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Hi Chi Bu Ko Goshin Jutsu Preservation of the self through the hidden secrets of the opening flower Masaaki Hatsumi

Were water actually what hydrologist deem it to be a chemically-inert substance-then a long time ago there would already have been no water and no life on this Earth. I regard water as the blood of the Earth. Its internal process, while not identical to that of our blood, is nonetheless very similar. It is this process that gives water its movement. I would compare this inner motion, the origin of all possible physical movement, to that of a blossoming flower bud. As it unfolds, it creates a vortex-like crown of petals, in the centre and at the end of which stands the true secret of motion-life in statu nascendi, in the form of a concentration of movement. Viktor Schauberger

Human beings become adults Once they have learned to walk Masaaki Hatsumi

Youre working with threedimensional space here. Anything can occur in the space-the void. Masaaki Hatsumi

Medicine if practised poorly may kill instead Masaaki Hatsumi Raise the Spirit of the Person Masaaki Hatsumi

We need to tune into our natural survival instincts just as much now as ever! Masaaki Hatsumi

Moshe Feldenkrais stated, The quality of your life is the quality of your movement.

Man grows up when he learns to walk properly. Everything is in your walk and humans are the only creatures that need to be taught to move naturally, Masaaki Hatsumi

When animals become extinct man will follow. African Bushman

Copyright Amatsu UK Ltd. 2000 Walking man the biped large book Shinden Jutsu May 2003

The Natural Principles of Amatsu Therapy Amatsu is a natural method of restoring structural and physiological traumas. Through the utilisation of natural movement patterns with engagement of the ligaments, controlling energy flows and utilising the self-corrective agencies of the body. To come to an understanding of Amatsu principles we need to contemplate some of its fundamental teachings. To be able to understand natural laws and harness them is mans birthright. We have learned to move through and over water and utilising fluid dynamics in daily life. We can make fire to heat our homes or to cook and with knowledge of pyrotechnics created controlled explosives. Flying is another mastery over the element of air and its flows and currents. Mans ability to speak is another mastery of the use of air to produce sounds and a way of communication and expression. When man first learned the power of speech it was kept sacred and secret and special ceremonies were held where speech was performed. Mans creative powers and ability to invent arose from the act of will being spoken and then the form created. This mentality was present in man over 150,000 years ago. Our imagination began to develop turning us from predators to hunters. Man was the only creature to track animals from their footprints. Around this period we began developing weapons and tools with greater precision and skill. Even in cave drawings the art was displaying perspective and three-dimensional effects. Imagination created an imprint of form for our inventiveness and need created a tool. Movement is another natural law that created form. Theodore Schwenk in his book Sensitive Chaos described the interaction of air, water and elasticity as being the creator of the natural form we experience as nature and life. He describes creative movement being an act of the will creating form and once it releases into the form it can use it to function through. Hatsumi sensei states that man is the only creature that needs to be taught to move naturally. Through mans evolution he has lost the true power of natural movement and the true power of speech. As speech became literally structured for communication it seemed to go hand in hand with his movements becoming more voluntary and robotic. Modern mans thinking is now very logic, linear and knowledge and communication becoming digitalised computerised and global. In one sense this is progress for man but at a cost of losing touch with other qualities.
Copyright Amatsu UK Ltd. 2000 Walking man the biped large book Shinden Jutsu May 2003

Man is the only creature that needs to be taught to move naturally. HATSUMI

In all physical conditions there are shifts in the flow of energies resulting in ebbs and flows. This upsets the energy that form an electrical pattern in the body known as a piezo-electrical field and creates a polarity strain or imbalance. The effect on the bodys energies is to shunt into an adapted physiology or posture, this adaption activates our protective fight or flight response. This action inhibits normal communication between left and right brain hemispheres resulting in a loss of the potential for integrated movements of the limbs. This adaption is called switching and inhibits the walking gaits and higher intelligence thinking and reasoning. Most of the best polarity aligning methods from Acupuncture, Shiatsu and Polarity Therapy employs stimulation or sedation of various acupuncture points located around the body. Hatsumi sensei once taught us a way to instantly balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems of the body with one technique utilising two points simultaneously. We are going to share with you some of the background and research that validates what looks like magic to the uninitiated. Hatsumi Sensei says these powers are our birthright as natural beings, so we are going to show you how he makes the ordinary extra ordinary. Amatsu is a system of leverage and mechanical advantage utilising the bodies natural fulcrums of fluid and mechanical movement. Lao Tsu described the way to accomplish a difficult task was to make it harder first. He wrote, That, which resists, persists and that which you are willing to recreate tends to disappear. Lao Tsu 6th Century B.C Depending on the skill of the practitioner the fulcrums we create for correction can work on any level of tissue involvement, down to fluid levels and working with the Bio life force or spirit of the person. Your repatterning has to recreate the tension pattern and its supporting structure to initiate change across the compromised fulcrum of the problem area. As you initiate movement from the application of your contact the joint is guided into release. It utilises the power of attraction rather than overcoming resistance. This natural approach is found in many examples in the study of nature. The body is designed to heal itself; it only requires that there is no resistance to the process. Resistance produces persistence. The persons problem arose from a time when the person defended themselves from a trauma. As you build the pattern your support
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makes it unnecessary for a client to resist by hanging on to the hang-ups and torsions of the accident they hold in their subconscious mind. So as we re-create the factors creating resistance this builds a pattern for change, on a physical, chemical and emotional level. The client is the product of their own experience. So as you work with the person the problem hes presenting is what hes resisting right now. So the points of contact and the fulcrums re-create the resistant pattern to elicit the altered patterns of neural behaviour. By eliciting movement across a fixed point the factors of the strain and its adaptive measures can dissipate. Your body has learned that lesson. Your fulcrum levers have to create a juxta position of forces to influence all of the factors in the Kinematic pattern which gives the lesion the opportunity to spring free towards a neutral, anatomical balance. You just resolve the resistance, healing takes over. The bones and ligaments provide the mechanics for leverage suspension. As you guide the affected joint through natural movement options the neuro-muscular components of the problem re-pattern. With the dissipation of the external and internal forces there is not resistance to become persistence. This anatomically dissipates a structure from a fixed form of being substantial to a balanced form of neutral that is insubstantial. Its the shape of health from within that becomes the potency for the change. Hatsumi Sensei persistently quotes governing from ONE POINT!

