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Spearhead Technologies pvt. ltd., (Aruna) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .

es/ri0tion : Amrutha Ville,Somajiguda, Rajbhavan rd, Hyderabad - 5000 ! : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&-0'0-(05' 555)5*)5 +a,(s) : %&-0'0-(05 -555 : Hi 111 2e have 3,/ellent 4obs in "ivil) 5e/hani/al +resher , "A. 3ngg1,5$s(5ale), +63(5ale),A//ounts, 5ar7eting 5anager, .i0loma/ivil)5e/hani/al 8reshers, V9,1net,.9A, S:;, 4AVA <ith (- yrs e,01, .ata<are housing, (. animation,(. te,ture, V"== <ith Vista1 2e have many more o00ortunities 8or everyone <ho is loo7ing 8or their great /areer1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


SRS MANAGEMENT CONSULTING, (5r 51 Raghavender Reddy) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : *0(, 5arvel Residen/y, Somajiguda,Hyderabad - 500 - 5000 ! : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&-0'0--!((&&-!& +a,(s) : %&-0'0---**-5('' : 3m0o<ered <ith a /om0rehensive 7no<ledge about our area o8 s0e/ialty, 2e SRS 5anagement "onsulting o88er servi/es in the domain o8 auditing /onsultan/y servi/es, auditing a//ounting /onsultan/y, ta,ation, /om0any la< matters, 9#6, HR servi/es, et/1 2e o88er ?ui/7, easy and 0ra/ti/al solutions, <hi/h are both /ommer/ially sound, ta, e88i/ient and in /on8ormity <ith the legal /odes o8 $ndia : Send >our 3n?uiry s International


Advanced Training Syste Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact Alp Manage Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion

: *05 6sha 3n/lave, Srinagar "olony, Hyderabad : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&-0'0-(-5!&5- +a,(s) : --(-5!&5: #roviding Servi/es o8 Re/ruitment, 3,e/utive Sear/h, #la/ements1 : Send >our 3n?uiry ent Cons!ltancy "vt. Ltd. : @--, 9alled 3state, Aarna7a, Hyderabad : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 0%&-0'0--00-!' : Ahe /om0any is su00orted by a dynami/ se/ond rung o8 /onsultants1 $n 7ee0ing <ith the /urrent industry re?uirements, Al0 has develo0ed a mi, o8 0ro8essionals <ith domain and 8un/tional e,0erien/e, <ho a/t as a li7e-

minded sounding board to the /ustomer - <ho /ould be an organiBation or a /andidate1 Ahe edu/ated a00roa/h 0rovides a 0lat8orm 8or the /ustomer to identi8y the ne/essary /om0etitive edge1 Contact : Send >our 3n?uiry ents

#airlin$s "lace Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion

: (&' C (&5, Amrutha 3state, Himayatnagar, Hyderabad : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 0%&-0'0-!(!!&&%', !(!! !( , !(!!'&* , !(!!'&-0 +a,(s) : 0%&-0'0!(!*00-!

: Re/ruitment : #artnering <ith our /lients, <e sour/e 0ro8essionals <ith high intelle/t to hel0 our /lients build their 0eo0le asset base on one hand and on the other hand <e hel0 individuals realiBe their /areer /hoi/es1 Sta88ing : 2e 0rovide man0o<er on a /ontra/tual basis to sele/t /lients <hile maintaining them on our roles1 Ahis ma7es the <hole 0ro/ess /ost e88e/tive to the /lient <hen /om0ared to 0ermanent em0loyment1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

Contact %er

es Net&or$ "vt. Ltd. : !()", Vengal Rao Dagar, Hyderabad : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 0%&-0'0-( &0&%% : 2e are a leading Re/ruitment and Sta88ing "onsultants 0roviding jobs at all levels1 2e o88er job re/ruitments, job 0la/ement and sta88ing servi/es in 8ields li7e $A, 9an7ing, +inan/e et/1 2e 0romises you your dream job1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion


Intercontinental Cons!ltants Address "ity State .es/ri0tion : &)()0!, Eavadiguda, Hyderabad : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $nter/ontinental "onsultants 0rovides job 0la/ement servi/es, man0o<er re/ruitment, overseas 0la/ement, domesti/ 0la/ement and em0loyment assistan/e servi/es in $ndia and abroad1 2e 0rovide 0la/ement servi/es to to0 most /om0anies1 : Send >our 3n?uiry ents : (&(, Sagar Vie< "om0le,, .omalguda, Hyderabad : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 0%&-0'0-!**!-00%

Contact M C "lace Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s)


: 5" #la/ements is one o8 the leading sta88ing agen/y 0roviding all 7inds o8 jobs1 6ur sta88ing agen/y 0rovides /andidates to to0 most /om0anies1 2e also handle online 4ob Re/ruitments1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


"er'ect Manpo&er Cons!ltant Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : 9@-%,Shanti 9agh A0tt1, 6001"ountry "lub, 9egum0et : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 0%&-0'0-!*5' -!: #er8e/t 5an0o<er "onsultant handle highest number o8 4ob Re/ruitments in $ndia1 2e are into man0o<er sta88ing and re/ruitment1 2e have a s0e/ialised Sta88ing Agen/y handling large s/ale re/ruitment1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


(!est International Address "ity State "ountry .es/ri0tion : &&%-9, Sanjiva Reddy Dagar : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : :uest $nternational handles highest number o8 job re/ruitments in $ndia1 6ur Sta88ing Agen/y 0rovides /andidates to to0 most /om0anies1 2e also handle online 4ob Re/ruitments and into man0o<er Sta88ing and Re/ruitment1 : Send >our 3n?uiry ent Cons!ltants "vt. Ltd.


Reach Manage Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion

: "-55, Ru7mini0uram, 6001 A S Rao Dagar : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 0%&-0'0-55!5 (50, 55!5 (5& : Rea/h 5anagement "onsultants #vt1 ;td1 set u0 in Se0tember &%%0 o88ers a gamut o8 Human Resour/es /onsultan/y servi/es1 $ts o88i/es in "hennai, 5umbai and 9angalore /ater to a <ide s0e/trum o8 leading industries, both in $ndia and 6verseas1 Rea/h has over !0 0ro8essionals <or7ing at its di88erent o88i/es - 0artnering and hel0ing /lient /om0anies meet their obje/tive1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


Shar Technologies "vt. Ltd. Address "ity State "ountry : &5-'-)(, De< 5irjalguda, 5al7aigiri, Hyderabad : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia

#hone(s) .es/ri0tion

: 0%&-0'0-!-&-*0 !, !-0*&*&& : SHAR Ae/hnologies @rou0 is the 0rovider o8 the best 7no<ledge base 8or /lients loo7ing to e,tra/t ma,imum returns on their in8ormation te/hnology ($A) investments1 As $ndiaFs one o8 the largest $A Re/ruitment Solutions and Servi/es "om0any, SHAR Ae/hnologies is built on a heritage o8 delivery e,/ellen/e, $ndustry 7no<ledge, a <orld-/lass net<or7, business asso/iations and the e,0ertise o8 its 0eo0le1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


)ishaso't Services *"+ Ltd. Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : 5-%-!!)''@!, Adarsh Dagar, Hyderabad : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 0%&-0'0-555 5%'' +a,(s) : 0%&-0'0-!(!&0((* : VishaSo8t has gro<n ra0idly sin/e in/e0tion, <ith o88i/es in the Gnited Eingdom, GSA, and De< Healand1 2e are a &00I 3,0ort 6riented Gnit, registered <ith the So8t<are Ae/hnology #ar7s o8 $ndia1 2e, at VishaSo8t, leverage e,0erien/e in te/hnology and 0rovide industry-8o/used servi/es to 8a/ilitate /lients in im0roving their businesses1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


,enith Cons!ltancy Services Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : (0&-(0!, Suraj 5ansion, Ameer0et, Hyderabad : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 0%&-0'0-55*! %--, 55*! %: 2e H"S "onsulting ;imited (H"S) started out in &%%! as 0roviders o8 to0 ?uality re/ruitment servi/es and slo<ly evolved into a A6AA; HR "onsultan/y +irm <ith se0arate teams ea/h to 8o/us on a di88erent HR need o8 the /lients su/h as: Re/ruitment "onsulting, "ontra/t Sta88ing, "or0orate Araining and "ore HR "onsultan/y1 : Send >our 3n?uiry ent Cons!ltants Ltd.


