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廖茂原 助理教授 (Assistant Prof.

Mou-Yuan Liao, PhD)

Curriculum Vitae
【學 歷】 國立交通大學工業工程與管理系所 博士 [PhD, IE & M, NCTU, Taiwan]
【經 歷】 元培科技大學管理學院 財務金融系 助理教授
【專長領域】 生產管理、創新管理、品管管理、計量經濟
【任教科目】 微積分、統計學、統計應用軟體
元培科技大學 管理學院 Corresponding address:
Phone, Email 財務金融系
& Location Mou-Yuan Liao, PhD
新竹市元培街 306 號
Assistant Professor
Tel: (03) 6102366
Department of Finance
Fax: (03) 6102367 No. 306, Yuan-pei Street, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan (30015)
E-mail: Tel: +886-3-6102366 Fax: +886-3-6102367

【論文著作】 (1) 期刊論文 (Referred Papers):

共 6 篇期刊論文 (6 Articles)。

1. Liao, M. Y.* (2009). Economic Design for Folded Normal Data. International
Journal of Production Research. (DOI: 10.1080/00207540902960307) (SCI,
2. Pearn, W. L., Kang, H. Y., Lee, A. H. I., Liao, M. Y. (2009). Photolithography
Control in Wafer Fabrication Based on Process Capability Indices with Multiple
Characteristics. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing. 22(3),
351-356. (SCI)
3. Wu, C. W. and Liao, M. Y. (2009). Estimating and Testing Process Yield with
Imprecise Data. Expert Systems with Applications, 36, 11006–11012. (SCI)
4. Pearn, W. L. and Liao, M. Y. (2005). Measuring Process Capability Based on
CPK with Gauge Measurement Errors. Microelectronics Reliability, 45, 739-751.
5. Pearn, W. L. and Liao, M. Y. (2006). One-sided Process Capability Assessment
in the Presence of Measurement Errors. Quality and Reliability Engineering
International, 22(7), 771-785. (SCI)
6. Pearn, W. L. and Liao, M. Y. (2007). Estimating and Testing Process Precision
with Presence of Gauge Measurement Errors. Quality and Quantity. 41(5),
757-777. (SCI)
(2) 研討會論文 (Conference papers):
共 9 篇。

1. Yang, G. H., Yeh, T. M., Liao, M. Y. (2009/06/03~2009/06/05) 。 Rule

extraction by support vector machine: a case study of type II diabetes mellitus
diagnosis 。 13th IFAC symposium on information control problems in
manufacturing. Moscow, Russia.
2. Yang, C.H., Liao, M.Y., (2009/07/12~2009/07/15) Chen, P.L., Huang, M.T.,
Huang C.W., Huang, J.S. and Chung, J.B. Constructing Financial Distress
Prediction Model using Group Method of Data Handling Technique. Proceeding
of International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Boading,
3. 廖茂原,(2005/10/22)。在量測誤差系統下的修正製程能力檢定臨界值。2005
4. 廖茂原、郭清章、徐雅甄,(2007/04/21)。以經濟產能決定最佳供應商。管理
5. 郭清章、徐雅甄、廖茂原,(2007/04/21)。序列結構包含冷備用機器之可靠度
6. Liao, M. Y. (2008/05/23). Quantifying Measurement Errors Using MPPAC.
2008 Conference on Innovation of Industry Management. Hsiuping Institute of
Technology, Taichung, Taiwan.
7. 廖茂原 (2008/05/09). Quality Loss for Processes with Multiple Manufacturing
Lines. 2008 華人經濟圈企業競爭力與經營管理學術研討會. 新竹中華大學。
8. 廖 茂 原 (2008/05/09). Modified P/T Values for Quantifying Measurement
Errors. 2008 華人經濟圈企業競爭力與經營管理學術研討會. 新竹中華大學。
9. Liao, M. Y. (2009/05/22) Optimal Tolerance Design for Processes with
Multiple Manufacturing Lines. 2009 新 世 代 工 業 工 程 與 系 統 管 理 研 討 會 .
Overseas Chinese Institute of Technology, Taichung, Taiwan.

(3) 專書章節 (Books):

(4) 其它刊物論文及技術報告 (Other publication):

(5) 專利:

【研究計劃】 1. 國科會計畫主持人(執行期間:2007/8-2008/7)(已結案)
計劃編號:NSC 96–2416–H–264–011-
2. 國科會計畫主持人(執行期間:2008/8-2009/7)(已結案)
計劃編號:NSC 97-2410-H-264-006-

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