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Government of Maharashtra,

Water Resources Department

Khar Land Survey & Investigation Division, Pen, Dist: Raigad
Tender Notice No. 1 . for 2009 -2010

Sealed Tender Forms in B-1 Format, for following work are invited by the Executive Engineer, Khar Land Survey & Investigation Division, Pen, Dist:
Raigad, Phone No.02143-252203 from the contractors registered in the appropriate class with the Government of Maharashtra.

Sr. Name of work Estimated cost Earnest Money Time limit for Class of Contractor Cost of Blank Tender Form
No. put to tender in Deposit in completion (Non -Refundable)
Rs. (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Renovation of Cheher Mithekhar 12 Calendar Months Class III & above Rs. 5000 /- per set
2,16,15,870/- 2,16,160/-
Kharland Scheme, (Including monsoon)
(Rs.200/- extra as postage
Tal.Murud(Janjira), Dist.Raigad
charges, if required by

1) The blank tender forms will be issued by the Executive Engineer, Khar Land Survey & Investigation Division, Pen, dist. Raigad on all working days
from 12/08/2009 to 05/09/2009 during 10.00 to 17.00 hrs. to the intending tenderers fulfilling the bid capacity criteria as mentioned in Para No.2.
2) It is stipulated that the Bid Capacity of the tenderer including to buy the blank tender form for the work is to be evaluated before the blank tender form
is issued. The blank Bid Capacity form will be available free of cost in the office of the Executive Engineer, Khar Land Survey & Investigation
Division, Pen, dist. Raigad during 10.00 hours to 17.00 hours on all aworking days between 12.08.2009 to 26.08.2009. Applications received
thereafter will not be considered. It is essential that the details as demanded in the detail tender notice and duly certified by an officer not below the
rank of the Executive Engineer shall be furnished in the format of ther Bid Capacity form upto 17.00 hours on 26.08.2009. The Bid Capacity of the
Tenderer will be decided on the basis of those details. The blank tender form will be issued to the tenderer if the Bid Capacity thus worked out is
higher than the estimated cost of the work put to tender. Otherwise, his application for blank tender form will be rejected.
3) Sealed Tenders duly filled in, will be received by the Project Director & Superintending Engineer, Khar Land Development Circle, Thane, on or before
10/09/2009 upto 14.00 hrs. and will be opened on the same day at 15.00 hrs., if possible, in the presence of contractors who intend to remain
4) Detailed Tender Notice can be seen on the Notice Board in the Office of the Executive Engineer, Khar Land Survey & Investigation Division, Pen,
dist. Raigad. A copy of the Detailed Tender Notice can be obtained free of cost in the office of the Executive engineer on a written request.
5) The Project Director & Superintending Engineer, Khar Land Development Circle, Thane reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without
assigning any reason thereto.
6) This Tender Notice can be seen on the web site of the Water Resources Department of the Government of Maharashtra on
Executive Engineer,
Khar Land Survey & Investigation Division, Pen, Dist:
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