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Past Simple vs.

Past Continuous


Past Simple

Past Continuous

Actiunea este incheiata.

Actiunea este in progres, in desfasurare De regula, daca in romana pot traduce cu imperfectul, atunci in engleza este Past Continuous. Atentie insa la verbele care nu pot fi folosite la forma continua (vezi diferente Present Simple vs. Continuous).

De regula se traduce cu perfectul compus din romana.

Exemple de propozitii Past Simple Past Continuous

Am mancat cand a venit fratele meu. We ate when my brother came. Eram acasa cand m-a sunat ea. I was at home when she called me.

Mancam cand a venit fratele meu. We were eating when my brother came. Eram acasa in timp ce suna ea. I was at home while she was calling me.

(to be nu poate fi folosit la forma continua)

(to be nu poate fi folosit la forma continua)

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