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Subject Code: PME1A Paper: Micro Economics Specific Instructions:

Answer all the five questions. Marks allotted 100. Each uestion carries equal !arks.

"ord li!it is #$0%&00 words

General Instructions:
'he Student should sub!it this assi(n!ent in the handwritten for! )not in the t*+ed for!at, 'he Student should sub!it this assi(n!ent within the ti!e s+ecified b* the e-a! de+t Each uestion !entioned in this assi(n!ent should be answered within the word li!it s+ecified 'he student should onl* use the .ule sheet +a+ers for answerin( the questions. 'he student should attach this assi(n!ent +a+er with the answered +a+ers.

/ailure to co!+l* with the above /ive instructions would lead to rejection of assi(n!ent.

Question No1 a,"hat do *ou understand b* the 0aw of Equi%Mar(inal 1tilit*2 b,Prove that the 3de!and curve slo+es downwards42 5ow would *ou deter!ine the 0on( run avera(e cost and the 0on( run Mar(inal cost fro! the short ter! cost curves2 c,"hat are indifference curves2 0ist & +ro+erties and e-+lain with e-a!+le.

Question No2 a, 5ow would *ou e-+lain the 36ia!ond water +arado-42 b, 3"hen !ar(inal cost falls7 it alwa*s +ulls the Avera(e cost down884do *ou a(ree2 Elaborate c, 6e+ict the followin( on a sin(le short ter! costs (ra+h9 A/C 7 MC 7 AC : A;C. "here do the AC and MC curve alwa*s intersect2 Also discuss how the cost function is a !irror i!a(e of the +roduction function curves. Question No3 6ifferentiate between !ono+ol* and !ono+olistic co!+etition 7(ivin( current e-a!+les fro! the industr*. Question No4 "hat do *ou understand b* 3consu!er equilibriu!42 5ow does +rice chan(e in a +articular co!!odit* affect the consu!er behavior2 Question No5 E-+lain the conce+t of elasticit* 7M. and '. and the relationshi+ a!on( the three2<llustrate it with the hel+ of an e-a!+le.

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