Copyright Amatsu UK Ltd. 2000 Walking man the biped large book Shinden Jutsu May 2003

Prof Hatsumi recently visited Africa and went and visited the bushmen. They made the following statement on the current state of the worlds ecology. When animals become extinct man will follow. We are all part of a universal Ecological chain, interconnecting with animals, nature, food, climate and survival. All organisms from simple single cell amoeba to humans, plants, rocks and viruss are all composed of universal elements. Embryology and Symmetry When two cells develop there is a signal between them.

When they multiply to become four then we have a quadrant joined by vertical and horizontal connections.

All structures and forms in the universe conform to an octahedron principle this can range from a cone of light to a snowflake or a simple organism to a complex structure like the human body.

Copyright Amatsu UK Ltd. 2000 Walking man the biped large book Shinden Jutsu May 2003

When animals become extinct man will follow. African Bushman

All snowflakes are unique in shape. But if turned through 60o exhibit form of octahedron. Only the architectural structure defines whether its a worm or a brain cell. In this way everything in the world interacts with itself to varying degrees. Imagine everything gently attached to all things by a subtle thread forming a net or web of relationships within nature.

Above picture showing tensegrity utilised in modern architecture. At lower levels of our evolutionary and embryonic development creatures and life forms have simple feedback and information channels. In Chinese meridian therapies they are known as the jingluo channels. They regulate organisms by simple ancient rule. They can reproduce, move, sense, eat, digest, and excrete. As evolvement accelerated so the nervous system hormonal and digestive systems became more sophisticated with a new extension of the energy circuits of the Jingluo
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channels. These established themselves as the 14 meridian circuits used by Acupuncturists and Shiatsu disciplines. Research by Dr Manaka of Tokyo Japan, established ancient communication systems utilizing energy spatially between areas of a being. The Jingluo system was based on feeding energy to the simple octahedral sections of the body and interconnections between the quadrants. Imagine a simple organism such as a Salamander, its energy or communication system has a central and belt connection. This divides it up into four quadrants front and back forming an energy pattern of an octahedron.

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Sea of Energy

Limbic Brain Rhin Encephalon Controls Fight/flight Spatial, balance and movement

Sea of Energy

Octahedral balance of body is in keeping with symmetry of the universe

Sea of Energy

Sea of Energy

four Quadrants front and back 8 Extra meridians or seas feed into the Copyright Amatsu UK Ltd. 2000 organ/muscle Walking man the biped large book meridian system Shinden Jutsu May 2003

Ki or energy is transformed from its universal source and brought into the body in a form or vibration we attune to. In simple organisms this energy provides the information for life, survival, reproduction and digestion. Its balance maintains the symmetry and shape of organisms. Your Ki or energy level can be described as being the level of your spirit. In the Chinese dictionary Qi is expressed in personality and in emotional context. Qi equals: Gas, air, breath, smell, odour, weather, spirit, moral, vital energy. In Japan they greet people by asking how their yuan Ki is. OGENKI DESUKA? In Eastern countries Ki is steeped into all levels of communication philosophy and customs, illnesses are described by the quality of the Ki influence. Nature and elements such as wind, heat dryness are listed as forces that create imbalances in the body. By balancing the excesses or deficiencies of both the elemental causative factors and its effects on the bodily systems the persons wellness can return to normal. Hatsumi sensei explains this balancing of energies is to raise the spirit of the person, which brings out the wellness. For the practitioner to feel and influence these energy factors, a sensitive multi dextrous body feel must be developed. This is the SHIN DEN feel we must develop coupled with a Natural moving Tai Jutsu. In Japan this skill is applied to many skills and arts. movement life would not exist. Without this living natural

This movement could be described as the motility of the universe, which weaves the insubstantial matter into a form that substantial life, can express itself through. So without the movement that gave it form it would only exist as formless insubstantial matter. Every action produces and equal and opposite reaction. This takes the form of kinetic energy or force. In Amatsu your harnessing the kinetic energy produced from natural movement principles to influence bodily systems. As all life is motion, altered motion is altered function. Fluid and motion dynamics going out of kilter results in altered function, physiology, ph levels, and eventually pathology of the affected part.

Copyright Amatsu UK Ltd. 2000 Walking man the biped large book Shinden Jutsu May 2003

The kinetic energy generated from the initiation of movement can be applied as a corrective force to the focal point of a body imbalance. This focal point is the meeting place of torsional forces. It holds the pattern or shape of the lesion allowing it to co-exist within our framework. It can be likened to the centre of a cyclone where there is a stillness feeding or forming the structure of the whirlwind. Releasing these forces allows their energy structure and shape to dissipate and disassemble. This can release blockages in the simple information system or Jingluo channels that feed into the more sophisticated systems of the body. In this way the simple natural movement strategies of the practitioner applied behind pressure to specific body points can dissipate energy blockages and produce lines of force to restore equilibrium of the many varying interconnected systems of the body. In ancient times techniques to influence the body in this way were guarded as secrets by its masters. During the Meiji Period (AD1868-1912) the shoguns, ruling warlords lost their power and gave way to a rise in imperialistic politics. The Japanese government modelled themselves on the Western model. This brought about many changes in Japanese society towards western concepts. Even traditional medicine concepts were replaced by a more western approach. Anma which had been an integral part of Japanese life and medicine was now discouraged. As a concession blind people were still allowed to practice the art. Towards the end of the Meiji period the government introduced legislation, which required licensing to practice Anma. This prevented many people from practicing a heritage that had previously been handed down through families. With the introduction of western influence and cultural ideas more formal and systematic training was developed into massage training. As recent as 1964 the government developed guidelines and licensing procedures allowing a new model approach based on pressure meridians. This was known as Shiatsu and separated Anma from this modern formulated approach. This ancient application of Anma did not concern itself with meridians and Tsubos in the same way as Shiatsu. Pressure on Tsubo points was purely co-incidental and the application of pressure did not conform to the meridian flow lines as the established method of Shiatsu. Prof Hatsumi is the holder of the records or authentic scrolls of these systems as well as Budo martial schools of movement and strategy. He states that Budo and medicine are one and without Tai Jutsu and natural movement nothing would exist. This natural but simple way of moving utilised by Dr Masaaki Hatsumi in his Budo skills are described by him as ordinary. When you watch this master at work or play he will make simple techniques produce extra-ordinary results. We need to polish our hearts and strive to become ordinary to develop a heart feel for the medicine. He calls this feel SHIN DEN and its practice is know as a Jutsu This Shin Den Jutsu is the heart or essence of nature to bring this feel into your work.

