Ariston Margherita 2000 Washing Machine

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Thc sccrcts

of fahrIcs
FcW tc et cetter resclts
|nstruct|ons for
|nsta||at|on and use
MarghcrIta 2000
Wasning maonino
and oasy to uso

A 5 X
Thc sccrcts
of fahrIcs
FcW tc et cetter resclts
Here are tbe 11 toplcs expIalned ln tbls manuaI. Read,
Iearn and bave Iun: you wlII dlscover many secret
ways to get a better wasb, more easlIy and maklng
your wasblng macblne Iast Ionger.
Ouick guide to
Margherita 2000
1. nstallation and removal {p. 10]
InstaIIation, aftor doIivory or transport, is tho most important
oporation for tho corroct functioning of your Marghorita zOOO vashing
machino. AIvays chock:
1. That tho oIoctric systom conforms to roguIations,
2. That tho inIot and draining pipos aro connoctod corroctIy.
Never use pipes IhaI have aIready been used.
3. That tho vashing machino is IovoIIod proporIy, somothing vorth
chocking to aid tho porformanco of your vashing machino,
4. That tho drum's fixing scrovs havo boon romovod from tho back
of tho vashing machino,
B. What goes in your washing machine and how
to start your Margherita 2000 {p. 2]
A corroct distribution of your Iaundry is vitaI to tho succossfuI
outcomo of tho vash and tho Iifo of tho vashing machino. Loarn aII
tho tips and socrots to dividing your Iinon: coIour, typo of fabric.
S. Guide to understanding labels {p. 5]
Tho symboIs on tho IaboIs of your garmonts aro oasy to undorstand
and oquaIIy important for tho succoss of your vash. Tho guido
incIudos simpIo instructions to hoIp you chooso tho right tompora-
turo, vash cycIos and ironing mothods.
4. Useful tips to avoid mistakes {p. 6]
Yoars back, our grandmothors voro tho onos vho gavo us good advico -
and in thoso days synthotic fibros did not oxist: vashing vas oasy. Today,
Marghorita zOOO offors you hoIpfuI advico aIIoving you to vash vooI
ovon bottor than an oxport Iaundross vouId by hand.
S. The detergent dispenser {p.7]
Hov to uso tho dotorgont disponsor and tho bIoach compartmont.
S. Understanding the control panel {p. S]
Marghorita zOOO's controI panoI is vory simpIo. It has onIy a fov
ossontiaI buttons to hoIp you chooso any typo of vash cycIo, ranging
from tho most onorgotic, capabIo of cIoaning a mochanic's ovoraIIs,
to tho most doIicato for vooI. FamiIiarising yoursoIf vith it viII hoIp
you got tho bost out of your vash vhiIo hoIping your vashing machino
Iast Iongor. It's oasy.
?. Guide to Margherita 2000's programmes {p. 4]
Horoin is an oasy tabIo to hoIp you chooso tho right programmo,
tomporaturo, dotorgonts and possibIo additivos. Chooso tho right
programmo and you viII got bottor rosuIts vith your vash vhiIo
saving timo, vator and onorgy, day aftor day.
S. Care and maintenance {p. 12]
Marghorita zOOO is a truo friond. With just a bit of caro, it viII ropay
you vith IoyaIty and dovotion.
With tho nocossary upkoop, it viII vash for yoars and yoars to como.
9. Problems and solutions {p. 8 and 9]
Boforo caIIing a tochnician, road thoso pagos: immodiato soIutions
may bo found for a numbor of probIoms. If tho probIom porsists, caII
your IocaI Ariston customor sorvicos vho viII bo pIoasod to hoIp.
Any faiIuro viII bo ropairod, as soon as possibIo.
10. Technical characteristics {p. 9]
Horoin aro tho tochnicaI foaturos of your vashing machino: modoI
typo numbor, oIoctric and vator spocifications, sizo, capacity, spood
of tho spin cycIo and compIianco vith ItaIian and Europoan
11. Safety for you and your family {p.1S]
Horo you viII find tho nocossary safoty guidoIinos, and it is important
for you to road this soction carofuIIy.
1 Harherita 2000 - Irstrccticrs fcr irstallaticr arc cse
What goes in your washer?
BeIore wasblng, you can do a great deaI to ensure better resuIts. Dlvlde your
garments accordlng to Iabrlc and coIour. Read tbe IabeIs, IoIIow tbelr guldeIlnes.
Before washing.
Divido your vashing according to
tho typo of fabric and coIour
Empty aII pockots (coins, papor,
monoy and smaII obojocts) and
onsuro aII Iooso buttons aro
ropairod or romovod prior to
How to eliminate the most common stains
Ink and bIro Dab wItL a wad oI cotton soaRed In metLyI aIcoLoI or aIcoLoI at 90.
Tar Dab wItL IresL butter, rub In turpentIne tLen wasL ImmedIateIy.
Wax 8crape away, tLen run a Lot Iron between two sLeets oI absorbent paper. TLen rub In cotton wItL
turpentIne or metLyI aIcoLoI.
CbewIng gum Pub In naII poIIsL remover and wIpe wItL a cIean ra.
MoId Cotton and wLIte IInen sLouId be pIaced In a soIutIon oI S parts water, one bIeacL and a spoon oI vInear,
tLen wasLed ImmedIateIy. For otLer wLIte IabrIcs, use Lydroen peroxIde at 10 voIumes and wasL ImmedIateIy.
LIgstIck Dab wItL etLer on wooI or cotton. Use trIcIoroetIIene Ior sIIR.
NaII goIIsb FIace a sLeet oI absorbent paper on tLe sIde oI tLe staIn, wet It wItL naII poIIsL remover, sLIItIn tLe
arment as tLe sLeet raduaIIy cLanes coIour.
0rass Dab wItL a wad oI cotton soaRed In metLyI aIcoLoI.
