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How to: Override a default interaction form in POS

Further reading
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 for Developers [AX 2012] SDK Download

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What is a interaction form

We have introduce in POS 2012 a new service called interactions which allows multiple user to create their own customization for one or more form supported by the interaction service. The following forms are supported by the new service: ExtendedLogOnForm ExtendedLogOnScanForm frmBarcodeSelect frmDimensions frmInput frmPayCash frmPayCurrency frmPayCustomerAccount frmReturnTransaction LogbookForm LogOnForm ManagerAccessForm RegisterTimeForm ViewTimeClockEntriesForm ProductDetailsForm ProductInformationForm

The service will only load the first customization it finds for a form, so make sure you only include the forms you want to customize.

How to customize a POS interaction form

First install the RetailPOS.msi and RetailPOSPlugins.msi Then open the solution file in %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Retail POS Plug-ins\Services\Services.sln

1. Right click on the InteractionDefaults and choose properties

2. Change the Assembly name from InteractionDefaults to your assembly name i.e. MartinsDefaults 3. In this example I only want to override the LogOnForm form (this has a dependency on ManagerAccessForm) so I remove all the other forms and views from the project as this allows other assemblies to override those forms

4. I then open up the code for LogOnForm and remove any unused using references. In this example Im going to change the background color of the LogOnForm . So I update the OnLoad() and set the background color of the form to DarkRed

5. Then I copy my MartinsDefaults.dll to %Pos%\Services\InteractionDefaults\Extension (To copy this dll to multiple installations of POS you can use System Center or similar) 6. The when you run POS you see the following

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