Surat Lamaran Pekrjaan

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Tangerang, December 2, 2013 Attention To: Mr. Imantoro Human Resources Department PT. Persada umida Terpadu !".

Ra#a $u%ama&u 'o. 11 Tangerang

Dear $ir, (n t)is good opportunit#, I *ou"d "i%e to app"# as a Instrumentation and Control System Engineer in #our compan#. M# name is Dias Farhan, 22 #ears o"d, ma"e, sing"e, energetic and )ea"t)#. I am a Control System Engineer and graduated from Suryadarma University (UNSURYA) on ay !""# $ith %&A '(#)( I *ou"d "i%e to )a+e career to e,pand m# e,perience. M# persona"it# as a )ard *or%er and -ast "earner t#pe o- person *ou"d bring bene-it to #our compan#. I *i"" be +er# appreciated i- #ou cou"d gi+e in opportunit# to *or% in #our compan#. Here*it) I enc"ose m# curricu"um +itae, *)ic) *i"" gi+e detai"s o- m# .ua"i-ication. I )ope m# .ua"i-ications and e,perience merit #our consideration and "oo% -or*ard to #our rep"#.

$incere"# #ours,

Dias Farhan P)one : 021 / 0102233 !". Me"ati 'o.23 Tangerang / 10112

e%asi, Apri" 1t), 2001

Attention To: HRD Manager PT. Pranata In-ormatindo !". Ra#a $udirman 'o. 11 e%asi

Dear $ir4Madam, I )a+e read -rom #our ad+ertisement at Repub"i%a t)at #our compan# is "oo%ing -or emp"o#ees to )o"d some position. ased on t)e ad+ertisement, I am interested in app"#ing app"ication -or 5ngineer position according *it) m# bac%ground educationa" as 5ngineering P)#sics. M# name is Is*andi 6ubis, I am t*ent# t)ree #ears o"d. I )a+e graduated -rom 5ngineering P)#sics Department I$T' on Marc) 2001. M# specia"i7ation in 5ngineering P)#sics is Instrumentation and 8ontro" specia"ist. I consider m#se"- t)at I )a+e .ua"i-ications as #ou *ant. I )a+e good moti+ation -or progress and gro*ing, eager to "earn, and can *or% *it) a team 9team *or%: or b# m#se"-. eside t)at I posses ade.uate computer s%i"" and )a+e good command in 5ng"is) 9ora" and *ritten:. ;it) m# .ua"i-ications, I con-ident t)at I *i"" be ab"e to contribute e--ecti+e"# to #our compan#. Here*it) I enc"ose m# : 1. 8op# o- ac)e"or Degree 9$/1: 8erti-icate and Academic Transcript. 2. 8urricu"um <itae. 3. 8op# o- !ob Training 8erti-icate -rom =noca" Indonesia 8ompan#. 3. Recent p)otograp) *it) si7e o- 3,> I *ou"d e,press m# gratitude -or #our attention and I )ope I cou"d -o""o* #our recruitment test "uc%i"#.


Is$andi *u+is

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