2983 Apr 18, 2007 Great Catastrophes Are Coming, So Please Do Your Part For The Salvation of Souls

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MESSAGE #2983 from the Blessed Mother April 18, 2007

My daughter, Prayer is the answer. Satan is strong and he truly loves violence and
bloodshed. He is trying to grasp as many souls as he can in this time that he has left. This
is why I tell my children to pray, pray each new day. Please take this message seriously
and pray throughout the day.

This is a time of great mercy, so please turn to God before it’s too late. Satan wants to
destroy the world and without more prayer, humanity will suffer. All must pray, fast and
repent in order for change to occur around the world. Now is the time. Please join hands
and pray in those groups that I have formed. Conversion cannot happen without more
prayer. I weep for those children who do not know God. Great catastrophes are coming,
so please do your part for the salvation of souls. Man is allowing much evil to enter the
world so you must increase your prayers. You must listen to God instead of listening to
the world.

The United States will suffer because your wealth will be taken away. Punishment is near
to wake mankind. Punishment is near because sins of impurity have become widespread.
Abortion is on the rise and many parents are neglecting their children. Each child will
have to answer to God. Many will suffer if they are not in a state of grace. God is
merciful, but He will not allow much more. Many will be brought to their knees. Many
will suffer due to disobedience to Almighty God.

Change must occur. Change will happen quickly so I plead today and I ask for the
assistance of my chosen sons. Amen.

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