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Scripts: Folder Of The 2013 Footages Asia

1. File name : All On the Same Ocean - Video of the Hong ong !oc"#or"er$s Stri"e - %o&T&'e ()*0p+.fl,
Section : -ecord of the stri"e at the #ai .h&ng Terminal / !a0 One

-oll Second
00:00 00:08 00:09 00:10

Scenes or 1ords '0 s&'titles

Scenes: Antrian truk kontainer peti kemas berjalan merayap one way di dalam wilayah terminal

!one '0

Scenes: Empat orang berdiri dibalik pagar suatu tempat di terminal, mereka melihat ke sisi dalam. Scenes: ruk!truk hilir mudik di sekitar area terminal "

00:09 00:1# 00:1# 00:#0 00:1( 00:1" 00:1) 00:#0 00:#1 00:(0 00:#1 00:01 00:01 00:1

Once theyve finished waiting for everybody then theyll come out

-eporter $hiden%

Scenes: &ekitar 1#0 orang buruh galangan kapal telah berkumpul di balik pagar terminal. 'ampir semuanya menyandang tas. How many people are there? The most concervative estimate is a hundred and twenty 8:10 am The strike begins. There are about two hundred workers and activists blocking Terminal 6 Scenes: 2uruh!buruh galangan kapal yang akan berunjuk rasa berjalan berduyun! duyun memasuki area terminal " Scenes: 3eserta aksi unjuk rasa berkumpul sambil menga4ungkan poster!poster. 2eberapa orang mulai menyalakan handycam masing!masing dan melakukan perekaman 5ideo. -eporter $hiden% -eporter $hiden% *+,-./A *-+

&eorang buruh usia (0!an $orator 1% menggunakan mikro6on berorasi memberikan pengarahan kepada peserta aksi buruh galangan kapal di terminal " : 00:01 00:09 00:10 00:1# 00:1( 00:1) 00:18 01:01 01:0# 01:00 01:00 01:0) All the brothers from Terminal "ou are not alone #e believe there are many more brothers who are ready to $oin in your action %o we need to hold on until the end Our demands are very reasonable #e want fair negotiation& without preconditions Scene: 7lose up seorang pria setengah baya $orator #% yang tengah berorasi monolog 01:08 01:1( 01:10 01:18 01:19 01:#0 01:#1 01:## 01:#( 01:#" 01:#) 01:(0 #e take more care of the docks than our own families Actually that phrase cuts deep into the heart 'o the docks need you to take care nof them? (s )i *a %hing really hurting? )i *a %hing needs you to take care of him? +eally? (snt there something wrong with this picture? ,oing on strike& is telling )i *a %hing Orator 2 pria 10!an berjaket 4ream berorasi meluapkan perasaannya yang marah karena proses penindasan. through ! know you are standing up today Orator 1, pria (0!an berka4amata berjaket ungu muda mengkondisikan peserta aksi. 2erorasi dengan sikap hati!hati. 2 oordinator 3apangan 14

01:(1 01:(# 01:(( 01:(" 01:() 01:11 01:("! 01:1"

Hey& were finished taking care of you #e have to take care of our families now. +ight? 9:20 am The strike grows larger %ome of the crane operators start to work to rule *+,-./A *-+

Scene: +ampak seorang perempuan yang sedang hamil besar berpartisipasi dalam aksi dengan memegang poster. 8amera besar standing merekam aksi buruh. Empat orang berseragam !!seperti polisi9!! $gambar terhalang% berdiri memperhatikan orasi. 7lose up seorang pria muda $orator (% berorasi resiprokal di depan kawan!kawannya yang berkumpul di depannya dan di sekelilingnya : %ome of the crane operators are working to rule now Theyre giving some confidence to everybody& there are other workers here -osses& dont hide& dont be a turtle& come out here now (f you dont come out& were going to block the gate and refuse to work Scenes: :awan4ara kepada peserta aksi di tengah kerumunan barisan peserta aksi. 2uruh!buruh galangan kapal itu se4ara antusias memberikan in6ormasi tentang situasi kerasnya pekerjaan mereka dan kesulitan kehidupan mereka yang menjadikan alasan mengapa mereka harus mogok dan berunjuk rasa. A nice way of describing my $ob is .ships tally clerk/ .%hips tally clerk/ 5nforman 1 pria 00!an berka4amata kaus oblong biru. Orator 3 pria (0!an berjaket merah marun. 2 oordinator 3apangan 24

01:() 01:00 01:01 01:08 01:09 01:1# 01:1( 01:1" 01:1) 00:11

01:1) 01:19 0#:00 0#:01

0#:0# 0#:0( 0#:0( 0#:00 0#:01 0#:0" 0#:0) 0#:08 0#:09 0#:1( 0#:10 0#:1" 0#:1) 0#:19 0#:#0 0#:## 0#:#( 0#:#" 0#:#) 0#:(( 0#:(0 0#:(1 0#:(" 0#:00 0#:0# 0#:0( 0#:00

