, the two highest rolls total 10 or more, this becomes Impact Hits(D3). 1 automatic hit at creature's strength, Always strikes last D6 automatic hits at creature's strength, Always strikes last

Immune to Poison Ogre Charge

Stomp Thunder Stomp

Created with Army Builder - Copyright (c) 1997-2011 Lone Wolf Development, Inc. All rights reserved.

Download it for FREE at http://www.wolflair. com!

Validation Report Edition: 8th Edition; Game Type: Normal Game; Army Subtype: Ogre Kingdoms Army; Special Rules: Forbid Special Characters Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules Roster Statistics General's Ld: 9 # Models: 32 Total Characters: 452 Total Core: 872 Total Magic Items: 145 Total Rare: 200 Total Special: 474 % Characters: 22.6 % Core: 43.6 % Magic Items: 7.3 % Rare: 10 % Special: 23.7 Group Points of Points of Points of Points of Points of Min 0 0 500 0 0 Max 500 500 Unlimited 1000 500 Used 292 160 872 474 200

Lords Heroes Core Special Rare

Created with Army Builder - Copyright (c) 1997-2011 Lone Wolf Development, Inc. All rights reserved.

Download it for FREE at http://www.wolflair. com!

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