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ALI 145/245, Fall 201


Practice Final Assessment

ALI245 Practice Final Assessment

Part I: -ing ending clauses
Directions: Combine the ideas presented in each of the statements using an ing
clause of result.
1. Drunk driving has more than doubled in the last 5 years. This has led to an
aggressive campaign to educate the public about the danger of drunk driving.
_Drunk driving has more than doubled in the last 5 years, (thus) leading to an
aggressive campaign to educate the public about the danger of drunk driving.
2. The average temperature has significantly increased in the last decade, resulting
in ; as a result, many regions throughout the world are experiencing unprecedented
The average temperature has significantly increased in the last decade, (thus)
causing many regions throughout the world to experience unprecedented droughts.
Part II: Flow of Ideas
Directions: Improve the flow of ideas by combining the sentences. Use a time
adverbial, linking passive, or an ed participle. There may be several possibilities.
1. The bird is sedated. The bird is examined to detect broken bones, cuts, or other
The bird is first sedated then examined to detect broken bones, cuts, or other
2. The bird is warmed. It is placed in a quiet area. Curtains are hung around the
areas to limit the birds contact with people.
The bird is warmed and placed in a quiet area around which curtains are hung to
limit the birds contact with people.
3. The bacteria is detected. The bacteria is killed using radiation.
The bacteria is detected and then killed using radiation.
Part III: Qualifications
Direction: Make the sentences academically respectable and defensible.
1. People must exercise regularly in order to stay healthy and not become
Regular exercise can significantly help maintain health and prevent obesity.
2. Mandatory flu vaccination will stop the spread of influenza.

ALI 145/245, Fall 201


Practice Final Assessment

Mandatory flu vaccination could greatly prevent the spread of influenza.

3. The fire was clearly caused by a faulty electrical wiring.
The fire appears to have been caused by faulty electrical wiring.
4. iPhone is the best mobile device.
The iPhone is one of the most convenient mobile devices on the market today.
Part IV: Summary & Response Writing + Data Commentary
Directions: Read the article below and write a concise summary of the main ideas.
Then write a personal response (which should be thoughtful and engaging) to the
issues discussed in the article. Also integrate data commentary in your writing. Be
sure to proofread your writing for grammatical accuracy.
Gifts to Colleges Rose 8.2% in 2011, Survey Finds from The Chronicle of
Higher Education
By Lawrence Biemiller (February 15, 2012)
After two lackluster years, donations to U.S. colleges and universities rose last year
by a healthy 8.2 percent, to an estimated $30.3-billion, according to a report by the
Council for Aid to Education.
The total raised during the 2011 fiscal year, while economic news was mixed,
comes close to the $31.6-billion brought in during 2008, the best year ever for
giving to colleges. Adjusted for inflation, giving increased 4.8 percent.
But the bad newsat least for most of higher educationis that 86 percent of the
money went to just 25 percent of the institutions. And while those saw donations
soar by 11.3 percent, the other three-quarters of institutions attracted 9.6 percent
less money over all in 2011 than they had in 2010, the report says.
The figures come from the council's annual "Voluntary Support of Education"
survey, which counts individual donations as well as giving by companies and
foundations. Foundation gifts account for the largest share of the 2011 total
almost 29 percent, or $8.7-billionbut rose only 3.3 percent from the previous year.
Corporate donations, which increased by 6.1 percent to $5-billion, represented
nearly 17 percent of the total.
Meanwhile, giving by alumni rose almost 10 percent, to $7.8-billion, or just under 26
percent of the overall amount. And gifts from other individuals shot up almost 15
percent, to almost $5.7-billionapproaching a fifth of total donations.
Optimism on Campuses
The report, based on responses from 1,009 institutions, confirms anecdotal
evidence from many development officials who see brighter days ahead. When

ALI 145/245, Fall 201


Practice Final Assessment

giving "snapped back" after the recession, said Carl E. Zylstra, president of Dordt
College, "it snapped back at a higher level than it had ever been." Mr. Zylstra said
the college, in Sioux Center, Iowa, came in $7-million over the $50-million goal for a
recent campaign, and planned to break ground for a new science building either
this fall or next spring.
"People are optimistic all over the shop," said Geoffrey Chatas, Ohio State
University's senior vice president and chief financial officer. "Our number of gifts
larger than half a million dollars was 26 in 2011, compared with 10 the year before."
Most notable was a $100-million donation to the university hospital in February
2011 from Leslie Wexner, chairman of the university's board.
The Voluntary Support survey's director, Ann E. Kaplan, said the overall 2011
increase reflects "a bunch of capital campaigns going on at those big institutions,"
such as Stanford University, the year's No. 1 fund raiser at $709.4-million.
Stanford announced last week that a five-year capital campaign that ended
December 31 had attracted $6.2-billion, the largest total ever for a single campaign
by a higher-education institution.
Rounding out the survey's top five were Harvard University, in the No. 2 spot at
$639.2-million; Yale University, at $580.3-million; the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, at $534.3-million; and Columbia University, at $495.6-million.
"All you need to drive national numbers is for a handful of institutions to have
numbers like that," Ms. Kaplan said. The top 20 institutions in the survey (see a
table, below) raised a total of $8.24-billion15.8 percent more than they did in
For colleges that aren't fund-raising powerhousesthose in the lower three-quarters
of all institutions in terms of givingresults in 2011 were mixed. Although it was a
disappointing year for many such colleges, nearly half46 percentraised more in
2011 than they had in 2010, and more than a third actually saw increases larger
than the 8.2-percent average for all institutions.
The 210 research universities in a 936-member group that responded to both the
2010 and 2011 surveys reported that donations were up 9.1 percent, while giving at
320 master's institutions rose 8.3 percent, and 260 liberal-arts colleges saw a 13.2percent increase. The 155 two-year colleges in the survey posted the worst results
an increase of just over 3 percent.


ALI 145/245, Fall 201

Practice Final Assessment

TABLE 1: Private Donation to Institutions of Higher Education, 2010-11

Stanford Led in Raising Private Donations in 2010-11
More than one-quarter of the $30-billion given to institutions of higher education last year went to these 20
Amount raised (in
Institution name



Percentage change

Stanford U.




Harvard U.




Yale U.




Massachusetts Institute of Technology




Columbia U.




Johns Hopkins U.




U. of Pennsylvania




U. of California at Los Angeles




U. of California at San Francisco





U. of Southern California





U. of Texas at Austin





Duke U.





New York U.





U. of Washington





U. of Wisconsin at Madison





Cornell U.





Indiana U.





U. of California at Berkeley





U. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill







20 U. of Minnesota
Source: Council for Aid to Education

ALI 145/245, Fall 201


Practice Final Assessment

Biemiller (2012) reports that the Council for Aid to Educations Voluntary Support
of Education survey for 2011 found an overall increase in donations to US
universities of 4.8%, when adjusted for inflation. This represents the highest amount
of giving since 2008, after which the recession caused the amount of donations to
dip. Although 86% of the gifts was garnered by just a quarter of universities,
Biemiller maintains that the atmosphere among US institutions is still generally
optimistic since almost half of the remaining 75% of universities reported increases
in giving over 2010 numbers. According to the survey, the rise in donations reflects
in part the success of fund-raising campaigns at the top-earning institutions.
Although these numbers are encouraging, they also show that resources continue to
be concentrated in the top tier of US universities which are historically institutions
that already boast state-of-the-art facilities. As can be seen in Table 1, the top five
fund-raising universities include the top-ranked American institutions . . . (continue
with response/data commentary)

ALI 145/245, Fall 201


Practice Final Assessment


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