Ma #oi Manage Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion

: !0&, #avani Avenue, Raj 9havan Road : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 0%&-0'0-!(( 5(- ) 5% ) '0 +a,(s) : 0%&-0'0-!((!0&*5

: 5a +oi 5anagement "onsultants ;td1 has a sound re0utation 8or a systemati/ and hands-on a00roa/h to Human Resour/es "onsulting1 $n the &( years sin/e our in/e0tion, <e have steadily gro<n to be/ome $ndiaFs largest HR servi/e 0rovider1 5a +oi has a net<or7 o8 '5 /entres s0read over '0 lo/ations in $ndia, as <ell as seven overseas subsidiaries1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


Manh!nt Cons!ltants Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : --&-!00, '0!, #urandev A0t, Adja/ent @urd<ara, Ameer0e : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 0%&-0'0-55*&' !

: 5anhunt "onsultants is one o8 the leading re/ruitment /onsultant in $ndia 0roviding jobs in $A, 9an7ing, +inan/e and other se/tors1 2e handle highest number o8 job re/ruitments in $ndia1 2e also 0rovide tem0orary and 0ermanent Sta88ing Solutions1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

Contact O ega Tips

Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion

: 5-%-!&0)& 1"hirag All ;ane, Abids, Hyderabad : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 0%&-0'0-!(!0( %! : 6mega Ai0s is one o8 the leading re/ruitment agen/y1 2e 0rovide re/ruitments both in $ndia and Abroad1 2e are s0e/ialised in re/ruitment /onsultantan/y servi/es and 0roviding re/ruitment 8or all levels1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


Onecons!lting Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : &9, Gsha 5ansion, #unjagutta, Hyderabad : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 0%&-0'0-55*(5!!(, 55*(5!!' : 6ne/onsulting is one o8 the leading re/ruitment and sta88ing /onsultants 0roviding jobs at all levels1 2e are $ndias to0 most re/ruitment /onsultants and handle highest number o8 job re/ruitments in $ndia1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


Reso!rce Inp!ts Ltd. Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : 50(, 5eera 5ansion, .hararn Earan Road, Ameer0et : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 0%&-0'0-!(-55- (, !(-55- ' : Resour/e $n0uts is a #ubli/ ;imited "om0any, 0romoted by a grou0 o8 e,0erien/ed HR 0ro8essionals, <ith the aim to 0rovide high ?uality and /ost e88e/tive servi/es /overing a host o8 HR related areas, in a holisti/ and sustained manner1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


Reso!rce Manage Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion

ent Cons!ltant

: !0(, !nd +loor, Ar/adia A0tt1, Arora "olony, Road Do1( : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 0%&-0'0-!(55&* !, !(55(0-: 2e have a team o8 0ro8essionals <ith 0ost-graduate or 0ro8essional ?uali8i/ations in 5anagement, 3ngineering, A//ounting, $n8ormation Systems, and So/ial S/ien/es1 Ahe /ombined e,0erien/e o8 the team /overs all 8un/tional dis/i0lines and in diverse businesses Automobile, A//ounting, "hemi/als, 3ngineering, +5"@, @arments, $n8ormation Ae/hnology, 5anagement "onsulting, #lasti/s, Servi/es and Ae,tiles1 Resour/e has a team o8 over 8i8ty o0erating out o8 o88i/es in 9angalore, "hennai, Hyderabad and #une and servi/es the re/ruitment needs o8 over hundred /om0anies in $ndia and abroad1 : Send >our 3n?uiry ent Cons!ltants


Sathg!r! Manage Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion

: #lot Do &5, Hindi Dagar, #anjagutta, Hyderabad : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 0%&-0'0-!((5*50-, !((505 *, !((5*%-5, 55**!&%0, 55*&!(5! +a,(s) : 0%&-0'0-!((5'0'!

: Sathguru <as established by 0ro8essionals <ith a vision to 0rovide <orld /lass management advisory servi/es to several 8a/ets o8 enter0rises in the 0rivate, @overnment, Don-@overnment and a/ademi/ se/tors1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


Synchro Tech Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : #lot Do!%, +lat Do'0&, Heenath Residen/y, SR$ Dgr1"ly : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 0%&-0'0-!(-5**55 : Syn/hro Ae/h 0roviding job 0la/ement servi/es, man0o<er re/ruitment, overseas 0la/ement, domesti/ 0la/ement and em0loyment assistan/e servi/es in $ndia and abroad1 2e handle highest number o8 job re/ruitments1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


-atalyst . E/ec!tive Search Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) : -, .haram A0artments, 4ainti #ia/e, 9egum0et : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 0%&-0&&-55(! 0''


: Eatalyst - 3,e/utive Sear/h o88ering job re/ruitments, job 0la/ement and sta88ing servi/es in 8ields li7e $A, 9an7ing, +inan/e et/1 2e also 0rovides thousands o8 3m0loyment 600ortunities 8or job see7ers1 : Send >our 3n?uiry ent Services "vt. Ltd.


"olaris Manage Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion :

-(-&0'!)A, #lot Do1&'&, +irst +loor, Srinagar "olony

: Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 0%&-0'0-!(-(-5'&,!(-(('0(, !(-(*%! : 2el/ome to #olaris 5anagement Servi/es #vt1 ;td, management /onsultants in Human Resour/es, +inan/e C Strategy1 2e 0rovide 0ro8essional servi/es to individuals and organiBations, to enable them lead a su//ess8ul 0ro8essional and 0ersonal li8e1 "on/eived in August &%%(, <ith a vision to rea/h out to individuals and ma7e a di88eren/e in the ?uality o8 their lives, as <e 8ound that most individuals had a lot going 8or them but <ere either dire/tionless and leading goal-less lives or had a vision but <ere too a8raid ) /onstrained to give it their best1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


010 So't&are Technologies Ltd. Address "ity State "ountry .es/ri0tion : *-(-%0*, A-!, Somajiguda : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 9!9 So8t<are Ae/hnologies is a @lobal so8t<are servi/es organiBation <ith o0erations in the GSA, 3uro0e and South 3ast Asian "ountries through <holly o<ned subsidiaries1 9!9 So8te/h ?uite sim0ly o88ers you /utting edge te/hnology, develo0ed in a//ordan/e <ith 0roven best 0ra/ti/es, to deliver you the ma,imum R6$1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


Caprice 0!siness Cons!ltants Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : (0', Sataguru "om0le,, 9asheerabagh : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 0%&-0'0-!-55!!0 : "a0ari/e 9usiness "onsultants 0roviding job 0la/ement servi/es, man0o<er re/ruitment, overseas 0la/ement, domesti/ 0la/ement and em0loyment assistan/e servi/es in $ndia and abroad1 6ur Sta88ing Agen/y 0rovides /andidates to to0 most "om0anies1 : Send >our 3n?uiry ent Cons!ltants "vt. Ltd.


