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Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, La.

8achelor of ArLs, Mass CommunlcaLlon, concenLraLlon ubllc 8elaLlons August 2013
Mlnors: 8uslness AdmlnlsLraLlon, Leadershlp uevelopmenL
Ponors: Who's Who aL LSu 8eclplenL, 8lack Scholars Award 8eclplenL, 2010-2013, MorLar 8oard's 1op 1en lreshman, 2010

Louisiana Workforce Commission November 2013-Present
Communication Specialist I
ConcepLuallze and develops dellverables for Lhe second phase of Pelplng lndlvlduals 8each LmploymenL (Pl8L), a career
soluLlons web developmenL program for Lhe Loulslana Workforce Commlsslon and Cfflce of Workforce uevelopmenL.
Lnsures user saLlsfacLlon of Pl8L by conducLlng and reporLlng resulLs of longlLudlnal sLudles compleLed by more Lhan
100,000 speclfled respondenLs across Lhe Pl8L plaLform.
CollaboraLes wlLh Lhe ro[ecL ManagemenL, ubllc 8elaLlons, unemploymenL lnsurance and l1 deparLmenLs Lo promoLe
company lnlLlaLlves and ensure an lnLegraLed communlcaLlons approach.
AsslsLs wlLh oLher lnLegraLlon Leam goals and LacLlcs, lncludlng respondenL locaLlng and screenlng, wrlLlng and edlLlng
creaLlve campalgn brlefs and execuLlng pro[ecL work plans for employers, [ob seekers and employees of LWC.

Families Helping Families of Greater Baton Rouge May 2013-August 2013
Public Relations Intern
LvaluaLed and updaLed exlsLlng webslLe and soclal medla lnLerfaces
Comprlsed and dlsLrlbuLed deslgn releases, e-blasLs and oLher medla relaLed pleces Lo a 7,000+ daLabase
Alded ln Lhe developmenL of a prlnL, radlo and broadcasL medla llsL for Lhe lPlC88 offlce

LSU Campus Life February 2013-August 2013
Marketing and Involvement Intern
ueveloped conLenL for Lhe leadershlp, acLlvlLles and lnvolvemenL areas of Campus Llfe for Lhe re-deslgned webslLe plaLform
Composed and dlsLrlbuLed press releases, soclal medla releases and oLher medla relaLed pleces Lo campus deparLmenLs
CreaLed conLenL and deslgn of on-llne newsleLLer for dlsLrlbuLlon Lo 33,000 campus sLudenLs, guesLs, faculLy, and sLaff
Alded ln Lhe developmenL of Campus Llfe - lnvolvemenL evenLs for Lhe lall 2013 school semesLer

Mortar Board March 2012 May 2013
National College Senior Honor Society
Philanthropy/Service Director
Lnvlsloned and managed servlce pro[ecLs LhaL beneflLLed Lhe LSu campus and Lhe youLh of 8aLon 8ouge. romoLed llLeracy
as parL of Lhe naLlonal '8eadlng ls Leadlng' lnlLlaLlve by organlzlng unlverslLy-wlde used llLeraLure drlve.

LSU Ambassadors October 2009 May 2013
Associate Overall Chair, Executive Council
Southern Regional Orientation Workshop (SROW) Chair, Executive Council
Served Lhe unlverslLy by recrulLlng, orlenLlng and advlslng boLh lncomlng and currenL sLudenLs. 8ecrulLed and supervlsed a
commlLLee of 46 sLudenLs Lo aLLend, presenL and develop a Lralnlng plan for Lhe Cfflce of CrlenLaLlon, 2012-2013. LducaLed
approxlmaLely 360 sLudenLs on Lhe regulaLlons of Lhe unlverslLy whllsL galnlng leadershlp skllls Lhrough 160+ hours of
exLenslve Lralnlng.

vlce-Chancellor's Advlsory 8oard, Leadershlp LSu Class of 2013, SLudenL AcLlvlLles 8oard, lnLerlm resldenL, LasL 8aLon 8ouge's 4-P
rogram, naLlonal uown Syndrome SocleLy (uSAC) 8uddy Walk, PablLaL for PumanlLy, Susan C. komen's 8ace for Lhe Cure

Sierra N. Crump

Phone: 985.869.2476
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