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PERINEUM The perineum is an essential sexual landmark and was called 'he Gate of Life and Death" by the

Taoists. Its role in preventing ejaculation was a closely guarded secret. On the perineum just in front of the anus is the Million-Dollar Point, named to suggest its value to Sexual Kung Fu (see figure 2). This spot was origi nally called the Million-Gold-Piece Point (they didnt have dollars back in ancient China), because that is supposedly what it cost you to have a Taoist master tea ch you its exact location. (The ancient Taoist masters were holy men, but they a lso had to make a living.) In the next chapter, we discuss the role of the Milli on-Dollar Point in helping you control your ejaculation. SEX MUSCLES The pubococcygeus, or PC muscle, is a group of important pelvic muscles that run from your pubic bone ("pubo") in the front to your tailbone or coccyx ("coccyge us") in the back. These muscles form the basis of your sexual health and are ess ential for your becoming multi-orgasmic. In the following chapter we will descri be exercises to strengthen these muscles. If you have ever been forced to stay in bed for an extended period of time or to wear a cast, you know how your muscles atrophy and become weak when they are no t used. This is equally true of your sex muscles. The penis actually withdraws i nto the body if it is not used regularly, as many older men who are not sexually active have witnessed. The Taoists knew that it is as important to exercise you r sexual organs as any other part of your body.

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