Basahr Current C.V

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Md. Abul Bashar Shekh C/O: G. M. Ali 18, Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue (G.F) Shah a!h, "ha#a.

C$n%a&% N$ : '1(1()'(1*8+

Career Objective
To pursue a challenging career in a dynamic organization where I can best utilize and flourish my leadership, communicative ability, management skill, creativity and responsibilities.

Job Experiences

Ar$un, - .ears in Cre,i% C$n%r$l / Cre,i% C$lle&%i$n as a O00i&er a% Transcom Distribution

Co. Ltd,. M$%i1heel 2ran&h (I% is &$n&ern $0 Transcom Group) Educational Qualification

Bachelor of Arts (B.A):

Gr$u3 4niversi%. 5esul% 7ear $0 8assin!

: : : :

Ar%s Na%i$nal 4niversi%.. 6n, Class. 1**-.

Hi her !econdar" Certificate (H.!.C): Gr$u3 2$ar, 5esul% 7ear $0 8assin!

: Ar%s : "ha#a 2$ar,. : 6n, "ivisi$n. : 1**+.

!econdar" !chool Certificate (!.!.C): Gr$u3 : Ar%s. 2$ar, : "ha#a 2$ar,. 5esul% : 6n, "ivisi$n. 7ear $0 8assin! : 1**'
an!ua!e Skill
English (Moderate in both written and spoken . !engali ("luent in both written and spoken .

Co"puter iterac# Computer Basic Course (6-Months) from the Technical Training Centre for Unemployed Youth.

O00i&e Mana!emen% (#! $ord, #! e%cel, &o'er &oint). 9)mail an, In%erne% 2r$:sin! / ,i00eren% I; a33li&a%i$n.

$ersonal %nterests
I #pend my #pare time reading newspapers, $atching T.%, novels, articles.

$ersonal &etails

(ame *ather+s name #other+s name &resent address &ermanent address

: #d. Abul Bashar !he)h. : M, Nannu She#h. : Ful1an 2e!um : C/O G. M Ali
18, Kazi nazrul Islam Avenue, Shah a&h "ha#a.

: <illa!e) Nar.an3ur, 8.S) Ka,am ari "is%) Ma,ari3ur . 8$s% C$,e)(*'1 : '1 =ul.,1*(>. : 2an!la,eshi (2. ir%h) : Muslim(Sunni) : married
& Male )

Date of Birth (ationalit" ,eli ion #arital !tatus

'ender (ational %& no

*eferences Moha""ad Ali 'dministrative (fficer Ministry ( finance !angaldesh #ecretariat )amna, *haka. Mobile +o & ,-.--/01,-11

Sa#ed Jo#nul Abedin +Mejbahuddin,

'dvocate Muhammad #haheedullah 2 co. 3udge 4ourt, *haka.

Md. 'bul !ashar #hekh

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