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When you balance a client in this way with Amatsu your applying Tai Jutsu to yourself as you gently coax their limbs in positions for balancing and correction. The body is in varying states of liquidity. Air, fluids, muscles, organs and bones are just Liquid in a denser state. If you treat them as liquid you will have greater Control of their structural growth and strain patterns
Energy field subtler forms of Solid Body

If you think of 20 magnets in a row they form a contiguous line, but with the energy passing through them in a linear direction they could be considered as continuous in their contiguity.

They can bend, rotate and flex whilst maintaining their connection. But as soon as you break their pattern by misalignment the continuity is broken.

Once you replace the magnet they will balance in the same was as before with all the same properties of connection and movement. In the body there are communication signals of great sophistication via the nervous system. These are also messages sent through the bodies hormonal or chemical receptors. Previous to and beneath these systems is a more ancient form of awareness. This has been described by researchers as
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our signal system. As far back in our embryological development even a unicellular organism has signal awareness. It may respond to light or heat, it seeks food, ingests, digests and excretes. This ancient information system in simple organisms operates outside of commonly known laws. Dr Manaka in his book Chasing the Dragons Tail explains that the signal system responds to symmetry and shape of structures in a balanced environment. This is true of all interconnected things in natures biological structure. Salamanders, frogs and some crabs etc. can regenerate lost limbs. The body simply returns to symmetry by re-growing a lost limb. As we move up the evolutionary ladder our specialized systems lose this quality. The energy symmetry or blueprint remains its just the change in specialization of the tissue that inhibits re-growth in higher species. In this way the advanced biological form still retains the properties of the original genetic blueprint. Terence McKenna describes it thus: Morphogenetic field, a non material organising collective memory field which affects all the biological systems. Spirits are the presence of the past specifically expressed. Terence McKenna Mavericks of the Mind Simple movement is a property of life and water and air move to form vortices that can create form. In nature whenever growth meets resistance coils or vortexes are formed. The effect could be a rams horn or the coiled ventricles of the human brain or the roots of a tree. Everywhere in nature we see this in evidence in water swirling round rocks, the shape of clouds, branches on young plants and even the horns of a ram. As our brain evolved it grew larger from the end of the nervous system, which was at the site of the limbic brain. At the end point of the nervous system or lamina terminalis as the brain grew its left and right ventricles it met with the resistance of the membrane that formed the skull bones. In keeping with natural laws when growth meets resistance it coils and produce the form or shape of the hemispheres. In the horns of a ram this law is expressed externally. As our diet changed and the upright body developed our digestive system formed in reservoirs and coils from a more simple organism. But these movement and stressdeveloped organs are still subject to the same laws of other shaped forms in nature. The
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semi circular canals in the petrous portion of the temporal bone forming the ear are the same form as a seashell. The Chinese have a saying to understand the universe is to understand man. Illustrating the Universal nature and connectiveness of all things. As humans evolved and our digestive system became more sophisticated possibly because of climatic changes forcing us to move to new pastures and the introduction of fire to cook foods. Organs developed and became positioned in an upright thoracic cavity. This upset the symmetry of the upright moving human by singly positioned organs both on the left and right of the body. Heart, spleen and stomach are all situated on the left with the gall bladder, liver and the right lung with its three lobes to the left lungs two. As well as the asymmetries of left/right we could also see superior inferior asymmetries. In the menstrual cycle women lose blood and this biases them towards certain health problems not found in males. Many other asymmetries arise from daily life. Most people use their hands with greater agility than their feet. Intricate work is performed with the hands because they are closer to the organs of sight, the eyes. People develop a more pronounced sensitivity in the hands and fingers than in the feet and toes. This is an obvious superior-inferior asymmetry. Lessened attention or a decreased awareness of the feet and toes has more profound implications than might be expected. Through our evolution, our movement has become less dependent primarily on the feet and toes. Our lessened awareness of their relative position, movement and balance affects the bodys structure through repeated daily movements and habits. If we are not using our feet and toes in a balanced manner our posture and structure become imbalanced. This in turn biases toward functional changes and pathologies. Driving cars, one-sided machines, sitting long periods whilst using hands to work, onesided sports etc. Even wearing modern shoes lessens the dexterity of the toes. Specialization can lead to a loss of symmetry, which results in imbalance, which leads to pathology.

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As man became upright the brain has also developed and increased in size. This meant that brain at full development would be too large for the birth canal. Birth came at nine months. But brain and development continued for at least one year, which resulted in us having to nurse the infant for at least a year. To survive we had to develop communication and organisation skills to allow us to evolve a social structure. BRAIN EVOLVEMENT Research by Dr Paul McLean a brain scientist describes our brain like an archaeological site with the upper or outer layers composed of the most recent development of the brain structure, the cerebral cortex which is highly developed and reaches its greatest level of activity and complexity in humans. Deeper layers contain structures of our earlier evolutionary forbears the reptiles and mammals. The reptilian brain is filled with unnecessary lore and ancestral memories and is preprogrammed for doing what its ancestors said, but its not a very good brain for facing up to new situations.







