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Prepurchase Inspection of LPG/C Furongyuan at Shekhou .

Chapter 2 Ballast anks Inspected total 3 tanks: - 1WBT (C), No. 2 WBT (P), No. 2 WBT (S). The other tanks ere !allasted and not access"!le. The #eneral cond"t"on o$ the tanks "s sat"s$actor%. No. 1WBT(C): Coat"n# !reakdo n appro& '()1*+. No. 2WBT(P): Coat"n# !reakdo n less than '+ No 2WBT(S): Coat"n# !reakdo n appro& 1* +. ,-d acc-.-lat"on "s ."n".al "n all the tanks. No anodes $"tted "n an% o$ these tanks (e&cept $or 1 anode $"tted "n a% o$ the s-ct"on p"pe) /0erall cond"t"on o$ the tanks "s sat"s$actor% as no r-st scales and asta#e ere noted. The tanks are $a"rl% clean "th onl% ."nor .-d depos"ts at the !otto. plate "n scattered area. No str-ct-ral de$ects $o-nd. !ol" Space Inspected !oth the 0o"d spaces and #enerall% $o-nd "n sat"s$actor% state "th local"sed r-st% spots at the !otto. o$ the car#o tanks and on the deck heads. The lo er hal$ o$ the spaces "s pa"nted !lack and the -pper part "s l"#ht #ra% colo-r. The sh"ps"de area also $o-nd "n sat"s$actor% cond"t"on "th no str-ct-ral de$ects not"ced.

1ach 0o"d space "s $"tted "th a !"l#e alar. at the a$t !"l#e ell and a #as detector "s also $"tted. Water as acc-.-lated "n the 0o"d spaces apparentl% ca-sed !% the condensat"on on the tanks. It as noted also that the so-nd"n# p"pe $or No 2 WBT (S) had sheared o$$ at the penetrat"on o$ the .a"n deck and that th"s had !een te.porar"l% repa"red !% .eans o$ a r-!!er t-!"n# $ro. No 1 0o"d space. Per.anent repa"rs "ll !e re2-"red The 0ent"lat"on tr-nks end "n a .-shroo. 0ent on the deck. 3o e0er noted "nternal corros"on as so.e loose r-st scales had $ell do n. The saddle $or the car#o tanks are $o-nd "n sat"s$actor% cond"t"on. 4eta"ner !ars $"tted on !oth s"de o$ the ooden !locks. (It .a% !e noted that there "s so.e .ark"n# and s"#ns o$ .eas-re.ent ha0"n# !een taken on the saddle $or No 2 tank "n the past 5 no record as to hen and reason $or sa.e). The ant"-$loatat"on !olt 6 saddle $o-nd "n
LPG/C Furongyuan Condition Inspection Report cond"t"on. No records a0a"la!le $or checks on clearances "n ashers o$ !olts and clearances "n a% o$ the saddles.

a% o$ con"cal

LPG/C Furongyuan Condition Inspection Report

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