Professional Development Powerpoint

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Mindfulness, Collaborative Problem Solving, and Embedded Behavioral Supports for General Education Teachers!

Presented by Mark Lapides! Administrative Intern, Boones Ferry Primary and Art and Technology High School! October 22, 2013!
Contact:! ! http:/ /! 510-604-3696!


Tell us! ! Who you are! Something you are an expert in....! Something you are hoping to gain from todays experience !


Group Norms.!

1.! Speak for Yourself (I Statements)! 2.! When Faced with a Challenge, Turn to Inquiry! 3.! Honor Condentiality !

Adapted from Courage to Teach !

What is Mindfulness?!

Comfortable with Uncertainty !

by Pema Chodron !

Mindful Practice !

Body Scan Exercise ! From How to Meditate! by Pema Chodron!

Introduction to Collaborative Problem Solving!

A Covenant for Honoring Children! Raf - 1999 !

Embedded Behavioral Supports.!

Five Minute Break!

Seamless Plan B Video Example!

http:/ / !

Proactive Plan B Practice.!

Protocol Directions (Groups of 3)! Roles! Student! Teacher! Observer! Choose a scenario to use ! Feel free to make up a back story to go with your character including any / all of the following factors! Environmental Impacts Lighting, Sound, Sensory! Family Concerns! Communication Style of Home! Social Emotional Awareness Ability to Identify Feelings and Express Needs! Practice using Proactive Plan B in 6 minute Cycles! 4 Minutes for Teacher and Student to Role Play while Observer Listens! 2 Minutes for Reection! Observer Gives Feedback (1 Minute)! Student Reects on Experience (30 Seconds)! Teacher Reects on Experience (30 Seconds)!

Proactive Plan B Reection!

What did you notice when you were the observer / student / teacher?!

Mindfulness Practice!

Loving kindness and Meditation ! by Pema Chodron!

Mindfulness Practice!

Sitting Meditation ! by Pema Chodron!

Mindfulness Practice!

Five Minute Meditation!


Four Qualities of Maitri! by Pema Chodron !


Practical Application!

Guidance! ! Silence! ! Anyone may add as they please! ! Draw connections and comment! ! I will photograph the nal product and email to participants!

Debrief! !

Comment on any of the following - ! ! ! What is one thing that you experimented with today that you would like to try in your classroom?! ! What support would be helpful?! ! How can you support others? !

Thank you for your engagement and participation!!

Please complete a feedback form so that I can improve my teaching.!

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