Starting Margherita 2000
Starting Marghorita zOOO in tho
right vay is important for tho
quaIity of your vash, to hoIp
provont futuro probIoms and
onhanco Iifo oxpoctancy of your
appIianco. Onco you havo Ioadod
your vashing machino and addod
tho dotorgont togothor vith any
fabric conditionor, aIvays chock
1. Tho door is cIosod corroctIy.
z. Tho pIug is socurod in tho
J. Tho vator suppIy is turnod on.
4. SoIoctor knob A is positionod
on ono of tho symboIs (Stop/
Choose Ihe desired programme
Tho programmo is soIoctod
according to tho typo of garmonts
that nood to bo vashod. To chooso
a programmo, rofor to tho tabIo on
pago 4. Turn knob A untiI tho
soIoctod programmo coincidos
vith tho pointor situatod on tho
controI panoI. Sot tho tompora-
turo using knob B and, if
nocossary, uso buttons D, E, F
and G and thon pross on/off
button H (position ON).
AIter lnstaIIlng your new wasblng macblne, start a
wasb cycIe by settlng programme "1" at 90 degrees.
For more deIIcate
protect underwear,
tILts and stocRIns
and deIIcate Items by
pIacIn tLem In a
canvas poucL
DIvIdIn your
arments accordIn to
IabrIc and coIour, Is
very Important Ior
ood resuIts
Romombor that, if you vant to
uso it, tho 'programmod start'
shouId bo sot boforo tho vash
AI Ihe end oI Ihe wash cycIe...
Tho L Iamp to oxtinguish: it viII
tako about throo minutos.
Thon turn Marghorita zOOO off by
prossing on-off button H (OFF
position). You can nov opon tho
vashing machino door safoIy.
Aftor having romovod tho froshIy
cIoanod vashing, Ioavo tho door
opon to aIIov air circuIation
insido tho drum.
AIvays disconnoct oIoctricity at
tho sockot and turn off tho vator
Remember IhaI, in Ihe evenI
oI a power IaiIure, or shouId
Ihe washing machine swiIch
iIseII oII, Ihe programme
chosen wiII remain in iIs
The labels say it all.
AIvays Iook at tho IaboIs: thoy
toII you ovorything about your
garmont and hov to vash it in
tho bost possibIo vay.
Tho tabIo on pago b shovs aII
moanings bohind thoso symboIs.
Thoir rocommondations aro
important to achiovo bottor
vash rosuIts
Harherita 2000 - Iirstrccticrs fcr irstallaticr arc cse 2
Big and small happily
This vashing machino has a spociaI
oIoctronic controI dovico for ovon
distribution: boforo tho spin cycIo
starts, this dovico aIIovs tho
garmonts to positions thomsoIvos,
to minimiso noiso and vibrations
during tho spin cycIo.
Whon button H is prossod, tho
vashing machino is svitchod on,
vhon it is not tho machino is
svitchod off.
Turning Ihe appIiance oII does
noI canceI Ihe seIecIed
The on-off lamp
Lamp I fIashos vhon tho
appIianco is svitchod on and
avaiting a programmo to bo sot.
A stoady Iight moans tho
appIianco has accoptod tho
soIoctod programmo.
The door block lamp
Tho safoty Iamp indicatos that tho
vashing machino door is Iockod
to provont it from boing oponod
accidontaIIy. To avoid any
damagos to Iock mochanism, you
must vait for tho Iamp to
oxtinguish, boforo attompting to
opon tho door vhich takos
around throo minutos.
With this button, you can Ioavo
your vashing to soaI, vhich Iasts
approximatoIy 12 hours, aftor
vhich tho appIianco viII carry out
tho vash cycIo sot.
ShouId you vish to intorrupt tho
soaking, pross button E onco moro.
This function can bo usod vith aII
vash cycIos oxcopt for cycIo
numbor 5.
This button aIIovs you to
intorrupt a programmo (on symboI
) kooping tho vashing soaking
in vator boforo tho spin cycIo. It
is a vory usofuI button in
particuIar bocauso it can bo usod
for doIicatos and synthotics. It is
onIy to bo usod vith vash
programmos for synthotic fabrics,
siIk and curtains vhon it is
impossibIo for you to tako tho
vashing out immodiatoIy. Boforo
oponing tho vashing machino
door, finish tho vash cycIo as
S|k aud cvrlaus. pross button F
and Marghorita zOOO viII drain tho
Sulhclc faorcs. pross button F
if you vant a spin cycIo, or turn
knob A to symboI if you vant
tho vator to bo drainod.
Extra Rinse
This hoIps to incroaso tho amount
of rinso cycIos in programmos for
sIurdy Iabrics. Wo rocommond that
you uso it to improvo tho machino's
rinsing povor vhon doaIing vith a
fuII Ioad and a groat amount of
This button aIso aIIovs you to carry
out tho bIeach cycIe (soo pago 7).
Here 'm in command
Undcr-tnnding thc control pnncl
Maklng tbe rlgbt cbolce ls lmportant. And lts easy.
Programme selector knob
and programmed start
Uso this knob to soIoct tho vash
Turn Ihis Inob cIocIwise onIy.
To soIoct a programmo, you
shouId turn tho knob so that tho
symboI/numbor of tho dosirod
programmo is in Iino vith tho
pointor on tho controI panoI.
Nov pross on/off button H
(position ON), piIot Iamp I viII
start fIashing.
Aftor b', tho sotting viII bo
accoptod, piIot Iamp I viII stop
fIashing (staying Iit) and tho vash
cycIo viII bogin.
ShouId you vish to intorrupt tho
programmo in progross or sot a
nov ono, soIoct ono of tho
symboIs (Stop/Rosot) and vait
b' : vhon tho cancoIIation has
boon accoptod, piIot Iamp I
fIashos, and you can thon turn tho
appIianco off.
