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(A Constituent College of Sri Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumkur.)

MODEL QUESTION PAPER 09CS752 : Art ! " #$ I%t&$$ '&%"&

TIME: (.00 Hr)
Answer any five full questions ,.a) With exam les, ex lain different ty es of task en!ironments. $) What is a roduction system% &i!e different categories of roduction system and ex lain. 2.a) Ex lain the stee est ascent hill clim$ing algorithm. $) With an exam le ex lain ho( an instance and isa relationshi s are re resented in redicate logic. c) With suita$le exam les ex lain the use of com uta$le functions in redicate logic. (.a) What is non * monotonic reasoning% Ex lain the logics used for non * monotonic reasoning. $) Ex lain issues in +no(ledge ,e resentation. -.a) $) What are scri ts% Ex lain in detail, (ith an exam le. Ex lain the issues in the design of search rograms. "# "# ' ) ' "# "# "# "# "# "# ii) +no(ledge Acuisition "# "#


MA+ MARKS: ,00

5.a) Ex lain ,esolution and .atural /eduction. $) Write a short note on i) Ex ert systems -.a) $)

Write A0 algorithm and ex lain (ith suita$le exam le. Ex lain conce tual de endency (ith an exam le and $uild u the conce tual de endency structures for the follo(ing sentences1 i) ii) iii) 2ohn ushed the cart. 2ohn took the $ook from 3ary. While going home, 4 sa( a frog.


Write A50 algorithm and ex lain (ith suita$le exam le.

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$) &i!e the ste s in!ol!ed in con!erting (ff redicates into clause form. &i!e an exam le in each ste .

6.a) $)

Write the unification algorithm and ex lain. Write a short note on i) 2ustification * 7ased Truth 3aintenance Systems ii) 8ogic * 7ased Truth 3aintenance Systems

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