English Essay Paper 2 (2012-First Term Exam) Qamarina

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An Ecstatic Environment Week

Last Saturday, our school had an Environment Week. It was held in our school compound, hall and garden. Early in the morning, it was launched by our guest from the health department. After it was launched during an assembly by the President of the Environment Club, he gave a speech on the importance and benefits of recycling and saving the environment. In the assembly, we were divided into groups and we had a briefing on the activity that we would be doing.

Right after the assembly in the morning, at 9.00 a.m. sharp, we started the activities as what the Environment Club planned. Firstly was cleaning our school compound and garden. We worked hands in hands in the gotong-royong activity. Each of our group had our own tasks, such as cleaning clogged drains, painted the school building which is as dull as grey and we also threw rubbish away. At first, the drain was filthy and smelly. But, after being cleaned, it was crystal clear. We also planted new plants and trees other than trimmed the bushes in the green belt school garden. We beautified the garden in a whole lot new picturesque garden.

In the afternoon, a recycling competition was held. Everyone took part in the competition. We were given a task which was a recycling project. We had to collect things out of the recycled stuffs which made us collecting old news papers, bottles, cans, plastics and papers. Form 3 Ixora brought the most amount of things that could be recycled and got the heaviest weight. Form 3 Ixora won the competition. They were euphoric to know what the mysterious prize was. They won a very attractive trophy made of recycled things.

At the end of the day, an exhibition of environmental theme art was held in the middle of the hustle bustle school hall. All the art pieces showed in the exhibition were very eye-catching and were based on the 3Rs concept. Every eyes that were watching the paintings will be spell-bounded by it. It gave a message to us through the paintings on the importance of saving the environment. From the art pieces shown, we also learnt some of the benefits and how to use recycled items in terms of arts. It was a very great deal to us to know the importance of the environment and saving it from doom that we made without noticing it.

From the Environment Day, all of us learnt very much about 3R, the importance and benefits of recycling and the cause of not recycling. Although all the activities made us all ran out of fuel, we had an exuberant day. It is very important to love the environment as we love our life. Without earth, where can we live? So, lets learn to protect and love our environment.

Reported by : Nur Qamarina Bt Shamsul Anuar English Club Member

Novel 4 The Railway Children

Based on the novel The Railway Children written by Edith Nesbit, one character that I think is brave is Bobbie (Roberta). Bobbie is the oldest daughter of Mother and Father, and also a sister to Peter and Phyllis.

I think she is brave because she dares to approach the old gentleman which is a stranger to them. She approached him when they needed a few special things for Mother when Mother was ill. She also approached the old gentleman when she needed help his help to investigate about Fathers imprisonment as she believes that he is innocent. This is very good as she is brave enough to ask for help for the sake of her family.

Other than that, on the day that the landslide at the railway line occur, Bobbie dares to step on the railway line and stand there while waving the flags made of red petticoats in order to stop it from a serious accident. The train stops right in front of her in just 20 metres away from her. In the other way, braveness in this kind of situation is very heroic and she saved a whole lot of life.

Last but not least, she dares to stay with Jim in the dark tunnel on the Paper-chase Day when they found out that someone did not go through the tunnel. She stays with Jim although she is afraid of the dark until Peter and Phyllis brought some help. In this situation, her braveness in my opinion is a very noble act.

Based on the reasons given above, this is why I think Bobbie (Roberta) in the novel The Railway Children is a very brave character.

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