2igvi3ay Manage Address "ity

: #lot Do '-, @ayatrinagar,Ameer0et, Hyderabad : Hyderabad

State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion

: Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 0%&-0'0-!(-'- %0, 555 (55 +a,(s) : 0%&-0'0-!( & ' 5

: .igvijay 5anagement "onsultants #vt1;td1, <as established in the year &%%5 at Hyderabad, one o8 $ndiaFs 8astest gro<ing /ities1 Ahe /om0any is headed by a grou0 o8 highly distinguished individuals 0ertaining to di88erent /ross se/tions o8 the 0ro8essional s0here1 .5"; is on o8 the most sought a8ter 0la/ement agen/ies trusted by both as0irants C #harma /om0anies1 Do <onder, the /om0any is retained by a host o8 leading #harma majors in/luding $ndiaFs ;argest #harma "om0any1 Ahe su//ess rate o8 .5"; is 0I, <hi/h is mind boggling and un0re/edented1 Ahe /om0any also sour/es em0loyments in other 8ast develo0ing areas li7e /hemi/al, 9iote/h, Health "are, Agri C +ood 0ro/essing industries1 Ahe 8a/t that .5"; has an im0osing mar7et 0resen/e ba/7ed by the 8aith re0osed in it by its illustrious /lientele is a testimony o8 its e,/ellen/e1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

Contact Ge

ini International Corporation : (0!, #aigah #laBa, 9asheeer 9agh : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : "ombining a strong ba/7ground in training 0eo0le 8or Su//ess and the dee0 inroads made in the area o8 re/ruitment o8 $A 0ro8essionals, @emini $nternational "or0oration (@$") laun/hed great$A/areer1/om1 @$" has o88i/es in 7ey "yber/ities li7e "hennai and Hyderabad1 2ith 0lans to o0en o88i/e in 9angalore)#une soon, the o88line su00ort is strong - just the right 7ind o8 su00ort one needs to ba/7 u0 a value adding /areer 0ortal li7e great$A/areer1/om1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

Address "ity State "ountry .es/ri0tion


%R Net Cons!ltants Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : 'th +loor, Amogh #laBa, 9egum0et : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 0%&-0'0-55-5*5*5 : HRnet "onsultants is dedi/ated to 0roviding Human Resour/e Servi/es to em0o<er individuals and organisations to develo0 their inner 0otential and <isdom, thus a/hieving 0ro8essional e,/ellen/e1 6ur vision is to be Ahe "hoi/e #artner in 0roviding innovative and integrated #er8orman/e "onsulting Solutions1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


Inooga Sol!tions "vt. Ltd. Address "ity State "ountry : #lot Do1!0*, Rd1Do1-!, #rashasan Dagar, 4ubilee Hills : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia

#hone(s) .es/ri0tion

: 0%&-0'0-!(5'*&5' : $nooga Solutions as an international /om0any o88ers <ith lo/ations in @ermany, 3ngland and $ndia all 0roje/t servi/es 0hases in/luding /onsultan/y, /on/e0ts, design, /oding, test and maintenan/e in our /ustomers 0remises as <ell as in our $S6 %00&:!000 /erti8ied develo0ment /enter1 6ur stru/tured <or7ing methodology and our <eb based 0roje/t management environment allo<s you to revie< the status o8 your 0roje/t at any given 0oint o8 time1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


4esson Enterprises Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : -(-!&%)&5, Srinivasa "olony ;ane, 6001Sarthi Studio

: Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 0%&-0'0-5*5* 00-, 55&0'* : 4esson is one o8 the leading re/ruitment and sta88ing /onsultants 0roviding jobs at all levels1 2e s0e/ialiBe in re/ruitment and sta88ing servi/es in $A, 9an7ing, +inan/e, 9#6FS and all other major se/tors1 : Send >our 3n?uiry ents 5 Cons!ltants : &-&&-&*-)!-A, Shyamlal 9egum0et : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 0%&-0'0-!--* -%* : 44 #la/ements C "onsultants 0rovides thousands o8 3m0loyment 600ortunities 8or job see7ers1 2e s0e/ialiBe in re/ruitment and sta88ing servi/es in $A, 9an7ing, +inan/e, 9#6FS and all other major se/tors1 2e also handle online job re/ruitments1 : Send >our 3n?uiry ents 00-A, th +loor, 9abu7han 3state

Contact 44 "lace Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion


-avya "lace Address "ity State "ountry .es/ri0tion :

: Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : Eavya #la/ements is a 0remier 0ersonnel /onsultan/y and leading 0rovider o8 sta88ing servi/es 8or multinational 8irms and small start-u0s throughout the <orld1 ;o/ated in Hyderabad, <e are a 0la/ement 8irm that is dedi/ated to 0roviding e,em0lary 0ermanent sta88ing servi/es to a broad base o8 /lients and a00li/ants ali7e1 $n todayFs /om0etitive mar7et 0la/e, /om0anies 8a/e an enormous /hallenge in trying to re/ruit and retain to0 0er8ormers1 Highly ?uali8ied /andidates are in demand and are see7ing 8irms that are /ommitted to e,/ellen/e and 0ositioned 8or gro<th1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


Odd 4o6s, (#avan) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact : @-', Surya Ar/ade, &0 - ' - ( ) A ) &, Humayun Dagar - 5000! : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : =%&-&&-0'0-*5 '% 5, +a,(s) : =%&-&&: 2e are the to0est 0la/ement agen/y in $A se/tor1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

Inter'ace "rivate Ltd., (Atul) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact : !nd +loor, Sai 3n/lave, Ameer0et - 50000& : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&-&&-0'0-*5 (000 +a,(s) : %&-&&: 2e are a leading 0la/ement agen/y in $ndia1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

S%ANTA SRIRAM IN#OTEC% LT2., (5angaiah) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact : J50&, Amogh #laBa, 9egum0et - 5000&* : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&-&&-0'0-***-'0- +a,(s) : %&-&&-0'0-***-'0* : $S $DA6 .3V3;6#53DA AD. #;A"353DA S3RV$"3S $D 5A;A1CS$D@1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

Sahithi Enterprises, (Rama Raju) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact : !0', Gshodaya Ao<ers, $.A, 4eedimetla - 500055 : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&-&&-(0%(0&* +a,(s) : %&-&&: 2e <ill 0rovide all ty0es o8 man0o<er and sta88ing solutions1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

SEAT.IN2IA, (5 5 Hussain) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) : &&-5-'%, Red Hills - 50000' : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&-555-&5 +a,(s) : %&-


: A 0ro8essionally 5anaged @rou01 Hel0ing Students C Aea/hing /ommunity sin/e &% 51 #roje/t 8or s/hools setu0 underta7en -#la/ement servi/es and hel0 8or job see7ers in Aea/hing, $A, C Hos0itality servi/es1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


S70ERLAN2.NET, (SA4$.) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact : J&0(, SARA;A A#A5AS1 - 500005 : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&-55 !0&-( +a,(s) : %&: 6ur is a /onsultan/y ne<ly established <ith <ide /onta/ts1 2e also handle online 4ob Re/ruitments1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

#i'th (!adrant, (Subba Rao, Vinay, Srinivas) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact : Rama/handra Divas, Vengal Rao Dagar, S1 R1 Dagar, Hyderabad - 5000(: Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&-0'0-55--%*!* : $t is a 6verseas "onsulten/y and 0la/ement /onsultant1 <e have the man 0o<er also1<e are dealing <ith <or7 0ermits1111 : Send >our 3n?uiry

COR"ORATE LIN8, (V$4A> EG5AR S$D@H) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : +;AA D61 ', SH$VA A#AS1, S65A4$@G.A - 5000 ! : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&-0'0-!((!*0&& : "6R#6RAA3 ;$DK is an Registered (A1# @ovt Regn Do1 !-'5)!00') Sta88ing, Re/ruitment and Araining "om0any dedi/ated to do servi/e o8 0roviding jobs1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


2e/ter Cons!lting, (#1 S1 Rao) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : J&0!, "yber Vie< A00ts - 5000-! : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&-0'0-%!'*&%%&&* : $n8ormation Ae/hnology "onsulting Servi/es 688ered: #roje/t 5anagement, $n8ormation Ae/hnology "onsulting, $n8ormation Ae/hnology Sta88ing, #roje/t Sta88ing, "ontra/t #rogramming, "ontra/t "onsultants as <ell as .ire/t Hire

and $n8ormation Ae/hnology Re/ruiting1 Contact : Send >our 3n?uiry

Gro&&ell %R2 Services, (Hari #rasad) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : . - 5, 6mega A0artments, Ameer0et - 5000-( : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&-0'0 -55 '! +a,(s) : %&-0'0-55&0**5%

