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There are two types of table lay up in Restaurants, Al a Carte and Table d'Hote.

In this, cover will mean customer. The first, A la Carte, generaly consists of a !'' white plate, "though this is not always necessary#, accompanied with a silver for$ to the left and a silver $nife to the right, a linen nap$in on the plate "folded in various ways#, and a red wine goblet positioned to the top right of the plate, %ust inside of the tip of the $nife. This is &uite a simple lay up because of the nature of the service. At this point, the restaurant staff dont $now what the customer is going to eat, therefore upon ordering, it will be probably be necessary for the waiter to replace the $nife and for$ with a fish $nife and for$, for instance. The plate will also be removed, to ma$e way for the plated food to come out from the $itchen. The more elegant style of table service is $nown as Table d'Hote. To the left of the cover, from the outside in, a side plate with a small $nife placed on the top %ust to the right side, a fish for$, and then a main for$, the top of the fish for$ '(in above the main for$. )n the right side of the customer, again from the outside in, a soup spoon, a fish $nife and a main $nife, again the top of the soup spoon and the fish $nife '(in above the top of the main $nife. "*ont forget, there has to be enough room to get a +, plate between both sets of cutlery-#. .evel with the top of the cutlery, a dessert for$ and a dessert spoon must be placed. The for$ goes above the spoon, with its handle pointing toward the other for$s, the spoon below with its handle pointing toward the $nifes. In the space between the dessert spoon handle, and the top of the fish $nife, a large red wine goblet and a water glass must be placed. /inally a clean folded linen nap$in must be put either in the center of the cover or in the wine goblet. 0ecause this is a set menu, it will almost always re&uire these types of cutlery, however it will depend on the menu being served.

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