MUET Group1 Comments On Speaking

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MALAYSIAN UNIVERSITY ENGLISH TEST Comments on performance of candidates (Topic: pro%$ems faced %! &or'in( parents) a!

s to o"ercome c#i$dcare

Gro*p + , Candidate A - Tas' A (Emp$o! a maid) Attempted to elaborate on ideas, but with difficulty. Some repetitions of ideas/ ideas are not well-developed (e.g., point on maid helping children do homework). any noticeable errors in structure and vocabulary, but has some control of basic structures and vocabulary to make her message meaningful. Able to keep communication going! message is generally comprehensible. Gro*p + - Candidate . - Tas' A (/ne parent resi(ns to $oo' after t#e c#i$dren) "deas are developed with difficulty. #he last point is hardly intelligible. any grammatical errors, but has some knowledge of vocabulary to make himself intelligible. $esitant, but able to keep communication going.

Gro*p + - Candidate C - Tas' A (Emp$o!ers set *p c#i$dcare centres at t#e &or'p$ace) %oor development of ideas. #he listener is only able to understand the general idea of her points raised. &rong use of key words ' phrases ((carry their children), (at the time**)! (the worker come out to work also can bring the children come out together))! also lacks control of language structures!. "ntelligible only from key words and inference on the part of the listener. Gro*p + - Candidate 0 - Tas' A (/ne parent &or's from #ome) "deas are not well-developed and are sometimes not coherent. any grammatical errors! lacks vocabulary to e+press his ideas. $esitant! groped for words, sometimes unsuccessfully.

Gro*p +: Tas' . - Candidates A1 .1 C and 0 All the candidates attempted to participate in the discussion. #hey could understand what was said and could provide appropriate responses. ,andidate -.s participation, although relevant and intelligible, was limited. ,andidates , and / lacked ade0uate command of the language to e+press their viewpoints clearly and fluently. ,andidate A made many grammatical errors but were able to develop her ideas.

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