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S/o Sri Uday Raj Pal, Mail ID:

Objective:To work in challenging and dynamic work en ironmen! wherein I can "#!
my a$ili!y o% analy!ical and logical &kill& !o i!& $e&! #&e %or !he $ene%i! o% organi'a!ion and me(

cademic !"ali#ication)
*+igh School %rom U(P( ,oard, Ja#n"#r wi!h IInd di i&ion - .//0 10234 * In!ermedia!e %rom U(P( ,oard, Ja#n"#r wi!h I&! di i&ion - .//5 16234 * ,achelor o% Technology $%.&ec'( in Mac'anical )ngineering J#ne, ./7. ,,D NITM L#cknow, U(P, India wi!h 62(783 mark&

*or+ing ),perience:
* Taken !raining !o I--.O P/U0PUR1 00 / % D $U.P.(

- I ha e go! in de"!h knowledge o% o"era!ion and main!enance o% Power "lan! &ec!ion o% I99:; "lan!( * Taken !raining !o R)2 3aini lla'abad $U.P.(

- I ha e go! in de"!h knowledge o% Tran&%ormer man#%ac!#ring "lan!(

%.&ec' Project) Si< legged kinema!ic walker machine Developed .apability: *Ada"!a$ili!y o% en ironmen!
*Sel% :on%idence and %earle&&ne&& *De o!ion o% work on !ime *Leader&hi"

.omp"ter S+ill4:
*Operating Sy4tem)MS =indow& 28>?P

/obbie4 )Li&!ening &ong&,reading $ook& and !ake e%%ec!i e "ar!ici"a!ing in gro#"

ac!i i!y(

Strengt')+ard working hone&!, ;"!imi&!ic(

Per4onal Detail4:
* * * * * * * * * Name 9a!her@& Name Da!e o% ,ir!h Bender Lang#age& Known Na!ionali!y Religion Mari!al S!a!#& ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Ji!endra K#mar Pal ) Sri UdayraA Pal

70(/.(7227 ) Male

Engli&h C +indi Indian +ind# Single Dill(-:hhanga"#r, Po&!-Damodara, Di&!!( - Ja#n"#r-...7E5 1U(P(4

Permanen! Addre&& )

:on!ac! No(


&ec'nical S+ill4:
Familiar with ASME and TEMA Codes

*or+ing ),perience:
:#rren!ly working a& a &#r eyor 1Dendor In&"ec!ion4 %or 05& $/)D( "owai( 9rom 7-2-./7.(

Work Description:

Raw Ma!erial In&"ec!ion S#ch a& Ro#nd ,ar, Pi"e&, Pla!e&, Shee!&, e!c( Re iewing o% Mill Te&! :er!i%ica!e In&"ec!ion o% Di&hend In&"ec!ion ;% T#$e&hee! In&"ec!ion o% $a%%le In&"ec!ion o% Machined :om"onen!( In&"ec!ion ;% 9a$rica!ion :om"onen!( PMI =i!ne&& +ea!-!rea!men! :ycle Loading and Unloading =i!ne&& Re iewing o% +ea!-Trea!men! Bra"h( Te&!ing wi!ne&& &#ch a& +ardne&&, Ten&ile,IB: Im"ac!, Im"ac!, ,end, 9la!!ening,Micro,Macro In&"ec!ion o% Mock#" ,lock(

I here$y declare !ha! !he in%orma!ion i& men!ioned a$o e i& !r#e !o !he $e&! o% my knowledge and $elie%( Da!e) Place) Aa#n"#r


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