DeIay Iimer
You can uso this knob to doIay
tho appIianco's oporation.
SoIoct ono of tho four doIay timo
positions, pross tho on/off button
H (position ON) and vait b'. Tho
sotting has nov boon accoptod
(piIot Iamp I stays Iit) and you
can soIoct tho programmo you
P|ol |auj 1 has a jarlcv|ar
f|ashuq uolou (?' ou aud '
off) lo udcalc lhal a dc|acd
slarl has occu scl.
Dvruq lhs jhasc, ov cau ojcu
lhc ajj|aucc door aud chauqc
lhc vashuq |oad, shov|d ov
vsh lo do so.
Aftor tho vash cycIo has boon sot
and accoptod by tho vashing
machino, turning tho knob viII
havo no offoct (oxcopt for vhon
it is on position Stop/Rosot).
Temperature control knob
It is usod to sot tho vash tompo-
raturo in tho rocommondod
programmo tabIo on pag. 4. It aIso
aIIovs you to roduco tho tompo-
raturo rocommondod for tho
soIoctod programmo, and ovon to
sot a coId vash cycIo ( ).
Detergent dispenser
It is dividod into throo
1. Dotorgont for pro-vash,
z. Dotorgont for tho main cycIo vash,
J. Fabric conditionor.
Tho vashing machino is
oquippod vith an oxtra
compartmont 4 (providod as an
accossory) for tho bIoach, to bo
insortod in compartmont 1.
90 Energic
Tho strongost standard cycIo is at
6OC. To start tho vash cycIo at
DOC, you must turn knob A to tho
programmo 1 sotting, turn tho
knob B to tho highost tomporatu-
ro sotting (6OC) and thon pross
this button. This foaturo can onIy
bo usod vith vash programmo 1
for vashing vory strong matoriaIs,
Iiko cotton, Iinon and homp and
shouId bo usod vhon tho cIothos
aro vory dirty.
The detergent dispenser with
the additional bleach
compartment is here.
S Harherita 2000 - Irstrccticrs fcr irstallaticr arc cse
Type of fabric and degree of soil Programme
for wash
Extra Rinse
Length of
the cycle
Description of wash cycle
Exceptionally soiled whites (sheets,
tablecloths, etc.)
1 60C N N N
Del./Trad. 120
Wash cycle at 90C, rinse cycles,
intermediate and final spin cycles
Heavily soiled whites and fast colours
1 60C N N
Del./Trad. 85
Wash cycle at 60C, rinse cycles,
intermediate and final spin cycles
Heavily soiled fast colour synthetics
(baby linen, etc.)
2 60C N N
Delicate 65
Wash cycle at 60C, rinse cycles,
anti-crease or delicate spin cycle
Delicate colour synthetics and cottons
(all types of slightly soiled garments)
3 40C N N
Delicate 50
Wash cycle at 40C, rinse cycles,
anti-crease or delicate spin cycle
Delicate colour synthetics and cottons
(all types of slightly soiled garments)
4 30C N N 30
Wash cycle at 30C, rinse cycles
and delicate spin cycle
Particularly delicate garments and
fabrics (curtains, silk, viscose, etc.)
5 30C N N 50
Wash cycle at 30C, rinse cycles,
anti-crease or draining
Rinse cycles, anti-crease
or draining
Spin Draining and delicate spin cycle
Draining Draining
Stop/Reset Interrupts/Cancels the selected
12 - 9 - 3 - 1 hour delay Start is delayed by 12 - 9 - 3 -1
Stop/Reset Interrupts/Cancels the selected
A programme for all seasons
What arc you washIng today?
Harherita 2000 - Irstrccticrs fcr irstallaticr arc cse 4
mportant: to cancel the wash programme you have just set, select one of the symbols {StopjReset] and wait for at least 5 seconds.
T1e a!a 1D1 11 !1e !aD1e 1s D:e1] 111oa!1+e, a1 oa1 +a:] aoo:11 ! !1e qDa1!1!] a1 !]e 1 +as111, !1e +a!e: s]s!eL
!eLe:a!D:e a1 !1e :L !eLe:a!D:e.
Wasb BIeacbIng IronIng Dry cIeanIng DryIng
e ao!11
WasL at
BIeacLIn onIy In
coId water
Hot Iron at
max P00C
Dry cIean wItL any
WasL at
60C Do not bIeacL
MedIum Lot
IronIn at
max 1S0C
Dry cIean onIy wItL
percLIorIde, benzIne
av., pure aIcoLoI,
P111 and P11S
Do not macLIne
WasL at
Iron at max
Dry cIean wItL av.
benzIne, pure
aIcoLoI and P11S 8pread to dry
WasL at
S0C Not IronabIe Do not dry cIean
Han to dry
wItLout spIn
Hand wasL
Dry on cIotLes
wasLabIe In
Understanding labels
Learn tbe meanlng oI tbese symboIs and you wlII get
better resuIts, your garments wlII Iast Ionger resuItlng
ln an lmproved wasb.
AII ovor Europo, garmont IaboIs
contain mossagos oxprossod in
smaII yot important symboIs.
Undorstanding thom is vory
important if you vant to got
bottor rosuIts and troat your
garmonts tho vay thoy dosorvo to
bo troatod.
Thoso symboIs aro dividod in fivo
difforont catogorios and shapos:
vashing ,
bIoaching , ironing , dry
cIoaning and drying .
Consult and learn the symbols in this table: they will help you
obtain a better wash, treat your clothes properly, and get a
better performance out of your Ariston Margherita 2000.
Turn sLIrts InsIde out to et better resuIts
and maRe tLem Iast Ioner.
AIways empty pocRets oI tLeIr contents.
LooR at tLe IabeI. It wIII aIways Ive you
useIuI advIce.
