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MESSAGE #2985 from the Blessed Mother April 25, 2007

My daughter, All must do their part for the salvation of souls. If you believe, then you
must be willing to change. You must go forth and live the Gospel and strive to imitate
Christ. You must respond to all that I am teaching you so that change can occur in your

A response is needed from all my children, so please pray and accept God’s Will in your
life. Pray and ask God to change you so that you can grow in holiness. Ask God to help
you in those areas where you are weak. Ask and you will receive the grace needed to live
a holy life.

I say to all my children, you must be willing to change so that God’s love can flow
through you. You must let go of pride, hatred and bitterness and be humble loving
children. You must change and truly live these messages in order for peace to exist.

It is time now to respond. It is time to let go of your desires and be true soldiers in this
time of mercy. More will come to know God if you allow Him to work through you.
More will fill the church if you allow God’s love to shine through you. More will come to
know My Son if you truly imitate Christ.

Now, please join me in prayer and do your part so more gather in those groups that I have
formed. Amen.

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