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Surrounding the reptilian brain is the next step in brain development, the mammalian or limbic brain, both of which are concerned primarily with self and species preservation. The limbic system is a series of brain structures surrounding a reptilian complex. It forms a cap or limbus around the brain stem. So we have these three areas the reptilian, the old mammalian, the limbic and the new mammalian the hemo cortex. The reptilian complex is basically the repository for unlearned pre-programmed sets of behaviour, basically instincts, but as we proceed to the old mammalian and new mammalian brains the older parts of the cortex fold into two concentric rings, which are eventually covered by humans by the now expanded cerebral cortex. The limbic lobe surrounds the brain stem and has connections with the cerebral hemispheres. The limbic system first named by McLean in 1952 was thought to be important in emotions. Its older name was Rhin encephalon or nose brain, which referred to the extensive connections it had with the olfactory structures. When an animal comes out of the woods the first thing he does is turn his head from left to right, in a sniffing motion. This relates to a vestigial limbic situation. The same is true if a woman enters a house and smells something burning. She lifts her nose up and then turns her head rapidly from side to side. Thus the limbic system is a seeing, smelling, hearing, tasting and head turning system. From this sensory input we respond to alterations in our environment ensuring safety and survival from stressors or predators. As this information feeds out into our highly evolved nervous system it becomes linked to physiology and structure. Ancient man relied totally on these sensory signals and was therefore constantly using them maintaining symmetry of balance. As we no longer need to smell predators or see or hear for survival these senses lose their importance. As we pamper our senses with visual olfactory and taste treats we dull them as to their true survival purpose. This also is a bias away from homeostasis. In Amatsu our first consideration is to balance the limbic system and establish symmetry of ligamentous and muscle pulls in the body. This organises the spinal mechanisms to the qualities of the upright biped. This results in many adaptation corrections clearing many incidental problems. This tends to demonstrate that by addressing the signal system of the body first it governs or transfers information to the higher evolved brain cortex and hormonal system to clear away symptoms of those systems. But the reverse does not apply. Dr Goodheart a research chiropractor demonstrated that balancing Pitch, Roll and Yaw problems for upright stability many spinal problems spontaneously corrected.

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Part of your treatment protocol is to adjust imbalances of the muscular and skeletal structures. The balance of the physical structures is important for symmetry balance and movement. Weak, tight or imbalanced muscles alter the alignment of the structure and crowd organs to produce pathology. In the early stages of imbalance abnormal sensations will arise. This can range from pain, discomfort, numbness or hypersensitivity. As pathology slowly develops, functional disorders develop e.g. insomnia, constipation poor appetite etc. All of these changes are part of a disease process but are not identified as a pattern. In Amatsu their changes should be noted and addressed as being the core or foundation of the condition being treated. In contrast the western approach is to treat each symptom as an entity in itself. As the condition develops the person is then diagnosed as having a disease. To bring out the wellness of the client it is important to observe their early signs or lifestyle habits and biases in their behaviour that lead to imbalance. Many factors in the persons make up that can range from congenital abnormalities to the skeletal system, old injury sites, and unnatural postural habits, which can be occupationally strained. Watch the way your clients stand, move and sit. Do they cross their legs? Ask about handedness choice and to what degree they use their dominant side. Ask about their occupation, sports they then demonstrate any activity that arouses your suspicions. Young mothers lift babies from cots into the backs of cars etc. WALKING AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Man as a race has always found it natural to walk great distances to hunt for food and survival. It plays an important part in the whole anthropology of our civilization. Unlike most animals it takes humans months to develop through the crawling stage from homo lateral crawling to cross-facilitated crawling to upright walking. Our final development by the age of three is a paralateral movement potential. Where each limb has its own independence whilst co-ordinating with the body as a whole. As an example this skill is utilised when rock climbing but would integrate into many life preserving skills and situations. Research has shown that as early as 10 days post natally babies exhibit predictable behavioural responses via eye movement and head gestures to thousands of sounds and communications from their environment. The first discernible movement patterns are via
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homolateral crawling activity i.e. same arm and leg on one side and then the same arm and leg on the other side. The next stage is cross-patterned crawling with involvement of opposite arm and leg working together then changing sides. This is also accompanied with head turning and eye movement which links the whole process in with our primal balancing mechanism situated in the limbic brain.

The final stage of developmental properties in the body is paralateral movement of the four limbs of the body integrating and interacting. This stage of development also requires communication across the corpus Collosum between the two brain hemispheres.

The leminiscate potential inside the human walk Researchers DOMAN and DELACATO discovered that the mental development of a child is linked to the neurological and physical changes evolved through the crawling to walking stages. They state in their Hypotheses that the development of the nervous system is through Homo lateral reflex activity to bilateral functioning until the two sides of the brain function together and finally develop a cortical hemispheric dominance. Cross pattern motion is an important phase of development for moving towards cortical hemispheric dominance. Cortical dominance usually begins with hand choice, then eye, foot and ear and is unique to man. Hatsumi explains that humans develop movement potentials beyond the accepted opposite arm and leg walking. Limbs can be moved homo laterally, cross laterally and Para laterally. Each limb is capable of multi choice directional patterns linking to other limb movement via the spinal connection. Each limb is capable of multi choice directional patterns linking to other limb movement via the spinal connection. Miamoto Musashi famous Japanese swordsman wrote in his book of five rings a treatise on swordsmanship Its not enough to be ambidextrous you
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must be able to use both hands equally. Other concepts unique to the developmental stage of humans is the ability to approximate the opponens pollici muscle or thumb to little finger for gripping. This dexterity known as Ningu in Amatsu and allowed man to create weapons and tools. This allowed us develop a precision grip and dexterity. With these skills we developed tools to manufacture.