WLen IoadIn your wasLIn, try to Lave a
mIxture oI Iare to smaII Items. Make sure you select the right
5 Harherita 2000 - Irstrccticrs fcr irstallaticr arc cse
l c
Useful tips
Never use your washing
machine Io wash... torn, fraying
or non-hommod Iinon. If it is
absoIutoIy noccossary, pIaco it in
a bag for protoction. Do not vash
coIourod Iinon vith vhitos.
WaIch Ihe weighI!
For bost rosuIts, do not oxcood
tho voight Iimits statod boIov
(figuros shov voight of dry
- Ecsslaul faorcs.
6.6 kq uaxuvu
- Sulhclc faorcs.
?.6 kq uaxuvu
- Dc|calc faorcs.
? kq uaxuvu
- Pvrc ucv voo|.
1 kq uaxuvu
How to wash almost anything
Curtains tond to croaso a groat
doaI. A usofuI tip to roduco
croasing: foId tho curtains and
pIaco thom in a piIIov caso or
mosh bag. Do not Ioad anything
oIso insido tho appIianco, this viII
onsuro that tho ovoraII voight
doos not oxcood tho haIf Ioad.
Romombor to uso tho spocific
programmo 5 vhich automa-
ticaIIy oxcIudos tho spin cycIo.
Onco you havo romovod mud and
dirt from trainors, you can ovon
vash thom vith joans or any
othor tough garmonts. Do not
vash trainors vith vhitos.
QuiIIed coaIs and anoraI.
You can vash quiItod coats and
vind-choators, too, if thoy aro
paddod vith gooso or duck
dovn. Do not Ioad moro than
z-J kg and novor Ioad b.b kg.
Ropoat rinso onco or tvico using
tho gontIo spin.
How much does iI weigh?
1 shoot 4OO-bOO gr.
1 piIIov caso 1bO-zOO gr.
1 tabIocIoth 4OO-bOO gr.
1 bathrobo DOO-1,zOO gr.
1 tovoI 1bO-zbO gr.
CoIoured T-shirIs, printod
onos and shirts Iast Iongor if
turnod insido out boforo vashing.
Printod T-shirts and svoatshirts
shouId aIvays bo ironod insido
Dungaree aIerI.
Vory popuIar saIopotto" typo
ovoraIIs havo straps vith hooks
that can damago tho drum of your
vashing machino or othor
garmonts during tho vash. To
minimiso tho risk, pIaco hooks in
tho pockot and faston vith safoty
HoIidays: unpIug Ihe
It is rocommondod that you
shouId unpIug tho machino from
tho sockot and turn off tho vator
suppIy. Loavo tho door ajar to
aIIov air circuIation to tho drav
and tho door gaskot aroa. This
viII provont unpIoasant odours.
Harherita 2000 - Irstrccticrs fcr irstallaticr arc cse 6
For best resuI ts, we
recommend you use a
specIIIc deterent, taRIn
care not to wasL more
tLan 1 kg oI Iaundry.
You must foIIov tho dosago
rocommondations providod by
tho manufacturors vhon adding
dotorgont or fabric conditionor.
Dosos viII vary according to tho
vash Ioad, tho vator hardnoss and
hov soiIod tho vashing is.
Exporionco viII hoIp you soIoct
tho right dosago aImost
automaticaIIy: it viII bocomo
your socrot.
Boforo adding dotorgont for pro-
vashing in compartmont 1, mako
suro that tho oxtra compartmont
for bIoach 4 has not boon insortod.
Ensuro no ovorfiIIing vhon adding
fabric conditionor in compart-
mont 3.
Tho vashing machino automa-
ticaIIy adds tho softonor to tho
vash in oach programmo.
Liquid dotorgont is pourod into
compartmont 2 just a fov
soconds boforo starting tho vash
In compartment 1:
Detergent for pre-washing (powder)
In compartment 2:
Detergent for washing
(powder or liquid)
In compartment 3:
Additives (softeners, perfumes, etc.)
In compartment 4:
Bleach and delicate bleach.
Useful tips about the detergent dispenser
It`s Important for a good wash
Tbe Ilrst secret ls tbe easlest: tbe detergent
dlspenser ls opened by rotatlng lt outwards.
Romombor that Iiquid dotorgont
is onIy dosignod for vash cycIos
of up to 6O dogroos on non pro-
vash itoms.
SpociaI containors aro soId vith
Iiquid or povdor dotorgonts for
pIacing insido tho vashing
machino drum, thoso aro
positionod according to tho
instructions found in tho
dotorgont box
Novor uso hand vash dotorgont,
bocauso it may form too much
foam, vhich couId damago tho
vashing machino.
Dotorgonts that aro spocificaIIy
formuIatod for both hand and
machino vash aro an oxcoption.
Ono Iast socrot: vhon vashing
vith coId vator, aIvays roduco
tho amount of dotorgont you uso:
it dissoIvos Ioss oasiIy in coId
vator than in hot vator, so part
of it vouId bo vastod.
Cutting costs efficiently
A gulde to
IrlendIy and economlc
use oI your appIlance.
AcLIeve tLe best use oI enery, water, deterent and tIme by usIn tLe
recommended maxImum Ioad sIze.
8AVE up to S0% enery by wasLIn a IuII Ioad Instead oI P LaII Ioads.
For LeavIIy soIIed Iaundry onIy!
8AVE deterent, tIme, water and between S to 1S% enery consumptIon by
NOT seIectIn FrewasL Ior sIILt to normaIIy soIIed Iaundry.
Fretreat staIns wItL staIn remover or soaR drIed In staIns In water beIore
wasLIn to reduce tLe necessIty oI a Lot wasL proramme.
8AVE up to S0% enery by usIn a 60C wasL proramme.
8AVE enery and tIme by seIectIn tLe LILest suItabIe spIn speed to reduce
tLe water content In Iaundry beIore usIn a dryIn proramme.
