Appendix 1 Common UAE Controlled Drugs

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Appendix 1 Common UAE controlled drugs (active ingredients) Below is a list of commonly used UAE controlled drugs (active

ingredient, not comprehensive) arranged by current mode of dispensing (Narcotic, C A and C B)! "or full information refer to the #A$% &harmacy section or the &oisons and rug 'nformation Centre (()) *+*)! Narcotic (Active ingredients) Alfentanil Amphetamine Buprenorphine (,+mg tab) Codeine (,-)mg tab) "entanyl .etamine /ethadone /ethylphenidate /orphine &enta0ocine &ethidine 1emifentanil %ufentanil CDA (Active ingredients) Acitretin Alpra0olam Aripipra0ole Broma0epam Buprenorphine +)) microgram tablets and 2)) microgram in3ection Butorphanol Chlordia0epo4ide Chlorproma0ine Cloba0am Clona0epam Clora0epate ia0epam ihydrocodeine roperidol "luma0enil "lupenti4ol "luphena0ine $aloperidol 'sotretinoin 5ora0epam /eda0epam /epheno4alone

/ida0olam /isoprostol Nalbuphine 6lan0apine &henobarbitone &imo0ide &ra0epam &rochlorpera0ine &ropofol &rostaglandin 7uetiapine 1isperidone %ulpiride %ultopride 8ema0epam 8hiopentone 8iapride 8ramadol 8rifluopera0ine 9aleplon 9iprasidone 9olpidem 9uclopenhti4ol CDB (active ingredient list) is continued on the next page GAHS Policy and Guidelines for Controlled Drugs in the Private Sector 2007 v.1 Amitriptyline Baclofen Ben0he4ol Biperiden Buspirone Carisoprodol Citalopram Clomipramine Codeine (:-)mg tab and li;uid) Cycloben0aprine e4tromethorphan ipheno4ylate othiepin ulo4etine Escitalopram Estradiol Norethisterone Norgestrol Etonogestrel

Ethinylestradiol "luo4etine "lupenthi4ol "luvo4amine 'mipramine 'sotretinoin 5ithium Carbonate /aprotiline /enotrophin /esterolone /ethocarbamol /ianserin /ilnacipran /inaprine /irta0apine /oclobemide Naltre4one Nandrolone Nefa0odone Noscapine 6ctreotide 6estradiol Norethisterone 6pipramol

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