Ningu is a skill of dexterity but utilising more than just the fingers and hands. The whole body is employed in natural movement behind the hands contacts. In this way you can build multi-contacts of support. This support system is a sanshin using at least three points of contact that inter-relate. With this tool your body can offer pivots of support to the limbs of the body. These can be used to change fulcrums of leverage to injured sites to restore balance in the muscles and ligaments of the joints. The limbic brain previously mentioned is situated between the cortical hemispheres in man is an ancient survival brain that is common to animals as well. It is neurologically linked to the eyes, ears, nose and tongue and allows us to smell, see or taste danger, also because of its link to the upper trapezius and Sterno Cleido muscles in the neck, the head can turn to sense and see dangers. These skeletal muscles are the only ones fed by a cranial nerve as well as the spinal nerves.

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Again unique to man is to have emotions linked to this primal brain and these three attributes of cortical dominance opponens pollici dexterity, the limbic brain neurology and emotion give us an intelligent mastery on this planet. In Tao-ism, three is a SANSHIN or a trinity and occurs in many places in mans Anthropology and development. A child at the age of three has these developmental stages organised and is then governed as a Body/Mind/Spirit entity with Structure/Chemical/Emotional interplays of maintaining balance







My observations of Prof Hatsumi have led me to have this as one interpretation of sanshin. The bringing together of two points to form a third, like a tripod moving multidirectionally without any apparent point of control. Any one point can control the whole with the ability to focus your intent upon any or the whole. The way we utilise this approach in Amatsu is to offer multi-contact points of support to align joint structures with the co-operation of the ligaments and re-connect Neurology and function with the flow pattern of the limb. This engagement links the parts up with the persons natural flow or innate intelligence to reorganise and re-connect with its natural synaptic network of neural development. The ease with which Prof Hatsumi works in budo and medicine are backed by his body movement skills (Tai Jutsu) and his expert mechanical and anatomical knowledge of body movement patterns. Any imbalance of this SANSHIN balance results in an impoverishment of our potentials and health. The cranium houses the brain, which is the controlling unit of the whole body. The homeostasis of the body is under the control of the nervous system via the brains interaction of the following factors. 1. Structural - the mechanical integrity of the bodys weight bearing and weight moving ability via correct exercise and walking potentials. 2. Chemical - the whole balanced ecology of that which we eat and breathe and its breakdown and exchange with the body.

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Mental or Psychological - our mental and spiritual interaction to become integrated as a body - mind being.

In Amatsu our first consideration of treatment is the physical interaction of the three areas the head, pelvis and the feet. Checking for any imbalance in these areas. Problems here result in a loss of symmetry and energy imbalance affecting the four quadrants and the limbic system. As the body loses its structural integrity very predictable changes will come about in the organ system, energy system, digestive system, circulatory, drainage, cerebrospinal fluid systems and much more. Any attempts to improve these malfunctions without addressing the structural weight bearing and weight moving abilities to re-establish symmetry in the signal information system is purely symptom treating. All stresses imposed on the body physically affect the sacrum and reciprocally the cranium and therefore result in a restriction or imbalance of sutural motion in the bones of the cranium, which in turn affects the whole neurology of man. Both chiropractic and osteopathic science relates to the premise that physiological function is dependent on structural integrity. Prof. Masaaki Hatsumi quotes continuously in his teachings the importance of balanced integrated walking and movement. He states Human Beings become adults once they have learned to walk. The basis of his Budo Taijutsu are movements known as KIHON HAPPO and they are a Kata or form where the participant can walk in one of eight directions to practice self defence and self help techniques. He explains we need to learn to sense with our feet, walk from our spine and use our body in one integrated flow.

In old Japan, vigorous training regimens of budo were believed to develop strength in body, mind and spirit. Unfortunately these ancient regimens dont seem to suit modern man who demands scientific explanations for everything and rejects Budo or warrior principles as outmoded in modern society. People have lost touch with their innate or instinctual sense and now cannot be rationally convinced that Budo training or natural movement is of benefit to mental or spiritual development.

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People in modern society need to sit in offices, work on computers and commute great distances to work. This has changed the nature of our work environment, but the nature of man has not changed. The ancient school of Hichi Buku Goshin Jutsu concerned itself with the long-term balance of the person through the principles of protection of the self and the spirit. The essence of the School was Natural Movement coupled with breathing and mind development principles. One of the key elements of Prof. Hatsumis Budo is symmetry of movement. All parts of the body are used as one; its physiology is a relaxed, integrated flow of effortless movement. This global appreciation of the bodys interrelated parts and its interaction can be described as Shin Gi Tai Ichi principle. This is the ancient concept of the integration of the body the mind the spirit and the technique all being one. This is a total union of symmetry and congruence applied to the task in hand. Modern research psychotherapists such as Richard Bandler and Anthony Robbins also noted that a common denominator to longevity was a congruent symmetry of motion as well as a positive and relaxed attitude to life. Virginia Satir, one the greatest psychotherapists categorized people into five groups and listed peculiarities of posture, attitude and physiology to each one. These are now known as SATIR categories. She noted that people were dominantly one category primarily and noted that peoples behavioural patterns and ability to handle stress were categorized to that physiology set. She went on further to research that each physiology SET created organic disorders and illness in the person. Another example of a bias-creating disharmony. This fits with the Eastern concept of the five elements. Each of the meridians, organs and emotions is linked to one of the elements. Modern research now accepts the meridian, organ, muscle, and emotional link up.

Copyright Amatsu UK Ltd. 2000 Walking man the biped large book Shinden Jutsu May 2003

Human beings become adults Once they have learned to walk Professor Masaaki Hatsumi


The Moods of Organs

Heart Liver Anger Joy Spleen Worry

Kidney Fear

Lung Sadness

Copyright Amatsu UK Ltd. 2000 Walking man the biped large book Shinden Jutsu May 2003


THE HABIT OF WALKING The walking process is partially instinctive and partially learned. The learning part is usually mimicked from our mentors and therefore bad habits as well as good ones can be copied from our parents. Prof Hatsumi places great emphasis on the human being walking properly. He often quotes this involves walking correctly. The swing gait mechanism or the free swinging leg in the walking phase is under unconscious control and is present even in new born babies as a reflex motion when held upright. This free-swinging phase in humans is identical regardless of size, sex, age and other factors. Its the weight bearing and weight-moving ability that needs to be learned. However children are not taught to stand or walk, they are just left to mimic.