: 2e $ntrodu/e ourselves as a @ro<ing 5an0o<er /onsultants in Hyderabad1 2e #rovide the #la/ements 8or 0eo0le <ho are 3ntry level to three years 3,0erin/ed in $A Se/tor1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


)ishn! Cons!ltants, (Vishnu, Anula) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : Hydrabad - 5000 ! : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&-500 -% !*5&'- * : 2e introdu/e ourselves as 5an 5anagement and Araining "onsultants based at Hyderabad <ith Asso/iates s0read all over the /ountry1 2e s0e/ialiBe in So8t<are ) $A) $A3S, 3ngineering, 9an7ing, +inan/e, 5edi/al Arans/ri0tion and #harma Re/ruitments and Araining1 2e are a grou0 o8 0ro8essionals 8rom $$A, $$5, #5# (#roje/t 5anagement #ro8essional), "+A ("hartered +inan/ial Analysts), $$S/, $S9 ($ndian S/hool o8 9usiness) "A, $"2A, A"S,59A, et/1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


2asigi Overseas Sta''ing Inc.9, (.asigi S1 Eumar) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact : !(-5((De<), 'th Street, *th /ross, RE Dagar, Sa8ilguda, Hyderabad - 5000': Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 00%&L'0L*55'!!(L2or700%&L'0L*55'!!(LHome : 2e are 0la/ement /onsultants /atering to the global re?uirement o8 international talent1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

Cygnet Cons!lting, (Vijay Sardhi) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) : %%,9hagyanagar "olony, Eu7at0ally, Hyderabad - 5000-! : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 0%&L0'0L(0*0**-L2or7

.es/ri0tion Contact

: 2e are a 0la/ement agen/y 8or $A 0ro8essionals <ith /lients lo/ated in GSA, GE, South Eorea1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

COR"ORATE ES" ")T. LT2., (Anil doddbele) Address "ity State #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact : '0!, 5ount Raghava "om0le,, Sai 9aba Aem0le ;ane : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : =%&-'0-((5!05*)((5(- +a,(s) : =%&-0'0-((5!05* : $ndias to0 most Re/ruitment "onsultants having o88i/es in .elhi, 5umbai1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

#airiin$s Cons!lting Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact : (&5, ;inga0ur House, Amrutha 3state, Himayathnagar : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&-0'0-(!! !(%)&&%'& '&* +a,(s) : --(!!'&-0

: #roviding Servi/es o8 Re/ruitment C #la/ement <hi/h /overs Sta88ing needs a/ross various 8un/tions and levels in "om0anies1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

Li'e Line Cons!ltants "vt. Ltd Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact Ara : &-&0-!&&)&, !nd +loor,Asho7naga : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&-0'0--*-'5 ( & *5--!!( : #roviding Seriv/es o8 Re/ruitment "onsultants and #la/ement1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

e/ Enterprises : &st +loor, +-'', "hirag Ali ;ane, 5ed<in Hos0ital : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&-0'0-(!05-'- +a,(s) : --(!0(!0& : 4ob #la/ement and Re/ruitment solutions 8or all levels in $ndia and abroad : Send >our 3n?uiry

Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact

Cross &orld Cons!ltants Address "ity State : !0,@round +loor,R9VR Reddy Hostel,Aila7 Road,Abids : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh

"ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion

: $ndia : %&-0'0-!*5-(-' : "ross 2orld "onsultants is one o8 the largest job 0rovider net<or71 2e are s0e/ialiBe in re/ruitment and sta88ing servi/es in $A, 9an7ing, +inan/e, 9#6FS and all other major se/tors1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


S$ Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : Do-(0(, Rajesh<ari Ao<ers, #unjagutta : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&-0'0-!***'-(-, !***'-( : SE$;;$D.$A1"65 in/or0orated 8or 0romotion o8 Don-8orm 3m0loyment and ;ivelihood 8or Resour/e #oor "ommunity1 #roje/t on S7ills and Eno<ledge 8or $m0roved ;ivelihood and ;iving Standard FS7ills 8or Resour/e #oor through A00li/ation o8 S/ien/e and Ae/hnologyF1 : Send >our 3n?uiry ents "vt. Ltd. : Res!

Contact MR "lace Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion

: (&%,(!0, (rd +loor, EG93RA A623RS, DARA>ADA@G.A : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&-0'0-!(!!*- !, !(!!'%%! +a,(s) : 0%&-0'0-!(!*&&5( : R3SG53S$D.$A 1"65 is one o8 $ndiaFs 8astest gro<ing re/ruitment solutions /om0any 0roviding /lients <ith end-to-end 0eo0le solutions1 At Resumes$ndia1/om, the obje/tive is /rystal /lear - establish a de0endable 0lat8orm 8or both em0loyers and the job-see7ers1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


Niagara Cons!lting Gro!p "vt.; Ltd Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : &0& .elta "hambers, *-(- 0&, Ameer0et : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&-0'0-55*!''* : Diagara is a leading $A So8t<are Servi/es /om0any 0roviding servi/es in "ustom A00li/ation .evelo0ment, System $ntegration and Ae/hnology "onsulting1 +ounded in &%%(, Diagara has been 0roviding mission /riti/al te/hnology solutions to /lients in the $nsuran/e, +inan/e and #harma/euti/al industry segments1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


S!$hvarsha Manage Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion

ent Services

: !0&0 3merald House, S . Road, S//und/rabad : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&-0'0-55(&-*'5)'*) 55(&&( *) 55(!-&5% : 2e ta7e the entire res0onsibility o8 sour/ing the right /andidates 8or senior, middle and junior levels1 Ahe 0ro/ess starts by 0artnering <ith the /lient by understanding its organisational interest, o0erational stru/ture and system1 2e then 0robe the 0ros0e/tive /andidates in hundred di88erent <ays1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


Cornerstone Cons!lting Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : &st +loor,5ount 9anjara A0tt,Rd1Do1&!,9anjara Hill : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 0%&-0'0-!((0 &!5 ) !((%%('& : "ornerstone "onsulting is one o8 the leading re/ruitement /onsultants in $ndia and 0roviding thousands o8 em0loyment o00ortunities 8or job see7ers1 6ur #la/ement Agen/y 0rovides 0la/ements in $A, 9an7ing, +inan/e and other se/tors1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


ESN Technologies Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact : 9anjara Hills, Hyderabad, $ndia - 5000(' : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : =%&-'0-((5&%'')((5&% +a,(s) : =%&-'0-((5&%'! : #rovide HR #la/ement servi/es in $ndia1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

Options E/ec!tive Search "vt. Ltd. Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : ', Anandnagar, Ehairatabad, Hyderabad

: Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 0%&-0'0-!((&'0' , !((0 &'*, 555 5%&* : $t is our endeavor to translate our years o8 e,0erien/e, /om0eten/e and good<ill to /ater to the stringent demands o8 Human Resour/es 8or a sele/t grou0 o8 /om0anies1 2e 0ride ourselves in building long-term /lient relationshi0s and 0roviding ?uality sear/h servi/es <ith em0hasis on un/om0romising thoroughness, integrity, /on8identiality and delivery1 2e ta7e the time to listen, understand and mat/h s0e/i8i/ 0osition 0rere?uisites and /om0any /ulture /om0atibilities1


: Send >our 3n?uiry

GotoA6road Cons!ltants, (Saradhi) Address "ity State "ountry .es/ri0tion Contact : Ameeret, Hyderabad : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 6urs is a 0la/ement agen/y <hi/h is doing 0la/ement 8or malaysia1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

)isisht Search Services "vt Ltd., (V1V1"handra 5ouli) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : (&-Hindi Dagar, .<ara7a0uri "olony, #anjagutta Hyderabad - (' : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L0'0L((5**%*L2or7%&L0'0L((505(*L2or7 +a,(s) : %&L0'0L((5!!'*

: 2e at Visisht 3,e/utive Sear/h most ardently believe that one o8 the most im0ortant 0ro/esses 8or any organiBation is 0eo0le sele/tion1 A right 0erson M ?uali8ied, trained and motivated- is a 0re-re?uisite 8or the gro<th o8 an organiBation1 Ao<ards this goal, Visisht has dra<n u0on a 0ro/ess, <hi/h <ill deliver to you the right 0eo0le1 : Send >our 3n?uiry ent Cons!ltants, (Re/ruitment 5anager)