A not so nice way is .-eggar/

-eporter *n6orman 1, dan sama di4etus juga oleh kawan! kawan disebelahnya *n6orman 1 5nforman 2 pria 10!an berjaket sport hitam 5nforman 3 pria 00!an kaus oblong putih

"ou work 01 hours in a stretch %ometimes you work 12 #e shift and we lift& we toil into the depths of the night #eve all done 01 3hours4 -ut all we get is H*5 &066 7 &866 39%' :: 7 6;4 a day "oure not allowed to rest or take the day off in storms and typhoons (f youre here& youre here for 01 3hours4 They wont let you rest& not even for : minutes #hen theres a typhoon 3hurricane4& the company rules are& no matter how bad the hurricane is& category 2& !& 6 3wind speed< 16 mph4 "ou have to come to the terminal and standby %tandby means& the moment the warning is lowered& we have to get out and work immediately Help them lock down the containers Tie them down

5nforman 2 pria 10!an berjaket sport hitam

5nforman ) pria 00!an kaus oblong 4oklat muda, dan in6ormasi yang sama juga diserukan oleh kawan!kawan yang disebelahnya

0#:0" 0#:0) 0#:09 0#:10 0#:10 0#:11 0#:1) 0#:18 0#:19 0#:19 0(:01 0(:0# 0(:0) 0(:0) 0(:10 0(:11 0(:1( 0(:1( 0(:1" 0(:1" 0(:1) 0(:1) 0(:## 0(:## 0(:#0 0(:#0 0(:(0 Help stop them from getting blown over As many as you can get to (ts 86 o= 326 degrees >4 up there in crane& we get heatstroke up there in the sun Take a look at me? "oull get burnt to a crisp (ts really bad (ve seen men $ust collapse 9nderneeth the crane& all of a sudden& one guy $ust fainted He was working too long& and perhaps he was $ust stressed and worn out ( started in !20 >rom !20 until now 'o you think its a long time? (n !2! a docker made about 5H*' .066 359%' ::4 for 01 hours work (n !!6 it went up to 5H*' &166 359%' 264 +ound the time of %A+% 306684 our pay was cut. (t was cut three times 5nforman 2 pria 10!an berjaket sport hitam 5nforman 6 pria 00!an berjaket sport abu!abu, pada mukanya di bagian kanan nampak 6lek!6lek hitam agak besar sebagai simptom kulit terbakar ultra 5iolet matahari 5nforman 1 pria 00!an berka4amata kaus oblong biru.

0(:(0 0(:(" 0(:(" 0(:01 0(:01 0(:0) 0(:0) 0(:09 0(:09 0(:11 0(:11 0(:10 0(:10 0(:18 0(:19 00:01 00:01 00:0) 00:0) 00:09 00:09 00:1# 00:1# 00:10 00:10 00:#1 00:#1

(n 066 they only added 5H*' 066 back %o if you add it up& this company pay us less today then they did ; years ago @ow that were working for a subcontractor like this& if you dont go out and fight with them They wont give you a single penny All theyll do is chip away at your wages They say .we have to share the pain/ 3.were all in the same boat/4& and take ten dollars of your pay per shift The truth is& if you start talking about these things& it $ust goes on and on (ts like A the things we suppressed for ten& twenty years& its all blowing up now 5nforman ) pria 00!an kaus oblong 4oklat muda 5nforman 1 pria 00!an berka4amata kaus oblong biru. 5nforman 1 pria 00!an berka4amata kaus oblong biru, mengungkapkan ironi kerusakan 6isik pada kawannya $in6orman #% sebagai akibat dari sering bekerja #0 jam sehari. 5nforman 6 pria 00!an berjaket sport abu!abu, pada mukanya di bagian kanan nampak 6lek!6lek hitam agak besar sebagai simptom kulit terbakar ultra 5iolet matahari

)ook at his face& hes dones 01 Thats what a 01 looks like Actually& you know& he used to be pretty fucking good looking At least if you shave that beard Our appeal is to get the wage we really deserve #e dont want to sacrifice everything& and get back so little

5nforman ) pria 00!an kaus oblong 4oklat muda, mengungkapkan maksud

00:#1 00:#1 00:#8 00:#8 00:(( 00:(( 00:(8 00:(8 00:0# 00:0# 00:0" 00:0" 00:1# 00:1# 00:10 00:10 00:11 00:1" 01:0# -ecause inflation is so bad in this economy Our wages $ust cant keep up. 'o you see? #hy do you think we all came out together united? #eve been pushing this down in our hearts for too long #ere all $ust doing this for our families. "ou know? ( hope all the community will come out and support us workers. Blease cheer us on? Okay& since they wont come out #ere going one step further A were going in? 9:45 am %ince management refuses to negotiate The workers take the strike inside the terminal And block the access road -lock all the entrances

aksi mereka yang dilakukan se4ara damai, meminta dukungan dari berbagai pihak untuk membantu perjuangan mereka mendapatkan hak upah yang layak demi memenuhi kebutuhan ekonomi keluarga mereka.

