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MESSAGE #2986 from the Blessed Mother April 30, 2007

My daughter, When my children gather and pray it is truly powerful, so please continue
to remind my children of the importance of prayer.

Through prayer and true devotion to Our Lord, new doors will open. Through prayer and
love in your hearts, more will gather in those groups that I have formed. Please believe in
the power of prayer and come to Mass and pray the Rosary. God will touch each person
in a special way and you will be filled with joy.

A response is needed if you truly want to grow in holiness. A response is needed so you
are prepared for times to come. If you truly want my assistance, then please gather in this
church that God has chosen for you. Gather and pray and I, your mother, will pray with

It is time now to truly pray and prepare your hearts in this time of purification. Time is
moving quickly, so please, please respond. Amen.

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