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Properties of Water Essay By: Sandra Moua Water is essential and extremely important to living organisms because without

water all living organisms would cease to exist. here is a reason for earth having copious amounts of water. !or all living organisms need water to survive. Plants" animals" humans" and more. Water is formed by # hydrogen atoms and $ oxygen atom this type of molecule is said to be polar. Water also has many different properties and forms. here is hermal Properties" %oolvent Properties" Surface ension" %ohesive Properties and Solvent Properties. &ll properties of water can be related to this polarity: water can form bonds between one molecule's oxygen to the next molecule's hydrogen bonds. he forms of water are really simple. Solid" li(uid and vapor. Since water is made from one part ) and one part *)" it has a neutral p)" which is exactly what our body needs. &lso Plant and &nimal cells need water and other things to survive. +f we didn't have Plants and &nimals we wouldn't survive because plants and animals give our bodies things. he , Properties of Water are very important. Because of water's polarity" the partially negative oxygen of one molecule is able to form a hydrogen bond with the partially positive hydrogen from another molecule. he is hydrogen bonds fives water certain properties that are vital for the survival of life. hermal Properties" %oolvent Properties" Surface ension" %ohesive Properties" and Solvent Properties. hermal Properties - Because of the hydrogen bond holding the water molecules together" more energy is re(uired to increase its temperature. Water has a high specific heat" which is the amount of energy re(uired to increase $.g of water by $%. %oolvent Properties - Water has a high latent heat" which is the amount of heat absorbed when it evaporates. his water useful for cooling such as when we sweat. When our sweat evaporates" it carries away heat energy. Surface ension - he property of a li(uid that allows it to resist an external force. %ohesive Properties - )ydrogen bonds between water molecules causes them to /stic.' together. his results in cohesive properties and surface tension.

Solvent Properties - Because water is polar" it is able to form hydrogen bonds with other polar molecules. his means that polar substances are able to be dissolved in water while non-polar molecules aren't. his it a good transport medium. hese , Properties of water are important to living organism because if water couldn't multiply it self we would eventually run out of water and cease to exist. Water molecules are essential to life because of the properties that result from its polar structure. Because oxygen is more electronegative than hydrogen" it has a slight negative charge. +t is important to note that the water molecules are 0* charged. Polarity refers to the separation of an electrical charge that leads to molecules positive and negative charges. o get water to form a vapor" turning from a li(uid into a gas means you have to brea. all the hydrogen bonds. he shape of a water molecule is two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. he two hydrogen atoms are positively charged while the oxygen atom is negatively charged. his is called a hydrogen bond. )ydrogen bonds account for properties such as cohesion" surface tension" adhesion and a high specific heat which forms water. &dditionally" water serves as a habitat for animals and plants living in or on it. +t is also a great solvent and dissolves all ionic and polar substances. Without these properties we wouldn't be able to live on earth. Water is so important to us and any other living organisms" we need it to survive. +f we didn't have any water at all we would all slowly die out and then cease to exist. Everything" every living organism" needs water to survive.

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