Alliance Manage Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion

: # 6 9o, ( ! 0, .hahya A Salem - -!!5( : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : 6thers : 00%*L5L!'(&%0-L2or700%*L5L!'(&%0 L2or7 +a,(s) : 00%*L5L!'(&%0

: NA;;$AD"3 5ADA@353DA "6DSG;AADASN, a 0remier 5anagement "onsultan/y 8irm s0e/ialiBed in 0roviding Re/ruitment, 3,e/utive Sear/h C Sele/tion servi/es1 2e have a large /lient base and have various 0ositions available globally1 An e,/ellent Aa, 8ree salary and various generous bene8its <ill be o88ered 8or the sele/ted /andidates1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


i1t1 India Ltd., (Sailendra #unu7ollu) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact : 50', Relian/e Erishna A00ts1, Hill8ort Road, Hyderabad - 50000' : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L'0L(!&!! &L2or7 +a,(s) : %&L'0L(!&&00! : #roviding Servi/es o8 Re/ruitment, 3,e/utive Sear/h, #la/ements1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

Mentor Cons!lting "vt. Ltd., (Euladee0 Reddy) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact : Suite (!!, ;e8t 2ing, Amruta Ville, Raj 9havan Road, Somajiguda, 6001 >ashoda Hos0ital, Hyderabad - 5000 !

: Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L0'0L!((&-% %L2or7%&L0'0L!((-(''(L2or7 : 2e are a All $ndia "onsulting "om0any into 6utsour/ing, Aem0 Sta88ing1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

CRG, (5r1 Surendra Reddy) Address "ity State "ountry .es/ri0tion Contact : (*)A, Vengalrao Dagar, Hyderabad : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : $t is the so8t<are /om0any and /onsultan/y to abroad1 to 0ro/ess the visas to abroad1sending the so8t<are 0ro8essional1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

(!iddity Cons!lting, (Danda @o0al ) Ealyaan) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : A-(5, Alan7rutha A0ts1, Darasimha Reddy Dagar, 5al7ajgiri - 5000': Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L'0L!-0*&-%0L2or7 : :uiddity "onsulting is a re/uitment agen/y loo7ing to /ater the need o8 /om0anies1sin/e being a re/uitment /onsultants <e dont /harge the /ustomer and 0rovide the best 0ossible 0eo0le to the /om0anies1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


NUCLEUS MANAGEMENT CONSULTANC7 SER)ICES, (EG5AR) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact : (05,VA;A$SR$ A#RA H>.3AR9A. - 5000-( : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L'0L55(*%( L2or7

: 2e <ould li7e to introdu/e Du/leus 5anagement as one o8 the leading in india 0la/ement and re/ruitment organiBation,<ith very good tra/7 re/ord : Send >our 3n?uiry

Adelphic Leads, (Ravi Setlem) Address "ity : (rd +loor,(Above ."9) 9hanu 3n/lave, Hite/ /ity 5ain Rd1 : Hyderabad

State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion

: Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 00%&L'0L!(&&!!'5L2or700%&L'0L!(&&!!'*L2or7 : #la/ement Agen/y, based in Hyderabad, a one sto0 sho0 8or man 0o<er re?uirements1 2e deal <ith $A, $A3S, Sales and 5ar7eting 0ositions and other industries1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


ictindia, (sridevi) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact : 9eside "hermas, Ameer0et : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L0'0L555 (000L2or7 : 6ur /om0any is mainly into $A /onsulting 8irm 8or last 5 yrs1 #roviding Servi/es o8 #la/ement "onsultan/y C #la/ement Agent : Send >our 3n?uiry

cn6osch, (sudha7ar) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : &0!, Vijayashree A00ts1, 9egum0et, Hyderabad - 5000&* : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L0'0L!--*( -*L2or7%&L0'0L55(( (!L2or7

: 2e have started our o0erations in !00& and no< <e are 0lanning to tye u0 <ith some on line resumes to /ater to the re?uirements that are being generated : Send >our 3n?uiry

Contact A

persand In'o&ays, (Erishna) : -&-!-!, Shivaji Dagar - 50000(

Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact

: Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 0%&L0'0L5*5(5'--L2or7 : 2e are a 0la/ement organisation 8or all "55 ;evel 5 to ( /om0anies and <e are loo7ing 8or the <orth 0ro8iles <ho /an e,e/ute u0 to their s7ills1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

R- Reso!rcing "vt. Ltd, (9odo) Address "ity State "ountry : (0!, ;a7shmi Sri Residen/y, &-&0-&& , Asho7 Dagar, Hyderabad - 5000!0 : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia

#hone(s) .es/ri0tion

: %&L0'0L!-*000%%L2or7 +a,(s) : 00%&L0'0L!-*(0&'% : 6urs is a 0ro8essionally run /om0any and <e are in the mar7et 8rom 0ast && years1 Sin/e &%%% it has be/ome 0rivate limited /om0any1 #resently <e are dealing <ith all 7inds o8 0la/ements both .omesti/ and overseas1 : Send >our 3n?uiry s, (Eranthi)


Octop!s Syste Address "ity State "ountry .es/ri0tion

: (0!, #atny Villa A0artments, 9egum0et - 50000( : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 6ur /om0any is involved in re/ruitments1 in 8uture <ould start 0la/ing 0eo0le in all the area in $A industry1 $n 8uture <ould 0la/e *0 0eo0le 0er month1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


Needs IT Cons!lting, (#an7aj) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact : Hyderabad - 5000& : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L'0L(&0%'&%'L2or7 : Servi/es o8 Human Resour/e 5anagement, 5an0o<er Solutions, #la/ement "onsultants 8or various industries and all levels1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

"ro'essional %R Sol!tions, (Dani 9abu) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : *-(-%0()', Somajiguda, Hyderabad - 5000 ! : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 0%&L0'0L(!('''0*L2or7 : #ro8essional HR Solutions is a /onsulting /om0any <hi/h is into Re/ruitment, Araining, HR outsour/ing and HR /onsulting as /ore business based at Hyderabad1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


, . Cons!ltancy "vt. Ltd., (Sanjeevani) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : &0&, $ +loor, Ameer 3states, SR Dagar, Hyderabd - 5000( : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L0'0L55!5%*! L2or7 : H "onsultan/y servi/es in HR /onsulting are mar7ed by a strong 0re8eren/e 8or a thorough understanding o8 the /lients needs and its /onte,t, /reating

a shared /ommitment on the 0ath 8or<ard1 H "onsultan/y has the /a0ability and /a0a/ity to meet the most stringent re?uirements in the most /ost e88e/tive manner and at a relatively short noti/e1 6ur entire business is geared to<ard hel0ing our /lients to su//ess8ully /om0lete and im0lement their /riti/al $A, Don-$A C $A3S initiatives in a timely and /ost e88i/ient manner1 6ur job is to 0rovide you <ith the Nte/hni/al horse 0o<er and e,0ertiseN so that you /an /ontinue to be more su//ess8ul and a leader in your industry1 Ahe driving 8or/e o8 our entire business 0ro/ess is honesty, dedi/ation and integrity it sho<s through in every 8a/et o8 our business1 2e strive to 0er8orm our best to 7ee0 our /lients satis8ied al<ays1 "ustomer satis8a/tion is our ultimate satis8a/tion1 Contact : Send >our 3n?uiry

S" So't, (Sobharani) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact Tea : 9egum0et - 500 0&* : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L0'0L55&0-& (LHome : At is a /onsultan/y <hi/h is retaining <ith number o8 so8t<are /om0anies1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

Corps International, (@iridhar 4 Eotta) : #lot Do - &(, De< Vasavi Dagar, Ear7hana - 5000&5 : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L'0L!--'!0! L2or7 : Aeam o8 8ive dynami/ 0eo0le in/or0orated this /om0any to o88er HR /onsultan/y servi/es to /or0orate and job see7ers u $ndia and overseas1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact

%R A8IS IN2IA, (@AD3SH) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact Tech : &0!, 5y Home ;a7shmi Divas, Ameer0et - 5000&* : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L0'0L55-(*0(0L2or7%&L0'0L5*(%*5'0L2or7 : ;et us introdu/e ourselves as a HR "onsultan/y 6rganisation having asso/iates in .elhi, 5umbai, 9angalore C #une1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

edia Sol!tions, (Suresh) : J'&(, Ameer 3state, S R Dagar, Hyderabad - 5000( : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia

Address "ity State "ountry

#hone(s) .es/ri0tion

: %&L'0L55*&- -%L2or7%&L'0L55**&( %L2or7 : Ae/hmedia endeavors to be a 0ioneer in Re/ruiting and man0o<er /onsulting than7s to strategi/ allian/es <ith leading multinational /om0anies in $ndia and GS o8 Ameri/a1 6ur te/hni/ally /om0etent, e,0erien/ed, and /erti8ied /onsultants <ill hel0 our /lientele to get the right man0o<er at the right time1 2e ta7e 0ride in having to0-not/h /om0anies <ho ma7e enable us to have 8aith in the 8uture through maintaining high ?uality in s/reening, hiring and management1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


G.Ants "vt. Ltd., (Surendra) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact : Hyderabad - 5000!: Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L0''L!(-%'&L2or7 : #roviding Servi/es o8 Re/ruitment, #la/ement 4obs1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

UR)I CONSULTANT, (V3DEAA RA5) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : J(&&, "3DAAR; "6GRA A#ARA53DAS, RA4 9HAVAD R6A., S65A4$@G.A, H>.3RA9A. - 5000 !

: Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 0%&&L0'0L!('0&(%*L2or70%&&L0'0L!((&! !0L2or7 : Grvii "onsultants 0rovide /osultan/y servi/es to various /all /enters li7e "onvergys,5sour/e,2ns,!')- and other domesti/ /om0anies1<e also 0rovide tem0orary sta88ing to various organisations1<e believe in 0roviding the right /andidate to right /om0anies1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


4o6s 2ossier, (Daghma ) Sudha Ramani) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : J '-0, Rd J &0, 9anjara Hills, Hyderabad - 5000(' : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L0'0L55&0!'(5L2or7%&L0'0L55&0!'(*L2or7 : #la/ements and HR 4obs .ossier is a re/ruitment and 0la/ement 8irm that understands the intri/a/ies o8 human resour/e management1 2e are dedi/ated to bridging the ga0 bet<een the re?uirements in various organiBations and the /areer as0irations o8 individuals1 2e see7 to establish a lasting relationshi0 bet<een the em0loyer and the job see7er1 4obs .ossier /an augment the hiring 0ro/ess by 0roviding HR re/ruiters a 0i0eline o8 0re ?uali8ied resume dire/tly su00orting their hiring needs1 Ahis eliminates the 8irst 8e< ste0s o8 the re/ruiting 0ro/ess and in essen/e streamlines the time o8 the HR re0resentative to do <hat they do best, arrange intervie<s and sell their /om0any, thus in/reasing the e88i/ien/y o8 their <or7 and re 8o/using on /ore 8un/tions1 4obs .ossier <ill o<n the

administrative burden and /ost asso/iated <ith sour/ing and s/reening resumes that mat/h your hiring /riteria1 #roviding Servi/es o8 #la/ement "onsultan/y C #la/ement Agent1 Contact Mani "lace Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : Send >our 3n?uiry ents, (Rajesh<ar) : ! 0, Dalla7unta, Hyderabad - 5000'' : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L0'0L(&&0-%**L2or7 : 2e are 0ro88essionally <or7ing 8or Hyderabad bases so8t<are /om0anies1 2e started <ith a less database no< /olle/ted a huge database and serving various /om0anies in $A se/tor1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


T"G India, (Anil Shrivastava) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : *0&, .ivya Sha7thi A0ts1 - 5000% : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 00%&L'0L5*5! &-(L2or7 : A#@ is based out o8 D> and has o0erations in Hyderabad and 9angalore in $ndia1 6ver the last 8our years o8 our o0erations, <e have built u0 an e,/ellent database o8 0ro8essionals /overing the entire s0e/trum o8 the $A industry1 Ae/hni/al a) $A $n8rastru/ture 5anagement areas li7e - "A Gni/entre AD@ , $95 Aivoli , H# 60envie< , Remedy b) So8t<are 3ngineering C 60erating System Areas ;i7e - Gni, $nternals , #roto/ols , Sta/7s , Ahreads , +ile Systems and "ommuni/ation So8t<are 1 /) RA6S C 3mbedded .evelo0ment 3,0 on - VK 2or7s , #sos , 5i/ro"ontrollers d) Aele/om 5anagement, S<it/hing ) Signalling and Aele/om billing So8t<are .evelo0ers 1 e) 9an7ing, $nsuran/e a00li/ation 5aintenan/e C Reengineering1 8) 3R# +un/tional C Ae/hni/al Resour/es on : SA# , #eo0leSo8t ,6ra/le A00li/ations s , 4. 3d<ards , 9#"S, 9aan , 5+@ #ro g) 3A$ C A00li/ation : Send >our 3n?uiry


,est Cons!ltancy, (#raveen) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : J&05, Sai @anga 3n/lave, 9eside Sheeshmahal, Ameer0et, Hyderabad 5000&*

: Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L0'0L55-(%% %L2or7%&L0'0L55-(%&&%L2or7 : H3SA is a grou0 o8 young 0ro8essionals involved in delivering strategi/ value to /om0anies in the in8ormation te/hnology arena1 $t <as /reated <ith only one goal in mind: Ao be the 0remier sour/e 8or /om0anies in terms o8 man0o<er resour/e and training1 $t is 0erha0s one among the 8e< /onsulting /om0anies that /ombines business a/umen and e,0ertise in delivering robust solutio#la/ement Araining Animations C 239 .esigning

So8t 2are .evelo0ment and System maintan/e and Det<or7ing ns1 Contact : Send >our 3n?uiry

S"R7 Services "rivate Ltd, (5s1 Eah7asha) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact : +ourth +loor, 5y home Ay/oon, Hyderabad : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 00%&L0'0L!('&5&*&L2or7 +a,(s) : 00%&L0'0L!('&5&*& : $ts so8t<are /om0any 5ainly into #la/ements C 9#61 : Send >our 3n?uiry

Ma$ Transcri6e Services, (5adhav) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : Hyderabad - 5000(* : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L0'0L55-0!*'&L2or7 : 2e are one o8 the emerging $A "onsultants in Hyderabad 8o/ussed in $A,5edi/al Arans/ri0tion #roje/t 6utsour/ing C Re/ruiting 5AS +or our other /lients : Send >our 3n?uiry


AR cons!ltancy, (Eumar) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact Sarva Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact : " - &5, 5adhuranagar - 5000( : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L0'0L(!(&' !%L2or7 : #roviding Servi/es o8 Re/ruitment, #la/ement 4obs1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

ayi In'otech "vt. Ltd., (5r1 Satya Sai #rasad) : !* ) 9, Vengalarao Dagar, +irst ;ine, Hyderabad, $ndia - 5000( : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L0'0L55--*0* L2or7%&L0'0L55--*0-&L2or7 +a,(s) : %&L0'0L55--*0-&

: A 0remier it /onulting /om0any, having re/ruting, /onsultingang, develo0ment and hiring /om0any1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

Career #irst Cons!lting, (E Sunil) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : &!(, Amrutha Ville, Raj 9havan Road, Somajiguda, Hyderabad - 5000 ! : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L'0L55!5!'%0L2or7 : "areer +irst "onsulting is 0roviding <ide range o8 Human Resour/e Solutions <ith a 8o/us on 0roviding Re/ruitment, Araining and Aem0orary Sta88ing servi/es to /lient organiBations1 3stablished in !00( the "areer +irst "onsulting is lo/ated in "yber "ity o8 $ndia - Hyderabad1 "areer +irst "onsulting is 8o/ussing on re/ruitment verti/les o8 $n8ormation Ae/hnology, $A 3nabled Servi/es, +5"@, Aele/om, +inan/ial Servi/es, 5anu8a/turing : Send >our 3n?uiry