The detergent di spenser can be
removed and cleaned: just lift it up
and pull it outwards ,as indicated in
the figure. Then leave it under running
water for a few minutes.
7 Harherita 2000 - Irstrccticrs fcr irstallaticr arc cse
BIeacb cycIe and staln remover
If bIoaching is nocossary, tho ox-
tra caso 4 (providod) must bo
insortod into compartmont 1 of
tho dotorgont disponsor.
Whon pouring in tho bIoach, bo
carofuI not to oxcood tho "ma"
IovoI indicatod on tho contraI
pivot (soo iIIustration).
Tho uso of tho additionaI bIoach
containor oxcIudos tho
possibiIity of using tho pro-vash
cycIo. TradiIionaI bIeach can
onIy be used on sIurdy whiIe
Iabrics, whereas deIicaIe
bIeach can be used Ior
coIoured Iabrics, synIheIics
and Ior wooI.
You cannot bIoach vith tho
programmos 4 and 5 (soo pago 4).
Uso tho EIra Rinse button
ovory timo you vant to bIoach.
ShouId you vant to do it
separaIeIy you must pour tho
bIoach into tho additionaI
containor 4, pross button G (Ex-
tra Rinso), start tho vashing
machino, thon soIoct tho symboI
Whon you bIoach during a
normaI wash cycIe, pour tho
dotorgont and any additivos in
tho spociaI compartmonts, pross
button G (Extra Rinso), sot tho
dosirod programmo and thon
start your Marghorita zOOO.
Before calling, read the following
In most cases, wben your wasblng macblne IalIs to work, tbe probIems
arlslng can be easlIy soIved wltbout bavlng to caII Ior a tecbnlclan. BeIore
caIIlng Ior asslstance, aIways cbeck tbese polnts.
The washing machine
fails to start.
Is Ihe pIug correcIIy
inserIed inIo Ihe socIeI? It
couId havo boon movod vhiIst
Is Ihere eIecIriciIy in Ihe
A circuit broakor may havo
svitchod off as a rosuIt of too
many oIoctricaI appIiancos
vorking at tho samo timo. Or
maybo duo to a gonoraI faiIuro
in your ontiro aroa.
Is Ihe washing machine door
cIosed properIy?
For safoty roasons, tho
vashing machino cannot vork
if tho door is opon or not shut
Is Ihe On/OII buIIon
If it is, thon a programmod
start has boon sot.
Is Ihe programmed sIarI
Inob, in Ihe correcI posiIion
Ior Ihose modeIs concerned?
Is Ihe waIer suppIy Iurned
on? For safoty roasons, if tho
vashing machino doos not
Ioad vator, it cannot start a
vash cycIo.
Turn off the water
supply after use.
This will eliminate
the possibility of
Always leave the
appliance door
ajar to avoid bad
Clean the
exteriors gently.
To clean the
exteriors and the
rubber parts of
the appliance,
always use a soft
cloth dipped in
warm and soapy
Leave the washing
machine plugged in
while cleaning.
Even during mainte-
nance, the appliance
should always be
Use solvents and
aggressive abrasives.
Never use solvents or
abrasives to clean the
external and rubber
parts of the washing
Neglect the detergent
t is removable and
can easily be cleaned
by leaving it under
running water.
Go on holiday without
thinking about her.
Before leaving, always
make sure that the
washing machine is
unplugged and that
the water supply is
turned off.
The washing machine
fails to fill with
Is Ihe hose correcIIy
connecIed Io Ihe Iap?
Is Ihere a waIer shorIage ?
Thoro couId bo vork in
progross in your buiIding or
Is Ihere suIIicienI waIer
pressure? Tho autocIavo may
bo maIfunctioning.
Is Ihe Iap IiIIer cIean? If tho
vator is vory caIcaroous, or if
vork has rocontIy boon carriod
out on tho vator piping, tho tap
fiItor couId bo cIoggod vith
particIos and dobris.
Is Ihe rubber hose IinIed?
Tho tract of tho rubbor hoso
bringing vator to vashing
machino must bo as straight as
possibIo. Mako suro it is not
squashod or kinkod.
The programme
selector knob keeps
WaiI a Iew minuIes Ior Ihe
drain pump Io empIy Ihe Iub,
svitch Marghorita zOOO off,
soIoct ono of tho symboIs stop/
rosot , thon svitch it back on.
If tho knob continuos to turn,
caII for assistanco bocauso it
is shoving an anomaIy.
The washing machine
continuously fills and
drains water.
Is Ihe drain hose
posiIioned Ioo Iow? It must
bo instaIIod at a hoight ranging
from 6O to 1OO cm.
Is Ihe end oI Ihe hose
immersed in waIer?
Does Ihe waII drainage
sysIem have a breaIher
pipe? If tho probIom porsists
ovon aftor thoso chocks, turn
tho vator suppIy off tho
machino and caII for
If you Iivo on an uppor fIoor of
your buiIding, thoro may bo a
probIom vith your drain trap.
To soIvo this probIom, a spociaI
vaIvo must bo instaIIod.
Harherita 2000 - Irstrccticrs fcr irstallaticr arc cse 8
SimpIe: wiIh Ihe new ArisIon IechnoIogy, you need Iess Ihan
haII oI iI, Io geI good resuIIs on Iwice as much!
This is why you cannoI see Ihe waIer Ihrough Ihe door:
because Ihere is IiIIIe, very IiIIIe oI iI, Io respecI Ihe
environmenI yeI wiIhouI renouncing maimum cIeanIiness.
And, on Iop oI IhaI, you are aIso saving eIecIriciIy.
But where did all the water go?
The washing machine
does not drain or
Does Ihe seIecIed
programme incorporaIes
waIer draining? Somo
programmos stop at tho ond of
tho vash cycIos and draining
viII havo to bo soIoctod
Is Ihe "Rinse-HoId"
IuncIion -where provided -
enabIed? This function
roquiros manuaI soIoction for
Is Ihe drain hose IinIed?
