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Code: R7410201

(Common to EEE and E.Con.E)

B.Tech IV Year I Semester (R07) Supplementary Examinations December/January 2013/14

Time: 3 hours Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks ***** 1 (a) Explain the structure of artificial neuron. (b) Discuss the potential applications of artificial neural networks. (a) Explain various activation and output rules of ANN models. (b) Explain the supervised learning of ANNs. (a) Explain the structure of ADALINE. (b) State and prove the perceptron convergence theorem. (a) Explain back propagation network model of neural network. (b) Explain the generalized delta rule. (a) Explain the hebb rule for pattern association. (b) What is BAM? Explain discrete BAM algorithm. (a) Explain in detail about the membership value assignment. (b) Discuss the fuzzy theory. (a) Explain the defuzzification methods. (b) Explain the fuzzy logic system architecture. (a) Explain neural network applications in process control. (b) Discuss fuzzy classification for control applications.

Max. Marks: 80


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