SAI 4O0 CONSULTANT, (@1S15AD$) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact : $SA +;66R, *-(- 0()&)&-, A533R#3A, KR6A.S - 5000&* : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L0'0L55 !!0-(L2or7 : $t is an u0/oming 0la/ements , su/ess8ull 0la/ement o8 the /andidates in various 8ields : Send >our 3n?uiry ent Sol!tions, (@o0al Rao)

Siddhartha "lace Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact

: '0*, Sai Sri A0ts, De< 9o<en0ally, Hyderabad - 5000&& : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 0%&L0'0L55''&5-(L2or7 : 2e 0rovide 0la/ements in GE 8or hotel management grads)di0loma holders,engineers,do/tors and nurses : Send >our 3n?uiry

Calling 7OU< Cons!ltants, (@eeta)Seema) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : " !(, 5ahes<ari Ao<ers, Rd J &, 9anjara Hills, Hyderabad - 5000(' : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L'0L!((-(&'*L2or7 : "alling >6GO is a /om0lete /areer solutions 0rovider (re/ruitments0la/ements-training) based in Hyderabad and ba/7ed by 0ro8essionals 8rom the $AeS)9#6, $A /onsulting 5ar7eting, Sales, +inan/e and 5anu8a/turing1 2e servi/e e,e/utive talent re?uirements o8 leading /or0orates, a/ross di88erent industries all over $ndia1 2e assure you a P0er8e/t 8itP 8or your man0o<er needs by mat/hing your e,a/t re?uirements <ith 0ros0e/ts in

our database1 2ithin our diverse database, <e have an e,/ellent sele/tion o8 telemar7eting, in)out-bound /all /enter 0ro8essionals that /an suit your needs1 At "alling >6GO, <e have the right mi, o8 e,0erien/e, resear/h /a0abilities and /lient databases1 2e o88er you the right o00ortunity to mat/h your re?uirements <ith our 0ros0e/ts1 2e ta7e 0ride in our asso/iation <ith industry leaders in $A3S, $A, $nsuran/e, Sales and 5ar7eting1 Contact 8pers place Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact : Send >our 3n?uiry ent, (Sunil) : Hyderabad - 5000( : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L0'0L55'''&5'L2or7 : #roviding Servi/es o8 Re/ruitment C #la/ement <hi/h /overs Sta88ing needs a/ross various 8un/tions and levels in "om0anies1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

Cy6er Talent %!nters, (Srinivas19) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact : #lot Do1 &(, S + "olony, Vanasthali0uram - 5000-0 : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L0'0L!'!'&5(*L2or7 : #la/ement Agen/y in the area o8 $n8ormation Ae/hnology1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

#oster Cons!ltants, (Sajjad 5ohammed) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : 9 - (-, &st +loor, 4ial "olony, 6001 Air0ort 9egum0et, Hyderabad - 5000&* : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 00%&L'0L(0%&'&''L2or7 +a,(s) : 00%&L'0L!--*%0&& : 2e are a Re/ruiting and 0la/ement 8irm o0erating 8rom hyderabad and having a bran/h at bangalore 1 <e generally do re/ruiting 8or all the 0ro8ession in middleeast es0e/ially in GA31 : Send >our 3n?uiry


SAN#US TEC%NOLOGIES ")T. LT2., (A5AR S$D@H) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) : 5$@ (*5*, #HAS3 - $$, 9H3;, H>.3RA9A. - 5!00(! : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L'0L!(0!&'!5L2or7


: San8us Ae/hnologies is one o8 the $ndiaFs 8astest gro<ing total re/ruitment solutions /om0anies1 2ith various sites based throughout the /ountry, <e o88er /andidates and /lients the 8ull range o8 s0e/ialist re/ruitment servi/es1 San8us has its idea to build the /lients in other /ountries1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


So&eno East, (Radhi7a Reddy) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact : (0&, Ar/hana A0ts1, 9egum0et, Hyderabad - 5000&* : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : =%&L0'0L55'%('-5L2or7 : #roviding Servi/es o8 Re/ruitment C #la/ement <hi/h /overs Sta88ing needs a/ross various 8un/tions and levels in "om0anies1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

STS GlO0AL STA##ING, (3s<ar) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact : 05, Anirutha A0artments ,Vala/hery 5ain Road, Salai - *000-(

: Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L''L(0%5('&-L2or7 : #roviding Servi/es o8 Re/ruitment, 3,e/utive Sear/h, #la/ements1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

Today 4o6s India, (Sridhar) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : 50%, Vijayasri A0ts, 9ehind "hermas, Ameer0et, Hyderabad - 5000&* : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 0%&L0'0L55-55!*(L2or7 : Aoday 4obs $ndia is a /om0any, 8ounded by young C dynami/ entre0reneurs <ith a vivid vision to /reate a multi-8a/eted So8t<are Araining, .evelo0ment and "onsulting Servi/es o88ering entity1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


COM"ASS CO2ES, (RA5A;$D@3SH23R R3..>) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : RA" K R.S, Hyderbad - 50555! : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L0'0L55 '!(*'L2or7 : "om0ass /odes is a /onsultan/y1 $t is <ith immense 0leasure that <e 0resent you un-believable 5an0o<er1 2e are ;o/ated at Sri .ata sai /om0le,, /ellar RA" PKP Roads1Hyderabad1 A96GA GS "om0ass /odes as its

0art o8 its servi/es is designed to 8ollo< a 0ro/edure <hi/h is result oriented one and 0ro8itable <hi/h is 0roved by other /onsultan/ies1 2hi/h are doing <ell in the mar7et in $ndia C abroad1 Contact : Send >our 3n?uiry

A1,CS, (5eena)Saras<athy) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : #lot Do1!*, Sai 3n/lave, Rd &! 9anjara Hills, Hyderabad - 5000! : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L0'0L55* '' L2or7 +a,(s) : %&L0'0L55* ''

: Started in +eb1 !00', has /lients in hyderabad and viBag1 2e have /ondu/ted re/ruitement events in hyderabad <here /os li7e dabur, Benith, i8b et/ 0arti/i0ated1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

Contact Iconi! Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion

Cons!lting Gro!p *I+ "vt. Ltd. , (Sreedevi) : +lat J', Suvarna House, Sangeethnagar, Somajiguda, Hyderabad - 5000&0 : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L0'0L55 '*'0&L2or7 : $/onium "onsulting @rou0 , an innovative and highly rated 3,e/utive sear/h and re/ruitment /onsulting grou0, headed and run by 0ro8essionals 8rom to0 business s/hools111 <ith 111 a vision to build high-level /om0eten/ies in Human Resour/e Re/ruitment 8un/tion11 111 an obje/tive to delight both the /or0orate re/ruiter and the human talent11 111 ma7e $ndian talents a major /om0etitor in the global mar7et11 has been retained by various to0 $ndian and $nternational /or0orations to underta7e and deliver assignments in the emerging te/hnologies li7e Aele/om, 3mbedded, Systems , 3-/om, 3R#, .ata2arehousing, Hard<are .esign et/1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


,ap Cons!ltant, (5anjulal) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact : @undoor, Hyderabad - 5 *0&' : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L0%0L55!5&'*L2or7 : #roviding Servi/es o8 #la/ement "onsultant, Re/ruitment1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

Sri Cons!ltancy, ("haitanya) Address "ity State : H1 Do: &-&-5-%, Shyam Dagar, Dear ; 191 Stadium, H>.3RA9A. - 5000%0 : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh

"ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact

: $ndia : =%&L0'0L!-*(!!5-L2or7 : Sri "onsultan/y is strategi/ally 0ositioned to assist organisations in the sour/ing and re/ruitment o8 ?uality talent globally1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