Tho tract of tho drain hoso
must bo as straight as possibIo.
Mako suro tho drain hoso is not
squashod or kinkod.
Is Ihe washing machine's
drain ducI cIogged? Is thoro
an oxtonsion of tho drain
hoso? If so, is it positionod
incorroctIy, bIocking tho vator
Excessive vibration
during the spin cycle.
Have aII IransiI screws been
removed durind insIaI-
IaIion? Soo tho foIIoving
pago on instaIIation
Has Ihe washing machine
been IeveIIed correcIIy? Tho
IovoIIing of tho appIianco
shouId bo chockod
poriodicaIIy. Adjust tho foot
and chock thom vith a IovoI.
Is Ihere space beIween Ihe
machine and adjacenI uniIs?
If it is not a buiIt-in modoI, tho
vashing machino viII osciIIato
a bit during tho spin cycIo. A
fov cm of spaco shouId
thoroforo bo Ioft around it.
The washing machine
Is Ihe meIaI ring oI Ihe inIeI
hose properIy aIIached? Turn
off tho vator suppIy, unpIug
tho appIianco and try
tightoning its attachmont
vithout forcing it.
Is Ihe deIergenI dispenser
obsIrucIed? Romovo and
vash it undor tap vator.
Is Ihe drain hose weII
aIIached? Turn off tho vator
suppIy, unpIug tho appIianco
and try tightoning its
Too much foam.
Is Ihe deIergenI appropriaIe
Ior machine washing? Chock
vhothor tho dofinition on its
IaboI roads for machino vash"
or hand and machino vash",
or any othor simiIar vording.
Is Ihe correcI amounI being
used? An oxcossivo amount of
dotorgont, bosidos producing
too much foam, doos not
guarantoo a moro offoctivo
vash, and causos scaIing in tho
intornaI parts of tho appIianco.
If, dospito aII chocks, tho
vashing machino faiIs to
function and tho probIom
porsists, caII your noarost
authorisod Customor Sorvico
Contro, providing tho foIIoving
- tho naturo of maIfunction
- tho modoI typo no. (Mod. ....)
- tho soriaI numbor (S/N ....)
This information can bo found on
tho data pIato situatod at tho back
of tho vashing machino.
TcchnIca! charactcrIstIcs
AIways et
assIstance Irom
tecLnIcIans and
aIways InsIst on
orIInaI spare
9 Harherita 2000 - Irstrccticrs fcr irstallaticr arc cse
ModeI AB 6S X
DImensIons wIdtL S9,S cm
LeILt 8S cm
deptL SS,S cm
CagacIty Irom 1 to S,S R
voItae PS0/P40 VoIt S0-60 Hz
maxImum absorbed power 18S0 W
maxImum pressure 1 MFa (10 bar)
mInImum pressure 0,0S MFa (0,S bar)
drum capacIty 46 IItre
SgInnIng sgeed up to 600 rpm
ControI grograms
In comgIIance
wItb IBC
reguIatIon 4SS
carrIed out wItL S,0 R Ioad
TLIs appIIance conIorms wItL tLe IoIIowIn E.E.C. dIrectIves.
- 7S/PS/EEC oI 19/0P/7S (Low VoItae) and subseguent modIIIcatIons
- 89/SS6/EEC oI 0S/0S/89 (EIectromanetIc CompatIbIIIty) and subseguent modIIIcatIons
When Margherita
2000 arrives
Insta!!atIon and rcmova!
Wbetber new or ]ust transported to a new bouse,
lnstaIIatlon ls extremeIy lmportant Ior tbe correct
Iunctlonlng oI your wasblng macblne.
is nocossary to fix tho ond of tho
hoso at a hoight boIov 6O cm
from tho ground, it must bo fixod
in tho appropriato hook pIacod
on tho uppor part of tho back
The hook to be used in case the drain
hose ends at a height below 60 cm.
If tho drains hoso omptios into a
tub or sink thon fit tho pIastic
guido and socuro it to tho tap.
The guide for draining into tubs and
Tho ond of tho drain hoso must
bo positionod so that it cannot
bocomo submorgod.
Extonsions aro unadvisabIo. In
caso of absoIuto nood, tho
oxtonsion must havo tho samo
diamotor as tho originaI hoso and
must not oxcood 1bO cm. In caso
of vaII draining pipos, thoir
officioncy must bo chockod by a
quaIifiod tochnician. If tho
dvoIIing is on ono of tho uppor
fIoors of a buiIding, thoro may bo
drain trap probIoms causing tho
vashing machino to Ioad and
unIoad vator continuousIy.
In ordor to avoid such an
inconvonionco, spociaI anti-drain
trap vaIvos aro avaiIabIo in shops.
Electric connection
Your appIianco is nov suppIiod
vith a 1J amp fusod pIug it can
bo pIuggod into a 1J amp sockot
for immodiato uso. Boforo using
tho appIianco pIoaso road tho
instructions boIov.
RepIacing Ihe Iuse:
Whon ropIacing a fauIty fuso, a
1J amp ASTA approvod fuso to
BS 1J6z shouId aIvays bo usod,
and tho fuso covor ro-fittod. If
tho fuso covor is Iost, tho pIug
must not bo usod untiI a
ropIacomont is obtainod.
RepIacemenI Iuse covers:
If a ropIacomont fuso covor is
fittod, it must bo of tho corroct
coIour as indicatod by tho
coIourod marking or tho coIour
that is ombossod in vords on tho
baso of tho pIug. RopIacomonts
can bo obtainod diroctIy from
your noarost Sorvico Dopot.
Aftor romoving tho appIianco
from its packaging, chock that it
is intact. If in doubt, contact a
quaIifiod tochnician immodiatoIy.