oordinator lapangan mengkon6irmasikan status dan mengarahkan massa untuk langkah selanjutnya *+,-./A *-+

01:00 01:01 01:0" 01:## 01:11 01:#1

oordinator lapangan mengarahkan massa

Scene: 8oordinator!koordinator lapangan mengarahkan pergerakan massa dalam memasuki terminal " agar berjalan dan menempati posisi!posisi tertentu. %trike? %trike? 7assa bersorak sambil berduyun!duyun memasuki bagian dalam terminal "

01:#( 01:() 01:#( 01:#) 01:#8 01:(# 01:(# 01:() 01:(8 01:00

12:00 pm A storm starts up The workers take shelter temporarily

*+,-./A *-+

Scenes : erminal yang sepi karena hujan deras, satu truk berjalan di dalam koridor untuk parkir Scenes : /assa buruh bernanung di suatu koridor beratap yang berlubang!lubang, mungkin sebagai 5entilasi asap truk. empat ini memang biasa dijadikan sebagai shelter darurat oleh buruh sewaktu hujan, badai maupun dari sengatan matahari di musim panas. Scenes : ;i tengah hujan lebat masih ada orang!orang yang datang bergabung mendukung aksi unjukrasa buruh, laki!laki maupun perempuan ada yang memakai payung, ada yang hanya mengandalkan mantel<jaket dan ada yang nekat tanpa jaket<mantel ataupun payung, mereka berlari hati!hati menuju =shelter> dimana buruh berkumpul. Scenes: ;i shelter darurat di dalam terminal yang digunakan sebagai shelter berteduh dari hujan, nampak orang!orang ada yang duduk bahu koridor $trotoar%, ada yang sambil menelpon, ada yang berjalan!jalan ke4il, dan ada yang diam berdiri menunggu hujan reda. :awan4ara reporter kepada salah satu buruh peserta unjukrasa yang bernaung di koridor : These are the kind of condition we work under (f its sunny we burn& if it rains we get drenched C< @ormally& when it rains& do you get eDtra help? @o& its eDactly the same (ts always four people on a team #hen its rains& we $ust deal with it 5nforman 9, pria 00!an kaus hitam belang!belang berkerah dengan rompi, menambahkan 5nforman 8, pria 00!an berka4amata dengan jas hujan hujan kuning muda

01:01 01:0# 01:0( 01:01 01:0" 01:0) 01:08 01:09 01:10 01:1# 01:1( 01:1"

-eporter 5nforman 8

01:18 0":00 01:18 01:10 0":01 0":00 0":01 0":1" 0":01 0":08 0":09 0":10 0":10 0":#9

Scenes: ruk kontainer berjalan pelan di dalam terminal dan seorang buruh memakai seragam kerja melintas sambil melepas helm kerjanya. "ou climb up to the containers and hang tarps over them #henever its rain you have to hang them Scenes: &uasana keriuhan di dalam shelter darurat, orang!orang mulai bersiap untuk melanjutkan aksi yang terhenti sejenak karena hujan. Theyre saying that theyll give us a raise of :E. Theyll even give you a present with it #hat& are you offering me charity? :< : pm -ecause management re$ects the unions reFuest for a :E pay increase The workers and their supporters escalate teh action They disperse and block multiple access roads to the terminal Scenes: /assa aksi mulai bergerak menuju area tujuan aksi Scenes: -rang!orang berdiri di atas bahu pembatas jalan koridor terminal memperhatikan seseorang yang sedang berbi4ara. .ombongan buruh yang masih berseragam kerja berjalan beriringan Scenes: &ebagian buruh peserta aksi dan para supporter berbaris di jalur koridor , sambil menghalangi antrian truk mereka melihat kepada rombongan buruh yang berseragam, nampaknya mereka bertanya!tanya sendiri: 'id they block everything? Scenes: &ebagian buruh peserta aksi berkumpul di jalur masuk ke area galangan kapal, Scenes: T&lisan di spand&" :eserta a"si, pria (0!an bersweater putih 5nforman *, pria (0!an berjaket anti air warna hitam ber4erita kepada seorang peserta aksi 5nforman *, pria 00!an berjaket anti air warna abu!abu, menambahkan

0":10 0":#9 0":(0 0":((

0":(0 0":(( 0":(0 0":(( 0":(9 0":01 0":0"


2eberapa buruh duduk di atas pembatas jalan menjaga spanduk yang dibentangkan di atas pembatas jalan. &panduk itu berbunyi: Truck and docker beong to the same family %upport the dock workers strike?

0":10 0":

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