The above shoes are called Tabis these enable the big toe to have easy movement The ancient Japanese placed great emphasis on the big toe and its mechanical functions. In the art of walking they even designed footwear with a separate portion for the big toe to allow for freedom of movement and dexterity. Ancient man would use his feet but especially his big toe in many tasks making tools or climbing ropes etc. which also maintains the symmetry of the four limbs.

Copyright Amatsu UK Ltd. 2000 Walking man the biped large book Shinden Jutsu May 2003

Man grows up when he learns to walk properly. Everything is in your walk and humans are the only creatures that need to be taught to move naturally, PROFESSOR MASAAKI HATSUMI


The big toe needs to swing freely through its actions of Dorsi flexion and plantar flexion to walk. In walking, the body is pulled over the fixed fulcrum provided by the Dorsi flexed Halux by the inertia of the free swinging leg.

Four sources combine at this point to allow the body to propel itself forward effectively. 1) 2) 3) 4) The elastic tissue response of the muscles and ligaments. The swing gait phase of the forward moving free leg. The momentum produced by these actions. Equal and opposite reaction of gravity meeting the floors resistance through the foot mechanism.

This combined effect propels or pulls the body forward, acting like a lever over the fulcrum at the metatarso-phalangeal joint. A large proportion of the momentum is provided by the forward swinging free leg. Its weight combined with its pendular centrifugal force pulls on the bodies centre. The weight-bearing limb extends behind the body to an angle of 10-12o degrees. This extends the knee and locks it raising the heel and the metatarso-phalangeal joints are dorsi flexed to contact the floor.

Movements of the leg during the walking phase.

Copyright Amatsu UK Ltd. 2000 Walking man the biped large book Shinden Jutsu May 2003


Its this contact that provides a rigid lever to pivot on to propel the body forward. J H Hicks in 1953-4 wrote articles in both Acta Anatomica and the Journal of Anatomy. He describes how through the mechanical action of dorsi-flexion of the great toe, stability of the foot is created. During movement of the metatarsal bones a self-locking mechanism is created by the bones stabilising themselves through compressive forces. This same principle is used in the support structure of a bridge.

Rocks in Nature

As the foot pivots through its walking movement on the dorsi flexed metatarsophalangeal joint with the locked metatarsals, the first metatarsal tightens the aponeurosis and raises the arch. Howard J Dananberg DPM wrote a paper in the journal of orthopaedic medicine Vol. 14, 1992 No. 1. Titled: Subtle Gait Malfunction and Chronic Musculo-skeletal Pain. He describes the condition of functional hallux limitus (rigidus) where there is a failure of the hinge apparatus at the first metatarso-phalangeal joint. This results in an inability to flex at any time during the single support, weight-bearing phase of gait. A full or normal range of motion is detectable during normal R.O.M tests. The locking at the joint only occurs on weight bearing during the course of the step. As this only lasts for a second most examination procedure fail to detect it. Without this critical dorsi flexion of the big toe joint all of the biomechanical forces of tarsal locking, weight transfer and stability are adversely affected. The repetitious nature of this problem leads to a process of foot deformation in the direction of pronation.

Copyright Amatsu UK Ltd. 2000 Walking man the biped large book Shinden Jutsu May 2003


References. Subtle gait malfunction and chronic musculo-skeletal pain Howard J Dananberg DPM The Thinking Body, Mabel E Todd Prof. Hatsumi Lectures Japan 1995

Copyright Amatsu UK Ltd. 2000 Walking man the biped large book Shinden Jutsu May 2003


WALKING MAN THE BIPED When man decided to be an upright biped he had to literally relearn to walk from four points of contact to two. To effectively walk as a biped our feet and pelvis needed to undergo adaptive changes. Our thighbone needed to alter its upright angle inwards from the pelvis to better balance the centre of axis of the body.

Modern Man

Ancient man


This adaption is not present in chimpanzees. The feet had to learn to walk through a weight-bearing pivot on the big toe joint. This joint is known as the metatarso phalangeal joint or M.P.J. With other primates, apes and chimpanzees when they attempt upright walking the weight distribution is through their middle toes, which fails to provide the stable fulcrum to lever or spring forward from. Dr Hatsumi explained to us that the big toe became a balance point for bipedal walking in the same way many animals use their tails. It provides a balance point for propulsion and effortless movement against resistance and gravity.


Copyright Amatsu UK Ltd. 2000 Walking man the biped large book Shinden Jutsu May 2003


ARUKI WALKING PATTERNS When the upright frame moves as in walking, it performs a multiplicity of simple acts in one harmonious flow. Walking is totally natural and has no wasted effort. This level of simplicity and nature is known as gokai in Japanese, or to walk with no mind or mushin. To understand how this simple act incorporates up to hundreds of pairs of muscles and osseous or bony connections into a powerful movement we need to study some of its component parts and characteristics. A mechanical principle named after its researcher DELMAS describes that the more curves an upright structure has the greater its resistance to downward pressures, it calculates that the strength is dependant on the number of curves squared plus one. The spine with three curves measured on this scale has a power of ten. The law of the flexible rod which states that a side-bend imposed across a curve induces rotation and when rotation is introduced across a curve an element of side-bending occurs. In the art of walking as the iliac bone revolves around the axis of the sacrum on the forward stepping leg the pelvis lowers. This has the effect of putting a sidebend across the anterior loaded lumbar curve. This produces a torsioning of the spinal mechanics involving L5-D12 and the 12th rib. The opposite happens at the occiput and torsions downwards through the spine. In the spine these two principles are always in action and reciprocally balanced from the top - occiput, to the base - sacrum. Inside of the vertebrae is housed the spinal cord reaching down from the brain, housed in the cranium. As the individual vertebrae move then there has to be a constant interplay to compensate and protect the cord and still allow movement to occur. This happens through the reciprocal protective mechanism in the dural tube and spinal mechanics. The long bones of the body are hollow down the shaft. This gives the bones much more strength than if they were solid. Another natural law, A given quantity of matter is much stronger both length wise and crosswise when disposed in a hollow cylinder rather than a solid one of equal size and length. In understanding Aruki (walking patterns) these vectors need to be studied as they allow a natural power to pushing, pulling, lifting or rotating without singular isolated muscular contractions, Moving in this way gives way to natural and protective power potentials for the body. The cheetah is a good example of evolution and natural movement principles at play. As a predator its main food source is the gazelle. They graze in herds and collectively keep alert for predators. Their sensory range extends peripherally to 30 metres. For a successful hunt the hungry cheetah has to run across the 30-metre distance. He has evolved to be able to run from 0 70 mph in three seconds and maintain this speed for five seconds. It is achieved by flexion and extension of its spine as it accelerates. During the five second run at top speed its body is in the air 90% of the time with the paws briefly touching the floor.