The inside oI Ihe machine is
supporIed, Ior IransporIaIion, by
Iour screws on Ihe bacI paneI.
Boforo using tho vashing
machino, remove Ihe screws,
romovo tho spacors togothor vith
tho rubbor tubos attachod to
thom (kooping aII tho parts) and
uso tho pIastic pIugs providod to
fiII in tho hoIos.
ImporIanI: Uso tho cap (providod)
to cIoso tho J hoIos vhich housod
tho stop pin, situatod in tho right-
hand part of tho Iovor back of tho
vashing machino.
Part A musI noI bo romovod.
Tho vashing machino must bo
IovoIIod appropriatoy in ordor to
guarantoo its corroct functioning.
To IovoI tho appIianco, tho front
foot must bo adjustod, tho angIo
of incIination, moasurod according
to tho vorktop, must not oxcood
z. Whon pIacod on carpot, mako
suro tho vontiIation is not roducod.
The front feet are adjustable.
Connection to the water
Wator prossuro must rango vithin
tho vaIuos indicatod on tho data
pIato on tho roar of your vashing
machino. If tho vator pipos aro
nov or Ioft unusod, thon boforo
connocting tho machino run tho
vator untiI cIoar to romovo
dobris. Connoct tho inIot hoso to
a coId vator tap having a BSP
throad. Ensuro that tho rubbor
soaIing vashors aro fittod at oach
ond of tho inIot hoso, vith tho fittor
vashor at tho tap ond.
The rubber hose filter.
Connoct tho inIot hoso to tho
throadod connoctor on tho
machino roar.
Water pipe inlet at the top right.
Connecting the drain
Thoro aro tvo hooks (right or
Ioft) on tho roar of your vashing
machino to vhich tho drain hoso
is to bo fixod. Insort tho othor
ond in a stand pipo or pIaco it on
tho odgo of a sink or tub avoiding
oxcossivo kinks and bonding. It
shouId bo pIacod at a hoight
ranging from 6O to 1OO cm. If it
TLe company denIes
aII IIabIIIty II and
wLen tLese norms are
not respected.
FIastIc bas,
expanded styroIoam,
naIIs and otLer
pacRaIn parts are
not cLIIdren`s toys,
and are potentIaIIy
PetaIn tLe transIt screws,
spacers and wasLers.
8LouId you move Louse
tLen tLese sLouId be
repIaced to support tLe
InsIde oI tLe macLIne to
prevent damae wLen
transportIn tLe
Harherita 2000 - Irstrccticrs fcr irstallaticr arc cse 10
11 Harherita 2000 - Irstrccticrs fcr irstallaticr arc cse
Removing Ihe pIug:
If your appIianco has a non-
roviroabIo mouIdod pIug and you
shouId vish to ro-routo tho mains
cabIo through partitions, units
otc., pIoaso onsuro that oithor:
tho pIug is ropIacod by a fusod
1J amporo ro-voarabIo pIug
boaring tho BSI mark of approvaI.
tho mains cabIo is virod diroctIy
into a 1J amp cabIo outIot,
controIIod by a svitch, (in
compIianco vith BS b7JJ) vhich
is accossibIo vithout moving tho
Disposing oI Ihe pIug:
Ensuro that boforo disposing of
tho pIug itsoIf, you mako tho pins
unusabIo so that it cannot bo
accidontaIIy insortod into a
InsIrucIions Ior connecIing
cabIe Io an aIIernaIive pIug:
ImporIanI: tho viros in tho
mains Ioad aro coIourod in
accordanco vith tho foIIoving
Groon & YoIIov EarIh
BIuo NeuIraI
Brovn Live
As tho coIours of tho viros in tho
Ioad may not corrospond vith tho
coIourod markings idontifyng tho
torminaIs in your pIug, procood
as foIIovs:
Connoct Groon & YoIIov viro to
torminaI markod E or or
coIourod Groon or Groon &
Connoct Brovn viro to torminaI
markod L or coIourod Rod.
Connoct BIuo viro to torminaI
markod N or coIourod BIack.
If a 1J amp pIug (BS 1J6J) is usod
it must bo fittod vith a
1J amp fuso, oithor in tho pIug
or adaptor or at tho distribution
If you aro in any doubt tho
oIoctricaI suppIy to your
machino, consuIt a quaIifiod
oIoctrician boforo uso.
How Io connecI an aIIernaIi-
ve pIug:
Tho viros in this mains Ioad aro
coIourod in accordanco vith tho
foIIoving codo:
Disposing oI Ihe appIiance:
Whon disposing of tho appIianco
pIoaso romovo tho pIug by
cutting tho mains cabIo as cIoso
as possibIo to tho pIug body and
disposo of it as doscribod abovo.
13 ampere fuse
Harherita 2000 - Irstrccticrs fcr irstallaticr arc cse 12
Treat your machine well and it will provide
many years of trouble free service
Easy Uarc and MaIntcnancc
Your wasblng macblne ls a reIlabIe companlon ln IlIe and on tbe ]ob. It ls ]ust as lmportant Ior you to
keep lt ln sbape.
Marghorita zOOO is a vashing
machino dosignod to provido
roIiabIo sorvico ovor many yoars.
A fov simpIo stops viII hoIp to
proIong its Iifo and avoid
probIoms. It is advisabIo, to turn
off vator taps vhon tho machino
is not to bo usod, this protocts
tho hosos, otc.
If tho vator in your aroa is too
hard, uso a doIiming product
(vator is hard if it ofton Ioavos
vhitish stains around taps or
drains, ospociaIIy of bath tubs.
For moro accurato information as
to tho typo of vator in your
systom, caII tho IocaI vator
vorks or a IocaI pIumbor).
Pockots must aIvays bo omptiod
romoving ovon pins, badgos and
any othor hard objoct.