)INUIN#O=A7 "vt. Ltd., (ER$SHDA #RASA.) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : Hyderabad - 5000 ! : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L'0L55*&0*-0L2or7 : V$DG$D+62A> is one o8 the to0 a 0rivate $A talent HR /ommunity, $ndiaFs leading /onsultants rendering $A te/hnology servi/es <ithin $ndia and abroad having its registered o88i/e in one o8 the /ommer/ial /ity o8 $ndia viB Hyderabad, 9angalore, "hennai surrounded by many other industrial /om0le,es having global net<or71 V$DG$D+62A> and its asso/iates are in this HR 8ield 8or the last - years and having lot many /lientele /onsisting o8 Dational C 5ultinational organiBations1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


Cso't3o6s, (7atta) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact : Hyderabad - 50000' : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L'0L!((!(5&0L2or7 : #roviding Servi/es o8 #la/ement "onsultant, Re/ruitment1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

-rest Rec!iter, (Erishna 5ohan) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact : &0-'-'')', Humayun Dagar, Hyderabad - 5000! : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L0'0L55% (!* L2or7 : #roviding #la/ement Servi/es, Re/ruitment Servi/es and 5an0o<er Solutions1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

Ryan 0!siness Services, (Rajesh) Address "ity State "ountry : &0!, "yber Heights, Road Do !, 9anjara Hills - 5000(' : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia

#hone(s) .es/ri0tion

: %&L'0L!(5'

% L2or7

: Ryan 9usiness Servi/es an o88shore division o8 Ryan "onsulting @rou0 (S9 (A) /erti8ied so8t<are /onsulting /on/ern head?uartered in $ndiana, GSA) is a leading man0o<er /onsulting 8irm that hel0s @lobal /lients in 0lanning their investment in re/ruitment and to im0rove business 0er8orman/e1 2e are /learly distinguished 8rom our /om0etitors in the strength and e,0ertise in the servi/es <e have to o88er1 6ur servi/es are designed to hel0 /lients a/hieve their o0erational goals at redu/ed /osts and to o0erate their business on a timely basis1 5ission Statement Ao sour/e our /lients <ith highly motivated and talented /onsultants, in the ?ui/7est time8rame and at the best rates, in order to hel0 our /lients a/hieve their strategi/ and o0erational goals1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


4)SS "vt. Ltd., (Eumar) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact chin : Himayathnagar - 5000!% : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L'0L55-0((%!L2or7 : 6ne o8 the leading 5an #o<er Sta88ing and re/ruitment Servi/es <or7ing 8or Very good "lients : Send >our 3n?uiry

ay reso!rces, (E S Eumar) : --&--% ) 9, .1 E1 Road, Ameer0et, Hyderabad, Andhra #radesh - 5000&* : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L'0L55(*-%%&L2or7 : "hinmay Resour/es, A brain/hild o8 5r1E1Shant Eumar <as established in the year !000 <ith an aim to 0rovide ?uality servi/es in the area o8 Human Resour/es, to rea/h and a/?uire the best available talent in the /ountry1 : Send >our 3n?uiry ents, (E1 Vamshi Erishna) : &-!-(&(, @round +loor, @agan 5ahal Road, Himayathnagar - 5000!% : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 00%&L0'0L55'*5* *L2or7 : 5)s1 S1S1S1#;A"353DAS <as started in august &%%% to 0rovide :uality #ersonnel to as0iring 6rganiBations in the $A, D6D-$A se/tors o8 the industry and su//ess8ully 0la/ed 0eo0le at all levels in all leading /om0anies in $ndia C 6verseas1 As the years 0assed our databan7 has been gro<ing /onstantly in various segments o8 the industry and <e are /on8ident that <e <ill be able to give you the best talent and ?uality servi/e to 0la/e the right 0erson on the right job suiting the industry re?uirement1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion

Contact SSS "lace Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion


Mesons 5 (!ar$s Cons!ltants "vt. Ltd., (Arsha) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : 5anbhum 4ade Ao<ers, Somajiguda - 5000(5 : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L0'0L55-555*5L2or7 : mesons C :uar7s "onsultant #vt ;td is $S6 %00& /erti8ied /om0any <ith the e,/ellent in8rastru/ture and best em0loyees and it has been started in !00* and <ith short s0an o8 time it has managed satis8ies the to0 /om0any li7e Satyam, $n8osys,gen0a/t,0rima im0a/t so8t<are solutions et/1 : Send >our 3n?uiry Ltd., (Daveen Eumar)


Intelligence Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion :

H1Do1 -(-&0-%, #lot Do1 5*, +lat Do1 !0!, Santoshi A0armenent, Srinagar "olony, Hyderabad - 5000-(

: Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L0'0L***(***%L2or7%&L0'0L**-(***%L2or7 +a,(s) : %&L0'0L!(-(5&5*

: $ntelligen/e $ndia1/om ;td1 is a leading /onsultan/y based out o8 Hyderabad1 Serving various $S6, "55 and #"55 "erti8ied "lients1 6ur Servi/es in/ludes e,e/utive sear/h and re/ruitments1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


7.A/is, (Dis/hala) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact : @S "hambers, !nd +loor, Dagarjuna "ir/le, #anjagutta, Hyderabad - 5000 ! : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L0'L**-(&5!0L2or7 : 4ob #la/ement and Re/ruitment solutions 8or all levels in $ndia and abroad1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

-ne&logic So't&are Sol!tions "vt. Ltd., (Sudharson Reddy) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : (0', Vijaya Sri A0ts1, 5', Rajiv Dagar, Hyderabad - 5000'5 : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L0'0L'5'5'5*-L2or7 : 2e 0rovide a re8reshing /hange to many o8 our /om0etitors - an intelligent, non-0ushy a00roa/h to the <hole re/ruitment 0ro/ess - ba/7ed by highly targetted "Vs : Send >our 3n?uiry


Silver Star "lace Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact

ent, (5s1 Annu)

: ;ittle +ort 9uliding, #anjagutta - 5000&( : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 00&L0'0L***000 L2or7 : Silver Star #la/ement 0rovide man0o<er and jobs1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

Ocean %R Sol!tions, (Asi8 Da?vi) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact : Somajiguda, Hyderabad - 5000 ! : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L'0L%(500%5(L2or7 : 6/ean HR Human Resour/e Araining Re/ruitment #la/ement "or0orate "onsultan/y 8or $A Ae/hnology E#6 9#6 and management : Send >our 3n?uiry

Reso!rce %R Cons!ltants, (A7shay) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion : 9allad 3states, Aarna7a, Hyderabad - 5000&: Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : %&L0'0L**%055!*L2or7 : 2e are a /onsulting organiBation, aiming to be a /om0lete solution 0rovider to $A)$A3S /or0orate1 HR 0ro8essionals <ho have good e,0erien/e in all the as0e/ts o8 HR de0artment 0romote QResour/e HR "onsultantsR1 2e are based in Hyderabad ($ndia) and have 8ast 0lans o8 e,0ansion to other /ities li7e 5umbai, #une, "hennai, De< .elhi, "o/hin, 9angalore C "al/utta1 2e have an e,/ellent team o8 HR #ro8essionals available <ith us 8or /arrying out various assignments that <e underta7e1 : Send >our 3n?uiry


4O0EAST, (S>3.) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact : &&-'-*5-)&, ;A.$EA#G; - 50000' : Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 0'0L(0-!L!00&L2or7 +a,(s) : 0'0L(0-!L!00( : 2e are the 8ast groing 0la/ement /om0any in Hyderabad1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

Reso!rce %R Cons!ltants, (Anil) Address "ity State "ountry #hone(s) .es/ri0tion Contact : Aarana7a - 5000&: Hyderabad : Andhra #radesh : $ndia : 00L0'0L**%055!5L2or7 : Servi/es o8 Human Resour/e 5anagement, 5an0o<er Solutions, #la/ement "onsultants 8or various industries and all levels1 : Send >our 3n?uiry

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