Copyright Amatsu UK Ltd. 2000 Walking man the biped large book Shinden Jutsu May 2003


Although the cheetah runs with only one foot on the ground at a time, there are two points in its stride when its body is fully extended and no feet touch the ground. Their feet are short with non-retractable claws that act like cleats when the cat is running. Imagine the sheer beauty and magic of the natural movement of this animal at speed.
Flex Extend Flex

1 second

2 seconds

3 seconds

0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------70 mph

People have lost touch with their natural movement strategies and train to develop muscle size in isolated prime mover/antagonist type of exercises. This kind of exercise can leave joints susceptible to strain and is a poor ergonomic use of the body. THE CENTIPEDE POEM The centipede was happy quite Until the frog in fun Said pray, which leg comes after which? This set his mind in such a pitch He lay distracted in a ditch Figuring how to run Moshe Feldenkrais stated, The quality of your life is the quality of your movement. Congruent movement patterns are how the child developed cortical dominance and paralateral ability and give us a quality of life and mental creativity to develop and explore.

Copyright Amatsu UK Ltd. 2000 Walking man the biped large book Shinden Jutsu May 2003

Moshe Feldenkrais stated, The quality of your life is the quality of your movement.


When you are moving naturally, each part of the movement is just a still frame of the bodies walking potentials. Limbs naturally engage as a body unit to flow congruently towards movement. The multi-directional gait patterns of forward, backwards or diagonal movements all initiate from a gait facilitation. This makes the limbs roll around fulcrums at various joint sites. The muscles integrate and contract and relax in keeping with their directional position according to their origin and insertions. In this way you will see evidence of many spirally formed muscles producing a leminiscate way of moving of the limbs and joints. Anatomical researcher Davenport Hooker discovered that the first reflex movement to appear in the human foetus is lateral side-to-side bending. This basic movement is linked with survival, mainly the act of seeking food. The movement is detectable from the eighth week of foetal development in response to stimulation of the upper lip and the alae of the nose. The nose is linked to survival in its connection to the RHIN ENCEPHALON or nose brain, now called the Limbic brain. The olfactory sense is our strongest primal sense, and in many creatures can detect vibrations as well as smells. Professor Raymont Dart a distinguished anthropologist and anatomists wrote an article entitled Voluntary musculature in the human body: the double spiral arrangement. He explains that spiral development occurs in the evolution of voluntary musculature. The first formation of cells appears as a block like arrangement of somites grouped bilaterally. As the alternately contract the entire musculature on one side of the body then the other produce a lateral bending.

The entire musculature on one side of the fish contracting brings point A and B together as a sidebend curve c. C

Copyright Amatsu UK Ltd. 2000 Walking man the biped large book Shinden Jutsu May 2003


The second stage of evolvements is a splitting of the segmented bilateral musculature from front to back. The muscles behind the spine becoming extensors and the muscles in front becoming flexors, on each side of the body. This is accompanied by a division of the spinal nerves front and back. Anthropologically there are only two sorts of striped muscular responses, flexion and extension. With this bilateral arrangement and front and back groupings of flexor and extensor the combination produces rotational movements. These developments enabled the flexor halves of the somites on both sides of the body to contract or relax, separately or as a whole, independently and antagonistically to the relaxing or contracting extensor halves of the somites. This is evident in the human embryo at the fifth week of development. As the body can maintain flexion or contraction at one end of the body and the other end in a state of tonic extension or lengthening a postural twist results between the two ends. As we evolve further the development of muscles between the two fixed points of origin and insertion followed this model and produced movement based on these twists. As our limbs evolved to the needs of the spinal movement, muscles become layered in the form of interwoven double spiral sheets in the musculature of the trunk of the body. Thus from the head and down the spine the body is suspended by means of two spiral sheets of muscle encircling the trunk.

This structure of vortexes is present in healthy stream water. The differing temperatures of the water produce spirals with the +4c spiral becoming a fulcrum.

Above picture from Living Energies Callum Coats

Copyright Amatsu UK Ltd. 2000 Walking man the biped large book Shinden Jutsu May 2003


With the upright spine developing its three curves for a powerful and flexible structure, its natural movement utilises spirals. Most tasks of early man were bilateral, both legs and arms used for hunting climbing etc, and would naturally maintain a balance of all the quadrants of the body in harmonious movement. When the spine moves naturally with its spirallic inertia the walking gaits of the body initiate a free movement. Its not muscular contractions producing movement, its movement producing muscle contractions as the limb moves. Only with the coming of specialisation of tools from an axe to a bow and arrow would a postural bias develop. In the case of early man many other tasks would maintain a balance. Even the feet would be used as much as the hands to weave climb and build. Modern man on the other hand has virtually lost the use of the feet as a dexterous tool and even favours one hand dominance. This can produce torsional twists in the framework of the body creating many muscular, structural and visceral problems for the owner. The stock in trade tool in Budo Taijutsu is this natural movement strategy of the body. The Kihon Happo (basic patterns) that formed the secret sword schools of the shinobi warrior had eight ways of moving as its base.