Tho vashing machino oxtorior
shouId bo cIoanod vith a rag
dippod in Iukovarm vator and
Never exaggerate with
NormaI dotorgonts aIroady
contain doIiming agonts. OnIy if
tho vator is particuIarIy hard,
that is, rich in Iimo contont, do
vo rocommond tho uso of a
spocific product at ovory vash.
A poriodicaI vash cycIo vith a
doso of a doIiming product,
vithout dotorgonts or vashing,
may provo usofuI.
Novor uso too much dotorgont or
additivos bocauso this couId cau-
so an oxcoss amount of foam,
scaIing and possibIo damago to
tho componont parts of your
vashing machino.
It Is Important to
wasL tLe deterent
dIspenser reuIarIy.
To prevent drIed
wasLIn powder Irom
accumuIatIn, pIace
tLe dIspenser under
runnIn water Ior a
Iew mInutes.
Do not forget to empty all pockets: small objects can cause
damage to your friend Margherita 2000.
When in need, check the pump and the rubber hose.
Margberlta B000 comes egulpped wltb a seII-cIeanlng pump tbat does not regulre any cIeanlng or malntenance.
Tbe water InIet bose
CLecR tLe rubber Lose at Ieast once a year. II you see any cracRs, repIace It ImmedIateIy. WLen you use your wasLIn
macLIne, water pressure Is very stron and a cracRed tube couId easIIy spIIt open.
1S Harherita 2000 - Irstrccticrs fcr irstallaticr arc cse
Your safety and that of
your family
Important for thc safc usc of your MarghcrIta 2000
Margberlta B000 bas been bulIt ln compIlance
wltb tbe strlctest lnternatlonaI saIety
reguIatlons. To protect you and aII your
Road thoso instructions and aII
tho information in this manuaI
carofuIIy: thoy aro an
important sourco, not onIy of
numorous usofuI tips, but aIso
of vitaI information on safoty,
uso and maintonanco.
1. MargheriIa 2000 shouId
noI be insIaIIed in an
ouIdoor environmenI,
not ovon vhon a roof
shoItors tho aroa, bocauso
it may bo vory dangorous
to Ioavo it oxposod to rain
and thundorstorms.
2. II musI onIy be used by
aduIIs and oxcIusivoIy for
vashing cIothos foIIoving
tho instructions providod in
this manuaI.
3. ShouId it havo to bo movod,
procood vith tho hoIp of
tvo or throo poopIo and
handIo it vith tho utmost
caro. Novor try to do this
aIono, bocauso Ihe
appIiance is very heavy.
4. Boforo Ioading tho vashing
machino, maIe sure Ihe
drum is empIy.
5. Never Iouch Ihe washing
machine when bareIooI
or wiIh weI or damp
hands or IeeI.
6. Never use eIensions or
muIIipIe pIugs, vhich aro
particuIarIy dangorous in
humid onvironmonts. Tho
povor suppIy cabIo must
novor bo bont or
dangorousIy comprossod.
7. Never open Ihe deIergenI
dispenser whiIe Ihe
appIiance is IuncIioning;
do noI use hand wash
deIergenI bocauso tho
abundanco of foam couId
damago its intornaI parts.
Tbe Margberlta B000
power suppIy cabIe ls
speclaI and can be
purcbased excIuslveIy
Irom autborlsed Tecb-
nlcaI 8ervlce Centres.
To repIace tLe cabIe.
1. Make sure tbat Mar-
gberlta B000 ls swltcbed
oII and unpIugged.
B. Pemove tLe coverIn IId
by unscrewIn tLe two
screws I, and tLen puII It
towards you [II. 1].
S. DIsconnect tLe wIres
Irom tLe radIo InterIerence
suppressor F [II. P] notIn
as to tLeIr posItIon (BIue=N
wIre; Brown=L wIre)
IeavIn tLe eartL wIre untII
Iast .
1.1.. Ietters L, N and tLe
symboI are IndIcated on
tLe radIo InterIerence
4. Pemove tLe upper part
oI tLe cabIe sIILtIy Irom
tLe bacR paneI oI tLe
appIIance, puII tLe power
suppIy cabIe upwards and
taRe It out [II. S].
To connect tbe new power
suppIy cabIe, reverse tbe
To put tLe coverIn IId bacR
on, rest It on tLe wasLIn
macLIne [II. 4] and Iet It
sIIde Iorwards untII tLe
LooRs sItuated on tLe Iront
sIIde Into tLe specIaI sIots
Iormed Into tLe controI
paneI and tILten tLe
screws bacR on.
Flg. 1 Flg. B Flg. S Flg. 4
S. Never puII on Ihe suppIy
cabIe or tho vashing
machino to disconnoct it
from tho vaII sockot: it is
oxtromoIy dangorous.
9. WhiIo tho appIianco is
functioning, do noI Iouch
Ihe drain waIer as it
couId roach vory high
tomporaturos. The
appIiance door, during
wash cycIes, Iends Io
become hoI; ensure IhaI
chiIdren do no Iouch iI.
Never Iorce Ihe washing
machine door bocauso
this couId damago tho
safoty Iock vhich provonts
accidontaI oponing vhon
tho nachino is vorking.
AIIov a fov minutos at tho
ond of tho program for tho
Iock to roIoaso.
10. In case oI maIIuncIio-
ning, IirsI cIose Ihe
waIer Iap and unpIug Ihe
appIiance Irom Ihe waII
socIeI; do not undor any
circumstancos touch
intornaI parts in ordor to
attompt ropairs.
I onIy want an
autborlsed speclaIlsed
tecbnlclan wltb orlglnaI
Arlston spare parts!
How to change the power supply cable
{For this operation we suggest you contact a qualified engineer]
Harherita 2000 - Irstrccticrs fcr irstallaticr arc cse 14








Via Aristide Merloni, 47 - 60044 Fabriano - tel. (0732) 6611 - Italy

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