Zero has the potential to move in four directions.

Figure of eight infinity Adds lateral dimensions.

From developing techniques and strategies in these eight directions the directional dexterity of the human develops. These movement potentials are adult patterns of matured development. These eight treasures allow for infinitesimal variation of choice, flexibility and availability to develop for any task or technique. This flexibility and adaption from basic techniques is known as Henka. These fundamentals form the base of all human movement strategies from farming to medicine or warrior craft. For a superior Taijutsu to develop and flow with effortless movement, both internal and external forces must be in equilibrium with each of the component areas making the system.

Copyright Amatsu UK Ltd. 2000 Walking man the biped large book Shinden Jutsu May 2003


This is the basic premise that underlies Tai Chi in China and Tai Kyoku from Japan. In this way natural movement of the body can be both its power potential and its selfcorrective medicine. Dr Masaaki Hatsumi is the epitome of this natural ever-responsive awareness to our surroundings. To watch him move through his Tai Jutsu (natural movement strategies) whilst demonstrating his skills is to be made aware of the very essence of a spirit of movement. This natural way of employing the bodys eclectic movement potentials to any given task was the essence from which Budo principles developed and was mans birthright as a method of protection of the self and spirit as part of our anthropology. Various researchers have indicated that ancient man once only had the limbic survival brain and developed the left and right hemispheres only thousands of years ago. If man has survived and developed through the ages, could not his natural way of moving have been in part the reason for the developmental stage of brain hemispheric enlargement and integration As people become stressed they change posture, physiology and chemistry. Messages are impaired across the corpus collosum joining the two hemispheres of the brain. When tested the gait co-ordination they exhibit homo-lateral locomotion potential, the same arm and leg on one side have co-ordination and this applies to both sides. This is a return to the homo-lateral dimension of the pre-learning prerequisite to cross facilitated walking patterns. Recent research indicates that impaired physiologic patterns in the body produce chemistry that predisposes depression, lowered immune system and tendency to illness. So just being in this Homo-lateral dominance is to impoverish yourself to a robotic muscle strength dependency with poor protection of the brain and spinal cord from strain or fixation pressures in the spine. Taking our first steps out of this Physiological dilemma we need to examine the potential of a foot. The foot is a marvel of structural engineering with its three arches and its springy ligamentous arrangement.

As the body moves through natural saccade differing pressures from above and below need to be equalised. Constant stresses the body has to balance against are inertia and gravity in a continuous action with these natural forces.
Copyright Amatsu UK Ltd. 2000 Walking man the biped large book Shinden Jutsu May 2003


So as the foot is placed down the juxta position of these forces meet and proprioceptors send messages to the sacro-iliac weight bearing ligaments in the pelvis and the temporo-mandibular ligaments in the head area. The sensory information of these three areas is fed to the brain to provide a spatial upright balance to the body. This allows the body and the spine to have strong upright strength with flexibility and power when moving, walking and lifting. In the book Living Energies by Callum Coates, he describes how natural spirals of energy are at play in a simple acorn. The structure of the acorn is assembled in such a way that ascending and descending spirals form its structure. The point at which these spirals meet is the growth centre of the acorn. Its heart centre the point from which growth and change occur. ACORN

In the art of walking, to step with the right foot tips the pelvis and produces a sidebend across the lumbar spine at its anterior/posterior curve. This induces a torsion and rotation of the vertebrae. This is tolerable to spinal mechanics and protective to the spinal cord. The whole spine takes up this movement with spirallic torsioning coming downwards from the occiput. These two spirallic formations meet at dorsal five area. The ligamentous arrangement of the spine governs the articulating surfaces of the vertebrae to produce two qualities of flexibility and rigidity. The meeting place of these rotations develops a helix in the spine due to the anatomical juxta position of the torsions working through the spine. At this point where they meet a powerful vector of centrifugal or centripedal force is expressed.

Copyright Amatsu UK Ltd. 2000 Walking man the biped large book Shinden Jutsu May 2003


These torsions meet at a point between the shoulder blades. This knowledge of spinal dynamics in the walking pattern can be utilised to send power through the limbs of the body without relying on the leverage potentials of the muscles and joints. In the simple act of walking when the bodyweight rests on the flexed big toe bodyweight can increase up to 50% and when we run this can increase to double bodyweight. This is brought about by Newtons third law of motion, that states that for every action there an equal and opposite reaction.
Bodyweight rocking forward on the fixed fulcrum of the toe meets the Ground resistance the force of the fulcrum equalises against the mass.

Overall pressure is 2 x bodyweight.

Depending on which part of the foot is used this kinetic energy or power can be used behind a tool or used in a thrust or breaking techniques. The polarity and energy of the body is affected by these natural torsions in the spine. Research has shown that the brains cortex is stimulated by cross patterned walking. Researchers Doman and Delacato demonstrated that many developmental and behavioural problems in children and adults was caused through not cross patterning. When the child goes from the creeping crawling to walking patterns some dont cross crawl before walking. Cross pattering exercises were devised to correct many imbalances. The ancient Japanese had great awareness of this fact and even developed footwear that left the big toe separate from the others. This also kept it free for the many tasks they would incorporate the big toe in daily from climbing, holding, weaving etc. This also helped to maintain the dexterity of the toes, which is a vital factor in maintaining a mechanical and energy symmetry in the body. Dr Masaaki Hatsumi constantly reminds us of big toe freedom and flexibility. Reflexology recognises the importance of the big toe and its reflex connection to
Copyright Amatsu UK Ltd. 2000 Walking man the biped large book Shinden Jutsu May 2003


The head and neck area. In meridian therapy also the spleen and liver meridians stem from the big toe on either side. Stagnation or strain to this area affects the energy balance to these important organs. Walking with the big toes free can balance the effect of toxins on the body because of this connection. So walking really does switch us on.

Spleen Energy Flow

Liver Energy Flow

Copyright Amatsu UK Ltd. 2000 Walking man the biped large book Shinden Jutsu May 2003


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